
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Noveria Part 2: Geth clean out

Security was calmed down the moment they spotted Stirling reveal herself and were cleared by Administrator Passni that Ashley's team was authorized to assist.

"It doesn't look to good from the reports. It was a good thing you hired those Krogan to help secure the Dock. But something tells me the situation is still not the best."

"You are correct." Leo checked in with his people to make sure the situation hadn't gotten out of hand. So far so good but Geth were still out there. "If we fire from.. less say orbit bombardment was allowed... we could clear them out in a quickfire run."

"The amount of red tape alone would make yah sick. Not to mention the fees levied." Something else told her that would be a bad idea. No way would Leo have access to regular weaponry. Maybe some top-secret flash bomb or something. 'Maybe a knew grenade launcher or something to see in play? No.. must focus on Biotic advancement first.'

The liberating feeling she felt from the firefight had grown. Mostly when next to Leo's proximity and her biotics were active.

"You have a point." Leo was ready to head off when Ashley came over. 'Well, this will be interesting, if not short.'

"Hey, thanks for the biotic shields back there." The Marine was grateful but that didn't stop her from trying to figure out who was behind the visor. Call it a sixth sense or gut feeling in regards to meeting the person. 'That gear is defintely state of the art. Why is it tinted so darkly though? Can't give good visuals.'

Leo just gave a simple head nod. Looking at Wrex and Tali closely, some other thoughts passed in regards to the races they were a part of. Garrus and Liara had to be with Jane. Leaving Kaiden to any odd number of things. Or he is watching the ship at this point with the others.

The thought of the low-security on the Normandy popped up for a moment.

"You two-part of Special Security or something around here?" Ashley prodded. "Security knows her at least and I think I remember meeting you at some point. Just didn't get a name."

"Lt.Williams was it, we have to go." Stirling interrupted quick enough to keep anything from developing. Grabbing Leo by the arm led them off in a rush. It was an odd feeling on contact. "Lot's of Geth to deal with still."

The abruptness was unusual to Tali and Wrex, but Ashley found the disguised voice to be a good indicator something was up still. Going to such lengths but helping them in the firefight had to have a reason.

'Should give Shepard a heads up anyway. Especially in regards to the suits, these people are wearing. Maybe she knows a little more about it from N7 specifically. The Alliance has to have something going on out here.' Ashley came to conclusions about her own thoughts pretty quickly for now.

Seeing the abrupt change in the light fixtures, the two teams increased their vigilance.

"In the corner." Leo instructed Stirling on approaching Geth. "Focus on a small object to use. Do not release your biotics from around it. Just bat the bots around like your playing baseball."

"Ughh.. never played!" Stirling flung a rail covering that way, but the moment it was 100 feet away, she lost most control over it. "This is to far away!"

Leo instructed her to keep trying and worry about nothing else. His hand rested at the base of her back and small emissions of biotic energy appeared in front. Shots from the Geth dissipated against it.

"I can do this." Stirling said to herself mostly. A single breath was all it took for control to develop at a higher level. Brain function aided by traces of biotic energy slowed processing down to understand the entire situation. 'Got it!'

*Woom!* A thin layer of biotic energy was left on the object. The density of it allowed more damage while not losing out on control. With a few whacks, the Geth was diced apart.

"Ha..ha..ha.... I did it. I.." Stirling was exhausted. Fainting on spot.

Luckily Leo just hefted her over his shoulder.

"Well now, defintely something to look at closer. But you really need a higher cultivation to operate like my people. Your value has increased more for my personal tastes. Such a nice little visit this port is giving me so far. I can only wonder how the rest of the trip will turn out."

The moment he left the Garage area, two people made themselves known. One accompanying her friend, the other on assignment.

"Gianna Parasani, what a pleasant surprise." Leo's posture change staring the medium armored woman down. If the gun strapped to her was any suggestion she came to talk about some messages and work would be far-fetched. "Maeko Matsuo as well, how can I help you."

One person he hoped to have gotten involved with before heading deeper into the outside here was Lorik Qui'in. The Turian would help establish weapon contracts that were needed from the Turians.

"Boss, the security guards that Administrator Anoleis paid off have successfully been dealt with. Each are under review and full investigation. As for the payment to keep them in Port to handle Geth, thanks for that. Some of them can still be salvaged." A few taps on her omni tool to send a report she made contact. The Inspector really wanted to know why he did all of this. personally. "We should move yes?"

"Yes, hope you like the cold." Leo was already walking on his way now. 'Tell me how she really got to me right now?'

A.I.- Combination of AGents and the Shadowbroker. Gianna is clean but her boss all are not. I am sure she can be flipped after a little razzle dazzle.

'Razzle dazzle?? Well, have just the thing actually. An experiment to show Stirling and now these two.'


Aleutsk Valley-


A few days in the deep Icy conditions were beginning to get dull. Leo just stopped periodically before moving on again. Not saying much but taking different readings. Only giving them a file to read extensively.

Kaira Stirling, Gianna Parasini, and Maeko Matsuo couldn't quite get over the fact Leo was standing barefoot in the cold with such low temperatures buffering his flesh. Even more the fact that his flesh was warm to the touch and caused the snow to melt a bit.

"This is a Level One Cold Hazard, you should be dead!" Matsuo circled around to make sure some trick was not being played. Besides the swipe with her Omni-tool to notify her of his Biotic Implant, nothing else was found on the scan.

"Believe it, it will come to you as well if you follow me like offered. I need certain people for my plans in the future to work. A Galaxy is not built by oneself. Not is it shaped correctly." With a lift of the palm, white blue Spiritual Energy circled around his fingers. So pure that it was quite the experiment without even doing anything. "The planting of Cold Engines is a must."

Deploying a few drones with Formation on them. The devices started sucking in the cold energy at an alarming rate. Which changed the temperature in the surroundings noticeably. Parasini and Matsuo watched as Stirling sat down in the snow and started to glow with Biotic Energy.

The constant flow was not as strong as Leo's but was beautiful to watch nonetheless. Neither seeing someone maintain a field that long in such dangerous conditions.

A.I.- Are you sure about bringing them further? Captain Stirling is designed more for other work. The darker kind. Or does this have to do with the nothing of wanting to understand female development more?

'Consider it personal curosity. The morality of the two others will help define her more. Seeing Stirling's spiritual growth is defintely more promising considering her previous background. Gianna Parasini is an honest investigator. That will be needed more once we get to Andromeda. Maeko Matsuo provides a familiar face. Familiarity goes a long way.' Leo sent his feet deeper down as took in more Cold Spiritual Energy. 'The level of power within Nature is amazing. I could take a 1/4 of this planet and it would only change some of the Geological Conditions.'

Why the time passed, the others finally got used to the cold. After Leo explained a small cultivation manual and got them to sign Provisional Contracts that allowed them to absorb Spiritual Energy. Supringsly, Matsuo Cultivation grew quickly.

"This is difficult." Parasini stop as she felt the cold energy was to much as well as the fact the new information was to much. She had to confront Leo more about the situation. Even if it defied orders of her superiors who said for her to get close. "Since know one is around, can we talk pleasantly?"

"Oh, they are no one?" Leo offered a smile to the woman. However, she found it to be quite devilish and slightly detached. Even subconsciously shivering despite being warm when getting close to him. Thankfully neither showed any signs of hearing what was said. "I will not be getting dressed."

Parasani to her credit continued to hold eye contact. Unmoved at the words.

"The Reapers are real and coming to the Milky Way, yet you are taking obvious forces and damn near supersoldiers with you. Can you not stay and fight? What would be so wrong in helping defend home?"

The compassion card, but to be more precise Hope.

"Home will be protected no need for all eggs in one basket so to speak. Do you mean to tell me I should not have a backup plan to the possible event that it all fails?" Leo's eyes softened as he spoke. The situation was good for reflection if anything. She shook he head now but that didn't mean she was convinced. "The losses will be many. No matter what plans I implement. That is a cost of life. It is a way of nature. To circumvent that would require a great level of force. Subjugation."


"Only works when people are willing to listen. The Council, the Various gangs, Mercenary Groups and the Alliance themselves, if you know of a way to get them all on your side, go for it."

"Evidence of it all exists correct." Not really a question as evidence was already imparted to help gain the woman on his side so far. "We make a fuss, a big one. One that even the Collectors won't be able to mess with."

"You forget the Geth are working for the Reapers, the numbers dwarf most of the Galaxy. Not to mention the factories that exist outside the Veil. The Quarians really made a death machine in that sense. If you and Parasini wish to run the diplomatic route, by all means, go for it. You will need strength and backing to not be killed or snuffed out to soon."

"So token support?" Matsuo's brow furrowed at that.

"My support.. even if a token, it is better than some. Do remember I am allied with Cerberus and on route to take over one of the mercenary gangs that matter." Seeing she needed a little more, Leo turned to the right and lifted his hand up. "Let me show a little scope of my strength if only to understand that even with all my power it is not enough to completely control the Galaxy and make everyone work togethor."

For the first moments, nothing could be seen besides the glow of his biotic energy. It only grew bigger with a change in the clouds.

They started to drift away from the location. Soon the sun was completely visible in the sky. As well as a shadow of a large mountain top. Large enough to flatten an area for miles with an impact crater to shake a portion of the defense structures and labs.

*Fwoosh!* What looked to be the Biotic move Fling, sent the carved out mountain out into space. The pressure of such a move sent a shockwave of snow and ice through the area. Enough that the various Geth teams were buried.

As for others, they would be alright eventually. All the ground teams under Leo's command should be past recon points.

"That was enough to pierce Dreadnought... how is that not enough?" Matsuo bit her lip in frustration. Seeing is believing, but the understanding was another thing entirely. "The increase in Wisdom and Intelligence and I still can't fathom this. I have much to think on."

With an abrupt turn, she went back to meditating. Leaving Leo suprised at the turnabout but not overly carrying.

"Haaa!" Stirling sighed with a mix of white vapor in her breath. "The distance in our strength has grown. But I have the years to challenge the gap. I want to fight against those blasted Asari to show them the strength of humanity."

"Hmm, that I can get behind. Just try not to kill one another. Death is defintely not something I wish to dabble in yet." With a rotation of limbs, the armor was put back on to get ready. Geth hunting would be quite the thing to deal with. "Time to put your training to the test."

Leo would be parting from the three and leaving them under the mission parameters of the A.I. for devlopment. As well as Maya running Operational Support when need be.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality (Returned)

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin, Sarah, Jacob, Jeodore, Sloane, Nyreen, Olan (Agent Zero)

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