
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Citadel Part 5 Council Meeting

As they moved about, Leo spoke with Zaed and Nihlus. Jack kept to herself mostly. Which was fine for the current situation going on. The A.I. informing Leo the Scenario was over for now. A good bit of spiritual energy was gathered and would be available once he had the chance to take a break.

'I can not believe you chose Justice for one the Aspects.' Leo thought slightly grumpy. 'It is so .. bleagh. Especially with it being a matter of perspective.'

A.I.- It will do you some good. I am here to make sure you stay healthy Leo. On all accounts.

"Humph!" Leo scoffed at that. He never had to worry about this sort of thing when working in his labs. Or when cutting open cadavers for study. 'What could possibly go wrong even further at this point?'

"You really are upset." Nihlus thought it was about what was going on.

"Nahhh, just having fun is all. I tried to play nice with her. It did not work, so fuck it." Leo and Nihlus walked off slowly. Zaed and Jack staying outside in the lobby area. "How bad are those injuries?"

"Bad. I sent a few messages to my contacts to give Anderson a little more weight when they report this time. Afterward, we will go in at the right moment if it goes bad I mean."

"It will most likely. The Council does not want to appear weak in any way. But they will get what is coming to them in the end. People like that always do." Leo was thinking about the time for the jump to get back to the Citadel during the attack by Sovereign. 'Letting the Council die sounds like a good idea. But the others on the ship didn't deserve it.'

A.I.- Then the Citadel umbrella itself.

"Ahh well." Leo said.

"You really need to relax more." Nihlus had know idea what made Leo tick just yet. Considering he didnt seem like he was joking when he showed up was one thing. But his disregard for the welfare of the Citadel was another. 'His profile left much to be desired. But he has a balance of doing the right thing and doing what it takes to succeed. That is what those I checked said anyway. Then their is this Cultivation stuff. I need to take a trip to Palaven when I have the chance.'

The two made it up to the Council interior. Walking inside, Leo saw an Asari walk by pretty quickly. Her clothing and movement was something else. But her face was to easy for his spiritual sense to make out.

"T'loak what it do?" The asari lost a little of her stride but kept walking. Know one else having heard or seen what happened. "Heh makes sense to stay undercover all the time."

No one was around and Leo just wanted to see if she would respond. Gave credit to her being a Spectre he thought. That and she is really old. Like stupidly old. Even for Asari. Way pass a 1000 but not looking like a Matriarch.

"You know her?"

"Nah, just know of her. And a little of her daughter. Hmmm, can you get feelers out to an Asari named Liselle?" Leo was thinking about ways to get Aria on his side for Andromeda. A better use for her there than here really. Wasted on Omega with her skill and power with biotics. 'Hmm, need to make sure I take all the goodies from here while leaving enough for them to make it in the Milky Way.'

"I can. Why the sudden interest?" Nihlus paused as they walked. Leo eyed the Turian slightly suspicious. "Heard she was a dancer on Omega or something. Is that your taste?"

"Wait, do you know some hot super badass Asari? Come on and introduce me. Whether its for sex or a shoot-out, I am game. Or some sparring, that would be nice. They have some weird sword fighting. I can really use that." Leo was a little happy at the prospect of it. "Man.. just go and find some commandos actually."

His Bloodlust was rising just a bit. If Gaia knew this she would be wary of signs of his Ancestor showing up in his soul.

A few of the other staff members just looked at Leo oddly. He was the strangest human they had seen. And they have seen a lot.

"Umm, I know a few. A few contacts." Nihlus stumbled on his words a little. "Let me get in contact with them and see. I know a few Turians to. You can't possibly want to meet with them to. Hehehe right?"

"Oh yeah! Sounds fun! Line them up for the fun. I wonder how many I can fight before I get my skull cracked open?" Leo's Bloodlust Aspect had changed his mental thinking a bit. The others spotting them from his talking.

"You are defintely weird as hell compared to Jane." Ashley said. Next to her was Kaiden and Wrex. They were not allowed into the proceedings.

"Meh." Leo shrugged. Nihlus led Leo inside to watch the proceedings unfold. The Turian Councilor did not want to believe it still. "So if I have more evidence, can I show it?" Leo raised his hand and jumped up and down like a kid. Tali had to keep herself from laughing. "Pick me, teacher, pick me! Not you though. The hot Asari." He pointed at the Turian Councilor.

"Leo, this is not the place for games!" Udina said disgusted.

"Aww shucks ok. No evidence then. Never mind me." Leo played the scolded kid and pretended to kick rocks on the ground. "Uncle Nihlus can we go? The mean old senile grandpa is yelling at me. Mad because viagra doesn't work for him anymore."

"Pfftt!" The Turian Councilor laughed. The others kept themselves composed enough. The Salarian looked on in fascination. "Oh, this is better than the other proceedings we had."

"No, now settle down or no food later." Nihlus said playing along. "No dessert either."

"Aw shucks." Leo pouted and crossed his arms. "I hate the Citadel." He did mean that part though. Earning a few chuckles still was enough for now. 'The Aspect of Comedy will be a weird thing to cultivate.'

"Ehem, if you have evidence, please show it." Anderson cleared his throat. Leo tapped his Omni-tool sending the footage to Anderson. He then played the audio while Nihlus connected for them to see on the screen on the wall.

The video showed Saren attacking Nihlus. As well as the Operative at the hospital speaking about paying off C-Sec. The A.I. also added a few files pieced togethor from the omni-tools of the people killed at the Hospital.

It kept itself busy since Jack was moving about. It couldnt spend time doing nothing. The more data it took in, the more it's parameters increased. And the more Leo can cultivate the mental energies he has.

Once the video ended, they stared at Leo with interest once more. The Turian from the way he fought. The Salarian from the information gathered about him being in the medical field. The Asari councilor said nothing.

"With the information brought forth, we have no reason to hold the later proceedings. Saren will be stripped of his status and put on our watch list. Everyone will have eyes open trying to find him." The Turian Councilor said.

"I think more is in order." The Salarian Councilor added. He looked to the others who gave a nod. The Asari Councilor gestured towards Jane.

"Jane Shepard step forward." Her voice came out with a slight undertone to it. It was happy though. "By the will of the Council, we welcome you as the first Human Spectre. Your first task will be to hunt the traitor Saren. Do you accept this honor?"

"I do."

"Then we welcome you. Usually, there are more formal proceedings but that can wait until this is over." The Turian Councilor said. He looked to Tali and visibly soften. "I am sorry about what happened to you for what it is worth. I will personally do my best to make sure this is righted."

"Thank you." Tali said bowing a little afraid. 'Way to much attention. They will never believe this back in the fleet.' She stepped back getting out of the limelight. Most Quarians tended to act the same way she did.

"Not so fast Leo!" Anderson spotted Leo trying to sneak out. Leo stopped dry and turned around slowly scratching the back of his head. "No need to leave so soon."

"What… nahh I am just.. Umm double-parked somewhere. Those C-sec guys might give me a ticket. My commission should have ended a month ago actually. So... yeah..." Leo took one step trying to distance himself. "It is ok with everything going on. I will gladly take that medical discharge and...."

"You have a clean bill of health." Nihlus said. "I checked the result before finding you."

"Aww man." Leo's shoulders dropped lowly. "I am not there psychologically."

"Those results were good to." Nihlus said not getting the hint.

"I do not believe in the Alliance anymore. I am disheartened and delusional about leadership. Oh.. and about what needs to be done. So bad idea for an officer still." Leo smacked his fist into his palm. "Have you met our reps? Bunch of du.."

"We have a proposal for that." The Salarian councilor said. "Not make you a Spectre but assign you to one."

"That is a terrible idea. Have you met me? I am quite a handful." Leo looked at him deadpanned. Or her. He couldn't tell. "I have met me and I barely like me on bad days. Then again, if I met me and it was a chick that would be a different story. Defintely would find the..."

*Thunk!* Tali had actually walked over and hit him on the head. She was to embarrassed to hear anymore.

"Thank you Tali." Jane said with a smile. The Quarian just gave a shrug not knowing why she did it so abruptly. 'I am really starting to like her.'

"Thinking of attaching you to Nihlus while he recovers and trains Commander Jane here. You can learn hands-on from a Spectre and work in tandem with him. Providing support where needed." The Turian councilor said. "Wouldn't be Alliance work."

"Hehehe that...." Leo chuckled dryly.

"You would be representing Humanity. Try not to blow it." Anderson said simply. Not liking the idea but not wanting to upset the Council.

"Only blowing I want to do is with the Councilor over there." Leo pointed to the Asari Councilor. Her eyes dilated slightly. He then looked at the Salarian one. "Oh, how is the Dalastrass? Still single. Perfect for interspecies communication. I have a degree in it after all."

"No." Jane said from the side flatly. Slight disgust coming from her and Udina. Actually a lot from Udina. Enough that made this worthwhile. "Try not to embarrass the family name."

A.I.- Accept it. Gives acces to a lot of stuff.

"Oh alright. Not my fault if I blow something up. What is my first assignment then?" Leo turned to Nihlus who smiled eerily. "I feel like I am not going to like this. Not going to like this at all."

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect?, Comedy?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaping Manual

Realm: Initiate

Contracts: Nirali Bhatia, Nihlus Kryik, Maya Brooks

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