
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Interlude Morinth's Treatment

Maya just had to vent with him. It lasted for a good hour until she passed out from exhaustion. She had been overworking herself for some odd reason.

Something she and Miranda shared in common.

During the time he was in close door work, she spent her time improving the Geo-Thermal Device as well as working on a few assignments and plans sent to her before Leo change the A.I. over.

When Maya came to, she and Leo were in the Gym. A duffle bag next to her as he waited for her to wake up. Morinth was also in the room since it was mainly about her that woman was upset.

"Me and Morinth.. are going to "spar" for a bit." He used the word spar loosely. "I want you here to watch and to help you understand just a little about her kind." Leo removed his shirt standing in just in his gym shorts. "My body is getting closer to what I need it to be. Just need a special workout for the final touches."

"Sure light-duty won't cause a problem?" Morinth sneered. Her eyes were completely focused on him. "Beating you injured is not something I will enjoy."

"Tch!" Maya was upset. She hated the superiority of Asari. Morinth attitude just made her view worse of the Xenos race as a whole. Sha'ira was bringing her around just a bit but that was an exception. "Even injured you are not a match for him!"

"She has a point." Leo smirked. "You are unbalanced therefore you will never be at your best." Morinth sent a shockwave at him. Tehe biotic attack would have made short work of average shields. "Oh, mad are we?"

"I am not mad mad. Just upset." Morinth said delivering a roundhouse kick. Leo blocked it and sent her balance off. "Just you are taking so long!" She recovered easily and sent a jab to his face. "Just your 'growth' is scary. I am upset about the cure!"

*Pat!* Leo stopped it with his palm and stepped back. He needed to have complete control of this encounter to get through to her and Maya. The lightning generated from his palm danced towards her head.

"I understand but you also have to remember, I have other matters on the docket first. You have grown so much in such a short time because of the basic agreement already, not much of a rush to get to the condition of the Asari overall." This served to tick her off even further. "If we met the first time I arrived, it might have been different."

'These readings are climbing.' Maya had pulled a device out of the duffle bag. It showed the biosignature of both Leo and Morinth. Morinth's brain waves were erratic. Adrenal glands producing already heavy secretions. 'Eh.. her hormones are rising?!'

"Go ahead and give in to it, it will be fine." Leo said calmly. The readings from the device relayed to him via the A.I. floating above the fighting of the two. He want to quip give in to the Dark Side but he doubted she knew what that meant. "You need to stop hiding in fear."

"Humph!" Morinth shook the lightning off with her biotics. It was a bit of a struggle and gave her a headache. The desire to "devour" him spiking abruptly. She relented after thinking it over the consequence of doing so. "Its fine to say that but I could kill all the people on this vessel and not break a single sweat."

*Woom!* Her biotics started to increase as they exchange blows. Leo just applying pressure instead of actually hurting her yet. The protection arrays in the room were definitely getting put through the paces.

Maya was glad they were holding. To make sure she didn't get hurt, the A.I. activated a defense protocol. Deploying a miniature drone to absorb a biotic energy a little bit. Maya didn't bother with the drone or the mini considering the readings from Morinth will still rising rapidly.

"Maybe. I know this bugs you, but your growth as an Asari warrior demands it. It was after all what the Protheans Bio-engineered your kind for." Leo stepped back out of a path of a sword. Morinth had pulled the blade from her left boot. "You studied it yourself or.. taken from a fallen?"

Their was no disgust in his voice. The genetic "flaw" as the Asari called it was definitely a must have to build a warrior race and to create a master race. Well, Mistress race really.

"Studied, observed, and.." Morinth pressed forward slashing in multiple waves. Each strike faster than the last. Biotic energy started to swirl around in mass. "..taken from my first lover!"

Leo wrapped his arm in biotic energy and broke the sword in two. The brief interrupt of her attack allowed Morinth enough time to fix her footing. The top half of the broken blade was Flung towards Leo's head.

*Chssh!* The energies sizzled as Leo grabbed the piece and wrestled free from her control. Hand extended his palm generated spiritual lightning. Supringsly enough it turned green completely.

Maya eyes went wide as the device read Morinth hormones reached a dangerous level. The secretions of her adrenal gland would kill a human but only create a euphoric effect in the Asari.

'There goes that freaky eye thing!" Maya hand absently went to her side. She was reaching for her pistol but stopped feeling pressure there. 'How did he do that?'

A hand made of biotic energy held her in place. Seeing the distance between the two and the fact he was fighting a deadly she demon, Maya was a little more impressed with him.

"Raaah!" Morinth couldn't contain herself anymore. She went forward with a powerful biotic charge. Eyes wide despite them changing over to pure black. 'I want to him!' It turned into an instinctual need at this point.

Her blood and body ready for the kill. Her "spirit" ready to invite the powerful biotic energy and knowledge inside.

"Stage two of Lightning Palm." Leo gathered his control of Nature into a single place. His spiritual energy rising as he used it with the blood energy from his body. "This may hurt."

*Bzzzt!* Morinth was fast but not faster than lightning however. With Leo's body having moved up a realm, the technique was more deadly and faster in execution. A slight move was faster than the eye could comprehend.

The drone recorded every detail accurately. The A.I. already finding flaws in the technique as well as the flaw in Morinth's Biotic Charge.

The impact between the two caused a whirlwind of conflicting energy. Morinth's Biotic Energy went out of control and disputed. Leo's lightning palm smashed into her stomach causing her to bend like a shrimp.

*Crackle!* The lightning dissipated but not outward. It poured into Morinth's body as she started to spasm uncontrollably. With the effects of lightning and the fact he could control it with spirit energy, Leo could perform very unusual surgeries.

"I know of a way to fast-track you with the cure.. but I think you would like the slow way better." Leo moved over her. Eyes glowing green. He gestured for Maya to show the screen display. "This is the readings from before and this is the readings now. I have started your treatment a little while ago."

"Ughh! Morinth twitched a little then forced herself to look at the screen. She knew enough of her kind state of puberty to understand a little bit of what was going on. "I went.. through that.. years ago. Around when.. I was 45!"

"Hope I look that good when I am past my 40's." Maya grumbled. Despite the age humans lived to know you was still wanting more. Leo did not blame her for that. Most people did not want to look like crap when getting older. Or lose the hard work accumulated all those years of studying. "I don't think hormone blockers will work."

"They won't but an incision to the brain like so.." Leo moved the his spiritual energy around and made the incision. Frying the enlarged gland in one go. Before any serious damage could happen, he flooded her body with the power of Medicince. "..that should do it."

Morinth stopped shaking then went Stockstill. She was still alive but the change in her brain was a bit much after what happened. It took a few minutes before she could move again.

"That's the easy way.." Maya looked at the change in real time from the device. Her hormone and adrenal levels went down to normal levels. But Leo's were a different story. "What is the effect tit will have on you?"

"I have know idea just yet." Leo felt the change from the energy and chemicals he took in. His heart was erratic for a few minutes but with the circulation of his Bloodlust, it turned normal pretty quickly. "I will study later."

"We will study later." Maya correct. "This is not something I want to be left out of. Besides, I am sure you don't have the right connections to distribute this to the Asari easily. We on the other hand do."

She meant Cerebrus of course. The number of credits that they could earn from this would be astronomical. If done correctly.

"Yeah.. no. Not gonna alienate them with Cerebrus changing the actual process up. I have a few kins to work to allow others to be able o do this." Leo raised his hand stopping her before she got started. "Spiritual energy is needed as well as an understanding in bio-engineering a great deal. Especially over other Xenos. Something that is lacking there."

"Then I will start my study more broadly. Project Lazarus already has a bit of this type of work." Maya said quickly. "Obtaining a few of the files will be easy and I will only send the findings to the Illusive Man. How does that sound?"

"Don't I get a say in this?" While they discussed matters, Sha'ira had walked in. Leo was aware of her heading this way but thought nothing of it. "This is Asari matters after all. And I rather it done more through us."

"Hmm." Leo leaned down to Morinth who just kept staring at the ceiling. "Sup?" Her hands snaked out like a viper striking as she pulled him down. "Well.. hello. After a complete check over we can test fully what happened. On me of course."

"Yes!" Morinth held him tightly. She suprised Leo by pulling him in for a kiss. "Muah! You knew just the right thing to say after. Here I thought you would tell me to try on some random person."

"No, for my tests it is better for me to be involved. Oh take make sure their is no confusion." Leo had the drone fly over to the two. He didn't try to pull away from the Asari. "I copied the neuro patterns as well as the genetic setup of your Hypothalamus. Its links to your Nervous System particularly interest me. And the change to your Endocrine System and Pituitary Gland."

"Why?" Sha'ira thought it odd.

"For better study and to copy the effect of the Ardat Yakshi of course." Leo grinned. "To be able to devour the synapses and possibly the soul of a person naturally is beyond anything I could pass up. Patients that die could contribute a little more before the end."

"Disgusting." Sha'ira muttered. She felt sick to the bottom of her stomach but would not stop this. "I definitely insist on being involved on the conversation and business to negotiate with the asari Council on this matter."

"That is fine." Leo nodded. His attention was pulled back to Morinth who hands started to caress his neck. "Feeling ok?"

"Hell no!" Maya separates the two forcefully with her biotics. A look of unbridled disgust on her face. "I understand you have Xenophilic tendencies but she is still a patient and you are on Light-Duty! Which you have definitely ignored already today!"

"Well your not wrong there.." Leo smirked. The jealousy Maya exuded was quite something. He was only able to real feel it due to generating from her disgust. "..how about we relax and talk this over? Before I get mad."

Sha'ira with her better diplomatic skills brought the situation down to normal. Before they separated however, she had to ask about the "Drone" floating around.

"Nothing to worry about there, it is linked to my thoughts." Leo pointed to the small node on his neck. "Not an A.I. or V.I. operating it. More of a me operating it."

The three looked at the drone then back at him. Shrugging as that seemed ok in their book considering he did all sorts of unusual experiments.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect?, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth

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