
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Noveria Part 4: Orbit Discussions


Back on the ship-


The last few days were quite busy and maddening for some. The captured Asari Commandoes were placed under a fine-tooth microscope. Experimental technology in the works with spiritual techniques to raid their minds fully.

Maya and Falere both showed more interest than he thought in the process of Indoctrination Studies for the race. The Soul Search method was taking a very long time to develop in others.

Seeing the Pro-human Cerebrus member and an Asari Ardat Yakshi working together was strange for some. Even Morinth thought it odd how her sister and Maya got along so well lately. As well as the late-night work the two did in secret they thought.

Of course, she told know one about this.

As the new arrivals went to settle in once Jennifer and the Grissom Academy people docked, Leo stood across from Ayeltha with his hands crossed over his chest. The readings the others could get on him before with facial gestures and postures had become harder since the Cold Energy cultivation increased further.

The Ardat Yakshi however, could tell his general state of mood still. Leo only waited for a few Scenarios to pan out. Waiting and watching to see what moves would be made. Communication between someone on the Normandy and his ship was constant the last few days.

A.I.- All chances of tracking have been thwarted. It is to be noted that the Matriarch at least did not divulge our location. But information does suggest it is as you summarised.

The Asari Ayeltha had taken it upon herself to try her hand at deception. Along with her daughter Liara and a few others. Those who thought it a bad idea to allow Matriarch Benzia to fall into the wrong hands.

A.I.- Tevos is checking into the matter to make sure we have allies among the Asari still. They just don't trust Cerberus from what she has said so far. You are to close with them a few have figured out. The target..

'The Target is mine. A "Defector," which is what Ayeltha happens to be after not coming to me before it is to late will be dealt with now.' Leo's eyes flared as the decision was made. 'I will see what can be done to push her to reveal more.'

The target was currently on the Normandy receiving treatment. As well as spending time with her daughter. When she was awake of course.

"So tell me what happened down there? I want to know the account from you personally." With a level tone that gave no indication, he was the wiser on what went down, Leo played his part in front of his crew. "I am down Benezia.. Binary Helix remains a company to fight and take over with money... and Port Hanshan is now on alert and building towards increased security. Mainly against Synthetics and Artifacts thanks to some planted information."

Ayeltha had time to build up a good excuse that was believable instead of coming forward. Her Commandos as witnesses and the moving of the Geth helped fine-tune it further with the Asari Council.

Not to mention the explosions that took place and rocked the planet with seismic tremors.

"We had Benezia cornered and pinned down but your sister's team came in causing trouble. I couldn't fight against my daughter Liara to harshly." The Matriarch was well-practiced and kept a straight face during the tale. "Luckily it was after we injected the "serum" to combat Reaper Indoctrination and Mind Alteration you provided. Matriarch Benezia was not as strong as she would have been otherwise fighting against it."

The respect she offered the other when talking was not a good sign.

"Why couldn't you fight your daughter? After all of what she was doing to your people by not doing everything it takes to arrest Benezia. Despite what she was trying to accomplish...." He looked at the different Asari in the room to help emphasize something. " ..the countless young Maidens that have died and will die in the process until she is found under her command."

The number that followed Benzia due to her history and place in Asari Society made it easy for her to have a good following of soldiers to use. All were sent to the meat grinder or just sacrificed by Saren and the Reaper's aim.

"Do not pretend you care of young Asari." A Commando voiced upset they were being interrogated like this. "This is not a questioning or even a hearing, you are treating us like criminals."

"I don't?" Leo cocked his head to the side with a raised eyebrow. His hand lifted showing work that was particularly targeting Asari and Ardat Yakshi on a wall screen. "From tackling Genetic Defects and Mental Issues that develop in your race at a young age, to finding different food that other races have that trigger allergic reaction both latent and immediately, to even Implants to help with Biotic Development.. I could swear I actually care.

"Your kidding right?" Ayeltha observed it all but kept her ground strong by focusing on the previous part. Not giving credit where it is due. "You can fight against family with no issue human, but some of us can't just do so. They are not the enemy. Just misguided as you informed us."

"No," He gave an incredulous look while holding up the mission report. "she was on the opposite side and opened fire on your team I hear and saw from the reports. So.. you put blood before the missions and future missions? Is that right?"

The long term issues could be seen easily enough.

"Jane.. no the Spectre Shepard could have opened fire on our people to. If you were there, what would you have done?" Mordin questioned the possible oral dilemma the rest in the room wondered. "I am 97% sure of the actual choice you would have made."

"I would have opened fire on them. They are not on our side, therefore enemy combatant by circumstance. Some time people get caught in the crossfire and end up did from not listening." It was a thinly veiled threat.

"Explain this to me," Zaed played some footage from one of the bodycams. "these shots are levied at our people who tried to capture Benezia. After your so called failed attempt during the lab breach. From trajectory to the locations hit show this does not match what you say."

A subtle chill passed in the room. Blood ties, from what most understood from talking to Leo meant nothing. The individual is what mattered. What they have done and could accomplish more than familial nonsense.

Aethyla second in command adrressed Zaed and started to explain each choice in detail. She heard of the Blue Suns leader in the past but didn't think much of the human's mind. Especially since he lost the keys to the kingdom due to betrayl.

"The Organizational Penalties to that is defintely something we are implementing. Besides the Fees and Military Punishment...." Leo wanted to make sure they understood that they were not going to be protected by the Council.

"Military Punishment!?" An Asari on Aethyla's side spoke out in outrage. The young Commando stepped forward not disciplined enough not to keep from lashing out. "What governing military is gonna punish us for this?!"

"You are subject to Council, Asari, and most importantly my Military Law. Or did you think the agreement we made came with out risk? Did you think my title as Commander was for show? Anyone who works with my Organization whether liasoned, hired, temporary, or forced ultimately answers to a Panel if Leaders and myself. " Leo signaled two of the Ardat Yakshi. "You specifically critically injured two of our people. Almost caost them some time in recovery for months."

The two wouldn't have died thanks to the life support function and small accompolishments in cultivation, but that was not something to address here and now.

The Asari wanted to kick and struggle but was no match for security.

"Who is on this Panel?" Aethyla felt a sickening feeling rising up. "Is it balanced?"

"Panel for Asari and Ardat Yakshi are composed of Justicars, Matriarchs, Diplomats, Exhiles who help to explain possible behaviour of your kind. On that Panel is also 2 Human, Turian, Elcor, Hanar, and Krogan Ethics Professors." Leo forwared the list to her Omni-Tool. "The list has not changed without notification to Leaders of course. Can't have people feelign blindsided."

The next few minutes was spent going over the situation entirely. The Asari Commando team were not liking hte looks of htis. The good news they understood was that their teammate was not going to be killed.

"If she is on the Normandy that counts as Council Jurisdiction. We can request to speak with her." Samara tried to be diplomatic about the situation speaking out. The growing animosity and dissent in the Asari Commandoes would end in their death if not careful. "We have a few Spectres on board, surely they could see the plan in doing so."

"Nothing wrong with doing it this way." Aethyla reasoned. Trying to buy time for Benezia to recover more. "The intel can be gathered after she recovers if she is really with them."

Several did not like the sound of that. It gave time for lies and stories to be developed.

A.I.- Your plans are readyt to enact. Two choices that show the most promising results. However.. I feel the need to inform you that the changes to the Milky Way after may cause an issue. Long term dangerously if you do not assist the development of another race.

"She knows things that I need and things I don't know. Why would I risk that for some silly notion of familial ties? The Council might offer me help?" Leo shook his head in dismay. Not wanting to leave nothing up to chance or decision of others at this point. "You choose to distance yourself from your lover. Liara chose to do what she did to her mother. Just because she was involved in something bigger and her life is now in danger does not mean the Galaxy stops to pay heed to that."

A few taps on the omni-tool, Leo had several Quarian on screen. Scattered to different parts of the Galaxy. Samara and Mordin knew a few thanks to the names underneath but the rest hadn't a clue.

"Make contact and activate those close to them. Time to help the Quarians out a little. The Asari don't need our help as much as I thought." The Drell was to annoying to help rise up. The Salarians would take effort unless he did it completely solo with out adhering to the Dorctine Protocols done by a Dalatrass. "Mordin, get in touch with your people that will listen. A final offer to help them deal with the problems with Halegeuse."

"Will you paying or treating?" The Doctor froze for a short moment thinking about what could change from the previous time they discussed this. Besides Leo possibly wanting to distance himself from the Asari or making it seem that way based on what he said over the last few minutes. "No, left the decision up to me after I am to get in touch with them. To much excitement today already. Should have saved this for tomorrow."

"Maybe but what I will do now might alienate some folks. Has been a while since an unidentified ship caused problems in Citadel Space. But "Matriarch" Benezia has to be captured."

His words came off to much for most of them. A few Omni-tools went off for most of them. Ship warning about weaponry coming online.

"She is on "your" sister's ship and in her custody..." Aethyla barely held back from yelling. "..if familial blood means nothing, go get her then. I am sure a little blood spilled won't be to much for you."

It was a bluff to make Leo show weakness.

"Very well then," Leo touched his comm and hailed in the pilot to verbally give the order. "the Normandy is not that defendable, hail them and shut their entire systems down." Giving the order, he turned to Maya and Morinth. "prepare a breach team to board the enemy vessel, we will search personally for what we want."

"The Ardat Yakshi will be ready in 5 minutes." Morinth turned heel to enact the order with glee.

"Cerberus team will be ready in 4." Maya nodded and left. 'The Illusive Man will defintely be wary after this. Then again, might be a chance to gather more Cerebrus Operatives to bring more facilities onboard online.'

"Wait.." Aelytha wanted to protest immediately. "..this is not needed! You cannot attack an Alliance ship with.." The Asari was stopped by Leo's biotics washing over her. 'What the hell!?'

"I know what is needed for my aims. Not your decisions making to change my mind. Unless you have something you are hiding from me further?" He let that hang in the air before continueing on his way. "I am sure casualties won't matter really. I want to see my teams work in person anyhow."

Aelytha thought to warn her daughter but her signal wouldn't connect. She was completely isolated from any network. Her ship was able to still communicate to her Omni-tool but they had their signal cut.

The realization that her Communication was monitored the entire time was not lost on the Asari. Then again, everyone's communication was monitored and she could request to view any of them herself.

'What the hell is this human planning!?' Moving to the boarding area, Aelytha was going to do her best to control the situation. A smile tugged at her. She was having fun despite everything that was happening. 'If this succeeds, how will the Asari act to this? How will the Citadel act?'

As one who believed the Asari needs to militarize and bargain less, the Matriarch was going to need to change her habits more. Asari Commandos.. needed more training and more organization to her after what she has seen recently.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality (Returned)

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin, Sarah, Jacob, Jeodore, Sloane, Nyreen, Olan (Agent Zero), Kaira, Gianna, Matsuo

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