
Meanie Me!

An ancient vampire and his ex lover met again but cannot remember each other. Should be a funny, scared and dramatic encounter . Would their story be repeat again in the past or should be different this time. With many characters involve would their feelings be the same again or it would be different this present. Our Zilan and Kiara story. HOPE YOU ENJOY♥️❤️

bubble_tea05 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Meanie Me!

Kiara is pouting and having a selfpity. Chicken deeply sigh because after all Kiara is still a fourteen years old teenager who grow up to be rich, it is not her fault that she grew up to be an heiress resulting for her being mean. " How about I tell you a cheat code? " Chicken said. Kiara have it's attention now. " If you manage to face your fears, something good will happen. " Chicken said to lighten her mood. " But it is a literal vampire? What fear should I face? That thing can kill me in an instant. If you only see how he is that time. " Kiara is not convince at all. " Maybe I will even die before going back to my world if I will go back to the academy. " she complain pitifully. " Okay Fine. I will tell you a secret. Your body is special so nothing will happen even if somebody wants to kill you..." Chicken said in a serious way. " How could this be special? See? I am eating soup everyday , I do not even have enough nutrition in my body . How am I special? " Kiara is not convince. " Chicken be patient ! She is just a kid! " Chicken wants to hit Kiara's head with its beak but it contolled itself. " How about this, Blue Blood academy is a big place, do you have magic so we cannot meet each other with that vampire thing? " Kiara is expecting. " You know that is impossible yeah? " Chicken said. " I want to go home soon.... " Kiara is helpless. Kiara decided not to attend the second exam even if she passed.

But one day her mother personally receives a golden envelope. It is a welcome letter saying that she is officially now a permanent student of Blue Blood Academy. It says in the letter that if she will not attend the academy , they will fine her billions. Kiara' s eyes went wide as she see the amount. But her parents are very happy not knowing about her fears. Kiara just close her lips tight to hide her disbelief of what is happening right now.

Early in the morning, a limousine come to pick Kiara in front of their house. Her mother is now crying because of happiness and her father is smiling. After a minute , the person who come to pick her up in none other than the boy whom she saw in the library. Kiara want to go inside the house but it is too late. The boy get her bag and happily greet her parents. He is still wearing a white tuxedo that whoever see him, he looks like a prince that only be seen in a book. " But the reality is.... he is the dangerous creature in the book. " Kiara thought. " Hello aunti and uncle. I am a friend of Kiara. I will now personally pick her up because she is now officially a one student of Blue Blood Academy. " Zilan said while smiling brightly. The mother of Kiara is crying while the father of Kiara is hugging her. " I cannot believe that she will make a friend in such a short of time. Kiara, take care of yourself okay? " Mrs. Francez said. " But---- But----" Kiara cannot say a thing because Zilan immediately pull her in the limousine.

Inside the limousine, Zilan is sitting with his leg crossed on the other one while he is drinking a red liquid. Kiara who is swallowing her saliva is sitting across him, she is hugging her bag tightly as if her life depends on it. She can hear her heart pounding and her breathing is slowly but deep. The fangs of Zilan now did not show, his eyes is now normal and his smile is bright as the sun.

" Relax. I will not bite you. " Zilan said. His eyes is now staring into her eyes and his smile faded. He became serious. Kiara reminded of her past in the cave and is now having a panic attack.

Zilan can hear her abnormal breath, her deep breaths of suffering and now her heart is beating faster than usual. He knew she is not faking it. Zilan's instict come first of saving someone's life. He went beside her and hold the her neck. He push her neck toward his face and then he put his lips on her lips.

" Did he just kissed me?!?!!!!The heck!!" Kiara is cursing on her mind but she cannot do anything because of her panick attack. But then she felt a cold wind passing through her mouth going to her throat then after a minute, her heart calm down. Her breath is slowly going back to normal. Kiara stare to his eyes that is now red . She push him hit him with her bag that she is holding. " Did you just kissed me?!?!?!?! And you even have a girlfriend!?!?!?!?!" Kiara is hitting him.

Zilan is surprise actually. The scene should be romantic but why does he feel like he is some kind of a cheating boyfriend who is kissing another girl.

Kiara go to opposite of him to avoid him. She is now side eyeing him for what he did. " Even if you save my life. Our lips touch so it is still a kiss! You-- agh... ! " Kiara said upset. " How dare him kiss me! I am the heiress of the Francez family is kissed by some cheap vampire creature!!? This is a scandal!!! " Kiara is wiping her lips with her clothes.

Zilan was supposed to explain but seeing her react like that, he cannot believe it. All the girls he met are trying so hard to get his attention, even if just touch his used clothes is a big privelege for them. But why would a mere poor girl will wipe her lips for his touch. " I even save her life! " Zilan thought.

"Let's go to business. You are here now because of what you saw that day, incase you forget. I will let you sign a waver that if you will say any word about that incident ,you will fine a billion. " Zilan is now speaking like an adult. " What is wrong with you?! I even don't want to enter the academy because of you! And now you are trying to get me in , just to spy on me? " Kiara is irritated on his logic. " Well, it is easier to spy on you when you are in my terrutory than out of it right? " Zilan said. " Why not kill me instead then? " Kiara slip out of her mouth. " Oh now that you told me to? What do you want? Is it the smooth way or the painful way to kill you? " Zilan smile in a devilish way. Kiara realise too late what she have said but she cannot undo it. " Where is the paper? I will just sign it." Kiara is force to tell while seeing down. " Why is everything here is about signing and everything ?!?!" Kiara thought.

The signing is done in a peaceful way and Kiara takes a nap . When she wakes up, she is now infront of the house where she used to live to in her original world.