
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Citadel Part 19 Leaving the Alliance Part 1 Councilor Office

Leo and Nihlus were both in the Council Building. Nihlus walking off to speak with the Turian Councilor with details regarding certain activities in the Traverse. Leo went to speak with the Asari Councilor as requested previously.

The Normandy was getting ready to head back out.

Imagine his surprise when quite the few Matriarchs were in attendance. Even more so when they smiled at him. It was not a nice smile and kind of like a cat looking at a new toy.

"Really wish Zaed would have come with." Leo chuckled a little moving in. But he was happy the old merc was able to get to Admiral Kohaku's people in time. The first time the Blue Suns received some good press in a long time. "So, is this a bad time after all?"

"No, discussions were involving you anyway." Tevos gestured for him to come closer. "Matriarch Alyeth has done her work well but we still do not know how you found out about Thessia and the Beacon."

"Well, she is pretty good at the job. But I guess I can show a few more cards to make this go peaceful before the ever possible conflict happens." Removing a disc and placing it on the table he continued. "A few Asari have been broken or overall had something done to them to find the results from their minds. A few have been "collected" and the process really."

"This disc looks old." A Matriarch said. One with some light red tattoos on her face. A few thoughts and Leo knew her to be the one that commands the Destiny Ascension. Lidanya was an alright leader from the little he knew of her. "What do you mean collect?"

"Yes, what do you mean collect?" Another Matriarch asked as well. She was completely covered head to toe. So not much he could do about discerning who she was. The thought of even using spiritual sense to check was thrown out the window. "Are you saying someone is collecting our kind?"

"Yes. Considering the amount of Asari going out and doing who nose what, I am sure you are used to a few 100 disappearing here and there. Well.. a few work for or with the Shadow Broker. The Shadow Broker uses them for work. His tech.. beats a lot of the current stuff out of the water." Leo could tell they were not buying it. "You have some from the V.I. Vendetta that exists in the beacon from the Protheans in your temple, that is cute. The Shadow Broker has the Collectors themselves on the payroll. The actual Protheans themselves modified for the tasks at that."

"This human knows way to much." The Masked Asari said. Her tone was recorded but so far nothing matched Leo's database of voices. "It would be best to take him for interrogation at this point. No need to keep taking this chance."

"That would not be a wise action." Samara said. A few of the Matriarchs with her not even entertaining that idea. On closer look, Leo was able to match those with her as mothers of Ardat Yakshi. "If you think we will allow that, you have greatly underestimated us."

*Chck!* At least 6 Asari Matriarchs pointed firearms at their own already. The surprise in Leo's eyes was just of one in the room. Those near the masked Matriarch took a step to the side.

"You fight me over this man thing?!" She stated incredulously. Reaching for her pistol.

"Over him, sure. If it means we do not lose someone curing our daughters. Are you just that stupid to risk countless Asasri like this?" Councilor Tevos said. This shocked a few who thought she would take a more neutral position. "His treatment solved the issue that comes up from Asari mingling with our own kind. Bringing the chances down to zero. How many of our sisters have searched elsewhere just to have a child to stop the issues from rising? Spending time with others just out of fear of the possibility of someone they love might cause a defect in their child that will rob them of having further children. Let alone the stigma itself."

A few of the Matriarchs nodded at this. Some lost lovers just because of the risks of creating an Ardat Yakshi were higher in some families then others. The longer-lived Asari apparently had that going for them.

"He has to gain something from this besides what has been mentioned." The Masked Matriarch defended. "I refuse to believe he does this out of the good of his heart. Humans do not do that."

"Of course I gain stuff. Lot's of medical data to help my own kind. Asari has the most unusual genetic sequence I have seen ever." Leo stated with a smile. "Plus they are so good to look at.' He winked at Tevos despite the looks in the room. 'I swear the temperature just dropped a little.'

A.I.- You are correct. I do believe Samara nd and Matriarch Aethyta are giving you the filthy human male look. The Disgust energy they are producing is pretty potent.

"The odds that this will work are grossly low in a few months. I do not believe a problem will not rise." She was very determined with this. "I bet even the data he provided is false."

"If it is not?" Morinth asked. Her eyes containing a bit of mischief that her mother and sisters knew all to well. "If what he claims is true, then what will you do?"

"Humph! If they are true, then you will have my full backing!" She yelled hauntingly. Morinth walked the short distance to Tevos passing a tablet over to the Councilor. Eyes going as wide as diner plates. "What is it now?"

"The treatment provided by Dr.Leonardo here is viable." Tevos passed the datapad around. "The Ardat Yakshi are capable of conceiving. With more than projected results from the initial data."

"Ah shit." Leo cursed. All eyes on him. "I said they should wait a few months before testing this out."

"Yeah, you did." Rila stated miffed seeing the list of Ardat Yakshi pregnant. Morinth was included n the number. "How could you carry the child .. of. this.. this.."

"Aww, little sister are you really that upset." Morinth teased. "You get to be an aunty now." She turned to her mother still smiling looking at the shocked face. "And you get to be a grandmother."

"A grandmother..." Samara muttered looking completely lost. Tears coming down on one side of her face as she seemed to be going through something. She didn't snap out of it until she was grabbed. "Yes? What were we talking about?"

A few of the Matriarchs were still processing the information. With most of the Ardat Yakshi mothers stunned beyond words so far. Leo was not expecting this but then again he was not a female and did not have the perceived maternal instinct they did.

"You are going to be a grandmother." Tevos stated calmly. Samara surprised them all when she fainted on the spot. "Well.. that could have gone better." She looked over to the Masked Matriarch. "So that full backing you will be providing, I am sure will go quite well."

A few grinned at this.

"Tch!" She turned towards Leo with venom. "So what do you need?" He overall anger beating out on the joyous occasion currently.

"Here just do this and I won't have a problem." Leo typed away on his Omni-tool accessing the files already set up what was needed by a few power players to carry out. Since it was all in Asari space, it was best to give to this zealot to handle. "I am sure you can handle this."

"This.. is all you need from me?"

"Yup. Now how in the hell am I suppose to catalog the growth rate of these blasted Ardat Yakshi?" Leo rubbed his chin in wonder. The present Asari looking at him oddly. "What? I told them all that the treatment needed some fine-tuning and pregnancy was better down the road a little more. At least a year.. but no. They didn't listen."

"Well.. considering for myself, It was an accident." Morinth shrugged her shoulders. "The others did it properly by just melding. You just pumped in so much sperm and biotics into me, I think it just passed to much genetic material over that my body had no choice but to accept." She licked her lips causing Leo to fix his seating a bit.

A.I.- There are to many females in the room for you to win out in this regard. Especially with the older Asari. You Nature Aspect desires them in a very unusual way. Copulation would increase spirit and blood energy greatly for the older ones.

Leo just blinked rapidly shaking his head.

"Well, should have used a condom. Dumb on my point I guess." Leo would check that over when he got back. The hard looks did not go over well with him. "Not like I planned the matter."

"True, but at least it is only Morinth pregnant this way. The rest are all pregnant by other Asari." Tevos stated. Her face turned stern as she thought about other business arrangements. "Jona Sederis, you were looking into her and the Eclipse. Why is that?"

"To contract them for a long-term assignment. One that would pull them out of the slave trade for one. Have more lucrative work for them." Leo said simply. Tevos was wanting more so he obliged her. "I have other missions that need people snatched up if you must know."

"I was afraid of that." Tevos leaned back with most of those in the room eyes fixed on her. A few nodding at her to make a move. "To much is going on and the Alliance are just in the way for you. Both Turian and Salarian Councilors agreed already."

*Doop!* Tevos touched a panel agreeing to the final recommendations needed for the change.

"As of this moment, you are now a Spectre but no one besides those in this room, three in the Turian Government and two in the Salarian Government will know. Of course, you can decline but I am sure you won't." Tevos said confidently as can be. She was right about that. "The recommendation you put up earlier to bomb Feros, was conducted two hours ago."

"What!?" Leo was surprised.

"Several patrols around the area started acting unusual. Complaining that they were feeling intense migraines and felt themselves acting odd." Matriarch Alyetha sent him the logs. "You were right about the Leviathan but we acted to late. Lost two cruisers to that thing. The planet was blown to kingdom come though."

"I see.. hopefully, the others do stay in hiding from the Reapers." Leo rubbed the bridge of his nose. But the silence in the room was not good. "What else is wrong?"

"The Alliance is asking questions since it was a human colony there."

"Shame the people died to some kind of gas leak." Leo shrugged. "Happens all the time to colonies that just screw up like that." Those that died were fresh Exogeni employees who did not listen to the information spread by the A.I. Taking control of the Exogeni Corporation was really difficult.

"At least he is not a bleeding heart like most of the humans I have dealt with." The Masked Matriarch said. She instructs a few with her to get a start on what Leo gave her. "Anything else you need?"

This actually came out a little friendly.

"A few programs with humans and Asari," Leo thought about a few other matters. An Asari popping into his head immediately. "Ygara Menoris. I would really like a meeting with her for several reasons."

"Easily done." She left out with a few others.

After a few more minutes the place cleared with Samara getting taken away for a medical checkup. It was by far the most bizarre thing Leo expected to see regarding the Asari.

"Handle some matters that you need to then come back for a visit before you leave the planet. I have something to discuss with you." Councilor Tevos stated. He just gave her a nod. "I must know, can we beat the reapers?"

"Of course, just more firepower and putting out some fires will do it. Taking out these people and organizations will help." Leo sent an encrypted file with a long list of names and facilitates that were currently active.

The top of the list was Henry Lawson.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin

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