
MCU: I am 05-1

a man gets sucked into the MCU during a multiverse collapse and told that he has become the new 05 for the SCP Foundation, the only thing... it doesn't exist yet. so the question is, is he up for the task?

The_Noobulas · Movies
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28 Chs

Chapter 3

S.H.E.I.L.D. was currently just above me, a thin sewer cover being the only thing between us. Suddenly that same sewer cover began to move, reacting as fast as I could I released my hold on the ladder, letting myself fall back to the ground. Grunting softly on landing I broke into a run, making as much noise as I could I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction of the compound.

I could hear frantic scrambling as I assume both agents tried to get down the ladder first. didn't matter, had to get them away from the facility. I reached a fork in the sewer line. Turning back I saw two agents sprinting after me, "STOP, we need to ask you a few questions" One of them shouted when he saw I had stopped. I decided to test my only special ability.

[Examine Results

Result 1

Level 3 standard human

Title:SHIELD Agent Level 3

Primary Abilities: Investigation, impersonation, rapid reload

Result 2

Level 4 standard human

Title: Hydra Puppet level 6

Primary Abilities: Assassination, Acting, Manipulation]

Hydra? why did Hydra send a level six agent, for all they knew I was just an insane homeless man screaming in the sewers. I sped off taking the left branch of the fork.





I just kept running, at this point, I had put enough distance away from the facility to reduce the risk of exposure just yet. speaking of which, I was barely winded, meanwhile the agents were panting and starting to slow, or at least Shield was, Hydras guy only started trying to catch his breath when he was being looked at. why was I so much better than a trained agent, spoiler, I was not exactly a pro athlete.

[your 05-1, you think we wouldn't give you some benefits for this task we've given you? your not peak human or anything but you are better than some level 3 fodder agent]

ah got it, it was because of mysterious system enhancement, makes sense. I guess. a bullet sparked off the wall next to me, pulling me out of my thoughts, they had started shooting. I heard footsteps begin to approach, I glanced back to see Hydra man in a dead sprint to catch up, guess he got tired of this chase.

I turned the corner to find myself staring into the brick wall of a dead end, nothing but a single ladder bolted to it. Hydra stopped just before he rounded the corner and threw something at me. catching it out of reflex I found it to be a gun, although too light to have any actual shots in it.

"Look out Mark he's got a gun!" Hydra screamed, I heard a small scuffle, Mark had been tackled before he could round the corner I suppose. "Alright Mark, by the book. take the lead, I got your six."

there was no response from Shield, Mark had agreed with the plan though as he swung around the corner, making it all of three steps before a gunshot rang out, and he slumped to the ground, blood pouring from a newly opened hole in his throat. "Oh Mark, we did warn you to stop digging," said Hydra as he began to apply eyedrops, he glanced at me. "oh yeah, you. your not the target, but no loose ends and all that." he said casually, as one would speak to a child.

I turned and ran, scrambling up the ladder as fast as I could. one last shot rang out, and something slumped, I glanced back to see that Hydra had shot himself in the leg. the overabundance of eyedrops he had applied began to stream down his face mimicking tears as he grabbed Mark's corpse, cleared his throat, and began screaming into his radio "Mark's been shot, I repeat Agent Mark is down. Stay with me, Mark. The suspect has fled from section four and is armed and dangerous, I need immediate medical attention..."

not wanting to watch the charade any longer I climbed out of the sewer and began sprinting down the alleyways as I heard the distinct sound of helicopter blades in the distance. well, that would put a kink in future negotiations with Shield although Hydra was currently in Shield. that reminds me, I still didn't know the actual date.

I walked back towards the street and located a newspaper kiosk. looking in I read the date as two years before Tony publicly became Iron Man, two years to prepare.

making my way towards the library I sat down at one of the free-to-use computers and connected to the internet. it took a while to properly connect to the city security cameras without alerting anyone, but after an hour or two I had successfully connected the monitoring room to every city security camera in New York, from traffic cams to some places like Walmart, the SCP officially had eyes everywhere.

[Achievement Unlocked: Eyes of the Watcher

you have Unlocked Staff: Sleepers from the shop, these non-combatants will attempt to infiltrate their designated society and report what they find, from office workers to government officials, as long as they have a high enough level they can infiltrate anywhere]

hooray, I now had a way to get reports on SCPs without having to manually roam the streets or connect the world in a net of cameras. looking in the shop it costs one hundred points for thirty of them, which was not bad.

with my mission accomplished, I made my way back home, or as home as a facility full of identical maze-like hallways can be, and promptly fell asleep in one of the many empty containment cells.

I woke up a few hours later and went to see the Overseer, "ah good, I was looking for you" he said, "there's someone who's been talking into a camera for several hours now and she refuses to leave, she keeps saying how impressive it was to connect them how you did but that her organization caught you almost immediately" I sighed and went to the surveillance room, "Alright show me" I said to one of the security staff, who were temporarily manning said room until I could get actual techs in here. the staff worked quickly to pull up a feed of a woman sitting in a wooden chair with her feet on a table staring into the camera, I sighed as I looked at the face of Natasha Romanaff staring back at me as if looking right through the screen.