
MCU: The Ghosts of Marvel

WARNING: This is a slow phase novel with MCU and some elements of comics combined. This may contain scenes not appropriate for children if you know what I mean, you men of culture and this is a harem. I will try to limit the number of the MC's lovers and lastly, although main world is Marvel, I overlapped some movies in it to make it more interesting. This is my work and some changes are necessary so don't expect it will match what will happen in the comics and movie all the time. I will try my best to make it accurate as possible. I do not own any characters of Marvel and Movies mentioned except the MC. DISCLAIMER: You are not forced to read this novel and this is my first work so if you find that this doesn't suit your taste, feel free to proceed to the next book in your archive... yeah that's right, that's a good boy...hehe Intro: A bored Otaku is playing an mmorpg while watching a movie in his computer when a lightning struck him through his window causing his death. When he thought that this was the end, he was suddenly reborn in the Marvel movie he is watching when he died. As asual with perks of many of his kind, for some reason a system fused with him with the function of an mmorpg containing the movies listed on his computer. With this, the life of a bored Otaku becomes interesting and dangerous all of a sudden. However, he was reborn as a baby and to make the matter much worse, he has been left in an orphanage. Follow Faust Valentine on his adventures, decisions and the path he is going to take in this crazy world full aliens, gods and cosmic entities.

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49 Chs

Chapter 5 - Shitty System

Days gone by quickly. Faust has already integrated into the Valentine Family.

In the past three months that he has been in this villa, he was already enjoying his life with his parents.

Aside from getting a daily lesson with Sebastian, he also helped with the ranch tending the horses. The lessons and subjects during the study was easy for him since he already knew most of it. As part of the perks of being a reincarnator, he can perfectly recall the memories in his past life like a photographic memory. Even the memories in his younger days, every details of the movies he watched, or pages and paragraphs of the book he read.

On the first few days of the study, Sebastian was shocked when he gave him quizes and tests because he always ace them. Well, except for History. He even purposedly included questions that can only be taught in highschool but he still Faust answers them perfectly. But then he remembered the time when his Master, John told him he is a genius, he gradually learn to get used to it.

As for history? Who reads that? For him it was boring as hell. He always fall asleep whenever Sebastian teach this topic to him so he only learn little. Enough to learn and pass his current grade.

Faust even asked his father to gain access to his study room. When he asked why, Faust said he had some interests on the books inside. Ever since he discovered that he have a photographic memory, he became obsessed reading books trying to learn everything he could. He doesn't know but his instincts are telling him to do so. His father allowed him, but only to read the books.

Now, he is just continuing his study for formality and Sebastian only chatted with him regarding the subjects covered within the scope of his educational tier, just to make sure no subjects was missed. Sebastian knows that Faust's educational knowledge is much more advanced just by chatting with him. As for how advanced, he doesn't know.

The only thing that he wasn't interested in reading, aside from history, was the newspapers. He was confident enough that he knows the big events that are going to happen in the next few years like, the millennium bug, the 9/11 incident and the war after with Iraq.

Another reason is because he doesn't read newspapers at all. Even in his past life, where there's a Social Media and news was just one click away. It was a habit he brought back from his former self. Now that it is only year 1989 and internet wasn't commercialized yet, he brought the habit of not checking it.

Aside from studying, what he always do is fool around the villa with George and they play a lot during free time. They even got a unique communication between them as Faust was able to train a few certain commands to George.

He also didn't forget to visit the orphanage and help the old lady Matilda every Sunday.


One morning around ten o'clock, Faust heard a commotion outside the villa. He hurried towards the front entrance with George and saw some men lifting something from the truck, down towards them.

He saw Sebastian and asked,"What's going on Uncle Seb?"

Sebastian looked at him and greeted him, "Good morning, young master Faust. Sir and Madame brought something to the mansion today. They are just talking with the head of the delivery."

Then he saw his Father John walking towards them, "Good morning, Son. I brought you something interesting. This is a surprise for you too. Well you see, we already have this thing in our other properties but I noticed that we haven't had one in this villa yet."

"This thing is called a television where you can watch moving pictures. And this thing is even an advanced one. Not yet out in the market."

Faust almost rolled his eyes. Of course he knows what a television is but in order to not disappoint his father, he just wore a surprised expression.

'Come to think of it, I didn't notice this before, but we really don't have a TV here. Maybe I was just too much having fun or am I too obsessed in reading?' He pondered while the delivery guys brought their equipment inside.

"Let them set up the cables and we're all set." His Father said while observing workers.


A few minutes later, the cables are all set and the TV was mounted in the living room.

They sat down on their comfy sofa and let Sebastian turn on the TV. He then passed the remote control over to John.

"This thing is pretty advanced, you can change the channel using the buttons here in this small square thing. They said it was called a remote controller." John explained while changing the channel and finally settled on the News.

Just now the field reporter was delivering the news when suddenly the camera turned to the side showing the logo of a company where he is at. As the news goes on, he found out that there was indeed a real company called Stark Industries and he even saw the face of a younger version of Robert Downey Jr. with his hands on the waists of the blondes left and right, with a smug smile on his face. The reporter was introducing him as Tony Stark. As for how young, he guessed he might be 18 years old right now.

His smile froze at this moment and his heart started to palpitate. Beads of sweat appeared on his face and chill run through his spine.

Then his panic came in and his breathing became rapid while he was lost in his thoughts. A terrifying thought came into his mind.

'If this is real then I'm really screwed. What the heck, why am I in the MCU? Why does it have to be this fucking super dangerous world?' He complained while gritting his teeth.

He couldn't help but clutch his head and shout loudly startling his parents, "No no no no!!!"

His parents keep asking him with concern what happened to him, but he can't hear anything, there was an intense pain in his head and his vision started to turn dark. Then he fainted.


After a few hours he woke up in his bed groggily trying to stand up.

He heard his mother in his side, "Now now, take it easy son."

She push him back on his bed so he could lie down again.

"Get some more rest, okay?" There was hint of concern and worry in her eyes.

He saw his Father talking to the doctor and after a while, his father's face ease a lot.

Then his father came to his side and said, "Thank god the doctor said everything is normal about you. It's was just due to shock. You wanna tell us what happened son?"

Now that he calmed down a lot, he was now able to think straight. He made an alibi that he remembered something bad when he was still in the orphanage that's why he fainted.

Reluctantly, his and mother accepted his lie.

Then his father turn to his mother and said, "The doctor said he will be ok after a few hours of rest."

His mother looked him and squeezes his hand before leaving him alone in his room with his father.


Now that he was finally alone.

He close his eyes to reorganize his thoughts.

Then it occurred to him now how idiot he was, being so complacent about the world he is in. He thought this was just a normal world like the one in his past life. He remember the clues now as he recalls the past few months he is in this villa.

First was what Sebastian said on his first day here, then his conversation with his mother regarding the big companies of Roxxon, and Rand Enterprises. No wonder they are so familiar. Then there was a time when Sebastian was teaching him about history that includes Captain America. He thought Sebastian was just messing with him. It turn out to be real.

'Damn autho... Ahem I mean I'm a such a fucking idiot. All of those clues are being shoved in right down to my face but here I am, still completely oblivious about it. Fuck! So much for a having a photographic memory.'

'Now what? What about my plans. I'm such a dumbass! I don't wanted be part of the ash group when the purple potato snaps his finger.'

After he calm down, he thought he should've watch some news back then or check out the newspaperS. But then again, nothing will change. At least, he knows it now and it's not yet late to plan some counter measures. He is still young and couldn't do much.

What matters now is that he have to revise his goals.

He made a plan to insert some hard shit training once he get a little older or who knows, he might get kidnapped by Hydra or get smashed into meat paste by Hulk accidentally.

The good thing is that he and his family was so far from New York, the stirring pot of trouble and there's no other events taking place in Texas other than a flaming skull though he wasn't sure where. Anyway it was still in the coming years and he still have time to grow.

'On the other hand, aren't all reincarnators have perks when they cross over to such dangerous world? Where's my goldfinger? Where's my system?' he thought.

When he said the word system, he suddenly heard an abrupt sound in his mind.


[System requirements not yet fulfilled]

He saw the line of text floating in his peripheral vision. He was overjoyed.

He was so excited that he asked, "Hello system what's the requirements to activate you?"

But no reply came. He tried again to ask but still doesn't work.

His happiness felt short as the system remain cold and unresponsive.

"How can I activate you if I don't know tha requirements you fucking piece of data."

He tried every code word possible, but it was all in vain.

"System Activate."


"Nothing? Ahem System Awaken."


"Still nothing dammit, Megazord Activate"


"Rosebud! Whosyourdaddy! Sv_Cheats 999! Pain Killer."

"... "

After calling out names and cheat codes, he finally gave up and sighed.

"Fine! Have it your way! What a shitty system hmmp!"

At least he knows he had a cheat, just doesn't know how to use it. One way or another, he's determined to find out how he could activate it.

"I just gotta adjust my mindset and not rely on this shitty system."

"There's no way I'm gonna take it lying down. I will not be in passive. If I don't get help from it, then I could only do it the hard way."

Then his eyes lit up, "Right! I still have an advantage. Since I have a photographic memory, I can perfectly recall the movies I've watched. I will be able to predict some events and turn them to my advantage."

This is his second chance so determination and stubborness fills his eyes.

There was a also a mixed of excitement in his eyes. He could've have imagine that he will cross over to this world. Although it was dangerous, it was also exciting plus he will be able to meet those marvel characters in the flesh. Some time in his past life, he gotta admit that he wished for it and long for it. I mean, every man does, right? Now that it really happened, blood pumped through through his veins as he was fired up to face the challenges head on.