
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Citadel Part 4 Hospital and possible arrest

Leo felt his mind race. The info gained from the Prothean Beacon mixed with his cultivation a little more. The tactics of the Prothean race caused his fighting to change a little.

'I need to take a few days to line things out.' Leo picked up the weapons the agent had as he thought things over some more. 'Is it really important to get this scenario done with I wonder.'

"Ugggh!" Jack groaned across the way. Leo moved towards her having forgotten really about the other guy for a moment that was treating himself. "What the hell is going on?"

"Umm... some things. I will be back Jennifer." Leo said turning around to go deal with the other agent. "Try not to get yourself killed till then."

"Who the fuck is Jennifer?" Jack stared at Leo who was walking away. Seeing the dead bodies made her feel left out. "Did I miss the party?" Hoping off the medical bed, she picked up a syringe before throwing it away. That would not help right now. She spotted the shotgun on the floor. "Not bad at all."

Jack went to work on fixing it up for her use. She was a mercenary among other things at one point. In a few minutes, it was ready.

Popping out around the corner a little, Leo fired at the closes agent that was visible. He caught him mid-movement to the next location to get behind.

*Pow!* The headshot went right through the man. His body dropped and his blood was already staining the hallway floor. The pistol was really good.

The agent just finished patching himself up to. A few agents came down the hallway quickly following the sound.

Dipping back into a room, Leo was surprised to find himself in a supply closet. While searching around the room he came to the conclusion. He was really getting tired. As in he needed to rest really soon or something bad was going to happen.

*Tink!* A little noise came from the opposite side of the door. Grenades that released the gas from before. Leo grinned feeling his body increase in strength from the mixture.

"Ahhhh, really good stuff." Leo kicked the door open. It flew out hitting an agent right in the face. Moving behind a table, he flipped it over and got ready for a siege.

*Pow!* The pistol rang out and shot right through the table and the other man's heart.

"This gun is freaking crazy." Leo marveled at it. He then noticed it was out of ammo. Low ammo but crazy firepower. "Ah well." Attaching it to his armor, Leo would study it later.

The next to come in were not agents. But operatives again.

"Hup!" The guy managed to get behind one of the counters by throwing himself to the side after entering. The smoke giving him some cover. Or so he thought. He moved around the side trying to get the drop on Leo. He felt a tap on his shoulder and thought one of the others had come in to help. "Just go around I will..." was all he managed to say.

*Kachack!* A shotgun scattered the top half of his body across the room. Leo was right there against the wall and glad it didn't spray on him.

Jack was standing there with a shit-eating grin looking at him.

"So, you are the boss that Zaed was talking about. Not impressed at all." She cocked her hip to the side, angling the gun around. "This thing is a monster. Where the hell did they get these?"

"That's nice." Leo didn't care about the insult right now. To many other things on his mind that were important. "Well since you are here, you can help clean them out. Earn that damn pay you receive."

"Sure." Jack shrugged. She was still feeling a little off herself anyway. 'Zaed said it would be worth it.. so I guess so. Where the hell is that old war dog anyway?'

Jack and Leo crept down the hall slowly. A few gunshots were proof Zaed was still fighting.

*Tshh!* A door a little down the way opens up. Stepping out the far hall, another door opened in front to their left. It was a few of the patients that remained.

"You think those guys left." An Unknown patient said concerned.

"Don't know, don't care. We need to get out of here. I don't wanna die in this place." Unknown patient 2 said.

"Let's get to the emergency exit, go!" Unknown patient 3 says. The others remained quiet and just followed.

"So, think they will be alright?" Jack asked over his shoulder.

"I think... maybe not." Leo said. His spiritual sense picked up a person with extreme Bloodlust coming. "Get ready."

*Tshh!* The door to hazmat it looked like opened up. Out steps another operative. Something about him was just wrong. Even Jack could tell as she squinted her eyes and gripped the shotgun tighter.

'Well hell, this guy is a bloody monster.' Leo's eyes went wide from his peeking spot around the corner. The grin on his face like a bloodthirsty animal. He even licked his lips as his mouth parted open a little. "Ahhh, I want to kill him. It will feel so good."

*Swirl!* All the Bloodlust energy from before had reached it's peak. Leo's Body was breaking through at this time. His bones ground a little in his body. His muscles stretched and pulled back.

'What the fuck is this guy?!' Jack instincts told her to move back from Leo as. He reminded her of an inmate she knew. A battle craze serial killer at that. 'Fucking hell!' Her eyes went wide seeing the armor bulge a little bit that he wore.

"Subject Zero get out here now!" The operative bellowed in the hall. "I have enough money to pay the right C-sec personnel to get out of this. Killing you and taking the implant will be well worth it."

A.I.- Leo I have selected a few Order Aspects for you. No sense in causing a problem in your cultivation starting off.

The A.I. said quickly. Leo didn't hear as he charged at the operative. His movements almost a blur as his blood energy pushed his body to new heights.

"The money I will receive afterward will make me a king. The admiralty board will have no choice but to listen to me." As the operative began to rant, he felt a sense of dread and turned around. An assault rifle pointing out.

*Schlick!* Leo's Omni-blade stabbed into the man. With a twist and a turn, the blade broke off. The program ending since it was no longer connected to his gauntlet.

"What the hell are you?" The operative did not go down. Whatever biotic enhancements he had kept him strong. Eyes glowing in biotic might, he pushed against Leo effortlessly. "Your corpse will make good for study."

*Tap!* Leo flipped in the air landing on his feet. While airborne he threw a few pieces of glass towards the man. The glass broke against the operative's raised hand. Leaving his chest exposed.

"I will crush you!" Jack yelled angry getting his attention. She flung a piece of a desk at him. "I am no lab rat anymore!" The desk smashed into the operative knocking him back.

The shields on his armor was disrupted by Leo's stab earlier. Leo grabbed at any bodies nearby and used them for fighting. A few had grenades he wanted to detonate. But it needed to look like an accident.

"Push!" The agent barked out seeing what was thrown at him. The biotic power smacks into the back of the corpses sending them flying away. "Urgh, your gonna pay for that Shepard."

"Aww, you know who I am, how nice!" Leo charged in having grabbed an iv stand. Swinging it like a bat at the man. It immediately felt odd in his hands. Like it was wrong somehow compared to when he used the Omni blade. "Tch!"

Leo sucked his teeth annoyed. The iv hit against the operatives' jaw. Doing some damage before Leo let it go. He reached for a scalpel and felt it already was a better fit. Something to look into later.

The agent's face looked absolutely wrecked and bleeding around his jaw. Turning around, his exposed mouth looked to be repairing. He took a swing at Leo. Missing by a good margin and hitting the side of a wall.

"Argh" His hand was bent back, in an awkward manner. Definitely broken. He was not a fighter but a scientist really. Seeing Jack level the gun at him was another problem. "Dont do anything stupid girl!"

*Kachack!* The shotgun fired. But Jack was not finished. *Kachack! Kachack!* Two more pulls of the trigger ended it.

"You mean like leave you alive?" Jack looked down at the body. She watched as Leo walked over and stabbed his hand into the man's back. "Shit..."

"Looking for something." Leo said. He was also stealing the man's mental energy. Know way would he pass that up. His hand gripped something inside but he kept it there for now and continued to move around for show. "Got it."

Leo pulled out a data file for show. The mental energy would float in his soul scape till later. Zaed finally made it to them covered in blood. It was not his of course.

"You two look like shit." Zaed said with a smug grin.

Leo and Jack looked at each other then back at him. They did look a mess. But not like it was their fault at all. As they talked things over, trouble reared it's head.


C-Sec arrives-


"There are people over here, apprehend them now!" Leo could hear voices not too far away. The officer on the scene took a look at them and raised his gun. Weapons pointed right back at him. "Guns down now!"

"Nope." Leo said simply. While they talked, they did reload the weapons. Zaed passed some of the ammo over. He picked it up from all the fighting he had gone through. "C-Sec is compromised... so no."

Jack was primed biotic wise and the shotgun was something she could use with ease after a little weight adjustment. She just lacked armor to be more efficient.

Zaed just stared the officer down waiting for the word or an opening. His mercenary armor was not doing him any favors.

Leo was in Alliance armor. Having switched out with one of the sets he recovered from Eden Prime. The pistol he had was good for 5 shots. Enough to wipe the current C-Sec officers away.

A officer with actual rank came over. Seeing the standoff, he was ready for a transfer already. The Citadel was not as safe as they made it out to be.

"Massani, what's a bastard like you doing on the Citadel? Riffraff like you don't deserve to be off planetside." The Officer arrogantly talks down to them as he moves around checking up and down. Smirking when he sees the tattoos on Jack's arms. "What do we have here?"

Jack just kept her gaze on him. Another officer not liking her look.

"Well answer..suspect." The young officer stops right in front and yells right in her face. Their noses were almost touching he was so close. His breath smelled of old cheese and stale bread. "Bet I can make you talk."

To Jack's credit, she kept composed. Showing more restraint than Leo.

*Pak!* Leo moved in a blur and punched the officer in the jaw. Sending him flying into some debris. The officer was out cold from the strike and could have some brain damage from the blow.

"Here to get medical treatment.. officer..." Leo said. His spiritual pressure exuding from his body out of his control. "Is there a problem?" The officers took a step back shaking.

To them, it was just a lot of biotic power. Way to much that was not in control at all.

"Medical treatment.. they can't fix stupid. You are better off dead." The Captain turned away from Massani looking at Jack. "Or wasting away in a cell if I find out you have anything to do with this." He spits these words out in her face. As he walks past, he says "Cuff them and bring them in. We will interrogate them in the cell for what he knows and his involvement in this."

"That will not be happening." Nihlus said. He walked over after having watched enough of what was going on. "Those three are with me. Especially the Commander there. Wanted for questioning by the Council."

When a Spectre talked, not much else could be done really. Since they were the arms of the Council and all. Or the Hounds of the Council to be precise.

Leo and Company left. They were heading to the Council to speak about the Saren incident. Jack flipped C-Sec off as they moved.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Initiate

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks

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