
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

In-transit Part 2: Grissom Academy


Back On Ship-


Aeythla and most of the more Moral Paragon people were at a loss. Not only did they breach and disable the Normandy, but they left it without any casualties. Mutilation of some bodies of course excluded.

They watched as the Siege Drills broke down and were fitted into plating for the interior of the ship. The armor worn by the Boarding Party came off and was loaded into wall lockers and shuffled about.

Skinsuits peeled away that altered physical features to disrupt the most advanced of scanners.

Decontamination and bio scrubbers went over each of them. Taking any type of contaminants and trace of the Normandy.

Of course, an explanation of what happened will need to be done for the Alliance to keep from making anything known to the public if they somehow figure things out.

"Why did you bring me here? Why cause so much trouble to everyone?" Benezia questioned from her Ion cell. "Who are you, people!?"

"Well simple really, you are my prisoner and I do not like my things getting taken from or getting away. They took you and got in my way. A lesson to be learned for them of course." Leo had de-armored and stood in front of the Asari with no qualms about anything. "Your ex-whatever she was to you," he pointed at Ayeltha. "..we had an agreement like so many others that I wouldn't kill you. But that has been breached."

"You wouldn't." Falere actually spoke out about this. "She is better alive than dead."

Matriarch Ayeltha was ready to fight at a moment's notice.

"Easy there, you really should not overstep again." It was the only warning Leo would give her. "As for the work recently..."

"You knew.. didn't you?" Leo smirked at her in response. "Yet you didn't push or react against it fully! What kind of man are you to allow a traitor such free reign on your ship!?"

A.I.- Matriarch Ayeltha does not understand human behavior as much as we gave her credit. However, her ability to gather resources and Commandos still makes her a good War Asset. Plus another Matriarch to speak in your favor for voting.

"A man who watches and waits silly Asari. You did what you chose to do and I am doing what I chose to do. Everyone has choices to make and problems to deal with afterward." Leo typed away at the return emails from Sarah Williams, Ashley's sister. Having incapacitated her sister to introduce a bioagent to improve her overall health was quite the thing to do. Especially without William's consent at that. 'At least the younger sister is understanding of this. This should save her sister or Kaiden depending on the Vermine mission. If it happens anyway.'

A.I.- Recovery periods for each of them vary. Wrex, Garrus, and Ashley most likely will be her teammates during it.

"Does this hurt the Asari? If I don't cooperate?" With a guilt-ridden look in her eyes, Benezia weighed her options. One thing she understood from talking to her daughter intermittently, was information and the danger of some group acting in the shadows. But the difference between the Shepard siblings was to much of a contrast. "Ayeltha.. is she safe?"

She was worried about Liara.

"Hmm, oh no. I have what I want from the Asari. Everything else is just.. bonus maybe?" It was food for later thought anyway. "I mean, enough is on my side if the Reapers get a hold of the rest or glasses your various planets everything is fine."

Which is something that naturally happens if the Dimension follows that script from the series.

"Don't take my people lightly." Samara's eyes were hardened as she spoke up. The Pride of the Justicar as well as her being a long-lived Asari reared its head. More and more she lost control with regards to the Code. " We have been alive...."

"You were left alive because you were to primitive at the time by the Reapers. Your race existed during the last cycle but not a threat the same as the Salarians. Let's not forget your long-standing history was aided by "Goddess Antheme's" hand."

The Prothean Beacon the Asari had defintely done more for them than anything else they could have done alone.

"You know to much information human."

"Yes, I do. Anyway, take Benezia for tests. If she resists, drug her and do a full invasive approach. She is not a patient but a prisoner. And Prisoners deserve no respect at all." Leo was clear about his order.

"Of course." Maya led the Asari away with several others. Quite an armed escort at that. "I am sure she will comply." This was mostly said for the Asari escort.

"Head off to the next destination." Leo ordered over comms. "Make sure the ship finishes configuration to cruiser mode just in case." The moment he said that the lighting on the sides went off. Alerting the crew about the change in the ship's structure. 'Improvements to this will help keep the ship constantly disguised if the stealth technology or formation has an issue.'

Emotions were high for most, so they excused themselves until later. Dr.Chakwas remained behind to go over the endgame.

"Commander Leo, this is stressful work." Sitting down, she observed his behavior and just couldn't get over the fact he was fine in all the decisions he made. "Alienating her crew and Jane if they figure out it was you, what is the point?"

"Stressful work.. not really. I have done worse." Leo took a seat crossing his legs. "The Alliance needs to arm up better this will make them look twice at everything. Purchase of armaments and shielding will increase. That is something we wanted yes?"

"Yes, it is. I contacted a few doctors I served in rotation with. They are complaining about budget cuts around Earth bases. Not to mention the facility on Mars security having dropped." She passed over a tablet for him to go over. "Are you willing to fund this?"

Leo checked the budget and some of the benefits of this. He approved it after a full read twice.

"Thank you. About the Grissom Academy kids and staff that Jennifer retrieved."

"They are all healthy correct?" Leo didn't think any major problem was among the students or staff.

"Yes, they are healthy just hope your plans for them are not to dangerous."

"Plans... what plans?" Leo was confused. "I told Jennifer that I only wanted the one to speak with and see about fixing her up. Besides a standard medical file to track teenage biotic issues I have no other plans for them."

"Your serious?"

"Yeah, I am serious. They are not prisoners. I gave my word to her. Can not help her get better by lying or manipulating the situation. Regular reactions and counteractions are the way to go."

"Good. You still have some humanity in you then." Dr.Chakwas stood up waving her omni-tool over him. "Your stress levels are high, still need to fine a good baseline to determine what to work from in the future. I will see you later to go over the check-up for everyone else."

*Chish!* A the door opened, Dr.Chakwas stopped the person they were just talking about in the hall. Quite a few others were with still wide eyed to be on a top secret vessel like this. Jack exchange a few heated words before entering inside.

Leo looked over footage of the Siege Drills cameras. The guidance system needed work. The thrusters for course trajectory needed a little more work.

"Commander..." Jack actually looked nervous as she started to speak with him. Behind her were the students from Grissom Academy. "..these kids.."

"These kids are lucky to have you." Leo stopped what he was doing and faced them. "Jennifer here has arranged protection and a place for all of you to stay while increasing your studies. If you wish to go to the Alliance, that is your choice but keep in mind you will lose a lot of the freedoms given to you at the Academy."

"Freedom... fat chance we had that." Octavia barely bit back a curse. Isaac, Jason, Rodriguez, and Gillian kept their tongues but looked bothered.

"Cerebrus... I can see it among the people on this vessel. The way they act and move." Gillian said unprovoked. "Jennifer said they are dangerous but you work with them." The tall teenager stepped towards Leo without a care. Surprising most when she took off her glove and touched his face. "You work differently."

*Hum! Hum!* A pulse of biotics echoed in the room. Her powerful barely controlled Biotics triggered his own. Leo's eyes shined a bright green as the two Melded quite forcibly. The way the brain of an Autistic person worked was quite dangerous.

Even for a Cultivator who had protection. To those who recovered and watched, it lasted all of a few seconds. For Leo and Gillian, it lasted a lifetime.

Leo got a deep understanding first hand of what the girl had been through and Gillian received a first longhand experience on the type of person Leo happened to be. Before this Dimension and after this Dimension.

A.I.- Gillian Grayson has met conditions and will serve well.

"What did you do to me?" Leo leaned against the wall trying to calm down. A lingering touch present in his soul. 'I.. I can feel her presence still. I can't shift Mental Gears easily.'

"Un muddled you." Gillian recovered faster than he did. Mostly because her brain was so.. sparse and unstimulated before this. Understanding Social Dynamics a little better, she was now more willing to speak with people. "Splitting, to much contained."

A.I.- I will instruct her to return to quarters until later. A strong Mental Cultivation will give her more benefits and more control of herself.

The connection established from the Meld was on the level of Quantum Transference. Gillian could handle it really well due to upbringing. Leo's Spiritual Sense acted as a safe bridge to relay this back and forth.

Gillian turned and walked away. A few of the other Grissom Academy students followed her just because.

"You kids are full of suprises." Leo rubbed the bridge of his nose briefly. "I need a nap or something. That took more out of me than I thought. The research with the Kirik and Rachni will have to go even further back now."

"So... what... I don't know what to do." Jack rubbed her temples in agitation. "I mean.. can't you do something. Before you go to sleep? Gilliam is the hardest to get to open up and you did it just like that."

"About that..." One of the teachers spoke up. "Meeting you face to face I know you are Leonardo Shepard. You recently had a problem with the Alliance." Forgetting she didn't introduce herself, she spoke up. "Kahlee Sanders of.."

"I know and don't care. You stay you forget all about the Alliance. No reports or anything else can go to them. Your friendship with Anderson become part of the past. The kids like you so there is that. If Jennifer has an issue with it, then no dice for any of it."

"Why me?" Jack was still taken back by all of this. "Stop trying to give me this kind of responsibility like a normal person. Think this through."

"I have and you are doing fine. You saved them for a reason so you must have a plan. Trust yourself more." Leo didn't have the patience to entertain Sanders and didn't care really. "When will those blasted Krogan and Asari going to get back in contact with me?"

A few messages went out to members of the Blood Pack and Asari Huntress across the Galaxy. It was hard work whittling down the Shadow Broker's people.

'Your mind is so expansive.' The voice of the young bIotic echoed in his head quite loudly. 'I am so far away but you feel so close.'

'Hey, you better learn to knock or something.' Felt a little strain from her thoughts coming. It was about the same as the A.I. thinking to him but more organic like the Rachni or the Thorian communicating. 'We need to set down some ground rules child.'

'Why the need for rules old man?' She actually spoke with a teasing tone. 'Not like anyone else can hear us.'

A.I.- The wavelength I exist on is undetectable to her.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, Curiosity.

Inner Council: Gillian

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality (Returned)

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin, Sarah, Jacob, Jeodore, Sloane, Nyreen, Olan (Agent Zero), Kaira, Gianna, Matsuo

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