
Merrick: God of Void and Infinity

Amid tens of thousands of bodies scattered everywhere, a young man with long white hair, wearing golden armor, looked at the last survivor of a race with completely cold eyes. The young man in armor placed the golden sword near the neck of the last survivor and smiled coldly. "Prince Asgardian you are a monster without emotion !!!" The last survivor screamed while fighting a lot, he looked at the young man in the golden armor with a deep hatred and continued to speak frantically: "You killed everyone, you didn't care if they were innocent children or even elderly people who couldn't defend themselves. You killed everyone and then set the bodies on fire! My planet is now raining ashes ..." Before the man finished speaking, the young man brandished the golden sword and the head of the last survivor parted from the body and the black blood splashed upward like a fountain. The young man did not care about the blood bathing his whole body and said murmuring to himself, "Finally this filthy world is silent." He lifted his head and saw the dark clouds in the starry sky. The ashes fell slowly from the sky, announcing the end of an entire race.

Archdukesol · Movies
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28 Chs

Chapter-24 Meeting (part 3)

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Chapter-24 Meeting (part 3)

"I came on my own. I left Tyr in charge of the Border in Vanaheim and came to discuss some private matters with our father." Odin spoke with an embarrassed look, mostly being stared at by Freyja's bright eyes.

Knowing the future, Merric guessed the reason for Odin's coming, but feigned ignorance and said with an amused look. "If our mother finds out ..."

"She won't." Odin spoke with a little uncertainty, if Bestla finds out ...

Just thinking about it, Odin felt his body cool and a touch of fear reflected in his blue eyes.

"Do you want help with your private affairs?" Glancing at Odin, Merric asked with a playful look.

Seeing the looks of Freyja and Merric, Odin knew that they had already guessed his purpose and said reluctantly. "Her name is Frigga, Freyja's older sister and Vanaheim's first princess."

"I knew it!" Freyja spoke with a big smile on his face. She never imagined that her older sister would fall in love with her husband's brother.

"The fate is really strange. Who would have thought you were going to marry the sister of the woman I love." Odin spoke as he let out a helpless breath.

"The fate is always strange, he treads his way over all other laws, regardless of anything." Merric spoke with a smile on his face.

"So, when are you going to tell our father? And also to Njord. He lost his two daughters in less than a year, surely he will be furious when he finds out. Especially when he finds out that his two daughters have fallen in love with his brother's sons. " Merric asked Odin with an amused look. Just thinking about Njord's face at that moment, he just wants to laugh at the face of this naive sea god.

"I know ..." Odin rubbed his forehead with a complicated look and said helplessly. He looked at Merric and Freyja holding their hands together with a little envy. He also wanted to be like this with the woman he loves.

"We are not going to worry about that at the moment, we have a war to resolve before." Freyja spoke with a serious look. Although her family matters are important, she knows that war is even more important.

If Asgard is defeated, Toda Yggdrasil will be covered once again with darkness before the start. At that moment, there will be no place for other races to live in this dark and gloomy universe.

"You don't have to worry about that, the dark Elven empire is doomed to collapse and we Asgardians will be winners once again." Merric replied with an icy smile and a cold look.

"Did you have a prediction dream?" Odin asked in surprise. Although rare, some gods that are not related to prophecy can vaguely predict his death and future events.

"Yes." Merric responded by taking a sip of mead. Of course, he didn't have a dream of prediction, but he only knew about the future.

Beside Merric, Freyja frowned and glanced at her husband. She clearly felt that his words were almost true. Only the part of the prediction dream that was a lie. But soon she returned to normal and drank the mead cup with an elegant and sensual smile.

"Since the dark elves are going to lose the war it is better to exterminate the entire race." When everyone was silent, Odin spoke with a serious look.

Unlike the old Odin, Odin was young now and there was no hesitation in his words.

"I agree, better to exterminate this Yggdrasil breed." Merric was the first to agree, he would not be soft-hearted for a race that wants to destroy his home.

"But what about the innocent? Svartalfheim like any other planet has its social divisions, civilians who did not participate in the war, deserve to die?" Freyja spoke with a little fear. Killing innocent beings so cruelly was never something she wanted.

"Freyja, this is the truth of the universe. The fort has the power of everything. Do you think that if it were the black elves who won the war, they would do what with Vanaheim and Asgard? They would allow future threats to grow to threaten their dominance in the future?" Merric spoke holding Freyja's hand. He had forgotten that Freyja is only nineteen, she still has a lifetime to fully mature.

Freyja, it is not about right or wrong, it is about what we must do to bring security to our home. No matter how cruel we are, and for the sake of our home. "Merric continued to speak calmly.

"I know it's my naiveté, but I still can't stand the idea of ​​genocide on an entire race, just because his king is crazy." Freyja said with a bitter smile.

"Okay, you don't have to do anything. Remember? I am the darkness and you are my light. In that moment, let me fulfill my role with your darkness." Merric spoke softly kissing Freyja's forehead. He gently stroked her delicate face and showed a serious look.

"Freyja…" Merric spoke looking into Freyja's eyes

"Merric…" Freyja spoke looking Merric in the eyes.

Feeling sweet in the air, Odin felt bitter and wanted his wife to be with him right now.

"Ok, enough of that!" Seeing the two of them about to kiss, Odin couldn't take it anymore and hit the table taking Merric and Freyja out of their own world.

"By the gods, I never imagined that I would see the god of emptiness speaking with such a sweet and gentle voice in life." Odin grunted in a bitter and resentful mood.

"Sorry, I got a little carried away." Merric spoke with an embarrassed smile.

Freyja just lowered her head and took a sip of Mead, but even so, she couldn't hide the pink cheeks that looked more like two juicy apples.

"I'm going to say goodbye, I have to talk about Frigga with our father." Odin spoke getting up from the chair and without even waiting for Merric and Freyja to answer something, he left the room.

"It looks like we made he jealous." Freyja spoke with a funny smile.

"Yes, but I think we should continue where we left off." Merric spoke pulling Freyja onto his lap, his eyes were hot and passionate with so much desire that he was feeling at that moment.

"We've done it all night, are you still not satisfied !?" Freyja asked a little incredulously.

"How can I be satisfied married to the most beautiful star in Yggdrasil?" Merric replied as he patted Freyja's soft buttocks.

"Liar, there are many more beautiful goddesses than me." Even saying that, her red lips lifted with happiness

"None of them reach your feet, their beauty eclipses even the most beautiful landscape of the nine worlds." Merric spoke skillfully as he gently kissed her white, delicate neck.

"You won, let's go to the bedroom." Freyja spoke with a happy smile.