
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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Citadel Part 20 Leaving the Alliance Part 2 Speaking to an Admiral and future Operatives

-Alliance Sub office-


"Hello, I am Vice Admiral Vladmir. Artem Vladmir, last of my male line." The old grizzly Alliance Officer said. "Thank you for all you have done for my family."

"Happy to help. I rarely do ''good" things, so this really helped actually. Also, your daughter is turning into a good helper." Leo returned the shake then stepped back. He pushed Shi'Ara and Chloe forward. "Chloe Vladmir huh, go figure."

"Haha yeah." Chloe chuckled nervously. "Hello, father.. umm.. yes I.." She stammered a bit. "This is hard."

"You can do this." Shi'Ara rubbed her back and encouraged her. "Just like we practice."

"Umm right." Time was slow as she tried to muster her courage.

"Pitter Patter girl," Leo said. He looked around and read the different wall certifications. Seeing Chloe still not respond he just ended it. "Ok, your daughter is cured. This Asari is her friend and lover. For the last few years, she was the only thing keeping your daughter going, besides you of course. How she was cured is not on the table for discusion. She can run, jump, kick, and everything like a normal person. She doesn't have control over her "biotics" still, but she has a longer life span. Damn near close to an Asari's lifespan. If she ends up on a lab table they will find nothing. But trouble as I gun them down and wipe them out."

"Commander!" Shi'Ara shouted.

"No, its ok. This was way to hard." Chloe grabbed Shi'ara's hand and kissed it. "Dad I love her. And not just puppy love. It has been a long time coming telling you. Honestly, I thought I would say it on my death bed. But I don't have to now."

"This is a lot." Artem sat down in his chair. "But you are going to live, that is the most important. Shi'Ara is it, thank you. It warms my bones that you could love my baby girl despite the death date hanging over her head."

"My pleasure."

"Umm, dad I will have kids. Just wait at least two years, well one if.. if things turn out how we want." Chloe said ecstatically. "I can finish my "special officer training" with Commander Leo.It may take a while. But I will finish it. I want to have "a" uniform."

"Thank you dear." Artem just smiled from ear to ear.

"Here take this." Leo stepped forward. "This will guarantee at least 5 years. As long as you eat right and dont get shot. I will go through the proper channels and have your daughter medical records cleaned up. For now, I have to go pick someone up."

"Hold on. If its Sarah Williams, she is in the lobby. I buzzed her as soon as you arrived." Artem pointed to the door that opened. He then looks at his daughter then the injector Leo gave him. "I trust this is safe." Chloe nodded. "Then here we go." Artem stabbed the injection and waited for the pain. When it didnt happen, he relaxed.

"Give it some time dad." Chloe said.

*Chish!* The door closed behind the redhead. She ran directly at Leo. Wrapping her legs around him as if she hadn't seen him in forever. Which to her might have been a long time but this was "Leo's" first time meeting her face to face.

"Woah!" Holding her with one arm was easy. "What is the rush?"

"Nothing just wanted to do that." Sarah smiled. Her skin tone was a little darker but other than that, she looked the same as she would originally. "Reporting for duty Doctor Plaything." It came out a little to sensual.

"Plaything?" Artem asked.

"A long story. Hopefully, I get the chance to tell you in the future." Leo walked out dragging Sarah. "It is better if we give the family some time alone. See you both back on the ship before we break any more moral regulations."

"Ready to do some work?" Sarah questioned. "Ashley is just going to have to deal. I am an adult and I make my own decisions."

"Considering your mother signed the papers, I don't see the problem overall." Leo rubbed his chin in thought for a brief moment. He did stay away from the family, just the family came to him. "Your eggs led to valuable research and approvals for better invitro matters."

"So I can keep working with you then?" Sarah beamed.

"Yup." Leo smiled. He started hitting away at his Omni-tool. Contacting one other person that was arranged. "Guess they are not gonna make it in time. Oh well. There is a mission nearby I want to take care of. A chance to help find details about the overall Citadel and the Shadow Broker."

"Lead and I will follow," Sarah smirked. "I like this armor a lot." Sarah was sporting the Inferno Armor. The one you get in Mass Effect 2. The red was a lot darker. Almost black when the light hit it a certain way. "The upgrades are really nice." On the front, a tree in sliver with a light green outline. Tribute to Gaia. "I have trained a lot for this."

"Hold on." A voice called out to them. Another female by the looks of the armor design around the same age at that. "The Citadel security is a pain in the ass." Only difference in her armor was an extra Omni-tool and extra dense shields.

"Well, the dynamic duo is now together." Leo stated simply. "Oriana Lawson, meet Sarah Williams." The two greet each other punctually. "Well, waiting on two more. But let us walk and talk."

Leo ended up doing all the talking with both of them nothing muttering much. They were nervous as can be. Sarah because she was moving to her next of training and doing something that mattered to her with her family helping her. Oriana finally out of her sister's overprotective. Finding out that's who arrange the different places was but comforting and a little scary.

"You are where?" Leo said into his comms. They moved further to the wards. "This better not be a prank or I swear..."

"You swear what?" A woman came around the corner helmet visor up. Her heterochromia eyes one green and the other brown. "You need to light up a little." She looked past him seeing the two young meat. "They better be worth it."

"They are in my book." Leo stated stepping back for them to see each better. "Even better after you train them further. And speaking of the other trainer.." Leo felt Jeodore before he saw her. "..you better not take a shot at or I will spank you."

"Ohh, threaten me with a good time why don't you." Jeodore came down the steps after signaling a few others off. "Big money bags that have my men with more money than they know what to do with. About time we meet in person. But loose the helmet."

*Chk!* Leo's helmet recede revealing his face to them. Sarah already seeing him before but Oriana and Jeodore were shocked. Sloane took a swing at him. Why he had know idea.

"You bastard!" Leo stopped not understanding why she was so upset. "Why the hell did you pull the funding damn it!"

"Oh boy, gonna be one of those instances." Leo let her go pushing her back. Jeodore smiling amused. "Which funding specifically?"

"The rehab for Alliance retirees."

"Well, the Alliance caused such a problem they needed to be taught a lesson." Leo folded his arms staring her down. "I don't really care who told you as it was bound to get out but anyone who signed up before still gets treatment."

"Not everyone kept up with the registration."

"Not my fault. If you failed to follow the rules they have know one but themselves to blame for that. that's what happens when private funding is involved. A chance it won't be covered indefinitely." Leo typed at his omni-tool. "What is the name of the person. No, I am not gonna give them any special treatment but check what is going on."

Sloane passed the information over. Still angry like a little pitbull. Sarah and Oriana just shrugged at each other and started talking with Jeodore.

With the A.I. crosschecking it was easy to find out what to the person and pull some video.

"Look your old unit from the Skyliian Blitz refused the program in the beginning with only two finally registering. I don't know what they told you but it is on them not me or my Organization." Leo passed it over to her letting her deal with that on her own. "While you get your shit together, I will talk to the others."

"So, a Blue Suns Mercenary LEader, some super genius, and a young woman with so much to prove a 15-page thesis can be written about her." Jeodore said after analyzing the situation. "And Ms.Anger issues over there. What a team."

"You wnt out?" Leo spoke sternly. Causing the Mercenary to actually stiffen as th pull of his eyes straighten her out. She thought Zaed was the only one that could do that to her. "Here's your chance right now but after this, not possible except in a casket."

"Not going anywhere, sir." Jeodore straightens up giving him a salute. "Just was to lax, won't happen again."

"Its fine everyone has their moments. That attitude is good on a mission but not when off." Leo took a step back relaxing a little. "Insert these in your armors to help with overall medical data and to help with these as well."

*Woop!* Out of his Internal Space he passed over four chips to improve their suit functions and the first bio injections. People were more inclined to take an injection then an actual cultivator pill.

With the injection containing Body Tempering which for three of them would should good results as they were already in shape.

Mental Expansion with each of them improving from that especially Oriana considering her creation process. Followed by Sloane of maybe Jeodore benefiting from it most next.

Spirit Fulfillment which he was sure Saraj would excel the most in considering her background with Sloane coming second in that case.

"Take this in a closed environment and preferably with a bathtub free." Leo said to them. "The smell will be quite.. potent but you will feel much better afterward. "Ye Jeodore this is what I gave Zaed before you ask."

"Good then." Jeodore was about asking specifically about that. "Ms.Anger is finished." Her thumb hiked back. "Since you said he is in charge I am assuming I am in second in command?"

"Yeah, you must not forget this though." Leo looked at Oriana and Sarah. "You are training these two to be future Leaders. I want you to show them every trick in the book and then some."

"Not a problem. But we need to see what they got first. You coming with?" A much calmer Sloane asked. "Or you gonna disappear on me again?" The other three perking up grinning at that statement.

"I have other matters to attend to and you will hear some comments about me in the news soon, don't do anything stupid and just message me about before you do something to get yourself killed." Leo turned to leave. "Try not to but rumors in their head to."

"Like you talking your sleep!" Sloane shouted. She could tell Sarah was the most interested in that. "Well, let's go fine someplace to talk in private first. Then we can take about the first assignments."

"What is the first assignment anyway?" Oriana asked. Sloane showed them the wrap sheet of man she just became knowledgeable about in the last few months. "Well..shit....."

Their target was Henry Lawson. They were not the only one working on this of course. Leo was throwing them into the deep end out the gate. But their job was to extract the "failed" sisters of Oriana and Miranda.

A maniac like Henry Lawson disposes of them like Miranda initially believed. He had them in a dedicated room to help remind him on what failure looked like.

As Leo moved from the area, a person tailed behind him. He picked them up with his Spiritual Sense but didn't do anything else overall. He had know idea why this reporter was following him but he would find out soon enough.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin

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