
MHA: The Water Swordsman

Giyu Tomioka, The Blade Hero: Tempest ———————————— I wonder if I would ever notice water, had I been born in the oceans with fins for limbs. I suppose then it would have been my air and I would have moved within it more easily than a bird in the sky. As it is, I would love to dive within those salty formless arms and feel the freedom it gives, transparent and blue, soft and strong. ——————————————— I apologise if the events aren’t accurate time wise, if I say a specific number of days but that isn’t actually the case, just know that events will all still be in order ——————————————— Just Giyu Tomioka in MHA what’s else? I hope you enjoy this, the MC won’t be apart of UA class 1-A, he’s gonna be a hero. He will be 21, 22 as of chapter 14 onwards, and yeah, there may be flash backs ——————————————— If after reading this and still want to see some r-18 let me know and I might find a way to have some ——————————————— I’m gonna use some famous quotes and speeches as well so let’s see if you can spot them! ——————————————— Disclaimer: Everything I use in this fanfic belongs to their respective owners

NotSoBigShlong · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Nothing Is Softer Or More Flexible Than Water, Yet Nothing Can Resist It

When I had properly tied up the Hero Killer, I told one of the surrounding heroes to do simple first aid on him to check that he is still breathing.

Pulling out my phone I go towards the news channel to check if any live broadcasts may give me some more information

And so, while keeping my eyes fixated on surveying our area, I keep the bud of my headphone in to keep myself knowing of the situation, I turn my attention towards the green kid again, this Stain, he protected him, why?

Walking over, I initiate conversation, "So, what's your name kid?"

"E-Erm, my name is Izuku Midoriya! Sir Tempest! Sir!" He said stuttering

"Just call me Tomioka, Kid, anyway, are you…" I trail off while looking at him suspiciously, "Partnered with Stain?" I stare at him dead on

It's not concrete, but my suspicions are valid, why would a guy who is going around killing heroes, except for the only true hero, All Might, save a kid? From a Nomu at that. Especially when we have evidence that Stain may be involved with the League of Villains. Is it that…he sees him as a true hero? Maybe similar to All Might? I heard little words from the UA faculty members about All Might taking favour towards the first year

Before he got worked up I interrupted him, "Now don't get all flustered, I'm not saying that you're an accomplice, but, was there any specific way that he acted towards you, that was any different to others?"

A look of realisation appears on his face as he says, "Oh! Well, he did say that he would let me live but threatened to kill Tenya and Native, he also tried killing Todoroki!" He then places his fingers as he starts mumbling, trying to…figure something out?

He just mumbles…and mumbles…and mumbles, "Oi! Stop that! It's annoying!" I shouted, pointing at him, quite angry, for some reason very irritated at him

"Ah sorry sir!," he swiftly apologised

I release a deep sigh, giving him a hand helping him up, I turn around and say, "Okay, everything settled now, someone contacts back up to get these gu-" I stop speaking as I hear interesting chatter on the news broadcast from my earphones

Taking my phone from my inner pocket, I turn it landscape and study it for a moment as it begins to say, "What's this? There are two figures here stood on the roof, how did they get here?" They question into the microphone

I begin to focus more as I look and notice that it is what the picture of this Shigaraki man-child looked like, they were stood on a roof that I had recognised for its unique properties, it's only about a quarter-mile away from here

"Yellow spandex man," I said turning towards him

"Huh? Yellow…spandex?" He said pointing to himself

"That's what I've been told yes, and it is also a clear observation," I said, the fact was quite obvious

For some reason, everyone looked at me with an unreadable expression. What? Did I say something? Never mind that. There is a villain nearby.

"I hope you can take care of this situation," I said throwing my phone towards him, revealing the news, "Our job isn't finished just yet," I comment before leaping up and over the buildings until I near them

Pushing myself from the side of the nearby building, I shoot towards the two villainous men, 'Second Form: Water Wheel', I vertically spin forward mid-air and release a flowing circular motion directed towards the man with the hands

While spinning I hear, "Okay, Kurogiri, let get going," it's the same voice I heard from that message in the mountain

I don't allow any further conversation as my blade is about to reach him, however, stopped when a purple wisp enters my view; Sensing immediate danger I use 'Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow' and jump over the purple wisp in a left spin

'Tenth Form: Constant Flux' I unleash a continuous flowing attack that increases in strength and power with each rotation due to momentum, my water breathing strengthened by the water released from the container below, allowing more power to be unleashed

Again, that purple wisp blocks my peripheral view and prevented me from advancing, dodging backwards to survey them properly. One was a man of purple smoke, he wore a suit, that he slowly covered with the purple wisp, the other was a man with embers disgusting skin and white hair, his eyes looked crazed as he stared at me

"Who…The hell are you?!" The crusty one screamed at me

Ignoring his chatter, I rush forwards once again, 'Fourth Form: Striking Tide' I weave across the multiple obstacles laid upon the roof floor, making my movements as unpredictable as possible to prevent intervention from the purple smoke guy

I near their location instantly, aiming to finish crusty skin in one blow, 'Second Form: Water Wheel', his steps, however, were ragged and uncoordinated, as he began tripping and falling backwards. The purple wisp man attempted to stop me but my strike had only been able to cut down from jaw to collar bone, he screams in pain as they both fall back into the purple smoke

"Shit," I say, annoyed that they got away, at least I had given him a good graze…"Damn villain," I said grinding my teeth together

~The Next Day~

There is a quiet kind of "cheerful," the soft kind that comes as a quiet river on a sunny day. It is a way of being that allows others a positive space to open up into, a space that is ready to support their emotions and needs. There is of course a time and place for the loud kind of cheerful, yet here in the hospital it can have the effect of closing people down - after all, it is challenging to express sad feelings to a person who appears so far removed from those emotions

"Hello, chief," I said, looking towards the…Dog Man? Man Dog? Dog?

"Ah yes, hello Tempest! Woof," The chief said

'Woof' I thought, 'He says woof?'

We had a conversation and a rundown on how the situation will be dealt with, it's mostly front-page coverage of Stain, how Endeavour had dealt with him alone, and they, later on, will explain that the League of Villains are involved with him; They escaped from a pursuit of heroes

*Knock* *Knock* I knock on the door of the hospital room - 147 and await a response when I hear the same voice from last night tell me to enter. I clutch the handle and open the door, putting my raisin bread into my pocket after taking another bite.

I walked in to see the same three intern boys from yesterday's incident. All three turn to look in my direction

"Ah, Tomioka!" Broccoli said as he stood up

"Mmm" I mumbled into my raisin bread, announcing my greetings

"Errrm, so, why are you here Tomioka?" Broccoli continued

"Mmm mhm Mmmm" I again mumble into my raisin bread, telling him why I'm here

Broccoli turned to look at the two other boys in hesitation as I sit down on a chair next to his bed, placing some raising bread next to him. What matters most in the hospital room is not the surroundings, though they can bring a sense of calmness or even joy, it is that you feel loved, that you matter and is thought of by others

"Tomioka are you oka-" Broccoli is cut off when I interrupt him

"It's because I can't eat with my mouth full," I inform him

"A-Ah I see," Broccoli said

"I'll say it again, Broccoli," I started

'Broccoli?!' Izuku thought struck with shock

"I'm just here to make sure you three kids are okay, I can understand that what you did wasn't easy, you had already encountered villains at USJ, but this guy was a whole other ballpark, a professional murderer with a concrete ideology and goal," I spoke to them seriously, all three of them began to pay more attention now

"That's part of our job as heroes, we can encounter any type of person at any time of the day, we don't know whether it is someone strong or someone weak, and the fact that you three stuck to your goals and worked together as a team to bring down a villain that is part of said 'strong' group, that's impressive," I praised them, they all seemed in turmoil with their thoughts

"You're wrong," The one with glasses said, Tenya Iida was his name? "I went into that fight for my personal goal," he said clutching his fists, "I hate to admit it, but Stain was telling the truth when he said that I wasn't acting like a hero, I was acting like a fool with a vengeance," he told in denial

I sighed and threw him some raisin bread, "hold your horses, you're not Batman," he looked at me in confusion slightly until he clocked what I said and stiffened up slightly before unwrapping the raisin bread and taking a bite, "It's good," he said,

"Listen, you three," I began, "You all still went to fight, that's what counts, no matter what personal vendettas you held, no matter what reason you had, you still did more than the other guy," I got onto my feet and sling my backpack onto my back as I began walking to the door

"We don't know if trying our best will help, but we do know, if we don't do our best, it won't help for sure," I told them, before walking from the room

~Hospital Boys POV~

'So cool!' Izuku thought in amazement, "Wow, the number 6 hero is something else!" He said in admiration

"Midoriya," Todoroki said, holding his hand out

"Huh? Oh right! Sorry," Midoriya said as he handed Todoroki some raisin bread

"What he says it right, Iida," Todoroki commented in his usual tone after swallowing his raising bread, "Even if you feel that what you did is wrong, you still did enough to save someone's life, if you hadn't gone to stop him, Midoriya wouldn't have thought to find you, and I wouldn't have gone to help Midoriya save you and Native, it's a chain reaction that you made, without you, another hero would've ended up like your brother, you did well," he continued

Iida goes silent, and clutches his left hand, "Yes, I know that now, however," he looks up to his two friends with a determined expression, "I still have a long way to go before I can call myself a true hero!"

~Giyu Tomioka (MC) POV~

It had been some time since the Hosu attack, things had been getting quite hectic, and now, I'm almost certain I'm on the League of Villains hit list, giving their leader a nasty scar? That's going to stick. I'm currently strolling the streets of Nagano, sun punching through the clouds, giving me a nice day

"Hello?" I speak into my phone

"Giyu, how are you?" I hear back

*Sigh* "Please get to the point Nezu," I speak back irritated

"Yes, well, with the new addition of the information that Stain is involved with the League of Villains has started to stir some unwanted attention around us, the League has been given an ideological idea to get behind, they will no longer be seen as some random rag-tag group of heroes, they are now going to become a real group of Villains," Nezu explained

"Nezu. Get to the point, I already knew this," I say with a mixture of boredom and irritation

"Yes yes, alright, anyway, as you probably know, you're our best person to look to for surveillance, you're quick, strong and level headed, and all of the attacks of recent have been targeted towards our UA students, most likely to gather All Mights attention. I'm going to need you to search areas around UA to see if you find anything suspicious or to do with the League of Villains! And since you're in the area, you'll be able to overlook the academy training that class 1 students are doing with the Wild-Wild PussyCats! Isn't that amazing? Of course, it is!" Nezu explained to me

"For fuc-" My voice is interrupted when I hear a loud crash in the middle of the street

"Nezu, I've got to go," I said in a hurry, not waiting for any reply

I sprint forwards at a fast speed, as I spot a figure rushing away, debris is now spread everywhere and I'm now stuck in a small problem. Sure dying my surroundings once more, I see that no civilians have been harmed

"Evacuate the area! And contact local forces and hero agencies, tell them that I'm in pursuit of the villain!" I shout to the civilians watching nearby

I remember that the villain had run towards the outskirts of the city, towards a forest area. I travel for at least a mile from the city and yet, there is no sign anywhere, had he fooled me? No, not possible, someone who would make such ruckus and expose his destination while escaping is a clear amateur, but that wouldn't explain how he had escaped from me

Unless…he wanted me to follow hi-?! Before I can come to my conclusion, I am sent flying through the forest area, an incredibly strong impact had sent me flying sideways, my instincts scream danger as I attempt to find my balance

However, no time is spared for me as another blow is sent to my face as a large hand slams me into the ground, a crater forming around me. Grabbing the wrist of whatever is holding me, I attempt to yank the hold off of me, my vision on my left eye is blocked as I look with my right in between the fingers of the creature holding me, to be met with a black face and solid yellow lips, large fangs reaching over them, an exposed brain with long ears reaching out behind

Grabbing the ears, I put all my strength into my arms, veins popping out as with all my strength, I pull them outwards, hoping to at least distract the beast. I could already tell that this is some type of Nomu, so I wasn't expecting any response, however, as I snapped its ears, it roared, lifting its front legs upwards, ready to slam them into me

"Fucking mut," I muttered

On my back, I lift myself using my elbows and my knees buckled, I shoot myself upwards, 'Sixth Form: Whirlpool', I fiercely twist my upper and lower body, creating a whirlpool of air underneath the Nomu's body, causing it to gain multiple gashes on its whole torso

'Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow', I shoot myself backwards, my body lay flat like riding a skateboard backwards while lay down, jumping out of the way off an intense heatwave that was released from the Nomu's mouth, the flames scorched towards me, burning the surrounding area

I'm glad that I had brought my sword with me today; I hadn't been on duty today, I've just travelled to this city for slight sightseeing, just my luck, the one day of rest I've had the past few months and I run into the one thing I didn't want to

Boom boom boom I don’t know what to say

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