
Merrick: God of Void and Infinity

Amid tens of thousands of bodies scattered everywhere, a young man with long white hair, wearing golden armor, looked at the last survivor of a race with completely cold eyes. The young man in armor placed the golden sword near the neck of the last survivor and smiled coldly. "Prince Asgardian you are a monster without emotion !!!" The last survivor screamed while fighting a lot, he looked at the young man in the golden armor with a deep hatred and continued to speak frantically: "You killed everyone, you didn't care if they were innocent children or even elderly people who couldn't defend themselves. You killed everyone and then set the bodies on fire! My planet is now raining ashes ..." Before the man finished speaking, the young man brandished the golden sword and the head of the last survivor parted from the body and the black blood splashed upward like a fountain. The young man did not care about the blood bathing his whole body and said murmuring to himself, "Finally this filthy world is silent." He lifted his head and saw the dark clouds in the starry sky. The ashes fell slowly from the sky, announcing the end of an entire race.

Archdukesol · Movies
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28 Chs

Chapter-26 Complete Purge.

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Chapter-26 Complete Purge.

In a small village, full of bodies scattered on the ground, black blood ran down the floor creating a small stream of blood. The walls were stained with blood creating a still brutal and terrifying look for the village.

The young man in golden armor and long white hair, walked on the bodies without caring about any of it, there were traces of blood on the golden armor and on his cheek.

The sword in his hand dripped fresh blood on the floor.

"Prince Merric, all the dark elves have been executed." An Asgardian in black armor came close to Merric and reported the whole situation of the Village.

"Okay, let's go to the next village." Merric nodded with satisfaction and spoke coolly to the black-armored Asgardian.

This black armor belonged to Asgard's death squad, only the bravest warriors bathed in the blood of war could enter Asgard's deadliest squad.

Odin gave the orders and several death squads faithfully carried out their prince's orders. The future king of Asgard did not have a soft heart, he was decisive and deadly.

In charge of the purge operation was Merric. He was responsible for commanding death squads, and he did.

"My prince, there are no more villages, only cities remain." The black-armored Asgardian said coldly.

"Dead numbers?" Merric asked, frowning.

"567,489 dead, Prince Merric," the Asgardian replied with a nonchalant look.

"From orders to burn the bodies, make this planet a planet of dead ashes." Merric spoke with a nonchalant look.

"Your orders are an inviolable decree, Prince Merric." The Asgardian hit his chest and said coldly.

Merric nodded and watched in silence, the dead bodies of the dark elves being swallowed by the flames.

"It is the beginning of the ruin of the dark elves." With a whisper from him, Merric took one last look at the burning village and turned to leave. The death squad followed Merric in silence.

Fortress of the dark elves.

"My king, at that moment, our people cry out in pain and mourn the loss of loved ones. But you ignore the cries for help from our countrymen and do nothing!" Kneeling on the floor, Algrim shouted at Malekith sitting on the throne.

"Our people will be the shield used to delay the Asgardians. Their sacrifice will not be in vain." Without even looking at Algrim, Malekith said as he kept his eyes closed. The cold, indifferent voice shocked Algrim deeply.

Malekith was not talking about any other race, but about the dark elves, the very people he was supposed to protect.

For the first time, Algrim looked at his king as if he were a madman.

Without speaking, he got up and left the throne room without saying a word, there was only a spark of determination in Algrim's eyes.

Walking through the flames, Merric looked at the burning city with indifference.

Different from the villages, cities had more inhabitants and more defenses, the death squad had complications to break the defenses of the dark elves.

The dark elves' protective spells were particularly difficult to break. Fortunately, there was Merric to break the magical barriers protecting the entire city.

But there was no Merric in the other cities, so the fight between the dark elves and the Asgardians was even more difficult.

After the defenses of the city that Merric besieged were broken, Asgard's elite invaded the city without mercy or benevolence. They were weapons made to exterminate, and that was what they were doing, exterminate all the dark elves in the city.

Ignoring the fire around him, Merric walked over the charred bodies with an emotionless look.

But suddenly, there was a sudden change in the situation.

A figure went through the flames and ran towards Merric with frightening speed. The figure's cold daggers cut through the air and went towards Merric's neck.

Merric only had time to dodge the cold daggers by just inches from his neck.

In the next moment, Merric drew his golden sword and attacked the figure, but the figure had long since retreated.

Merric finally saw the figure's appearance. It was a woman with dark skin and white hair, there were two daggers in the woman's hands.

"Why are you attacking us? We were neutral in war." The black elf spoke in Asgardian, there was a feeling of regret and hatred in her voice.

"You ask why? But this is a war between races fighting for the supremacy of the universe, there is no reason, it is that simple." Showing a sarcastic smile, Merric spoke with a look full of intent to kill. He continued to say, "We are going to exterminate your race and that's it."

Merric's cold, cruel words made the woman's body shudder. She clenched her teeth and held the trembling daggers firmly.

"There were innocent children and the elderly who could not defend themselves, but you ordered the death of everyone with a single word, you are an emotionless monster." The woman said with a look full of hate and pain. She was in pain for not helping those children who asked for help.

"Yes, if it is to protect my home, I will become an emotionless monster. If I need to exterminate an entire race to keep Asgard safe, I will do that. It is my duty to the prince and husband." Merric spoke to the woman while around him the red flames devoured the dead bodies.

"My name is Iona, I will send your soul to the world of the dead." Woman did not want to argue anymore and spoke as she magically disappeared from Merric's sight.

Merric cautiously looked around and was ready for any surprise attack. Out of concern, he opened several cracks in the void, but they were invisible.



Two daggers appeared in front of Merric and cut the air as they traveled at a frightening speed. It seemed certain that the Prince the Asgardian would die for her daggers.

Iona seeing this showed a happy look, but soon noticed Merric's calm look. Suddenly, an extremely dangerous feeling rang in her mind, she wanted to step back, but when she took a step back.

She didn't notice the small crack in the void behind her. A golden blade came out of the crack and pierced her heart deeply.

An agonizing pain in her chest made Iona's body stiffen completely. Looking at the golden blade going through her heart, Iona wanted to say something, but the infinite flow of black blood running down her mouth, prevented her from saying anything.

Merric said nothing and drew the bloodstained sword from Iona's heart.

Soon, Iona's lifeless body fell to the floor, her eyes were still open, clearly showing emotions before death. Resentment, hatred and disbelief were reflecting in those lifeless eyes.