
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

In-transit Part 1: Boarding Party

Normandy Breach-


The crew of the Normandy currently were going about normal operations. Considering themselves having a win in regards to obtaining Matriarch Benezia. The lack of any of her Commandos gave pause.

"I am telling you there should have been more there." Kaden Aleko stated. Across from him, Tali and Wrex nodded in agreement. "The fact you reported lots of Geth all over really does not sit well with me.

"We were suprised as well. But Port Hanshan defended well enough. Such private security should not operate like that. Lots of former military personnel have moved in from what my contacts suggest." Garrus tapped his arm in thought before speaking. "Lorik Qui'in, he is a good man and will make sure the Port improves."

"Was it the right call for Jane to help deal with Administrator Bel Anoleis?" Kaiden didn't think so himself. "If it goes bad later on, they will blame her for this."

"Better than leaving the corrupt bastard in charge. Especially with no trouble coming out of the Benezia incident. Enough evidence that she did work to allow Geth to arrive in Port and the Rachni issues."

"The choice to wipe them out was the right one." Wrex bristled a little. "A repeat of the Rachni Wars would not be good. Especially if the Reapers return. Not to mention all the Geth activity."

"What about the danger the facility could have brought about?" Tali would not comment on the Rachni Wars considering how sensitive it was to Wrex. The activity of the Geth did scare her a little. "The Geth fought with more precision and used tactics that Quarian Guerilla Forces use. Everyone in the Migrant Fleet knows the basics but what I saw down there are crisp practiced moves that are new."

"Could the Geth have attacked some Quarian forces looking for a new Homeworld? Anything from the Migrant Fleet on strange movements?" Garrus found this information odd after hearing it from her. "I don't like this."

"Let me try to get in touch with someone to check. Maybe I missed something that was sent to me." Tali went to work on her omni-tool but was having trouble. "This stupid thing is acting up! Keela!"

*Bzzt!* Her Omni-tool sparked then shut down completely. All across the room devices started to fritz and shut down.

"Commander Shepard, we have a problem!" The Yeoman called out to her. "All Communication has been disrupted! Something is in the System! We are..."

"What could..." Jane watched as the ship came to a halt and the lights went offline. Even the backup power didn't engage. "..get power back on as soon as possible! Find out something!"

The crew went to work of course but a few seconds later it turned for the worse.

*Boom!* The Command Deck exploded as a Siege Piker pierced the hull. Reports would have come in from multiple decks if communication worked. Dressed in matching armor, the Ardat Yakshi spread out striking with deathly accuracy against weapon caches. The Alliance security team reacted as fast as they could but it didn't amount to much as Cerebrus Operatives took them down with routine ease.

Best to deal with Alliance Operatives were former Alliance Operatives.

*Pow!* Jane pulled a handgun over and fired one shot off before it was knocked away. Morinth was not going to pass the chance to engage the Human Spectre. Especially with Jane's heightened emotions. Wanting to protect her crew would do that.

"Who the hell are you, people!?" Hand wrapped in Biotic might, she cross blocked a kick from Morinth. Stumbling back a little. the human Specter was not liking the odds considering she like most of the crew were still exhausted from trying to track down Saren. "Rah!"

A biotic lift was thrown but missed its target.

"Good, let's push further." Morinth's voice was disguised and controlled as she spoke. A few probing punches went out as she pushed Jane towards the elevator. "Are you that outmatched without a firearm?"

The taunt did not provoke the hardened marine but it did sting a little to hear. Jane grabbed a piece of debris to use to help.

With a smash against Morinth, it dented but did little damage. The fabricated metal was just not as strong as the armor alloy Morinth used. The sounds of fire erupted from below. A gaping hole showed the Ardat Yakshi group moving against the crew brutally.

Leo boarded with Jeodore on his left and Kaira on the right. The trio did not go far and waited not to far away from the cockpit. Kaira kept watching as Jeodore started breaking the door down to make it to the pilot.

'The work is going well.' Leo looked towards Jeodore while scanning places with the use of Spiritual Sense. Sending helpful tips to keep the crew of the Normandy from getting killed while also tipping off his people where they were hiding. 'The Ardat Yakshi are and those who have been with more than a month are very responsive to messages with its use.'

A.I.- Strengthening the use of your Spiritual Sense has defintely led to the right avenue in defense against Indoctrination. Coupled with the vaccine and constant improvements it shouldn't take much longer for full Immunity.

'The Thorian, need to get more samples from it. Fresher ones to work with. Make arrangements for that.' Looking at the cut reinforced door almost finished, a weird feeling led Leo to step towards Jeodore. "You cut enough."

"Understood." Jeodore moved away closer towards him just in time.

*Kachack!* A sniper round hit the door leaving a swirl. A second one hitting right after. Both using Experimental Warp Ammo. Following line of sight showed Garrus looking worse for wear but there in cover.

"Thanks.. I will deal with him." Jeodore was livid as that shot would have hurt something fierce. "I am sure the newbie can take on the door. I just want to talk to subject Vakarian face to face."

Leo said nothing as he placed his hands on the door and ripped it apart. Tossing the sides to the ground stepping in to confront the pilot. A few shotgun shots went off but were stopped in the air by the use of Biotics.

"Good work." Leo turned from congratulating Kaira on the advancement of her biotic control. "Jeff "Joker" Moreau, candidate for Vrolik Syndrome Treatment."

"Treatment!? Fat chance buddy!" Freaked out he fired once more before the rounds were flung back at him. "Kuff!" Riddles with holes, he didn't think this was how it would end. "Damn..."

"Your sister sends her regards." Leo injected Joker with two serums. The first was to resist Reaper Indoctrination. The second was a nutritional supplement that contained Synthethic cells. "Contract has been completed as of now."

*Tssh!* The second injector hissed as it took in bone fragments. Joker was a good research candidate to study the advancement of it in stressful situations. Shotgun to the chest defintely adds a good bit of flavor.

"Ha...ha.. haa.." Joker gasped for air as his breathing stabilized. The holes inside him were healed with very potent omni-gel treatment. "How.. do you.. know my sister?" He didn't get answer while trying to sit up. "What the hell is she doing!?"

Kaira had taken data from the Normandy after flinging the rounds back at the pilot. The cameras were also disabled by her biotics crushing a few terminals.

The fighting outside the cockpit had picked up some more.

Jane had her hands wrapped around Morinth's arm trying to forcefully break it. With a flex back, the Spectre was thrown into a wall with more force than a battering ram.

"Commander!" Garrus shouted in concern He couldn't provide any support with Jeodore pinning him down constantly. A counter-sniper fight was a long process that was very costly. "Give me..."

*Sching!* A condensed biotic disc cut across the room hitting Garrus in the mandible. His reflexes only allowed a scratch to be there. A blur of biotic might rammed into the Turian knocking him out finally.

"Was like a bug. A very tenacious bug." Jeodore shook her head not used to ramming people still. "Lucky the Boss doesn't want you dead." Reaching down, she pulled an injector out and stabbed into the sternum. "Don't worry, this will only make you better."

"Human Spectre.. you are something to admire. I wonder if others in your family will push back when pressed?" Morinth was having a little to much fun. The thought of giving Jane Medi-gel to recover almost happened. "Keep coming at me, it's the only way everyone survives."

*Thump!* Jane crumpled to the floor bleeding from her ears after getting thrown once more. Her body was cut and banged up all over. More stress fractures than she ever had before. A slight concussion that left a horrible ringing sound. Vison turned blurry as she fought the urge to go down.

"Can't give up!" She knew if she went down, there was no way she could do anything else to stop the unknown enemy. "Won't give up!" Sheer determination to not fail humanity as Anderson did.

In two's and in three's the crew were thrown to the floor but Cerebrus and the Ardat Yakshi. Bound and gagged for some but not bleeding out.

"Well, this is just a situation that came about your own choices Spectre." Leo walked towards her with a raised hand pushing down with powerful biotics unleashed. Forcing Jane and her crew to their knees. "You had something that belongs to me. I wanted it back. You can agree and your crew gets to live. Decline and I kill all those aboard the Normandy here and now."

It was not a bluff since a plan was in place for doing something like this. The amount of Disgust that circled the room kept Leo replenished and then some in regards to strength. His Spiritual Sense was wrapped around the entire Normandy at this point.

With a flex of the mental fingers, he could breach the Hull all over and vent the atmosphere in seconds.

"My.. crew... spare them and just go!" Jane heard the creening of the ship and defintely knew they either needed to get to the escape pods or start emergency repairs. Banking on the target was the only thing they wanted since none had died by the looks of it. "This won't..."

Morinth came up behind her choking the Spectre out from behind. Resisting the urge to just snap her neck was almost orgasmic in of itself. Reaching down, an injector extracted the Spinal fluid of the Commander and injected a virus that Leo developed.

"Your fever, if you break it the sky is the limit. If you fail... well just another dead Spectre." Leo was optimistic since Jane had a close enough genetic profile to his own. Even after the modifications done. "I suggest you not tell people about it. It won't end well."

"You think you will get away with this?" Lt. Ashley Williams just couldn't let this be of course. Struggling against her bindings like a rabid dog. "This is an Alliance Vessel! You must not be thinking about the trouble you are in!"

The silence afterward lasted all of a few seconds. Before the sound of a sickening gut-wrenching splatter could be heard.

*Splurt!* Blood arched out and dirty the floor and those close to Jane. A hand went through Ashley's chest as she was lifted up into the air before all of them. The biotic might used to weigh down those who were onboard lessened just a bit.

"You bastard!" Kaiden roared with biotic might trying to strike. Everything of his coming to bear and force him free. Heightened emotions of the man could fry most of his nerve endings. "I'll kill you!"

It was terrible words to say but wouldn't be the last mistake he made today.

*Crack!* A punch delivered to his gut by Maya caused the Biotic Marine who just forcefully stood up to crumble to the floor. Ignoring the beneifts of overloading the body with biotics in the process.

A shockwave of biotic energy coursed through his bones as well as a sense of loss spiritually. Biotic energy spiraled out from the backside hitting the ceiling.

"It's done." With a clenched fist, Maya stepped away from him. 'To rob this man of his Biotics, what is he planning to do now?'

"Boss, everyone accounted for." Jeodore reported. Her visor lit up as another scan finished in regards to communications going out. "They are in range. No time for anything else."

"Wipe the place clean." Leo gave the final order for this Operation. A quick check at the timetable showed they were good still. "We were never here."

One by one the boarding moved. Each releasing "gas" as they moved. A very careful time delayed toxins at that. The Normandy crew needed to be infected the same as others for his plans.

The clean-up work was easy considering the damage they sustained was just scuff marks to armor. Suit readings showed clear on no loss of blood or major parts. Even weapon damage was mostly from the Alliance side.

The Siege Drills retracted from the ship as the Boarding Party left. In a few minutes, the power came back online for the Normandy. 3 passing cruisers came to their aid coincidently enough.

A private ship, belonging to Cerebrus. A Council ship that was tracking activity in the region had received a tip. The last was that of the Alliance that really just passed by coincidently.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality (Returned)

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin, Sarah, Jacob, Jeodore, Sloane, Nyreen, Olan (Agent Zero), Kaira, Gianna, Matsuo

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