
MHA: Izuku Legacy

In a world where hero’s and villains are fantasy, Ryu Kenji fights for survival. Born into the clutches of the Yakuza, he's spent his life as a pawn in their bloody games. But when a championship fight ends in betrayal and a bullet, Ryu awakens to a new reality – one where the memories of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy with dreams of heroism, intertwine with his own. Now, armed with the knowledge of a world he's never known and a power he's yet to understand, Izuku must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, balancing his own weaknesses with the potential for growth and change. This work is a retelling of the story my friend made MHA: Izuku Reloaded. I am taking over for him because of things going on in his personal life. I hope you enjoy my iteration! P.S: UA is a University. I don’t own the story My Hero Academia or the cover For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work.

XaviValentine · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Teenage Fever

I winced as I limped into Recovery Girl's office, every muscle in my body screaming in protest. The adrenaline from my fight with Todoroki was starting to wear off, replaced by a bone-deep ache that seemed to radiate from my very core.

"Izuku!" Momo's voice, filled with equal parts concern and relief, cut through the haze of pain. She was at my side in an instant, her arm slipping around my waist to support me.

I leaned into her, grateful for the assistance. "Hey," I managed, my voice rough. "Fancy meeting you here."

Momo rolled her eyes, but I could see the smile tugging at her lips. "Only you would joke at a time like this. You're lucky you're cute."

"And badass," Jiro chimed in from her perch on the edge of the bed. "That fight was insane, wonder boy. I think you broke the internet."

I grinned, the praise sending a pleasant warmth through my battered body. "All in a day's work for a future Number One Hero."

"More like a future permanent resident of my office," Recovery Girl grumbled as she bustled over, her cane tapping against the floor. "Honestly, young man, do you have any sense of self-preservation at all?"

I had the grace to look sheepish as she pushed me down onto the bed, her expert hands already probing at my injuries. "In my defense, I didn't exactly have a choice. Todoroki wasn't pulling any punches."

"And neither were you," Recovery Girl retorted, her eyes narrowing. "That stunt with the cement wall? You're lucky you didn't break every bone in your body!"

I winced, and not just from the sting of the antiseptic she was applying to my cuts. "I know, I know. But I had to push him, had to make him see-"

"That he was more than his father's creation, I know." Recovery Girl sighed, her expression softening. "And you did a good thing out there, Midoriya. Todoroki... he needed that push. Needed someone to believe in him, to challenge him to be his own hero."

She fixed me with a stern look. "But that doesn't mean you get to be reckless with your own safety. You're no good to anyone if you're in traction, you hear me?"

"Loud and clear," I said, holding up my hands in surrender. "I'll try to be more careful in the future."

"See that you do," Recovery Girl harrumphed, but there was a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

Momo's hand found mine, her fingers intertwining with my own. "You really scared me out there," she said softly. "When that blast hit, when I saw you go flying... I thought..."

I squeezed her hand, bringing it to my lips to press a gentle kiss against her knuckles. "Hey, I'm okay. A little banged up, but I'll be back on my feet in no time."

Recovery Girl finished applying the last bandage, her eyes critical as she surveyed her handiwork. "Well, that's the worst of it patched up," she said, stepping back. "But you're still going to be pretty sore for a while. I could use my quirk, speed up the healing process..."

I hesitated, the offer tempting. The thought of being pain-free, of getting back to full strength with just a kiss... it was hard to resist. But then I glanced at Momo, a sudden thought occurring to me.

"When's your next match?" I asked, my brow furrowing.

Momo blinked, seeming taken aback by the question. "Oh, um... right after Iida and Shiozaki's fight. So in about..."

She checked the clock on the wall, her eyes widening slightly. "Thirty minutes, give or take."

Thirty minutes. Half an hour until I'd get to see Momo in action again, get to cheer her on as she fought her way to the top. The idea of missing even a second of it, of not being there to support her...

It was unthinkable.

I turned back to Recovery Girl, my jaw set. "I think I'll hold off on the healing quirk for now," I said, my voice firm despite the ache in my bones. "I don't want to chance missing Momo's fight."

Recovery Girl's eyebrows shot up, surprise flickering across her face. "Are you sure, Midoriya? Those injuries aren't just superficial. You'll be in a fair amount of pain."

I nodded, my gaze steady. "I'm sure. I can handle a little discomfort. But I can't handle not being there for Momo."

Momo's breath caught, her fingers tightening around mine. "Izuku, you don't have to..."

I lifted our joined hands, pressing a soft kiss to her palm. "Yes, I do. You've been there for me every step of the way, Momo. The least I can do is return the favor."

Jiro made a gagging noise from her spot on the bed, but I could see the grin tugging at her lips. "Ugh, you two are gonna give me cavities. Save the sappy stuff for after the tournament, yeah?"

I laughed, the sound a little breathless, a little pained. "No promises, Jiro. You know me - I'm a hopeless romantic."

Jiro's smile faltered, her eyes flickering with an emotion I couldn't quite place. "You sure are, wonder boy," she said, her voice soft, almost wistful.

There was something in her tone, a note of melancholy that made my heart clench. I knew that look, knew the weight of unsaid things that hung in the air between us.

I swallowed hard, suddenly hyper aware of Momo's presence at my side. The warmth of her skin, the gentle pressure of her fingers intertwined with mine... it was a reminder of the choice I had made, the path I had chosen.

I loved Momo. Loved her with a fierce, unwavering devotion that consumed me, that drove me to be better, to reach higher, to strive for a future that we could share.

But a part of me, a small, traitorous part, couldn't help but wonder... what if? What if I had made a different choice, taken a different path? What if it was Jiro's hand I held, Jiro's smile that lit up my world?

I shook my head, banishing the thought as soon as it formed. It wasn't fair to Jiro, to Momo, to anyone. I had made my choice, and I would stand by it, come hell or high water.

But that didn't mean it was easy. Didn't mean it didn't hurt, to see that flicker of pain in Jiro's eyes, to know that I was the cause of it.

"Jiro," I said softly. "I..."

But Jiro held up a hand, cutting me off. "Don't, wonder boy. Just... don't."

She took a deep breath, seeming to steel herself. When she looked up, her eyes were clear, her smile back in place. But there was a fragility to it, a brittleness that made my heart ache.

"You two have a tournament to win, right?" she said, her voice deliberately light. "Can't have you getting all sappy on me now. Save the big hero speeches for the podium, yeah?"

I swallowed past the lump in my throat, forcing a grin. "Yeah, you're right. Plenty of time for that later."

Momo glanced between us, her brow furrowed. I could see the wheels turning in her head, the pieces clicking into place. Her grip on my hand tightened.

She knew. Of course she knew. Momo was too perceptive, too in tune with the people she cared about, not to see the undercurrents running beneath the surface.

But she trusted me. Trusted in us, in the bond we had forged. And that trust, that unwavering faith...

It meant everything.

Recovery Girl cleared her throat, breaking the moment. "Well then," she said briskly. "If you're sure about holding off on the healing, Midoriya, I'll just finish up these bandages. But you will be healed the moment Yaoyurozu's fight is over, you hear? No heroic stoicism. Your health comes first."

I nodded, grateful for the distraction. "Yes, ma'am. I promise."

As Momo left to prepare for her upcoming match, I settled back on the infirmary bed, my eyes drifting to the television screen mounted on the wall. The arena was already being prepared for the next fight, the cement floor smoothed over, the boundary lines redrawn.

"Iida vs Shiozaki," I murmured, my brow furrowing as I tried to recall what I knew about Class 1-B's resident vine-haired beauty. "This should be an interesting match-up."

Jiro, who had pulled up a chair beside my bed, nodded thoughtfully. "Shiozaki's got a strong quirk, but Iida's speed is no joke. If he can close the distance quickly enough..."

She trailed off as Present Mic's voice boomed through the speakers, signaling the start of the match. "AND HERE WE GO, FOLKS! THE THIRD MATCH OF THE SECOND ROUND, IIDA VS SHIOZAKI!"

On screen, Iida stood tall and proud, his engines already revving in anticipation. Across from him, Shiozaki looked serene, almost ethereal, her vines swaying gently in the breeze.

The moment the start signal sounded, Iida was off like a shot, his engines roaring as he kicked into high gear. He zigzagged across the battlefield, his movements a blur, trying to throw off Shiozaki's aim.

But Shiozaki wasn't fazed. With a calm, almost lazy motion, she sent her vines snaking out, a living net designed to ensnare and immobilize.

Iida dodged and wove, his reflexes lightning-fast. But Shiozaki was relentless, her vines seeming to come from every angle, every direction.

"He's struggling," I said, my fingers clenching in the bedsheets as I watched Iida narrowly avoid a grasping tendril. "Shiozaki's got him on the defensive, and he can't find an opening to counterattack."

Jiro leaned forward, her eyes narrowed. "C'mon, Iida," she muttered. "Use that big brain of yours. There's gotta be a way..."

On-screen, Iida seemed to have come to the same conclusion. With a sudden burst of speed, he changed direction, charging straight towards Shiozaki.

Shiozaki's eyes widened, surprise flickering across her usually serene features. Her vines lashed out, trying to catch him, to slow him down. But Iida was too fast, too determined.

He leaped, his engines roaring as he used his momentum to launch himself into the air. For a moment, he hung suspended, silhouetted against the sky.

Then, with a cry of "Recipro Burst!", he brought his leg down in a devastating axe kick. The sonic boom from his engines was deafening, a shockwave of pure force.

Shiozaki brought her vines up in a desperate block, but it was too late. Iida's kick slammed through her defenses, shattering her concentration, her focus.

She went flying, her vines going slack as she tumbled out of bounds. The buzzer sounded, shrill and final.

"IIDA TENYA WINS!" Present Mic's voice was barely audible over the roar of the crowd. "WHAT A COMEBACK, FOLKS! THE FASTEST MAN IN 1-A LIVES UP TO HIS NAME!"

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding, a grin spreading across my face. "He did it. He actually did it."

Jiro laughed, the sound bright and relieved. "Never doubted him for a second," she said. "Iida's too stubborn to lose like that."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Remind me never to get on his bad side. Those legs are lethal."

As the adrenaline from watching the fight started to fade, I became aware of a dull, persistent ache in my chest. I shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position, but the motion only sent a fresh wave of pain radiating through my body.

Jiro, of course, noticed immediately. Her eyes narrowed, concern etching itself into the lines of her face. "You okay there, wonder boy? You're looking a little pale."

I waved off her worry, forcing a grin. "I'm fine, Jiro. Nothing I can't handle."

Jiro's lips pursed, her expression making it clear just how little she believed me. "Uh-huh. Sure. That's why you're clutching your ribs like they're about to fall out."

I glanced down, realizing that my arm had indeed wrapped itself around my torso, trying instinctively to protect my battered body.

"Okay, so maybe I'm not 100%," I admitted. "But I can tough it out. Momo's match is up next, and I'll be damned if I miss it because of a few bruises."

Jiro sighed, her fingers drumming a restless beat against her thigh. "Izuku," she said, and the use of my real name made me sit up straighter. Jiro never called me Izuku like that unless she was dead serious.

"I get it," she continued. "Believe me, I do. But you're not doing Momo any favors by running yourself into the ground. She needs you at your best, not half-dead from exhaustion and pain."

I opened my mouth to argue, but something in Jiro's expression stopped me. There was a softness there, an understanding that went beyond words. Sometimes, it was easy to forget just how much Jiro saw, how deeply she understood the people around her.

"When did you get so smart?" I asked, a hint of teasing in my voice to mask the gratitude I felt.

Jiro snorted, the heavy moment broken. "I've always been smart, wonder boy. You're just too much of a meathead to notice."

I laughed, then immediately regretted it as my ribs protested the sudden movement. "Okay, okay," I said, holding up my hands in surrender. "You win. I'll let Recovery Girl patch me up. But only on one condition."

Jiro raised an eyebrow. "And what's that?"

I grinned. "You stay here and watch Momo's fight with me. I know she'd want you cheering her on, even if she can't hear it from here."

For a moment, Jiro's expression was unreadable, a swirl of emotions too complex to decipher. Then, slowly, a genuine smile spread across her face, warming her eyes, softening the sharp angles of her features.

"You got it, wonder boy," she said. "I wouldn't miss it for anything."

The stadium was electric as Momo and Mina took their places on the battlefield. Even through the television screen, I could feel the energy, the excitement that crackled through the air.

"This is gonna be a good one," Jiro said, leaning forward in her seat. "Momo's got the brains, but Mina's got the moves.\"

I nodded, my eyes glued to the screen. Momo looked focused, her jaw set, her gaze unwavering. Mina, on the other hand, was all coiled energy, her grin wide and fierce. She bounced on the balls of her feet, her acid already starting to sizzle at her fingertips.

"BEGIN!" Midnight's voice cracked like a whip, and the two girls sprang into action.

Mina made the first move, a blast of acid that sizzled through the air towards Momo. But Momo was ready, a shield already forming from her arm, the corrosive liquid splashing harmlessly against the reinforced material.

"Neat trick!" Mina called out, her grin never faltering. "But let's see how you handle this!"

She launched herself forward, her body low to the ground, her movements almost serpentine. Acid trailed in her wake, a deadly slick that ate away at the concrete.

Momo hesitated for a split second, then, with a flash of light, she pulled a staff from her torso, using it to vault over Mina's charge.

Mina skidded to a halt, pivoting to face Momo. "Oooh, nice moves! But I'm just getting warmed up!"

What followed was a display of agility and innovation. Mina attacked from every angle, her acid flying in unpredictable patterns. Momo countered with an array of objects - shields, weapons, tools, each one perfectly suited to the moment.

"She's amazing," I breathed, my eyes wide with awe. "The way she thinks on her feet, the way she adapts... it's incredible."

Jiro nodded, her own gaze riveted to the screen. "She's not just fighting with her quirk. She's fighting with her mind. It's like she's ten steps ahead, always knowing exactly what she needs."

On-screen, Mina was starting to slow down, the constant use of her quirk taking its toll. Momo, sensing her opportunity, pressed her advantage.

With a series of quick, precise strikes, she drove Mina back, forcing her towards the boundary line. Mina fought valiantly, but it was clear she was on the ropes.

"It's over," I said, a grin spreading across my face as I realized what was about to happen. "Momo's got her."

Sure enough, with a final, crushing blow, Momo sent Mina tumbling out of bounds.

"MOMO YAOYOROZU WINS!" Present Mic's voice was almost drowned out by the roar of the crowd. "WHAT A MATCH, FOLKS! A BATTLE OF WITS AND SKILL, AND 1-A'S RESIDENT GENIUS COMES OUT ON TOP!"

I let out a whoop, pumping my fist in the air. "YES! That's my girl!"

Jiro laughed, shaking her head at my antics. "I'm pretty sure the whole stadium heard that, wonder boy. Might want to tone down the enthusiasm before Recovery Girl kicks you out for disturbing the peace."

I flushed, but couldn't wipe the grin off my face. "I can't help it."

Jiro nodded, a small smile on her lips. "Then you better get your ass healed up, wonder boy. Because something tells me you two are going to be seeing a lot more of each other in this tournament."

I blinked, then laughed as her meaning sunk in. "You're right. I can't very well sweep her off her feet if I can barely stand, now can I?"

"Now you're getting it." Jiro stood, stretching her arms above her head. "I'm gonna go track down Recovery Girl, let her know her favorite patient is ready for his close-up. You just sit tight and try not to break anything else while I'm gone."

I saluted her. "Yes, ma'am. I'll be on my best behavior."

Jiro rolled her eyes, but I could see the fondness in her expression. "Why don't I believe that?"

As she slipped out the door, I leaned back against the pillows, my mind already racing ahead. Momo had won her match, cementing her place in the semi finals. And if I could get through my own next fight against Iida...

There was a possibility we'd be facing each other.