
MCU: The Ghosts of Marvel

WARNING: This is a slow phase novel with MCU and some elements of comics combined. This may contain scenes not appropriate for children if you know what I mean, you men of culture and this is a harem. I will try to limit the number of the MC's lovers and lastly, although main world is Marvel, I overlapped some movies in it to make it more interesting. This is my work and some changes are necessary so don't expect it will match what will happen in the comics and movie all the time. I will try my best to make it accurate as possible. I do not own any characters of Marvel and Movies mentioned except the MC. DISCLAIMER: You are not forced to read this novel and this is my first work so if you find that this doesn't suit your taste, feel free to proceed to the next book in your archive... yeah that's right, that's a good boy...hehe Intro: A bored Otaku is playing an mmorpg while watching a movie in his computer when a lightning struck him through his window causing his death. When he thought that this was the end, he was suddenly reborn in the Marvel movie he is watching when he died. As asual with perks of many of his kind, for some reason a system fused with him with the function of an mmorpg containing the movies listed on his computer. With this, the life of a bored Otaku becomes interesting and dangerous all of a sudden. However, he was reborn as a baby and to make the matter much worse, he has been left in an orphanage. Follow Faust Valentine on his adventures, decisions and the path he is going to take in this crazy world full aliens, gods and cosmic entities.

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Chapter 4 - Filthy Rich

As Faust and his parents drove through a big gate with a family name in its ark, he saw the villa with his own eyes and he was amazed of how big it is.

Lines of trees cover up the edge of the premise but he made a bold guess that it was not naturally planted there rather it was placed there synthetically.

The three story building was kinda old but the paint was still carefully maintained. In front of the villa was a fountain filled with cherub statues sprouting water through their mouths.

When the car screeched to a halt, two rows of maids was patiently waiting for their masters to arrive. A middle age man with a few streaks of gray hair at the front row went forward to greet his parents.

"Welcome home, Sir, Madame. "

Then he clapped his hands twice and immediately the maids moved out to get his luggage from the trunk to carry them inside the villa.

"Thank you Sebastian, is everything alright?" John asked.

"Everything is in accordance to your arrangements, Sir." Sebastian replied.

"Oh by the way Sebastian. This is the child we adopted from the orphanage. His name is Faust. Please help us take care of him from now on. "

"Certainly, Sir."

Then he turn towards Faust and said.

"Please to meet you, young master Faust. My name is Sebastian and I'm the family's butler. If you require anything in particular, let me know, I am at your service."

His mother chimed in and said.

"Sebastian, please prepare a bath for Faust so he can freshen up and we could have our first dinner together as family."

"As you wish Madame."

"Right this way young master, Faust."

Then he led the family of three inside the villa.

Before he could even have his first step inside, he heard a loud bark coming from inside the villa.

Rufff ruff!!

Then a large shadow jumped over John which made him stumble backward.

"Ahhhh, damn it, George you old fat dog, I told you to stop lunging at me. You are already so big." John couldn't help but cursed while the dog still licking his face wagging his tail. Despite having an annoyed look, he is smiling.

When Faust looked over, he saw a large Tibetan Mastiff. Happy over the fact that his masters are home.

By this time, John already stood up patting his clothes.

The he saw her mother reprimanding the dog at her feet. The dog was whimpering seemingly understanding that he was being scolded but he is still wagging his tail.

Then they all went inside the villa followed by George.

Inside his room, while Sebastian was helping him unpack his clothes, Faust asked, "Just curious, can you tell me how rich my parents are?"

"Hmmm.. they are quite rich if I may say. Slightly less rich than the Stark Industries in my opinion."

"Yeah right!" Faust chuckled as he thought the butler was funny comparing the wealth of his parents with a company in some comics.

He turned around and look at George sniffing on him. He tried to touch his head quickly just to see his reaction. Seeing that George doesn't mind, he continue to pat his head and made some scratches underneath its chin. George enjoyed the attention of his new human and they started to play in no time.

Faust didn't notice that there was a puzzled look on the Butler's face. He didn't respond nevertheless and just keep unpacking and arranging his things.


Half an hour later, Faust went down for the dinner led by Sebastian, followed by George. In the first floor, they past through a corridor full of decorations like paintings and flower vases. At the end of the corridor is the dining room where his parents is waiting.

When they entered, he found his parents looking at him and smiled. George went to John's side to lie down waiting for his turn.

"Come here dear, let's eat." His mother invited him patting the seat beside her.

Then they started to enjoy their first ever dinner as a family filled with love and laughter.

His father asked what plans he have for school or does he have any specified school he'd like to go to.

Faust just said he can make a decision about it.

John told Sebastian to make an arrangement regarding this and he had decided that Faust will be home schooled till the age of 10.

The dinner was lavish and there are meat in every part of the table. However, mother and father only ate a small portion of it while Faust just keep eating as her mother Margaret, keeps on putting some food on his plate for a taste till his stomach is about to burst.

Then a ringing of a phone call sounded at the Hall. Sebastian went to pick it up, and then went back to inform that it was for John and something important needs to be handled by him at the company.

"Honey, this is the first night we have dinner together." She complained.

"I know honey, but this needs to be settled right away or the consequences are something we can't handle."

"Do you need help? I can call some people." She sighed.

"Don't worry about it honey. I got this. Just accompany Faust for now so you could have mother and son time."

John stood up reluctantly and kissed Margaret. Then he went to Faust side and ruffle his hair.

"Be good, ok? I'm sorry our happy time ended abruptly but I'm gonna make it up to you another day. That's a promise. Rest early ok?"

Faust nodded and said it's okay. He was already full anyway.

Since they can't do anything about it, Faust and his mother just enjoyed talking, telling him embarrassing stories about John, their properties and the company.

"So..what's the company business you guys have?" He asked.

"WE have, it's ours and you are part of the family now. One day in the future, you will inherit everything we have. Once you are old enough, you will run this company while me and your Dad will be on our retirement, maybe somewhere in the Bahamas."

"Right, sorry I was just not used to this so.. "

"Okay, apology accepted little man, now what was are your question again?"

"The Company.."

"Yes, the company.. It was a security company called Umbrella Corp. and our clients are big companies like Rand Enterprises, Roxxon Company and so on."

'Hmmm, those big companies sounds familiar. I swear I heard of them somewhere, but I'm not sure.' Faust thought, then he throw it at the back of his mind.

"Umbrella Corp? Uhh, does the company have a thing with biochemical or any relation to drugs?" Faust asked nervously.

Margaret was puzzled by the sudden question of her son but still answered nonetheless.

"No, just a pure security company, why'd you ask?"

"Uhmm just asking. I was just interested in bio engineering and biology."

Faust looked quite calm on the outside, but inside, he was just nervous as fuck. He could feel the cold sweat run through his back.

'Wew, thank god it wasn't the biochemical company that I knew from a game in my past life and I was able to think for an alibi. Otherwise, we are all screwed up.'

Margaret, intrigued by his answer asked further, "Oh that's interesting. Do you wanna be a doctor?"

Faust thought for a moment and said "Yes, I think I do."

Satisfied with his answer, as proud mother, she asked, "Why?"

Faust answered mischievously while laughing,"So I can take care of you two when you are both old and needs maintenance. Maybe I can heal your cracking joints, Haha"

His mother laughed and said, "That's both sweet and hurtful to hear."

Then his mother grabbed his ear and pinch it, "You think you can make fun of your mother, huh?"

"Ahh ah ah just kidding, mom. My ear will fall off if you continue. I was preferring to dad not you. How could a young beautiful woman like you get old. See I told dad he have an excellent taste. "

Then the pinch turn to tickle which made it more of a torture, "Still not stopping huh, continue to make fun of your mother and see how I teach you a lesson."

"Hahahaahah stop stop! Please stop mom, I can't breathe. You are killing me..hahaha please."

"Hmpf, you are still a little whimp to challenge me. Go up and get ready, it's bed time already." She fakingly scolded her while her hands are on her hips.

Faust wiped his tears, tired and still struggling to stop his laugh, gasping to breathe, "Okay, okay, good night mom. But seriously, I'll take care of you when you're both old."

Margaret smiled, "It seems that we have to rely on you in the future. Make us proud son."

"Now hurry along, go on to your bed now, it's already late at night." She secretly wiped her tears while Faust isn't looking.

Then the first night with his new family pass by without any hiccup.