
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Artemis Tau Cluster Part 4 Debrief

"Why kids?"

"Well, it really messed him up the way the Alliance handled what happened. Which I defintely can understand. The Turians are technically a good reason why Cerebrus is the way it currently happens to be. That incident set the forwarding groundwork in the man to push humanity up. By being the "bad guy" as well as doing what it takes."

"There is a limit." Tali muttered.

"Tell that to the human colonists that have been attacked by Geth, which the Quarian created. As well as the other races taking a heavy beating by the Geth." Leo didn't like her tune just then. "If the Quarian were not so secretive about their inner workings maybe others wouldn't try to infiltrate the flotilla. Especially with everything related to the Geth creation never leaving the Migrant Fleet. Really troublesome."

"Not like other races can't help." Morinth glared at Tali a little. "Guess your kind is just to smart to need help."

"That is not it at all!" Tali said defensively.

*Beep Beep!* The intercom on the shuttle went off. It was the friendly contact wanting to see if a sweep of the surface was needed. A sweep of the firey explosive nature.

"No just meets us in orbit. Debrief in 6 hours." Leo was not wanting to explain why he greenlight the firebombing of "a place. It was bad enough the explosions that went off on the place. "Sit tight till then.

Once back aboard the Normandy arguments and talks commenced once more. Jane was preoccupied talking with the new arrival Liara. Kaiden and Ashley joining in the soft interrogation as well.




"Yeah yeah, whatever. You dont feel like we do." Maya shook her hand towards her. "If you took everything in from the past and look at it objectively, you wouldn't have the problem with letting others help you. I am sure the Asari would feel the same way if their secrets were exposed."

"They have a lot of them to." Leo applied another layer of omni-gel over his wounds. A synthetic graft would then be placed on top to help with structuring for later. That s the usual case method. Oddly enough it was not needed with the way his body healed. 'Defintely smart idea to push cultivation for the body more. Two maybe three days tops to say anything definite.'

"The Asari council will keep that as tight-lipped as possible. I am living proof that is the truth." Morinth frowned under her hood. Her omni-tool lit up as a message arrived. Leo sent her data that was finally pieced togethor. As well as the updates on her mother's location. "She is on the Citadel... looking for the consort of all people."

"Ugh, they are to much of a group of blockheads and won't listen to reason," Sha'ira responded trying to end the conversation. "..for the so-called wisdom they have, no way they will allow anything that will give them a bit of a weakness. With the Turian military backing certain Matriarchs and the Salarian's wetwork division embedded deeply in certain matters..."

"The boat can not be rocked easily." Jack shook her head in disgust. "Politics are such a problem."

"Good," Zaed said looking away. "I dont like this at all." Checking with his spiritual sense he felt the presence of Jane coming pretty quickly. She must have finished her talks with Liara. Which meant she was coming to check on Leo. "Jane is on her way, need to change what we are talking about."

*Chssh!* The door slid opened a few minutes later.

"Is Leo..." Jane hated to even mumble the words out loud. Seeing the slagged boots and weapons a knot formed in the woman's belly. "..can't be bad. Just can't be." The others gave room for her to see he was just fine and moving about as normal.

"He is not bad off. Should be, but not." Dr.Chakwas couldn't believe the readings at all. The "biotic" interference kept her from getting an accurate read. "I just wish he would stop experimenting on himself and lay down!"

He was not admitted as a patient since that would be an issue. Benefits of running a separate op than Jane. Nihlus knew just how to keep matters out of the Council and Alliance view.

"Not happening doc. My body and I do what I want with it." Leo said for the umpteenth time. Slowly he peeled pieces of geth material from his arm. Morinth removing pieces from his legs but taking pictures every few seconds like he told her two. "Best time to find out about Intense Heat Stress on the body."

"You have to be in excruciating pain." Wrex has never seen a human-like this before. The desire to fight him one on one came up several times but was dismissed. "What happens if your brain overcooks during this?"

A normal human body would definitely not have done well under such intense heat. With the metal getting hotter as well, it was a recipe for disaster. As well as a human cannibal's wet dream.

"Then I get to try a resuscitation protocol." Leo pulled a really big shard out and smiled. Setting on a table next to him, he then activated the clean-up protocols. The core of the geth's processor was in pieces but just enough for him to try something. "Once all the fragments are removed, I will make sure to take it a little easier."

"See that you do." Dr.Chawkwas gave up on getting readings. Applying a sterilization field in the room, she joined in removing the pieces on his back. "Your entire right side is completely burnt. A graft of this size.."

"Not doing a graft there. Have something in mind to take care of that." Leo gestured to Jack who had a tray with an unusual sheet on it. "Using my own flesh to apply back on to the damaged area."

"I am sorry what!?" Dr. Chakwas looked at the tray and could only see a few things with her naked eye. "What is that?"

"The collected volume of my not dead skin cells over the last few days. Unfortunately, the ones in my armor are not good anymore. Couldn't harvest in time." Gesturing to the metal slag heap in the corner, they understood that. "Every day I have collected my dead skin cells for an experiment like this. Well, they are not really dead as the sheet keeps them relatively alive."

"This is a sheet.. of your skin. Gross." Jack moved the tray over to him and did not want to touch it anymore. "What the fuck man!" She was better off not knowing what the material was.

"Meh, it's no different than.. ah never mind." Leo waved her off and turned to his omni-tool. A few keystrokes and the process would start in ten minutes. "Just need to get my back cleaned up more and then I will be good to start."

Once all the shards were removed with the burnt tissue, Dr.Chakwas applied the sheet and watched in awe when the flesh covered his back quickly. The "omni-gel" helps connected and seal things in place.

*Woosh!* A wave of biotic energy washed over the room as Leo let his Body Cultivation soar. To the naked eye, bone moved underneath the skin. The cells of his skin connected faster and looked no different than that of a person who recovered from a standard burn.

His arms and legs recovered at a quicker rate but not as fast as his back did. Which Morinth made sure to take notes on accurately.

In less than 4 hours, Leo was good to go again and moved about with no problems. Much to Dr. Chakwas's excitement. The medical application alone would keep her busy the next few months.

Leo was put on Light-Duty with Nihlus agreeing it would be good for him. Which didn't bother Leo as he had research to look over and the A.I. to deal with. Moving to the Officer Quarters shared with Nihlus, he started his project.


Three Days Later-


Leo was bringing the A.I. back online. The base code he used from the old get, the information taken from the current V.I. setups on the Citadel, the understanding of Mental Technology from his Earth, and finally the method of Golems taking from techniques by his brother allowed this to go as planned.

Also Prothean V.I. that were scanned with the final piece containing basic code of Alec Ryder's A.I. SAM. Which considering made sense for alter.

"Greetings Leonardo." A drone floated up. All across it's setup were Array Formations that linked it to Leo. He knew what it was "thinking" or processing at all times. The signal did not go both ways as the Mental Arry Leo carved into his flesh prevented a link back to his Mental Synapses. "I am happy you did not terminate me fully."

"Release all information slowly in regards to what was blocked from me." Leo ordered. The drone floated for a bit displaying a projection on the wall. "That.. is.. a lot.. of shit!"

Several pictures and constant text kept appearing. It was only 1/20th of the file size apparently. Which Leo was grateful for considering how he needed to read.

Jotting a few things right quick, he sent a copy of the LX implant he designed to both Maya and Mordin to look over. He needed more input on finding anything he could have possibly missed.

"OK.. ok.. so let's focus on the Andromeda Initiative. Who do I know personally?" The pictures flickered over to several people. "Jien Garson - Founder and leader, Matriarch Nuara - Advisor, Sloane Kelly -Nexus Security Director, Shio'Leth vas Novarra - Geological Expert, Ellen Ryder... what the hell."

"Due to Genetic Engineering, it made the most sense. As well as the Krogan you're involved with already." The A.I. fluttered about. Lens flickering as it turned to two specific Krogan. "Dr.Okeer is.. a colleague at best. AS well as someone who rather talk genetics with you than fight."

Remembering Okeer's work with the genophage and the bypassing of it through cloning, Leo was grateful to known the Krogan Scientist. Thinking that he should currently be working on said project as well as the Purebreed Krogan later known as Grunt was exciting.

From a scientific standpoint anyway.

"Drak Nakmor is the other. His longevity as well the genes from his legendary mother makes him worthwhile to study." The A.I. drone fluttered about changing images. "AS long as progress is shown he will not be an issue."

"Ok then send word to Okeer, we need to discuss matters in person finally. His research funded by the Blue Sun women is a must. As well as those Krogans." Leo remembering about Zaed's contention to them what not leave him out of this. "Send a message to Zaed with the plan. This should also help bring him closer to the bastard that screwed him over."

"Of course." A few lights on the drone flicked on. The activation of heavily Encrypted Channels. "Task complete."

"Alright Krogan connection done. Need more with the.. Salarians. Hmm, Mordin is good as is and I am not leaving him wasted. Who else is slated with him?" Images of Maelon Heplorn, Dalatrass Linron, and The League of One."

"The infiltration done by yourself before awakening and myself uncovered some troves of information pertaining to that secret group of the Salarians."The A.I. played a few videos of meetings as well as Leo obtaining a few medallions. The keepsake and introductory marker of the Group. "How do you wish to handle this?"

"Tch! Bring Mordin in on this only. I will talk with him personally in regards to this later." Leo looked over the information on how the members were dealt with and did not like the looks of it at all. "Thane Krios, hire him. Or get a meeting. Tell him I have better treatment for his condition."

As the A.I. went to work on that, Leo's Spirit Sense picked someone heading to the room. Letting the person in did not lead to fun times unfrotunately.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect?, Comedy?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks. Jennifer (Jack)

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