
Meanie Me!

An ancient vampire and his ex lover met again but cannot remember each other. Should be a funny, scared and dramatic encounter . Would their story be repeat again in the past or should be different this time. With many characters involve would their feelings be the same again or it would be different this present. Our Zilan and Kiara story. HOPE YOU ENJOY♥️❤️

bubble_tea05 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Meanie Me!

" Who are you? " Kiara is surprise when she enter the house of Emy that day when they don't have class. " Brother! You are scaring her! " Emy said behind the tall teenager guy who asked who is she. Kiara eyes is now twinkling and becoming heart. "Kiara, this is my brother Khurt. He is in grade 11 and is currently studying in Blue Blood Academy. " Emy is introducing her to him . Khurt smile and he is with braces that makes him more cute in Kiara's eyes. " Why did I not see him in my original world ,Chicken?!" Kiara whisper. " Probably in your world, you are already rich and never have a tutor job? How can you meet him?" Chicken answer. Emy holds her arm and pull Kiara in her room. " Tadaaa....! " Emy show the invitation paper in her hands that she is holding. " With your grades and some money tricks, you can now join for the entrance exam of the Blue Blood Academy. !" Emy is now hugging Kiara who is not shock. " Well... I don't know if I want to enter the academy..." Kiara whisper enough for Emy to hear. " But I thought it is your dream? " Emy is confuse. " Whether you like it or not, you need to go. " Chicken appear out of the sudden. " It can make your parents happy here, meaning you can finally start ti fill your chat in doing good. Remember your mission? " Chicken said. " I mean. I am happy. It's just that it makes me sad to leave my parents . " Kiara smile awkward. " Don't worry I will always check on them okay? " Emy said with assurance. Kiara stare at her. " What? Is there something on my face? " Emy ask while touching her forehead. " You know what , you are good. " Kiara smile. " Because you are also good. " Emy answer. " In my world I never had a real friend. All of them are just by my side because of my father. " Kiara thought.

.....In the other world....

Kiara is passing through the corridor to surprise Betty because it is her birthday. They are both in grade 6 and today is a family day, Kiara see at the corner of the corridor that Betty and her father were speaking very seriously . She thought that she can help Betty if she is in trouble because it seems that her father is scolding her. She hides at one corner of the hall , enough distance for her to hear what they are talking about. And besides today is Betty's birthday so she thought of giving her an expensive gift. " Stop crying! " the father of Betty scolds. " But father... I don't want to be friends with her anymore, she is so mean and rude .... she is disrespectful to everyone and I am afraid of Kiara." Betty is sobbing. " You need to endure it a little bit! The project is not signed yet by Mr. Francez, he is very happy when he see the picture of you and her daughter! Smiling and playing with her can make your future stable Betty, believe me! " the father of Betty said. " Now, I will give you this expensive gift okay? Give it to her and make sure she will receive it. I am sure if her father will see that she is wearing it , it will be reminded of my company... I put the logo of my company in this bracelet. " her father said while giving her the box that has a gold decoration.Betty force herself to smile and get the box while wiping her tears. " Don't worry I will buy you your favorite doll if you will make this right ,okay?" her father said and Betty just nod. Kiara who heard all is now turning her back to the garbage and put her gift in it, the person she trusted, the person whom she called her best friends. She was hurt too much.

.....Mirror World.....

Kiara is reading her invitation paper while her parents are sleeping. " What are you thinking ? I am afraid you are planning evil especially when you silent like this. " Chicken speaks. " I will again enter that academy where I almost live my whole life. Did you know Chicken? That academy is very rich that they have houses for their students to live inside of it and I am one of them. I remember during the vacation season where we are supposed to visit our home, I never did because I know my parents are never home. They are busy traveling that I don't even remember when did we last saw each other. Now , I will go back again. I don't know what is the diffirence this time." Kiara said." Why not just go since fate is the one working for you. You are still young , you have too far to go to do good. " Chicken said then close its eyes.

Kiara already inform her parents about the day of the entrance exam and they were so happy about it that her mother cried again .

It is the day of the entrance exam and Kiara did not expect how far is the academy from their village. She is now at the gate showing her invitation to the guard, almost thousand of students are now lining up. " This shows how powerful this academy is..." Kiara thought. One lady wearing an eyeglass guide them to one building for all of them to take the exam . All the student's are amaze how big,wide and beautiful inside the Blue Blood Academy is. " It is the same as I remember..." Kiara thought.

Kiara and all the students enter in one white building where all chairs are prepared for them to sit down. " Find your chair according to your number. " The lady with the eyeglasses who guide them said with a microphone. After an hour , the exam started. " We a CCTV camera here as you can see, those who are cheating will be automatically disqualified. And for those who are qualified, we will be scheduling you for the next exam until third , the final exam. " the lady continues. " This is the first exam so you can take as many hour as you want to check and answer your paper. But for the next exam we have a timing and for the last exam is the verbal exam which will be question and answer on the spot. Goodluck and the time starts now. " the lady said. " Strange... I did not meet this lady in my original world, it seems there are new character that I will meet soon. " Kiara thought.

After the exam , Kiara and the other examinees ride a bus and got a tour of the land of the Blue Blood Academy. When they are in the dormitory, the tour guide let them walk inside the wide and big dormitory as if they are tourist. All of them are amazed and is really happy as this is their first time seeing the inside of the prestigious Blue Blood Academy.

Kiara is not suprise at all because she knew every corner of it, even if she will be blindfolded she knew how many stairs and even the secret passage of the whole building. " Secret passage? hmmm... Is it still stere? " Kiara is thinking something naughty. " I might as well visit it while I am here! " she thought.