
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Citadel Part 3 Hospital and People



"Welcome to the Citadel please enjoy your stay." A young man in his teens said to them as they got out of the buggy. Or really a shuttle. Made no real difference really with the hover cars. "Hope everything goes ok."

They gave him a small nod. Barely acknowledging him really. A weird smell passed by Leo that he recognized the moment another person passed by. A type of Arsenic mixed with Ketamine maybe. Nihlus was to messed up to have his guard up really.

Pushing himself to hard. Not even considering more attempts on his life would happen. Stubborn or to careless maybe, only time would tell.

"Come on we can't be late for your appointment." Nihlus moves up and started a brisk walk while he beckons Leo to follow. Back turned to the greeter who just passed by. "Huh." The turian stumbled muttering as his vision goes a little blurry. "Something is wrong... not.. right at all."

Leo saw that the young man that greeted them earlier had run up and bumped into Nihlus. A small injection gun could be seen on his left wrist.

"Oh, an assassin. How crazy in broad daylight." Using Lift, the would-be Assasin was lifted up and smashed down with excess force. Killing him in an instant. "I will see if he has an antidote on him Nihlus."

"Kuff! Worse than getting shot." Nihlus rolled on the floor slightly. Medical staff helping Nihlus while security checked on the body of the fake attendant. Guns were drawn on Leo that were ignored by him. "I am a Spectre. He is with me. Do not interfere!"

A.I.- Found the toxin that he was exposed to in your medical history. An advanced Blood Thinner. An easy fix for you. Apply in the center cavity and pass a little of your spiritual energy over.

"This stimulant should be able to help you. Your heart should get a boost." Leo checked him over twice before putting him on a gunnery. Medical staff already checking Nihlus once his status was confirmed. 'So, Saren or the Shadowbroker making a move on him?'

A.I.- Most likely both. Such an odd scenario. Get ready for a gunfight most likely. Message sent to Zaed. Cerebrus and Shadow Broker scenario starting.

For the next few minutes, things were a little hectic. No response came from the council forces. Just a redirected message from a representative. Somebody was getting in the way.


Things are never easy-


Nihlus woke up moments later, as he found himself in a room in a medical bed with a man looking over him he didn't seem to happy.

'Where the hell is Leo?' Eyes opened slightly spotting a few medical personnel was a bit of a flag. They were on the ground out cold. Not in the best of conditions to wake to. A woman on the table to the side covered in tattoo's out cold as well. 'Why is she here in the same room as me?'

"Subject Zero we don't know how you escaped from the facility back then, but that implant is my property and I want it back. With that data, I could overthrow the Chairman, naysayers, and get the board on my side. The Illusive Man will have no choice but to approve my project." The Operative damn near snarls this as Leo approaches from behind.

The people down on the floor no longer out cold after receiving a finger gesture from Leo with a little spirit energy. Just enough to rouse them awake. A small puppet technique that brought the target back to consciousness. It wasted way to much spirit energy for Leo's taste.

But not everyone moved as needed.

"I am getting out of here!" A man stood up running. The coward didn't stop there, oh no. Looking at Leo to draw fire now. "You take care of this!" He screwed things up and was gonna pay for it.

*Pow!* The operative's pistol fired. He turned around not seeing anything behind him. Leo had moved behind a table for cover as soon as possible.

"What the hell!?" Jack had woken up and was really pissed. Knock out drugs only work so long on her really. To much substance abuse really was the cause. Her eyes lit up in fury towards the Operative. "Raah!"

*Pink!* The strap broke as she sent a tray with samples at the operative. A few drawings of piss and blood from the patients. A piss container hitting the man in the mouth.

"Bleagh!" The operative said spitting the piss out his mouth. "Subject Zero you have amazed me with your tenacity even more so." He unfastened a weird device from off his waist. "I made the mistake of using to few doses. Enough to take down a Hanar should do."

Jack was fading fast again already. The outburst made her weak enough that it was a problem to stay awake. Muttering curse words to focus did not help her.

As the Operative got close, Nihlus made his move. A small knife that was hidden in his wristband was flung out. Catching the man in the back thigh.

"You bastard how can you still move?" The operative looked at him wide-eyed. He was really having a bad day. The price of underestimating his opponents. One of the reasons he was passed over for funding all the time. "Filthy.."

*Schlk!* Leo struck with his hand into the man's back. The omni-blade turned to hooks sinking in. A slight alteration to the program he messed with earlier. A pull up and the man was dead already.

"Really effective program." Leo looked on in with a smile. A few of the people looked on in horror. They were used to gore yes, but someone dying in that fashion was bit much. Bits of the lungs fell when the program deactivated. "I wonder if I can make the thing longer?"

The operative fell down limp blood pooling out. Undetected by the others, Bloodlust and Disgust laced spirit energy seeped into Leo. Nihlus just felt a tingle really.

One of the doctors had walked over and tried to help Nihlus. But something was weird, he had a syringe in his hand. Nihlus was ready and gave Leo a signal. With a turn, Leo grabbed the doctor by the neck slamming him into the table brutally.

*Krack!* His neck broke. Neckbones sticking out from the side as he bled out eyes wide open. Never thinking the credits he earned from this would end up with him dying.

The syringe the doctor had flew into the light fixture. Sparking the room up and flashing light sparks around the area. Actually tripping a breaker in the area. Emergency lights came on next.

Leo went to work on getting Nihlus a detox now. Using some of the medicine in the room. The actual doctors helping after everything that happened. One tended to Jack as well.

Not giving her anything to strong and mindful of her hands. Leo was trying to come to terms on how the A.I. managed to secure her release and get her here of all places. Considering she was working with Zaed maybe that helped.

"Cough cough!" Nihlus coughed up some blood on the floor. He started struggling to stand up. Grabbing the countertop as he lifted up for better support. In the corner of his eyes, he spotted something outside the door. "Get in cover!"

A few grenades were tossed inside. Leo extended his little bit of biotics with spirit energy to protect the room. The doctors actually responded to help. He wouldn't let them die if he had anything to say about it.

*Booooom!* The shield took in the damage. It broke releasing a blast on the outside of the shield that shattered some glass. A wave of biotic energy wrapped the area quickly.

"I will get them out of here!" Nihlus was already on the move wrapping the doctors up. Where the strength came from Leo had know idea. "Take care of them!"

Jack was about as safe as she was going to be.

A few gunshots could be heard around the corner. Zaed was taking care of some currently it seemed. Leo didn't have the time to really check considering the circumstances.

*Thump!* A bunch of bodies fell into the hallway. The doctors sprinting at the command of the Spectre Nihlus order.

"So.. this should be fun." Turning to the closes agents, Leo was already attacking them. A clean chop to the throat and a well place knee in the side killed the first man. His gun was taken away at the time. "Damn it!"

*Kachack!* The other agent jumped back and fired his shotgun at Leo. Blasting him back into the room.

'I am really starting to hate shotguns!' Leo gritted his teeth feeling his armor was already wrecked. Whatever rounds they used were pretty damn effective.

Leveling a shot forward, his first few shots missed. The agent had ducked back. Receiving cover from the wall that was a little to sturdy for Leo's liking. Timing it just right as the agent pointed his gun around the corner, Leo fired a shot right at the thermal clip.

Hoping to jam it or something. But that did not happen at all. The side of the gun flew out of the agent's hand actually The gun Leo fired had more kick than he thought.

*Fwish!* Leo spotted a few grenades and threw them all at the agent around the corner. Not caring about the damage at all. But there was no explosion at all. Just gas coming out.

"Kuff! Kuff! Kuff! Kuff!* The agent grabbed at his helmet in agony. Apparently, the filters didn't help protect him.

*Thump!* His body dropped unmovingly. It acted very fast in his body's system.

*Pow!* A shot went past Leo's ear. The slight ringing gave him a headache. Getting into cover, Leo watched as the people with Nihlus scrambled into another room.

'There has got to be some security left to take some of these shots or something. This is a bunch of crap at how many.' Leo felt the spirit energy enter his body from the deaths that just took place. His blood pumping faster from everything. 'At least that is working to my advantage. I wonder what would happen if I was to I duno.. blow up the hospital wing altogether?'

A.I.- A major boose in spirit energy to cultivate. However, you would have to deal with the fallout of so many deaths. As well as the scenario unfolding poorly. Such as losing Jack and the standing with the Citadel itself.

'Hmmm, there is that.' Leo peeked around the way looking at some things. A few people moving about quickly. A frown on his face as he still needed to pick some Aspects for Order. 'Ugh... maybe Protect as one? Nah that is to bleagh.'

Moving stealthily, Leo instructed the A.I. to keep track of Jack's condition. Babysitting her would be stupid considering everything that was happening. Cerebrus agents and Shadowbroker agents were moving about.

Entering the hospital lobby area was a mess. Only one or two Doctor's dead. The emergency lights were on in this area as well, the main lights all seemed to be busted.

On a closer look, they were overloaded by something. The bulbs were either solid black or cracked open with burn marks at the openings. Not a lot of dead patients in the area. Really freaking weird Leo thought.

'How the hell did they do all this without alerting C-Sec really?' His spiritual sense picked up a few coming down the hall. Pulling back just in time, Leo noticed the few marks on their armor. 'At least they didn't get away from Zaed without taking a few licks.'

"Where the hell is the contact?" One of the agents was upset as he held the side of his ribs. Blood seeping out of the armor plating. He moved to the first aid kit on the wall. Opening it to get to work really quickly on stopping the blood. "We need to just go at this rate."

His partner kept a lookout as he moved. Working on his omni-tool trying to get word out somehow for reinforcements. But a strange static hit almost all the channels.

"Stop thing!" The agent hit his wrist in frustration. Old human customs were hard to get rid of. Missing Leo pressed against the wall as he turned away. "Uggghhh..."

Leo came up behind with a chokehold. Kicking off the ground as he pulled him into the hallway from his partner. As the two struggled, Leo was forced to slam him onto the floor.

The agent was not injured that badly apparently. The good news was that he went for melee. A gunshot would alert to many to this area. The bad news was the omni-blade that appeared on his left wrist.

"Well.. this gets better every second." Leo activated the claw mode to try out. Two blades extended out.

*Bzzzt!* The omni-blades clashed. Leo had the power. But the other had the better skill.

Not much sword fighting back on his Earth. The moment they pulled apart, they were back at it again. A weird energy started to swirl around Leo. To the outside observer, it was just biotic energy fluctuating.

"Hah!" Leo cried out striking quick. Having a glimpse it was the better move to have made. His claws cut across the other Omni blade that the agent use to parry. Leaving himself open for a strike. "Humph!"

Leo's arm moved like a sword strike as he stepped in on instinct. Stabbing the agent in the chest with overwhelming force.

"What the hell.. was that?" The agent looked at Leo in shock. What made it worse was the same look Leo had on his face. "You didn't know.. that would happen.. shit!"

"What in the world is happening to me?" Leo looked at his bloody arm. As if it was a foreign object and not his own in any way. White swirls moved around before dissipating. Blood burned away turning into a mist-like substance. "Stupid beacon. Stupid Reapers and their nonsense."

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Initiate

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks

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