
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Are they from the Ardat-Yakshi Monastery

A Day Later-


The ship was in orbit of Therum. Why they wanted to investigate the place more was beside him. After Leo checked with a probe previously, nothing else was worth looking at on the planet. it was as normal as can be.

All the Prothena Ruins were completely pilfered already. With the damage Leo and the rampaging Geth did, however, trouble reared its head a little. Which Jane was taking the brunt of.

Leo was currently at work with Nihlus on the Astral Charts. Morinth's tests were still occurring leaving the asari more than frustrated in the infirmary. But Sha'ira was very adamant about her not moving about or for that matter, playing with Leo.

"I am just saying.. we are close by and think of the resources to acquire." Leo said. He pointed at a cluster of destroyed ship parts from a derelict by the looks of it. "Free and abandon.. just saying."

"We are not pirates. Or scavengers." Nihlus was not wanting to divert course. "Look, Jane is recovering from.. the last mission. Liara has given a fair enough insight her mother's possible next move."

"So we are heading back down to make sure the planet will be secure for future use." Jane said a little miffed. Behind her was Liara looking at Leo like a lab specimen. "Liara here will be joining us. Hopefully, with the information obtained from the Protean Cipher she found, we can navigate a few of the more sealed-up ruins."

"I see. So a check then we move on. Has the COuncil said anything else?" Nihlus question as Leo was not interested at all what they were going down there to do. "Sure they enjoyed breaking you the same as all Spectres."

"I figured it was a little razing but to think even they do it to, feels like the Alliance brass all over again." Jane rubbed her forehead feeling slightly better. "Then again, Turians and their customs."

"Yes." Nihlus just smiled. "Well Doctor T'soni, pleased to meet you." Shaking the young Asari's hand he followed her line of sight. "Don't mind him, he is just wanting to grab the wreckage out there."

"It is just a waste to leave it alone." Leo pushed from the console. Omni-tool lit up as he contacts the other ship in orbit. "Hey, tell that hothead Asari I need to talk with her."

Contact: Yes sir.

A few minutes later and someone else joined the channel. Leo informed them who was all in the room he was in. Much to the annoyance of the Captain of the vessel. The Matriarch was not that accepting of this at all.

Matriarch Contact: What is it?

"Look, I give you the blasted documents to improve your young fighters and you can call the "basic" part of our agreement fulfilled," Leo said back testily. "I am sure you that is better than your flimsy little pride."

Matriarch Contact: Mighty big talk when you are on a stealth ship. Since the basics are don't then we can get started on the advanced. Get off your leash and come aboard.

The Matriarch cut the connection.

"Haa, such a serious hothead." Leo grinned to himself. A little small blackmail and a powerful Asari Matriarch obeyed him. Especially when he also "threatened" lowkey to blow the brains out of her daughter. Who, was currently on the Normandy.

"Well, since they are going to be mucking about down below, I will go and improve relations with the Asari." Leo was not asking permission from Nihlus just informing him really. The Turian nodded all the same. "I wonder what was on the ship?"

Jane and Liara just watched him leave. The former annoyed while the other curious about what he saw from the Cipher. Jane was very forthcoming but not a single mention what was seen by Leo.

"I think Sha'ira should go with you." Nihlus said as the turbo lift was about to close. "as well as Mori. Give the humans on the ship a bit of a breather that fewer Asari are onboard."

The crew was not completely ok with the various Xenos. Which was quite the weakness Nihlus determined in the group. He even heard a few not so nice words from some.

Despite the Normandy, creation involved several Xenos races in the building of it.

"Ok." Leo didn't mind. He was thinking of bringing Zaed just to see the man face but it was better to leave him alone. 'The breakthrough for his body is coming along well enough. The Geo-thermal device definitely helped. I wonder if the others will use it?'

By the time Leo made it to the shuttle, Morinth and Sha'ira were already waiting on him. Which was nothing to worry about since her test finally came back fine. Just needed to test the process now.

As the three made it over to the Asari ship, Leo was in for a surprise. But not as much as Morinth. Quite a few ASari she knew and he knew were there. Namely Morinth's family.

"Well, this is nice." Leo blinked at the situation slowly. The A.I. had the drone in stealth mode above his head. It would fire if need be. "So.. advance talks... let's start."




The Matriarch that owned the vessel kept in fighting from taking place. The shit eating grin on her face just made Leo amused. He didn't overall care how she gained Samara along with the two daughters Falere and Rila.

"Yah know.. the face marks are really nice on the two. Why don't you have any?"

"Tch! Not really the time!" Morinth snarled. "We get out of this you can paint my face all you want!"

"Well, that is just icing on the face at this point." Sha'ira understood what he meant by giving a smile. "Know one is dying just yet. Depends if they get froggy with me or not."

"You are a mighty careless human." Matriarch Aethya said. The woman had proverbial balls to pull something like this. "You sure you are getting out of this with no problem?"

"Oh yes, I am." Leo looked around at the Asari in the room. Of various ages as his Aspect of Fertility activated. "Not a single one above a 100. Oh, wait.. there is one. The one next to you is over 325, how nice."

"Before anyone starts shooting, I am sure we can come to an agreement." Sha'ira said. "Aethya, mind telling me what this is about exactly."

"This human tried to blackmail me."

"I didn't try I did. It was just getting her away from the silliness she was in." Leo shrugged as if it was not big deal. "I mean she has a fleet of ships with several Asari having returned home and not dead in a gutter somewhere. How could the blackmail not been a good thing?"


"I am not gonna say with what. A deal is a deal after all." Leo folded his arms looking over to Samara. "You and Morinth look so much alike it is not even funny. I mean besides the chest area and freckles of course. It is fascinating."

"Thank you." Samara stepped forward not minding the guns the mercenaries had at all. "Samara you have a choice.." She was about to tell her daughter to return to the Monastery.

"Never had a choice when it came to you." Morinth was actually a little afraid. Which was new for her. Her mother always had the affect on her but this was different. She took a step behind Leo just a bit. "Just let me live my life already!"

"Look your daughter has already been treated so.. back up." Leo pushed Samara back with a biotic push. Already spreading it around the entire room to destroy the guns if need be. "Your Code needs to have an addendum to those who are no longer afflicted."

"What proof do you have it is done?" Aethya asked. She was upset but the possibility of a cure for other Asari was enough to stim her anger. 'Liara may not have shown the signs but that does not mean the problem won't come further down her bloodline or my own.'

"Watch Leo and Morinth Meld in front of everyone. No tricks." Sha'ira said. She was trying to angle something but Leo had know idea what. "If he does not burn out then it is proof she is cured."

"Not a problem for me really." Leo rubbed his chin a little in thought. Trying to decide if he should open his soul more to Morinth during the process. But practicality told him to hold off on it. "Up to you Mori."

"If to just get on over her then fine." She pointed a finger at her mother. "If you do die I am gonna fight my way out of here." Grabbing Leo by the shoulders she was actually nervous. "Are you sure?"

"Hmm, oh yes. This should be enlightening." Leo finished a small conversation with the A.I. "Hold nothing back, I wanna see what happens."

The biotic energy build up in the room caused several Asasri took look on in awe. The Matriarch Aethya and Samara were not surprised at first. But then the release of Leo's "biotic" energy caused concern for them.

*Woom!* Leo's green spiritual energy engulfed the entire room then the ship. The energy levels did not cause a problem due to the ship already designed for high-level energy fluctuations onboard. Which was the standard for Asari vessels.

"It feels so warm and inviting." Falere, the youngest of the sisters mutters. Her eyes glazing over as they then turned black. "Such a powerful presence."

Slowly the rest of the Asari did the same. All but Rila, Aethya, Sha'ira, and Samara. The four resist on instinct which they regretted a little.

"Embrace Eternity!" Morinth declared. Her face in a smile as she joined with Leo's consciousness. She was first amazed at the inner workings of his mind. The Mental Gear Shift he applied to himself was something but then his Mental Cultivation alone left her as well as the other Asari in awe. 'What are you!?'

'I am something a little different.' Leo said simply to her and the others. The younger Asari had not experience enough in life to resist the temptation of getting lost in his memories. 'No reason to cause damage to them like this.'

Calming himself, Leo took control of the Melding. The Asari were shown his life on Earth. Before arriving here. With most thinking Earth primitive anyway they didn't notice much. Just enrapture by the feelings of life he had. As well as the scene of him killing his love.

The process was not one way. Leo was able to experience the different lives of the various Asari. Some having a few ruff encounters but others having boring ones. The secrets of each of them were known to him.

A.I.- Your Aspect of Medicine has increased significantly. As well as that of Protection. It can no longer be replaced with another currency. They are impressionable despite the young age, for Asari. A good way for Order to generate more.

Leo understood enough so he did not mess with any of it. As his Mental Cultivation increased further, each of the Asari minds were broadened a little. A faint green glow wrapped around their bodies the same as his spiritual energy.

"Is that normal?" Aethya asked Sha'ira. She did not receive an answer to that. 'They better not die during this!' The Asari was worried about a few in the mix. Some were the daughters of long-deceased friends.

A few hours passed as the melding ended. Morinth look on Leo was more feverish than before. But she felt more confused emotional then anything. The melding was nice even better than it was usually. But the gentle feeling was new to her.

It lacked the passion she was used to. The younger Asari looked around at each other then picked up their guns quickly. Some breathing heavily as they came to terms with what happened.

"Sister.." Falere surprised RIla by giving her a big hug. She was always the more affectionate one but this was a little weird even for her. "..I love you so much!"

"I love you to.. now let go!" Rila blushed heavily. Her sister was embarrassing her. 'What did they experience like that?'

The A.I. having compiled a lot of data on the incident, relayed it to Leo. Informing him about another Aspect in his Order that developed. That of Hope. Which was not something he wanted to be saddle with

"You are odd human." Samara looked Leo over studying him as best she could. But something about him made her pause in her actions. Warning bells of what it would mean to mess with him in a certain way. "This treatment you gave my daughter..."

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Soul Extension

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth

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