
MHA: Izuku Legacy

In a world where hero’s and villains are fantasy, Ryu Kenji fights for survival. Born into the clutches of the Yakuza, he's spent his life as a pawn in their bloody games. But when a championship fight ends in betrayal and a bullet, Ryu awakens to a new reality – one where the memories of Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless boy with dreams of heroism, intertwine with his own. Now, armed with the knowledge of a world he's never known and a power he's yet to understand, Izuku must navigate the challenges of this strange new world, balancing his own weaknesses with the potential for growth and change. This work is a retelling of the story my friend made MHA: Izuku Reloaded. I am taking over for him because of things going on in his personal life. I hope you enjoy my iteration! P.S: UA is a University. I don’t own the story My Hero Academia or the cover For full transparency I write the novel myself and use AI to proofread and be an editor for my work.

XaviValentine · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Fire and Ice

The word had barely left Midnight's lips when Todoroki moved. It was like watching a glacier come to life, a force of nature unleashed upon the world.

A wave of ice exploded from his right foot, a jagged, crystalline mass that raced across the arena floor with blinding speed. The temperature plummeted, the air itself seeming to freeze solid in the wake of his attack.

But I was already moving, the Tandava guiding my steps, my breath, my very heartbeat. I leaped, twisting in midair as the ice passed beneath me, a hairsbreadth from my soles.

I hit the ground running, my body low and streamlined, the wind whipping through my hair. Todoroki was on me in an instant, ice blossoming from his hands, his feet, every inch of his being.

I wove between the frozen spikes, the jagged blades, my movements a blur of speed and precision. Each step was a beat in the eternal dance, each breath a measure in the symphony of battle.

"Incredible!" Present Mic's voice boomed over the loudspeakers. "Midoriya dodges Todoroki's opening attack with the grace of a dancer! This kid's got moves!"

Todoroki's eyes widened, a flicker of surprise, of grudging respect, flashing across his features. He had expected me to dodge, to evade, to use my agility to stay out of reach.

But he hadn't expected me to come at him head-on, to meet his ice with the fire of my own determination.

I closed the distance between us, my fist cocked back in a feint. Todoroki brought up a wall of ice, a shield to block my advance.

But I was already shifting, the Tandava guiding me into a spinning kick, my heel crashing into the frozen barrier with a resounding crack. The ice shattered, a thousand glittering shards exploding outwards, catching the light like diamonds.

Through the falling curtain of crystal, our eyes met. Green on gray, fire on ice, will against will.

In that moment, I saw something in Todoroki's gaze, something I had never seen before. A hint of uncertainty. Of fear.

Because for the first time, he was facing an opponent who could match him. Who could push him to his limits and beyond, who could force him to confront the very things he had been running from all his life.

"What a counter!" Present Mic crowed. "Midoriya meets Todoroki's ice head-on, shattering his defenses with a single, devastating kick!"

I heard Aizawa's voice, calm and analytical amidst the excitement. "Midoriya's control over his quirk has improved immensely. He's channeling his power with precision, minimizing the damage to himself while maximizing the impact on his opponent."

Todoroki's jaw clenched and the air around him seemed to shimmer, the temperature dropping even further as he unleashed another blast of ice, larger and faster than before.

I leaped, the Tandava carrying me high into the air, over the onrushing wave of frost. At the apex of my jump, I tucked into a roll, my body coiling like a spring.

Todoroki looked up, his eyes widening as he realized my intention. He raised his hands, a wall of ice surging upwards to meet me.

But he was too late. I uncoiled, my leg extending in a devastating axe kick. My heel struck the ice with the force of a meteorite, the shockwave of the impact sending cracks spiderwebbing through the barrier, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

I landed in a crouch, the shards of ice crashing down around me like a crystalline rainfall. Before me, Todoroki stood, his chest heaving, his breath misting in the frigid air.

"What power!" Present Mic's voice was almost lost in the roar of the crowd. "Midoriya's blows are like a force of nature, a tsunami of raw strength!"

"But Todoroki's not out yet," Aizawa interjected, his tone grave. "That ice he's using... it's not just for offense or defense. It's changing the terrain, altering the battlefield to his advantage. He's playing a long game."

I could see what Aizawa meant. The arena floor was a patchwork of ice and rubble now, the footing treacherous and uneven. Todoroki's masterful use of his quirk was turning the field into a frozen labyrinth, a maze of jagged protrusions and slick surfaces designed to throw me off balance, to slow me down.

But I'd faced worse challenges than a little ice. I'd danced through Sensei Kuro's brutal training exercises, had learned to find my balance on shifting sands and crumbling ledges.

I rushed forward, my feet finding purchase on the ice, my body twisting and spinning as I navigated the treacherous terrain. Todoroki matched me move for move, his quirk erupting in a constant barrage, a storm of frost and wind and shattering crystal.

We clashed again and again, our bodies blurring, our quirks roaring. Ice met kinetic force, cold met heat, stasis met motion. It was like the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object, a paradox given form, a contradiction made flesh.

"They're not even fighting anymore!" Present Mic's voice was hoarse, cracking with excitement. "They're dancing! A deadly, beautiful, breathtaking dance!"

"Don't be fooled," Aizawa warned. "This isn't just a display of skill. It's a battle of wills, a clash of ideals. The stakes here are higher than just a tournament victory."

Aizawa was right. With every strike, every parry, every desperate scramble and heart-stopping leap, I could feel it. The weight of everything this fight represented, everything it meant, not just to me and Todoroki, but to the world watching.

The ice was everywhere now, a shifting, treacherous landscape that stretched from one end of the arena to the other. Todoroki stood at its center, his breath coming in ragged gasps, his right side coated in a sheen of frost.

But I could see the toll this battle was taking. Todoroki's movements were slowing, his ice less precise, less controlled. He was pushing himself to the brink, drawing on reserves of power and endurance that were rapidly dwindling.

I knew I had to act, to seize this moment before it slipped away. The Tandava was a raging inferno within me. I could feel it building, feel the crescendo approaching. The heat of battle, the thrill of the dance, it was all coming to a head.

I saw Todoroki's next attack coming, saw the wave of ice racing towards me, jagged and gleaming and deadly. But this time, I didn't dodge. I didn't weave or spin or leap.

This time, I met it head-on.

I channeled the Tandava's power into my fist, focusing it, shaping it, until my hand was wreathed in flickering green flames. I could feel the heat of it, the raw, primal energy straining to be unleashed.

And as the ice closed in, as Todoroki's final, desperate assault bore down upon me...

I let it loose.


My fist slammed into the onrushing wave, the Tandava's fire roaring forth in a searing, blinding explosion. The ice shattered, melted, evaporated in an instant, the shockwave of my blow sending fragments flying in all directions.

And through the gap, through the path I had carved with my own power...

I saw Todoroki. Saw his eyes widen, saw his mouth open in a gasp of shock and disbelief.

The shockwave hit him like a runaway train, lifting him off his feet, hurling him back towards the edge of the ring. He crashed into his own ice, the barrier cracking and crumbling under the impact.

For a moment, he teetered there, his balance precarious, his body almost of bounds.

"WHAT A MOVE!" Present Mic's voice was a tsunami of sound, crashing over the stadium. "MIDORIYA BLASTS THROUGH TODOROKI'S ICE LIKE IT'S NOTHING! IS THIS THE END?"

The crowd was on their feet, their cries a deafening roar. I could feel their excitement, their disbelief, their awe at what they had just witnessed.

But I didn't take my eyes off Todoroki. Didn't dare to breathe, to blink, as he struggled to right himself, to pull himself back from the brink.

And then, with a final, wrenching effort, he did it. Ice shot from his foot, anchoring him to the arena floor just inches from the boundary line.

Todoroki stood there, his chest heaving, his eyes blazing with a mix of shock and defiance. Despite the frost clinging to his skin, despite the way his body trembled with exhaustion...

He looked more alive than I had ever seen him. More present, more engaged, more utterly, completely in the moment.

But there was something else there, too. A flicker of doubt, of hesitation, as if he was teetering on the edge of a realization he wasn't quite ready to face.

I couldn't let that doubt take hold. Couldn't let him slip back into the shadows of his father's legacy, not when he was so close to breaking free.

"Is that it, Todoroki?" I called out, my voice ringing across the battlefield. "Is this how you want your story to end? Shackled by your father's expectations, denying half of who you are?"

Todoroki's eyes widened, his breath catching in his throat. I could see the conflict raging within him, the war between the boy he had been and the man he could become.

"Your fire, your power... it's not his!" I yelled, pouring every ounce of conviction, of belief, into my words. "It's yours, Todoroki! Yours to command, yours to control, yours to use as you see fit!"

I took a step forward, my fist clenched, my gaze unwavering. "You get to choose, Todoroki. You get to decide what kind of hero you want to be, what kind of future you want to create."

For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. The crowd, the commentators, even the ice beneath our feet... everything was still, suspended, waiting for Todoroki's response.

And then, slowly, gradually, I saw it. A flicker of orange, a hint of heat, blooming to life on Todoroki's left side.

It started small, just a whisper of flame dancing along his fingertips. But as I watched, as the stadium watched, it grew. Spread. Engulfed his hand, his arm, the entire left half of his body.

The ice that had encased him began to melt, to steam, to evaporate under the onslaught of his rekindled fire. His clothes smoldered, his hair danced in the rising thermal currents, his skin glowed with the inner light of his reawakened power.

And his eyes... his eyes burned with a resolve, an unshakable sense of self that took my breath away.

"You're right, Midoriya," he said, his voice low but filled with a quiet, unassailable strength. "This fire... it's mine. My quirk, my choice, my path to walk."

He took a step forward, the flames whirling around him like a cloak, like a living testament to his unbreakable spirit. "And I choose to embrace it. To wield it, not as a tool of my father's ambition, but as an extension of my own will, my own dreams."

I felt a grin split my face, fierce and proud and brimming with a joy I could barely contain. Because this, right here... this was what I had been fighting for. What I had been pushing Todoroki towards, with every blow, every word, every clash of our quirks and our convictions.

"Then show me," I challenged, dropping into my stance once more, the Tandava surging within me in response to his unleashed flames. "Show me the hero you want to be, Todoroki. Show me your true power, your true self!"

Todoroki's answering grin was a thing of beauty, wild and bright and filled with a fire that had nothing to do with his quirk. "With pleasure, Midoriya."

And then he moved, his left side blazed like a miniature sun, his right crackled with a cold so intense it seemed to leach the very color from the air.

Fire and ice, in perfect harmony. Yin and yang, embodied in flesh and blood and the inexorable dance of battle.

I met his charge with a roar of my own.

We clashed in the center of the arena, an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. I could feel the heat of Todoroki's fire, the biting chill of his ice, the raw, elemental power of his fully unleashed quirk. But more than that, I could feel his resolve, his determination, his unbreakable will to forge his own path, to become the hero he was always meant to be.

But then, just as our powers reached their crescendo, just as the dance of flame and lightning reached its ultimate peak...

A wall of cement erupted between us, a desperate attempt by Cementoss to stop our clash before it could destroy the arena itself.

For a split second, I hesitated. The rational part of my mind, the part that understood the need for restraint, for control, urged me to pull back. To let the wall separate us, to end this battle before it escalated any further.

But the Tandava, the primal, unstoppable force that sang in my veins, would not be denied. And from the look in Todoroki's eyes, the fierce, unyielding blaze of his determination, I knew he felt the same.

And when our attacks met the wall, when the immovable object of Cementoss' creation collided with the unstoppable force of our combined might...

The world exploded.

A shockwave of fire and ice, of concrete and pure, unbridled force, burst outward from the point of impact. It slammed into me, lifting me off my feet, hurling me back towards the edge of the arena.

I felt the wind rush from my lungs, felt the searing heat of the flames and the biting cold of the shattered ice. But even as my body was battered, even as my senses were overwhelmed by the sheer, staggering power of the blast...

The Tandava held me fast. Guided my movements, honed my reflexes, allowed me to twist in midair, to land in a crouch just inches from the boundary line.

I stood, my chest heaving, my vision swimming. My shirt hung in tatters, my skin blistered and raw where the flames had licked at it. But I was standing. I was in bounds.

I had survived.

The dust began to settle, the smoke to clear. And as the arena came back into focus, as the ringing in my ears faded to a distant buzz...

I saw him.

Todoroki. Lying on his back, his body splayed across the rubble-strewn ground.

Outside the boundary line.

For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. The crowd, the commentators, even the very air itself... everything was still, suspended, waiting for the final verdict.

And then, Midnight's voice rang out, clear and decisive across the sudden, shocking silence.

"Shoto Todoroki is out of bounds! Izuku Midoriya wins!"

The crowd erupted, a tsunami of sound and emotion that crashed over me, through me, around me. Cheers and screams, applause and chants of my name, all blending together into a cacophony of pure, unadulterated excitement.

But I barely heard them. My focus, my entire being, was fixed on Todoroki. On the way he lay there, his chest rising and falling with the slow, steady rhythm of exhaustion.

On the way his eyes, when they finally fluttered open, met mine across the distance.

And in that gaze, in that moment of silent, profound connection...

I saw no bitterness. No resentment, no anger at the outcome of our battle.

Only acceptance. Respect. And a quiet, unshakable pride.

That this was not the end for Shoto Todoroki. That his journey, his evolution, his rise to become the hero he was always meant to be...

It was only just beginning.

I made my way over to him, my steps slow, measured. Each footfall sent a jolt of pain through my battered body, but I pushed it aside. This was more important.

When I reached him, I extended my hand. An offer, a gesture of respect and camaraderie.

Todoroki looked up at me, his expression unreadable. For a heartbeat, I wondered if he would refuse, if the old wounds, the old scars, ran too deep.

But then, slowly, a smile spread across his face. A true smile, a real smile, filled with a warmth and a contentment I had never seen in him before.

He reached up, clasping my hand in his. I pulled him to his feet and raised his arm up, the roar of the crowd washing over us, around us.

Todoroki had found his today. Had taken that first, critical step on the path to becoming the hero he was always meant to be.

And I... I had played a part in that journey. Had been there to light the way, to offer a hand, to stand beside him as he faced his demons and emerged stronger, brighter, more fully himself than ever before.

That, more than any trophy or title, was the true reward. The true meaning of being a hero, in every sense of the word.