
MHA: The Water Swordsman

Giyu Tomioka, The Blade Hero: Tempest ———————————— I wonder if I would ever notice water, had I been born in the oceans with fins for limbs. I suppose then it would have been my air and I would have moved within it more easily than a bird in the sky. As it is, I would love to dive within those salty formless arms and feel the freedom it gives, transparent and blue, soft and strong. ——————————————— I apologise if the events aren’t accurate time wise, if I say a specific number of days but that isn’t actually the case, just know that events will all still be in order ——————————————— Just Giyu Tomioka in MHA what’s else? I hope you enjoy this, the MC won’t be apart of UA class 1-A, he’s gonna be a hero. He will be 21, 22 as of chapter 14 onwards, and yeah, there may be flash backs ——————————————— If after reading this and still want to see some r-18 let me know and I might find a way to have some ——————————————— I’m gonna use some famous quotes and speeches as well so let’s see if you can spot them! ——————————————— Disclaimer: Everything I use in this fanfic belongs to their respective owners

NotSoBigShlong · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Water Is The Great Transformer, From Raindrop To Towering Wave

My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength. My life is what I would consider being a constant struggle to combat the occurring events that happen to me, though I'm sure if there were people to turn to, it would've been easier, however, giving trust to another is an act of reliance; An act of weakness

The crisp leaves from the autumn trees crush under the pressure of my feet, crashing water fills my ears from the river near me. The pathway threads through the mountains. To hike here is to weave oneself into nature, to become part of the fabric of the place.

My hand was always cautiously held into the hilt of my blade. You could see this as an act of readiness, in this world the strong strive and the weak willow alone, that's the law of life on this earth. As I notice a small bridge, grotesque in looks, it could only hold one person that was careful and underweight, but I'm not here to cross it, it is just a waiting point for whoever I am meeting here

My mind is so much like the ocean I wait for the informant, I appear calm on the surface with so many deep undercurrents, all of them with their purpose. Being a "watcher" is the perfect job for a daydreamer like me and if I must suffer cold feet and numb fingers through the winter months it's a price worth paying.

They think I'm a fool to wait like I do every chance I get: eyes set to the horizon, arms resting on the cold hilt of my blade. But the way I see it they're missing the greatest mysteries of life as they chase the mundane and trip over the details of existence. Waiting here gives me time to let my mind escape the boundaries of the ordinary, to think beyond the offerings of the current day. I ponder the threads that bind one person to another and the wounds that separate. I think about the origins of good and what "humanity" really is. Waiting here while others do important things is such a gift, a blessing of time. I would give up an eternity of tedium to simply solve a great mystery, to think as the masters of antiquity once did

After leaning on the jagged bark of the tree for a while, I slowly raise my body to a straight-stood position and as a swift current of air appears, leaves flying in multiple directions, I exhale and swiftly move from my location to another,

"Speak, Akihito," I lazily draw out my words, glaring at him for making me wait here

Unfazed, he answers "I'm just here to talk with you, I'm only looking for your co-operation,"

"Hmm," I hum, noticing the blade that he is holding faced backwards towards my jaw, "Alright, I take it you're the one who contacted me?" I shortly respond, holding my phone to show the detailed message I had received, as I appear back where I previously was

"Yeah, It's good to know that you are getting on with all of your assigned work, but if you keep leaving your post for your hero work, 'Tempest', then there will be some problems, problems that will only be detrimental towards you," he spoke in an irritated tone

*SIGH* "Get on with it, what am I here for?" I ask more irritated after his words

"Well," he sighs "You've been assigned another mission that is around here, recently there have been some issues with a new group called, 'The League Of Villains' if you had read the e-mail you would've been informed about them, although I'm sure you didn't, I hope you at-least skimmed over it,"

I glare at him for his words, it's doesn't change the fact he was correct, I still get my work done, so there haven't been any issues

"And of course, they have a trump card, their Nomu, and we received an anonymous tip that they have a research facility around here, obviously we wouldn't send you in blind, we've done surveillance of the area and there have been suspicious activities that have been happening, trucks coming in and out of the mountain range, and all that bother, anyway, me and you will be going on an investigation throughout here, we've been able to pinpoint the location of the entrance, we had already sent a few ops in, but we lost connection with them, so I guess the higher-ups are hoping that you will make a change in the result," he blabbers on about the details of the mission

We travelled for a time of about 12 minutes until we arrive at a metal door in a small gap in a mountain. Tapping on the door in a strange type of pattern, Akihito waits for a response from the other side, slowly, there is a sequence of clanks, the handle turns and the door, with a sluggish motion, opens to reveal a figure that was only there for a moment, before I dropped down from where I was and delivered a flying kick towards the back of his neck, knocking him out in silence.

Flashing Akihito a suspicious gaze, I walk forwards through the door and enter whatever gloomy building this is supposed to be. In that dark room, there were shapes in monochrome, of course, the daylight could bring brilliant fuchsia or deepest scarlet, but for now, it could be a scene from a black and white movie.

The silhouettes were already less discernible than they were only a short while before and I gazed to the door; any moment the sun would kiss the sky orange, igniting new dawn, bringing the chorus of the birds.

Behind me, Akihito sudden let out a beam of light, I turned around and saw him holding his phone, In flashlight beams, what was once shadows in the dark, becomes a manageable ordinariness.

"Alright, let's hurry," I say quietly as I rush off, slow enough for Akihito to keep up with me

"Yeah sure, get things done quicker I guess," He said, putting his phone back into his pocket, running after me

Up ahead, there are multiple men, all seemed to don their type of individual characteristic, I slightly release my blade as I rush towards them, jumping from surface to surface, landing softly as to not make any noise and on my final jump, I shoot towards them, changing the position of my wrist, using the hilt of my blade to knock them out in rapid succession

And so, after traversing our way through multiple men and corridors, we had arrived at some sort of laboratory

"Look at this," I said, "Are these, test subjects? And, research notes?" I was confused and disgusted at the same time, I didn't feel sick, I just felt like it was morally wrong

"And also, is this, communications?" In curiosity, I walked over and played the message

"Doctor," a childish, raspy voice entered my ears, "The Hero Killer, Stain, wasn't being co-operative with us, but we both agree that present society must be changed, we're going to mobilise some Nomu's to Hosu city, where he is now, he pissed me off, and I'm going to le thin know that we, The League Of Villains, aren't ones to be messed with, I hope to know what your results are…"

He continued to speak on some different matters, I had everything recorded on my phone, I had occupied myself with searching around, as Akihito had looked through the notepad that had been laid out on the table.

As the voice from the device continued the next sequence of information shocked me, "And also, tell Akihito that I've left him a-" the message was cut off with a loud crash, the sound of sharp blade slashing was heard as I ready my stance

I turn in shock as I jump off to the side, dodging a sharp metal wire that went flying to my left. I unsheathe my blade, 'First Form: Water Surface Slash', cutting through his wires, in one swing, in continuation with the Third Form: Flowing Dance, to continue towards him, dancing in a flowing pattern, cutting everything in my path

"Tell me," I say lowly, pushing my blade into the front of his neck, staring him in the eye, "What are you up to? Why bring me here knowing you'll be found out?"

He snickered in response, "Well, to be fair, I didn't think that I'd be found out, I thought that this would solidify my position as a trustworthy man, but haha I guess that," he readies his hand, clutching his spread-out fingers, "I thought wrong,"

And with the end of his words, he slashed his arm outwards, bending his wires across the room, aiming for my back.

'Sixth Form: Whirlpool'. Using the water that had been released from the test pods, I create a whirlpool with my blade, cutting all wires caught in it. He appeared distressed as I ducked downwards, sending a sidekick, knocking his body upwards slightly.

'Second Form: Water Wheel' I leap forwards and vertically spin in the air in a circular motion, cutting straight across Akihito's front, causing him to struggle for balance falling backwards, clutching his chest with a pained expression

"Hahaha" he laughed slightly, "HAHAHAHAHAHA" he continued a crazed laugh as I wait for his next move, "I'll rip you to pieces! Tomioka!" He screamed, his eyes and attitude gone crazy

"Those who turn their hands against their comrades are sure to face a terrible death. Be prepared," I say calmly

Taking a deep breath in, I slowly exhale as I grab my phone, ending its recording sending the video to UA, I am actively dodging the feeble attempts that Akihito is trying to hit me with as I go into the contacts of my phone

"Hello," I say into the phone, "I've just sent over a request for you to review what has happened on my mission, I will send another video of what has transpired after this call, please watch over it," I request

"Okay, Giyu, I will in a moment, I've just gotten back after making a cup of tea, how has the mission gone?"

"I've learned very interesting things, I have most likely gotten more than the required information for the mission, I'm sure you'll be glad about what I've gathered," I respond, slightly proud of myself that I've done more than the bare minimum

"Alright that's good, I appreciate everything you do, you know that don't you Giyu?" He asks sincerely

"Of course," I respond vaguely

"Ah also," He says swiftly, "Do you have anything else important to report before I watch over the video? We're there any interferences?" He questioned

"Ah, well, there were men here, if you could bring over some people to capture them, that would be appreciated, and also we've had a casualty," I said

"Oh! Well, I understand that you may have had to use lethal force on some of the men," He said unbothered

"Ah no you misunderstand, Nezu, that casualty…" I trailed off

"Hmm?" He questioned

"That casualty was from my side," I said before disconnecting, starting up another recording

Akihito ground his teeth together as he spoke, "Damn you! Always the cool guy! Acting high and mighty! All those years at UA you thought everything was yours! Think you're the best! Well, guess what! I was given an opportunity! Shigaraki said I have a future! Potential! So now-" as he said this, he grabbed a syringe from his jacket, and injected some green serum into his neck "I am better than you!"

I paid more attention as his body slowly started to spasm, his muscles started to become more like balloons, they inflated them deflated uncontrollably. Eventually, his body finished spasming, and he took the form of a large monster with a body of black

His clothes became torn and some stayed ripped on his body, a grotesque look through and through.

"You. Die. Will kill. Die. You. Kill!" His mannerism was twisted and decrepit, the voice was gurgled and was anything but human

He launched himself towards me, the wires that were once a clear silver coming from his fingers suddenly became a blood-red, his physical prowess given a sudden boost, though his mind was lost, any technique that he once had is gone.

'Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust'. I capitalise on his lack of form as I perform a fast and accurate stab, slowing down Akihi- no, this monsters momentum, he stumbles as his wires start fraying like crazy, jumping in between all of them, the entire room is destroyed and rubble is scattered everywhere.

The side of the room explodes under the pressure and the sun in the sky is exposed as jump outwards, just narrowly dodging an array of wires, all the rubble and that thing falling with me

"Die! Death! Kill you!!!" It screams from above me

'Ninth Form: Splashing Water Flow'. I change my footwork, making use of my form, being able to create my foothold as I jump up and above the monster, then pushing form above so I start flying downwards towards it.

'Eight Form: Waterfall Basin'. This form is most useful when falling, the perfect scenario for right now, even though we are high in the air, it won't be a problem. I cut the monster vertically in a flowing motion

The monster was cut in two halves, all the boulders from the mountain falling as I grab the two halves and jump away to the path

Some time passed as I was sat on a rock waiting for the 'backup' to arrive. I had already sent the second recording to Nezu, so he most likely knows of the situation, but for someone like him, it's not likely he'll still send some people anyway.

And right on time, three cars pull up as multiple men come out towards me, one that was wearing a trench coat and a black bodysuit with gold stripes, another also wearing a trench coat, black shit and hat.

"Tomioka," Ectoplasm spoke, "Is everything dealt with?" He asked

"Of course," I said.

I looked over behind the two men and said, "You lot, over there," I spoke as a team of gear looked over.

I pointed with my thumb backwards, indicating towards a group of unconscious men, and said, "Don't bother going up, I've done your job for you,"

They all nodded and ran over towards the men, sorting out their equipment to apprehend them.

"So," I spoke, "I would understand why Ectoplasm would come over, it's understandable, but, who are you?" I questioned in wonder and confusion

"Ah yes of course young man, my name is Naomasa Tsukauchi, I'm just here to investigate everything that happened, the recording you sent were audio only, so I'm here to look to see everything here," he said calmly, he seemed like a decent guy

"Hmm," I said, "Well, I'm not sure of the situation of the laboratory, I had something to…deal with there, so you may not be able to salvage as much as you were hoping, but I can confirm that there were suspicious activities that were happening, be sure to tread with caution, there may be toxic waste, there was high caution equipment, the side of the room is destroyed, so be careful with that as well," I explained the situation briefly so they understand the situation

"Well, thank you, that quite mature of you, especially for someone so young," Naomasa commented, with a small smile, as he and Ectoplasm began walking up the path

"It's not age that makes you mature," I spoke as I started walking off, "It's responsibility,"

Naomasa had a slight smile on his face as he shook his head while walking off to investigate the laboratory

Giyu Tomioka in MHA, why not?

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