
MCU: The Ghosts of Marvel

WARNING: This is a slow phase novel with MCU and some elements of comics combined. This may contain scenes not appropriate for children if you know what I mean, you men of culture and this is a harem. I will try to limit the number of the MC's lovers and lastly, although main world is Marvel, I overlapped some movies in it to make it more interesting. This is my work and some changes are necessary so don't expect it will match what will happen in the comics and movie all the time. I will try my best to make it accurate as possible. I do not own any characters of Marvel and Movies mentioned except the MC. DISCLAIMER: You are not forced to read this novel and this is my first work so if you find that this doesn't suit your taste, feel free to proceed to the next book in your archive... yeah that's right, that's a good boy...hehe Intro: A bored Otaku is playing an mmorpg while watching a movie in his computer when a lightning struck him through his window causing his death. When he thought that this was the end, he was suddenly reborn in the Marvel movie he is watching when he died. As asual with perks of many of his kind, for some reason a system fused with him with the function of an mmorpg containing the movies listed on his computer. With this, the life of a bored Otaku becomes interesting and dangerous all of a sudden. However, he was reborn as a baby and to make the matter much worse, he has been left in an orphanage. Follow Faust Valentine on his adventures, decisions and the path he is going to take in this crazy world full aliens, gods and cosmic entities.

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49 Chs

Chapter 6 - Vers in the flesh

It's now 7 years from the day he knew that he was in the Marvel Universe. He's now 14 years old and much more handsome than the time a few years back.

His wavy black hair was now a bit longer than they used to be. His eyes still green but look bigger, the shape of his face became chiseled and his height was 5'7, not tall but not small either for his age.

This past few years he wasn't idle either. Ever since that time, he kinda always keeping tab on the news wether in TV or Newspaper every now and then.

One month after falling unconscious that year, he had read in the newspaper about the military regarding Project Pegasus which was later on halted due to unauthorized flying of a Jet. He knows that's bullshit and that's only a way for the government to cover up their shit.

He also saw the picture of the pilot named Carol Danvers and damn she looks exactly like in the movie. Beside her picture was her mentor which according to the report both died due to the crash.

Aside from this, he also didn't stop trying to activate the system which obviously don't have any response until now. He was running out of patience with his situation and he started to lose hope activating it.


At this time, he is enjoying his free time lost in his thoughts while sitting in the balcony with George laying at his feet.

He couldn't help but remember an eventual morning Last Year. It was the first time he encountered a main superhero character in the flesh.

[Flashback • Last Year 1995]

Faust and Sebastian left Texas and went to California because his Father gave him a task to attend an important banquet on his behalf.

When they landed at the airport, they went straight to the party representing his father with a gift to the Mogul's daughter. Sebastian advised him to take this opportunity to build his connections through socializing but he didn't do so. He's just in the corner having a time of his life eating delicious food. Since it was a banquet, he figured he might as well enjoy it.

He didn't know why but he doesn't like this kind of party full of vanity and hypocrisy, so after completing his task, he decided leave right away.


At the hotel they were staying at, Faust was staring through the window mesmerized by city lights in thoughtful look. No one knows what he's thinking when suddenly, he noticed a shooting star rushing down from the night sky to a nearby area.

"Hey Uncle Seb, I saw a shooting star landing a few blocks from here. It's weird though, never heard of a meteorite landing in cities." He pointed out.

"That's because there's only 1% chance of a meteorite impacting urban area according to the scientists." Sebastian answered.

"Then this should be my lucky night, huh. should we go there to check it out?"

"I would advise against that, young master Faust. There's probably a lot of police cars and onlookers already in that area."

"What a pitty. Anyway, I just don't understand why Father needs me to send an email to him about what happened tonight at the party documented. We could've just inform him through the pager, right."

"Master John, might have his reasons. Besides, I'm guessing he is starting to train you to take over the company. You know, for formality."

"Hmmm..That makes sense. That explains why father was too serious when he told me about it. It's just that, this hotel doesn't have a computer. If it has, I could've sent that report by now."

"I have already arranged someone to get you a computer first thing in the morning. Pardon me but we don't have choice but let the night pass."

"It's okay, Uncle Seb. Don't bother. I'll just go ahead to a nearby internet cafe tomorrow. It's more efficient that way. Please wake me up early and have my breakfast prepared before seven"

"As you wish, young master Faust."


After a night of sleep, Faust woke up early and ate his breakfast prepared beforehand.

Then he went outside the hotel looking for a nearby internet cafe.

He found one next to clothing store and went inside. He rented a computer to start his report. Halfway through what he was typing when a woman with a blonde hair entered the cafe. She wore a black tight combat suit with green lining. She looks like she's from a comic convention but he knows better.

He couldn't help but turn his head to look over because the door chime rang loudly. With a surprise expression, he saw a familiar face. The same Brie Larson face of a Captain Marvel.

Who would've imagine that this is the internet cafe she rented in the movie.

'Coincidence or not, this is an opportunity for me to establish a connection with her and a certain black egg. Who knows it might come in handy in the future.' He thought as he need to act normally.

He hurriedly finished the report and sent it to his dad.

Then he heard Carol's voice on his left side, "Is this seat taken?"

He looked up and saw her looking at him.

"No, go ahead. You can use it."


While she sit beside him, Faust stood up and went outside. He looked for Sebastian who was waiting in the car and said.

"Uncle Seb, there's something I need you to do. It might seem unreasonable but please trust me on this. I need you to have some of our trusted people, this who can keep a secret and go to Mojave Dessert to standby. They have to wait there until they saw some things falling from the sky. Get as much debris as you can. Please personally make this happen because it's important for me and you must do this secretly."

Sebastian was bewildered at first but when he look into his eyes, he saw confidence and seriousness in his tone so he nodded to his instructions. "I understand, young master, but what about you?"

"I need to go somewhere, you can fetch me at Pancho's bar, I'll send you the address later. I'll keep intouch through the pager."

"Very well, please take care young master. I'll do what you ask right away."

Then Sebastian drove off with haste.

He knows that he will attract some suspicions from Sebastian by doing this but he figured he'll just have to deal with later. He trusted Sebastian anyway and he wasn't the type of a guy that questions orders, but just executes them.

After Sebastian was gone, He bought something to eat to make it more casual.

After one hour, he heard the chime bell of the door being opened and saw Carol looking at the map.

'This is it.'

Faust just waited for a few minutes while looking at her. When the motorcycle rider showed up, he figured that this is his cue. The rider was about to flirt with her but Faust managed to speak first. The motorcycle rider cursed but he eventually ignored them and went inside the cafe.

"Hey, do you need help with the map?" Faust asked.

Carol took her eyes off from the map frowning but when she looked over at Faust, she saw it was the same kid inside the cafe so her expression eased up.

Without waiting for her to respond, he came to her side and asked, "Do you know where you're going?"

"Yeah, maybe a little. Do you know how to get to this place?" She showed a picture of Pancho's bar with address below it.

"Oh that place? Sure! I could get you there, only if I could drive and have a car."

"Really? You would help me? Well I can drive but we're still lacking some means to get there." She said thinking.

Then we simultaneously both looked at the parked motorcycle. Then we both looked at each other and grinned.

She walks towards the motorcycle but I stopped her.

"Hey hey, let's be civil and not steal, okay? Let's do it in a legal way. Also, you can't go driving looking like that." Faust said.

'Looks like I gotta do it in Tony Stark style' He thought

Her face wore a 'what's wrong with my outfit' but she relented.

He asked her to follow him and brought her over to the clothes shop. He went to the counter and placed a stack of bills saying, "Whatever she wanted." While pointing at her.

He went back to Carol and said,"You can get whatever clothes you want. I already paid for it. I gotta go out and buy that motorcycle. I'll wait you outside. Hey! Don't look at me like that, I just happen to be rich that's all."

She didn't say anything and just shrugged.

Faust went outside to look for the motorcycle rider. Offered to buy the motorcycle in high price. Luckily,he manage to buy it otherwise they'll have to steal it and it'll leave a mark on Faust's record. He need to stay clean with the police for the time being or his Father might send him somewhere.

After waiting outside sitting at the motorcycle, he saw Carol coming over from the clothes shop. She wore a simple white shirt, a rugged jeans and a leather jacket.

She saw him staring at her and ask, "What?"

"Nothing, you have a pretty decent sense of fashion, huh. Nice combination! You look cool by the way."

She smiled while giving a pat at the motorcycle tank, "Thanks! You sure no more problem using this thing?"

"Yeah, I bought it from the man earlier. Are you sure you know how to drive?"

"Trust me, I could even drive a spaceship."

"I'm pretty sure motorcycle and spacehips aren't the same but yeah sure. Just don't get me killed. I'm Faust by the way. A random rich kid. What's yours?"

"You got a weird name. Nice to meet you, Faust. You can just call me Vers. Let's get going shall we? Are you sure you're okay coming with me?"

"Yeah, I already informed my guardian."

She shrugged and hopped on the motorcycle. After wearing the helmet, she asked. "Are you ready? You can grab my waist so you won't fall off."

"Okay, I'm ready. You smell nice by the way, despite wearing a tight costume earlier. I figured you'd smell like socks in a locker room."

"Is that how you charm the girls at your age?" She countered as she started the engine.

Faust rolled his eyes and said, "I'm just being Honest you kno--. "

He couldn't complete his sentence because she suddenly squeezed the throttle and the motorcycle jerked forward. She then swerved to right nearly hitting a cadillac.

"Whooooooaa shit! Slow down godammit!! You're way too fast, there's a car at the frooo-- Ahhh!"

"Haha, relax kid I got this. I won't let you die."
