
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Noveria Part 1: Business & Geth

Taking a shuttle down to the planet last, the others already moved out. Leo went down solo due to.. well, making a few of his people exhausted from Mental Cultivation. Their biotics were so raw they needed to reap the benefits gained.

The squad members set to go with him were grouped with Zaed and Nihluis, filling up numbers. Which also allowed more cross-training between members. They used stealth entry for some and the others using Nihluis Spectre status to access one of the few Council Buildings for inspection.

'Don't worry; it will be fine.' The use of Quantum Entanglement upgraded his Spiritual Sense by leaps and bounds. It allowed him to detect bodies easily and be very sensitive to the detail observed during it. 'Just focus on those recovering in medical and prep them for surgery with Dr.Chakwas.'

'Maya is just overly worried. Like a mother hen.' Oriana teased. 'But the Noveria Development Corporation is no joke. You should have at least taken Jacob with you.'

The former Alliance Marine agreed, but he was ok with staying since it put more troops on the ship. His time was spent wisely running combat drills through the various decks with the skeleton crew.

'Noveria Development Corporation has a lot of greedy people in it. Even with your controlling shares, I doubt it all goes fine for you.' Maya was currently going through two sets of files. One on the personnel station in Port Hansen and the other on the various projects listed going on planet. 'A lot of money is riding on this situation.'

Getting out of the shuttle area, Leo had the automated system take it back. No sense in having it here just in case a firefight breaks out. Chance of an ambush was high since he pissed off Henry Lawson and the conflict with the Shadow Broker kicking off in the dark.

Captain Maeko Matsuo and Sergeant Kaira Stirling, along with five other security members, came upon Leo. His credentials were sent the moment he touched down, so they did not point guns at him.

"Long time no see, Matsuo," Leo greeted punctually. As one of the few people who were in the loop about him on the planet, it was best to make some things known. "you look well."

"Can it.. boss." The Asian woman was not happy about the recent information obtained. If she got fired, which she wouldn't, it was best to move things along quickly. "Strange reports have come in regarding a few locations. Security is a little higher because of it."

"We are needing to take your firearm... sir." The gruff biotic, Kaira said reluctantly. She actually felt safer with him holding weapons. She felt her biotic sense warn her of Leo. "Even though you are on the board, it would keep the others happy."

The other security forces were not going to argue or make a peep. They wanted to move this along and finish checking the dock as fast as possible. Report of power outages lately was a cause for concern.

"Take em." Leo handed over his visible weapons to Captain Matsuo and the forces near here. "Since I am going check on my investments, I am gonna need some security to come with me." He moved up to Sergeant Stirling. "You can help show me around to."

"That sounds good." Captain barely contained a her bitterness. She wanted to volunteer that herself to find out what was going on with him and the Alliance. "Contact me if anything goes wrong."

As the group walked, leaving a nervous biotic with Leo, a few hidden around port took off to report what took place.

Leo tapped away on his omni-tool to give Captain Matsuo a heads up about a few Geth that were hiding nearby. The fact they were so close was actually pretty dangerous for the security forces.

"Calm down; I am on your side," Leo assured Sergeant Stirling as they moved. "You work for me technically; I wouldn't treat you badly."

"It's your biotics, sir.. they are frightening." The woman toughed up after getting accustomed as they moved. She was not a 100% ok but the hairs on the back of her neck finally settled. "Captain Matsuo only told us you were a Vip, didn't expect her to act so..."

"Perturbed?" She agreed that was an excellent way to see it. "She has been like that since her days in the Alliance, heck even while in Technical Training afterward when everyone else was more laidback."

The time was reference more to before Leo arrived fully in with the remainder of his Soul. The small contacts with various people and different organizations were paramount to success.

"She at least moved to speak normally near me." Leo held back some chuckled as they made pass by a few merchants. A notification on his hub about the Normandy making a pass over the planet. "Your take on her?"

"She if formal but good at her job. She doesn't like us taking side work, but people have to eat, and everything is expensive to get her. She doesn't have those attachments to worry about as we do." The Sergeant didn't know why she was saying this really, maybe she was angling to get everyone a raise. "With all the increase across the Galaxy the last few months.. maybe its time to move somewhere else?"

"Maybe, I have a proposition for you." As Leo made his offer while they moved, a few messges were sent to a contact in port. The responsive back was immediate to his favor. "Bigger budget but more dangerous. I am sure an increase to your biotics would help entice."


Finishing in port-


Mezzanine was a fairly decent hotel. Not to his immediate liking with the open areas, however. It had a nice set up to make one calm, however. Inamorda is a krogan bounty hunter who just signed a contract with him.

Paying up front went a long way, but the few modifications to armor and weapons sealed the deal. The Krogan would listen and head to the Docks to help clean out the Geth.

"You are a weird one, human." Inamorda riled up his few people to vacate the hotel. "I will give you a full report on his this is done afterward."

A head butt that Leo stood against without an issue made the bounty hunter even more impressed. Sergeant Stirling eyes were wide seeing a human withstand a direct blow like this. even more so when he continued the conversation as usual.

"If you are needing backup, just say so." Leo spoke to a figure on his omnitool. An encryption protocol prevented others from making it out. "If I don't hear from you in an hour, I will adjust as necessary."

Contact: .....

"I trust your judgment." Ending the transmission, he looked to the security officer. "Opinions?"

"I.. well most likely something related to an operation. Or possibly a business call." She shook her head while rubbing some sweat away. "Despite you allowing me to hear you talk just now, not enough was given to think anything else. If you are screening me, need more than this."

"I agree." Leo pulled out a chunk of armor from his backside. It immediately spread out into a semi exoskeleton. "We are going to go deal with something; your screening process will be how fast you can adapt, keep up, and perform."

"Ok." Looking at the expanding armor, her eyes lit up, but she kept calm. It didn't take long to outfit with the instructions given by Leo every now and then. "Feels close to medium-grade armor now."

As it pressed down on the standard light armor most wore, she felt a sense a safety higher than before. Relying on the armor was a smart move, then always thinking your biotics would save you.

At least, that is the point Leo drove towards the woman to think of anyway.

As they left the hotel, Sergeant Stirling took notice people didn't even look there way. As if they were invisible. Getting used to moving around people would take time while also using the secured comms.

'I cannot believe we are just going to sneak pass and enter the garage area.' Moving passed the cameras was easy with a deflection of a few moving personnel. 'How the heck is the weight in the elevator not cathing this?'

Unknown to her, Leo kept them both lifted up while they descended. It took precision to keep them lifted up while also applying pressure to move them down with the moving shaft.

"Crap, I forgot my lunch!" The standing guard was about to enter back into the elevator. Which would put him in a direct path with Leo, who was getting out. "Hmm?" A slight breeze from quick acceleration out the man's eye. "Must be drinking to much."

Shaking it off, the guard carried on.

"They are breaking protocol." Sergeant Stirling frowned behind her helmet. "Haa, no wonder complaints about lights getting spotted have an increased. Wouldn't take more than a simple distraction to get past."

"Lights... are they a little like those we can see in the distance right now?" Leo sprinted forward with her following. He could see with his enhanced vision of course. "If the reports were coming in, it would be best to have someone check personally and not use video for a check."

"Give me a second." Getting behind some cover, she pulled the information up quickly. She was mindful that her omni-tool operated three times as fast with the connection of the armor. "Every three to four days, reports about lights moving about were given. The security team that did the rounds didn't find anything out of the ordinary."

"Right..." Leo raised his hand, getting ready to send out a biotic wave. A charge in his armor added an additional frequency at the ready. ".. so Geth have stealth at a higher level than most."

*Woosh!* The biotic Shockwave sent waves through the area in rippling energy of clear green. The various geth in stealth were knocked out of it and were currently floating in teh air in stasis.

With over 15 floating up, the security of the port was nothing compared to the garage. This far in, there could possibly be 3x times the amount of Geth infiltrating the place.

"Contact!" Sergeant Stirling spotted one getting free and immediately opened fire. Her heavy pistol was hitting dead center in the headlines. "How many can you pick up!?"

"Oh, all of them." Leo charged in with his biotics the moment they landed. Grabbing the closes by the spin and invading its network with the armor attachment. "I pick up another 10 coming towards this location."

"Mighty calm for someone without a gun!" Sergeant Stirling thought the worst-case scenario and actually lamented that his guns were taken from him. "Maybe we can recover one nearby!"

*Bwoom!* A biotic shield was thrown up as she waited for her pistol to cool down. A grab with a biotic pull, the targeted Geth was smashed into another.

"No need." Leo let go of the Geth as his spiritual sense directed control over it. The A.I. was downloading everything in its databanks during the meantime. "Inferno works well!"

*Fwish!* His armor lit up using the tech ability. On the three closes. Melting most of the synthetic parts into slag.

The small firefight went by quickly. How ever the firing by the Geth alerted security. As well as a second team from Jane Shepard's group. Led by Ashley Williams, Wrex, and Tali as her squadmates.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality (Returned)

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin, Sarah, Jacob, Jeodore, Sloane, Nyreen, Olan (Agent Zero)

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