
Merrick: God of Void and Infinity

Amid tens of thousands of bodies scattered everywhere, a young man with long white hair, wearing golden armor, looked at the last survivor of a race with completely cold eyes. The young man in armor placed the golden sword near the neck of the last survivor and smiled coldly. "Prince Asgardian you are a monster without emotion !!!" The last survivor screamed while fighting a lot, he looked at the young man in the golden armor with a deep hatred and continued to speak frantically: "You killed everyone, you didn't care if they were innocent children or even elderly people who couldn't defend themselves. You killed everyone and then set the bodies on fire! My planet is now raining ashes ..." Before the man finished speaking, the young man brandished the golden sword and the head of the last survivor parted from the body and the black blood splashed upward like a fountain. The young man did not care about the blood bathing his whole body and said murmuring to himself, "Finally this filthy world is silent." He lifted his head and saw the dark clouds in the starry sky. The ashes fell slowly from the sky, announcing the end of an entire race.

Archdukesol · Movies
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28 Chs

Chapter-25 Conversation between Brothers.

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Chapter-25 Conversation between Brothers.

On the same day, at night.

On a porch of the fortress, Odin looked at the dark clouds of Svartalfheim with a calm gaze.

"Enjoying the beautiful night on this filthy planet?"

Hearing the young, magnetic voice behind him, Odin glanced back and saw a young man with long white hair. He wore a black tunic with long sleeves.

In the young man's hands, there was a large jar and two gold cups inlaid with precious stones.

"Isn't that jar of Dad's favorite wine?" Odin asked with his lips lifted.

"Yes, I stole it from his wine cellar." Merric spoke sitting on the porch, he leaned against the wall and looked at the sky in silence.

Odin smiled and sat down next to Merric.

"It looks like you had a good day, you haven't left the room until now." Serving a glass to Merric, Odin spoke while taking a sip of one of Yggdrasil's rarest wines.

The taste was bitter and burned down his throat, but in the end only a warm, comfortable feeling warmed his body.

"She is a woman who is not easily satisfied." Merric replied to Odin with a smile.

"It seems that in this regard, Frigga is the same." Odin spoke with a big smile.

The two brothers looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

After a while of silence, Merric spoke "You will be king of Asgard, Odin."

He spoke as he downed the wine at once.

"That if you don't want the throne for yourself" Odin spoke with a playful smile.

"There is no chance that this will happen, I don't have the charm and devotion to Asgard that you have. Asgardians love you heartily and want to see you sitting on that golden throne, which belonged to our grandfather, our father and then will belong to you, Odin Burison. " Merric spoke, punching Odin in the chest.

"Have you thought about our future?" Odin did not answer and asked Merric seriously.

"Sure, I always think about our future." Merric said in a wistful tone, he raised his head and looked at those dark clouds, which prevented him from seeing the moon.

"Growing up, getting married, having children and one day, if fate allows, to die pleasantly." Odin spoke with a smile as he looked at Merric, who also smiled and said, "The way you are unlucky, your death will be very tragic, my brother."

"Damn! Are you cursed?" Odin shouted at Merric with a look full of anger and resentment.

"I only speak the truth, remember when I stole a treasure from our father's safe? You took the blame for being close to the scene. The other time, when I spied the goddesses taking a shower, they swore they saw you and not me. Admit it, brother, you're out of luck. " Merric replied in a nostalgic tone.

Odin had no arguments to answer, he knew it was true. Letting out a few helpless murmurs, he filled the glass and drank the wine like crazy.

"Today we are going to drink until one of us passes out!" Odin spoke fiercely, he looked at Merric with eyes full of provocation.

"Hump!" Odin did not answer and drank very fiercely

Late at night, when Odin and Merric were unconscious on the floor. Freyja appeared on the porch and saw the two hugging together on the floor.

Showing a funny smile, Feeyja covered them both with a sheet, then left in silence.

The next morning, feeling someone poking him, Merric opened his eyes, confused and sleepy.

Seeing a blurred silhouette in front of him, Merric woke up completely.


Seeing who the blurred silhouette was, Merric gave a pitiful look and greeted his father with a hard smile.

At this moment.

"Brother, let's steal another jar from our father's wine cellar, that wine was too good." Lying still on the floor and eyes closed. Odin spoke in a weak, soft voice. Clearly still drunk.

"Oh ~ my wine cellar?" Borr looked at his two sons and said with a cold smile.

"It was Odin who stole the wine jar and asked me to drink with him." Seeing Borr's cold eyes, Merric quickly betrayed Odin and said everything with a face full of regret.

"I know, you are my exemplary son, only Odin could do something like that." Borr spoke, stroking Merric's white hair, who showed a grateful look and quickly ran.

'Odin, you are the big brother, you have to take the blame for me.' Merric thought as he looked at Odin with pity, but that pity was soon replaced by a refreshing relief.

Moments later, a few screams sounded throughout the fortress.


"You dare to steal from me! It looks like I didn't hit you enough when you were little."

"I swear, it wasn't me! It was Merric!"

"Now you speak lies!"



Hearing Borr and Odin's exalted screams, Merric accelerated his steps and ran towards his room, while praying for Odin's well-being.

At breakfast, Odin's handsome face was swollen and bruised in his eyes. He looked at Merric with a look full of fury and betrayal.

Merric ignored it and ate without caring about Odin's eyes constantly falling on him. Freyja beside him, just shook his head, murmured to himself.

"So immature."

"Odin, you don't have to go back to the border in Vanaheim, stay and command Asgard's silver army against these dark elves. Merric, you will be Odin's deputy commander." Wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin, Borr spoke with a serious look.

"Yes father." X2, Merric and Odin responded at the same time.

The same day, with Odin leading Asgard's main army. The Asgardians ceaselessly attacked the dark elves who constantly retreated with serious and disastrous losses.

Merric also received orders from Odin.

Complete purge of all cities and towns in Svartalfheim.