
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

In-transit Part 3: Cerebrus Contact

Reach of Cerebrus-


A few weeks later was all it took for a small development.

"Boss you have to take this call... It's a priority II." Maya was very adamant about this. Those without clearance exited the room. Leaving mostly those tied to Cerebrus, Morinth, Jacob, Jeodore, Oriana, and Zaed via Holo Call. "Commander Leo, I introduce you officially to Miranda Lawson of Cerebrus Special Projects."

Oriana tensed up a little seeing her sister. Just something about the look she had was unnerving. One of those things only siblings can give to another sibling.

"Shouldn't it be Spectre Leo?" Miranda's attitude defintely came through clear on her face and tone. A glance around the room before resting eyes on Leo only. "Going after my father and raiding his bases is a dangerous move. What were you thinking putting her in danger?"

She was referring to Oriana of course.

"A lot. If it makes you feel any better, your siblings are all fine. The results so far are promising. Cognitive growth in the damaged portions of the brain. Repairs to the most damaged organs that didnt develop fully. Some are even dreaming already." Leo would call the first bit of it a success with more success on the way. "I didn't even have to experiment on Oriana to get results. Despite her volunteering."

Miranda shook visibly.

"Well.. they are our siblings. Test tube grown or not. I.. feel connected to each one when they look at me." Oriana flustered a little and didn't want to hide the developing feelings she has for them. She refused to say what was really developing. "My biological father may not be the best person.. but that doesn't mean I have to be that way with them. Or you sister."

Miranda gave a simple nod not saying anything on the matter.

"The Illusive Man is grateful for the Prototype you have given him. The conflict with Henry Lawson is a begrudging loss. But their friendship is long-lasting. You do not get that rich by surviving all this time with just a few."

"He is dead so it doesn't matter. The one there is a stand-in anyway. It won't be long before Henry Lawson's assets are fully under my control. Full distribution to our allies and.. some kicked back to the Alliance and a few Xenos factions for past mistakes." Leo was going to pull back some of the hatred Cerebrus members had for Xenos by doing payoffs to the right parties.

"Fine.... but the attack across the board against the Batarians race...." Miranda already saw some of the money going to various groups. Suprised a large portion went to the family members of the Normandy. "..they may have left themselves open by withdrawing from the Citadel but that does not mean they can be wiped out."

"I want them all dead, if the Illusive Man can not handle it with his vast Network I will do so myself by other means." Leo's eyes flared dangerously at the thought of the Xenos race living still. He really didn't like them and even valued the Vorcha more than them. The Meld with Gillian really brought some dangerous elements to the top of his mind. "Can you all do it, yes or no?"

"With the timetable no. But.."

"But nothing. Have your Operatives continue to do it when they can, I will make my movements now." With a quick keystroke on his Omni-tool the signal was sent out. "Stay away from Batarian space. For your own good."

"What did you do?" Orianna felt disturbed.

"A very aggressive viral agent that will kill all of them over a certain age. Systematically ending them all over the Galaxy. There is a reason I have paid for shipping all over. Even their own people have helped delivered the Bioagent to each other."

"So what happened to the Krogan..."

"Not until after the Reapers are dealt with. The virus will react violently to Indorctination as well as those who are under its effects. Basically turned the race into walking, transporting, detectors. It will put a target on their backs.. but who cares." Leo wanted them gone and this was the best option to appease some. "Not like they will survive the coming years anyway."

"Is this because of what happened to you.. and the rest of them?" Jeodore could only wonder why he is put this into play so early. "Your anger towards the Batarians has extended to each and every one of them if this starts."

"The Skylian Blitz itself is a good enough reason." Leo connects with two people on screen. "Diana Allers and Khalisah al-Jilani, did my Intel prove well worth it?"

"It did. The right people are moving on the Xenos now." Khalish nodded with a smile. Mostly from seeing so many humans in the room. "The expose on the organization "Totenkopf" paid off well. To think they were planning to cause so much trouble."

"Always good to nip some buds in the beginning of development."

"How about give me the scoop on Cerebrus while I have you?"

"Al-Jilani.. you are treading on bad grounds. But no matter, I will have the data sent to you afterward. I just need you to push this agenda." Leo sent over the beginning plans to bring down Batarians sympathizers in the Sol System. "I am sure this will be easy for you."

Looking it over, Khalisah nodded every now and then.

"What do you have for me Shepard?" Diana had a frown on her face considering the room was not diverse enough for her liking. "Hopefully something to help the Alliance out considering..."

"A delayed report about an attack on an Alliance vessel. Can't be released until I tell you. But I do have something you would like." Leo sent her three different files. "Alpha Centauri system. The Systems Alliance links the colony to the forgotten Manswell Expedition of 2070 and establishes contact with the colonists. Detail report on what happened to the Alliance research station at Sidon. And one that can get you killed, the strategic placing of Element Zero exposure to children."

The room grew collectively silent at that admission. Mostly the humans looking at the data and look of horror at the loss of life compared to the few viable candidates.

As the conversation went nowhere, Leo disconnected and went back to work.


Jane Reaches Out-


Leo was currently looking over some projects when he was called. Jane had taken a few weeks to actually reach out to him. What the Alliance had decided to do about the attack, he didn't really care in the least.

The virtual image of her looking at him almost caused a look of unease. She looked so defeated and loss.

"What do you know about the attack against the Normandy?" She went straight to the point.

"Enough, that I won't even bother to talk about it. The report is so... redacted on their end." Leo smiled and turned away from her and continued his work. The bonding of a type of new cell inside Matriarch Benezia led to so many questions on how to combat Indoctrination. "So, anything pressing to discuss?"

"An attempt on my crew's life is not pressing?" It stung to ask this. Despite the lack of time, they were able to spend with each other.

"Oh please, if you were wanted dead, I am sure it could be arranged. I mean, I can do it with almost a snap of the finger." He gave an actual snap while looking over the dividing cells still. "Your level of trust in others is high. You also do not understand Xenos as much as you should. Politics will be the end of you if you you are not careful to."

It was a reminder once more.

"I can feel the love brother." Jane's brow furrowed as this was true. But she hope that was not something that would occur. "Where are you located anyway? Mom asked in passing.. I don't really care. Her patrol is not going well at all because of the previous matter you orchestrated.."

A.I.- She is not lying. Intercepted messages from the Normandy and several Alliance ships' rotation changed to match this.

"Hoc system of the Sentry Omega Cluster. Heading to speak with Saren."

"What!?" Jane couldn't hide her shock. Enough that she forgot to keep pressing the Normandy attack. "How long have you known his location!? Why do you know his location!?"

"Confirmed not to long ago. That Turian moves around a lot. Before you ask, I am heading to speak with him to see if I can get ahold of some information and to study an almost fully Indoctrinated Turian of his caliber." Leo gave a slight pause to throw some information out there unneeded. "The fact both himself and his brother was previously Indoctinated.... I can only imagine the comparison between the two. The test results I can gain will be amazing. Not to mention... the Krogan mass-produced clones he has are just something to study for days."

"How are you even getting around!?" Jane gave a side glance to her Intelligence Officer who was trying to hone in on the signal of the communications. The damage to the Normandy was still extensive despite the rush repairs. "That ship of yours has not docked anywhere in some time." She felt bad about it but she didn't have time for her brother's mind game or experiments. "Give an exact location! This is my job, not yours to deal with!"

The A.I. did that without an issue but did not give the exact location of course. Leo wondered how long it would actually take them to figure out the location was on Virmine from activity passing in the area.

"I do as I please. Something you fail to understand. You are a Spectre, you should use that authority yourself more. The Alliance can not really command you overall." It was the truth no matter if they didn't want to accept it or not. "Why not request some files from the high command on some people of interest, then I will think about divulging more to you."

"Leo, stay out of this! Some of the members of the Alliance believe that this was an attack by Saren against us!" Her tone grew hard and almost commanding. "Some whisper it is you and splinter factions trying to undermine the Alliance's efforts!"

"Pft, hardly." Leo scoffed as he leaned back stretching a bit. "Anyway, I will see you when you arrive I suppose." A computer screen showing the continued block tracking signal against the Normandy ship. 'Using Cerebrus IFF signals is still the best option. The Salarian one provided by Mordin is defintely the next one to use.'

"Wait, if you want to deliver a message or run across that group that attacked us, deliver a message for Liara to her mother." Jane didn't want the call to end.

"Pass, she is not a child. I am sure she will be fine. Why not tell her to talk with her father if she is looking for familial connections." The transmission ended at that. Leo was wanting to see how the Matriarch would handle this news. "Mordin, how goes the research on Kepler Syndrome?"

The Salarian had studied his behavior while waiting. Both himself and a few others thought his shifting mental state was the sign of something awful.

"Promising. However, the projected side effects may not be to their liking. The lifespan of most organs inside the Drell and Human's is the worse." Mordin still wondered why it was pressing to cure at this time. "It is time you reveal why you want to cure this problem so fast. I am sure it will go well for the Dalatrass if you do."

Leo brought the plan done by some splinter groups that were already a part of the Andromeda Initiative. Weeding them out was to much work and would cause to many issues. Therefore he wanted to do so in transit.

"Its main shape comes from the infectious Volus disease Yoqtan, although its payload has a number of RNA sequences from Asari Cyanophage, Ayalon B, Titan's Tears, and Measles. Kepral's Syndrome, Varren Scale-Itch, bubonic plague, even Ardat-Yakshi."

With the help of his A.I. and own understanding of genetics and bio weaponry, Leo drew on the knowledge that would take place and tried to limit exposure.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, Curiosity.

Inner Council: Gillian

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality (Returned)

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin, Sarah, Jacob, Jeodore, Sloane, Nyreen, Olan (Agent Zero), Kaira, Gianna, Matsuo

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