
MCU: I am 05-1

a man gets sucked into the MCU during a multiverse collapse and told that he has become the new 05 for the SCP Foundation, the only thing... it doesn't exist yet. so the question is, is he up for the task?

The_Noobulas · Movies
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28 Chs

Chapter 2

the facility was well equipped, walking through it there was hustle and bustle, kinda strange considering nothing was contained here, but okay. I took a look at the system-generated staff as I walked, every one of them had extremely non-descript faces, their features such as eye color and height varied but there were no distinguishing marks such as scars, freckles, or even facial hair. all of the security staff had darkened visors and moved stiffly down the corridors as though they were raised to be soldiers like Spartans. I was a little upset though, that despite being in what was essentially strands of cloth instead of clothing and with no visible identification, I wasn't even given a second glance by the so-called security.

[all system-produced staff can see the 05-1 title and thus recognize you as the leader of the SCP Foundation]

oh great, the first time my staff sees me as their boss and I look like a homeless methhead. I stopped one of the patrols on their way by. "You there, take me to the Site Overseer immediately" I spoke, slightly uncomfortable with my new role. the officer gave a quick salute before turning around and heading deeper into the compound, we passed through dozens of identical halls and researchers. how many staff was there?

[Answer: 1283 level-1 researchers, 2892 D-class, 900 level-1 security personnel, and 1 level-2 Overseer]

ah okay, only like four thousand people. who am I kidding, I've never even led a school function in elementary school, and now I was commanding a little over four thousand people to try and protect the world from beings who could just erase me from existence with their fingernails.

[calm down Host, you're not going to fight The Scarlet King or face 343 quite yet, you're just going to see a single level 2 Overseer]

yet? I had to face those? I mean 343 was fine, he was a nice guy, but I was not fighting The Scarlet King, you can forget all that. I was leaving the second I saw even a hint of his armored hide. whatever, ill enjoy this post while it lasted.

the officer who'd been leading me stopped before one of the many doors before giving me another salute and heading off to who knows where. when I walked inside I saw another one of those non-descript faces, although this one had a name tag reading Overseer on the front of his lab coat as opposed to the others only reading SA-1.

the Overseer stood up immediately "sir, welcome to the facility, we weren't expecting you" I nodded, "status report Overseer, how's the setup for the new site coming along" he immediately dug into one of the drawers in his desk, "sir, the security patrols and shifts have already been designated, and active containment can begin in approximately three weeks for any anomalous entity below Euclid level" I nodded again, I scrolled through the shop, I saw a few things, but first I bought some jeans and a t-shirt, turns out I could buy any item considered a necessity from the shop, and then built a training area for the security staff, after hiring a drill instructor from the staff management tab it left me with about 1000 points left. I turned towards the Overseer again, "work at least six hours of training into each day for the security, we can't have them get soft while we aren't containing any anomalies, I want them to show improvement by the end of the month." The Overseer immediately nodded and began typing on his computer, probably rearranging schedules.

I sat down in the corner and began scrolling the shop again, it was massive, and a small bar at the top had tabs that could be scrolled labeled things like artifacts, abilities, necessities, staff, and equipment. I saw things listed in no particular order, in the staff section I had D-class for fifty points right next to level-5 Mobile Task Force five-man squad for ten thousand. "Hey system, what's the difference between level 1 and level 5"

[A level 1 is equivalent to a standard soldier, well trained and disciplined but still, a normal human, a level 5 is the absolute peak of human physiology, think max stats in an RPG, however, there are tiers, for instance, Captain America in the Civil War movie is equivalent to a level 3 Super-Soldier, even though he could still wipe the floor with a squad of level 4 standard soldiers.]

okay, that cleared it up, I think, it didn't matter right now, I couldn't start earning points for another couple of weeks, so I needed to use that time to set up some kind of monitoring system or make connections. strike that, Hydra still exists and right now we were too small to deal with any serious pushback from Hydra or Shield, the Taj Mahal might decide I'm not from here and murder me, and I don't think Charles would agree with my mission to contain things outside the norm if the X-men even exist here. so first I needed to find a way to locate anomalies, I was below a city, and cities had cameras, reopening the shop tab I searched through my abilities again until I found it.

[thank you for purchasing Ability: Hacker Level 5]

I braced myself, most novels I read in my past world stated knowledge was painfully injected, but nothing happened, I didn't feel any different. oh well. I added another room to the base, a circular room covered in screens with a few chairs, nothing was on those screens right now, but the hope was to connect to everything with a camera and eventually have a net over the entirety of New York. I needed to know what was happening, after all, if the Chitari invasion happened and we weren't prepared, the bombing could break open the containment compound, releasing any SCPs and causing more chaos, and questions.

I headed up to the surface, however, before I exited the manhole I stopped, there were voices above. "tell me why we are here again" voice one spoke. "Director Fury insists that someone appeared out of nowhere and fled down this sewer entrance according to the street light camera" voice two answered with extreme annoyance.

well, S.H.I.E.L.D. was here, greeaaat.