
Meanie Me!

An ancient vampire and his ex lover met again but cannot remember each other. Should be a funny, scared and dramatic encounter . Would their story be repeat again in the past or should be different this time. With many characters involve would their feelings be the same again or it would be different this present. Our Zilan and Kiara story. HOPE YOU ENJOY♥️❤️

bubble_tea05 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Meanie Me!

Kiara sneakily went to the diffirent direction where there is a secret passage going to the library of the building. " Since it is the next destination, there is no harm to visit it! " Kiara thought. In the end of the hallway there is a statue holding a candle , she move the candle in a sequence and "Voila! " Kiara thought as a part of blocks went in and create a door for someone to walk. She is slowly walking and remembering how is still the same in her world. After half an hour , she came to the end of the secret passage. She sneeze as dust is going inside her nose.

Some of the books are covered because it is old and the new books are in the bookshelves. One of the amazing part of the academy is their library, it is a three level building that have all the books that is needed. The old books that is rare and the new one that cannot be found. This place is her comfort , she sleeps here alone , she is going to this place to think in her original place. She is walking gently when she heard a moan. Kiara is curious who this might be? For all she knew, she is the only person who literally can stay here for long.

Her eyes widened when she see a boy who she think is the same age as her. This boy is holding a girl in a bridal way who is unconscious. Kiara is more surprised when she see the girls neck , it has a two little whole where blood is leaking . And the worst part is, the boy who is holding the girl , his lips is red because of a liquid on it. A red liquid is flowing from his mouth going down to his chin. He is wearing a white tuxedo ,that is why the red liquid can be seen in it.

Kiara is frightened that she cannot even move her body to hide. The boy who just seems to be drinking blood before she came is now locking his gaze to her. Kiara blink because she felt something wind passing through her eyes. The boy who is still there is now confuse why his ability is not working on her. His eyebrow burrows as he is repeating it again , but is still not working.

Zilan is now weak because he transfer almost of his powers to Abigail who is sick. He felt the presence of someone and he is not wrong. A girl is now staring at him. He knew this will cause trouble so he wanted to erase her memories. But when he is trying to invade her memory about her seeing them , he cannot find it , it is blank. He tried again and again but it didn't work still. He is now weak and have no time to deal with the girl , especially that Abigail is here. " If I will kill her now, it will be troublesome ..." he thought. His eyes now are becoming dizzy.

" It is impossible! A vampire! A vampire! What the heck is this world?!!" Kiara thought while swallowing her saliva and regaining herself. She is planning now to run in the bright side of the library where the other examinees will appear soon as she hear the noise coming from the outside of the door. " One! Two! Three! " she count in her head and immediately run as fast as she can going to the direction of the examinees who are now inside the library. She manage to blend with them and not to be noticed. Her eyes then follow the direction where she came from and she is relax now thinking that she have escaped a dangerous situation.

At home ,Kiara cannlt sleep of what she saw. Everytime she close her eyes, she is reminded of the scene she saw in the Blue Blood Academy and it makes her skin crawl and shiver. " What is wrong with you?!Can't you just sleep like a normal person?! " Chicken is complaining. " Chicken I saw a vampire!! A vampire!! Am I crazy ?!!? They don't exist !! " Kiara said while holding her cheeks. " Oh? So you meet one? " Chicken is not surprise at all . " What do you mean I saw one???!!!" Kiara is unbelievably shaking her head. " I always told you! This world is diffirent than your original world.." Chicken is now yawning. Kiara's eyes are now big " WHAT THE HECK!! SO THIS IS WHAT YOU MEAN?!?!WHY DID YOU NOT EXPLAIN TO ME IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!" Kiara is loud. " Shshshshs... Your parent's are sleeping... Well , because of the petitions , you are here in the world where most of the things are not normal. All your fears, you must face it. This is your karma after all. " Chicken explain while closing its eyes as if not interested in her. " Out of all things ? Vampires? Really? I am afraid of fangs! Now, I am not even surprise when I will meet a werewolf! " Kiara said .

...Kiara World...

Kiara can hear the kidnappers that tied her hands and put a blindfold on her eyes. " After we get the money then we can feed her to the wolfs and bats . We are here in the mountains anyway , a cave that no one can find us. Her father is super rich, he will immediately pay the ransom. " one voice of the kidnapper. Kiara is scared , she can hear a howl and all she can do is to cry. She is only six years old at that time.

After how many hours , Kiara can her gunshots but she cannot even yell because the kidnappers put a piece of cloth on her mouth. She is very thirsty and weak. She cannot even stand, she think she will die at that time. Then she feels that her blindfold is loosening, she open her eyes and see a red eyes and a black thing flying then landed above her head. It is a bat squeaking , Kiara cannot yell but she is scared. She is shaking her head violently that she hit a stone , her forehead is now bleeding. The bat on the floor squeaks so loud and fly going out of the cave then all of the bats followed it squeaking also. Kiara is so terrified of this experience that she needs to be taken to the psychologist. From this day onward she never like pets, any animal who have fangs that reminded her of the howl of the werewolves and red eyes of the bats or any other flying animals.

....Mirror World...

" I don't think I want to go back to that place anymore ,Chicken. " Kiara don't have enough sleep. Chicken deeply sigh. " So you will stay here ? In this world? " Chicken said. " But.... but is there any other way ? I can stay here outside. I will be good to everyone I promise! " Kiara said even raising her fingers to make a promise. " Actually , I am not the one deciding everything but it is the system. Even if you will not go now, something will happen that will make you go. So don't wait for it to happen. Make your parents happy, honestly your chart of goodness is not yet filled even with a little points. And this chance, making your parents happy here can fill it. That is , if you want to go back as soon as possible. " Chicken said.