
Mass Effect Andromeda: Dark Designs (Bimonthly Updates)

Bimonthly Updates His death is never the end. For he is an Eternal Reincarnator. Sentence to continue to move on no matter what. This is his first Dimension trip. His first time at work. Another one of the many Champions of Gaia. The good news, another Champion gave him a an A.I. One because his task was a little harder. He needed to breed a lot. Two, he needed the push to make sure 2nd Earth, (In the Andromeda Galaxy) received protection from a lot of things till it was ready. Three, the current Earth he was on, received a volatile dose of warfare from the alien threat. Story focus on Mass Effect 1, barely on Mass Effect 2 besides grabbing characters and heading to Mass Effect Andromeda. Contains cultivation, Dieties, and is tied to DC Dark Justice, This character is the brother of the character from there. The Sequel to this one is Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Dark Designs, then Mortal Kombat: Dark Justice. Its fourth installment and possible last is Marvel's Shield: Dark Justice. I do not own any rights to Mass Effect characters. No profit earned from this.

FrozenTidez · Others
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64 Chs

Citadel Part 18 Helping a few Alliance Personnel

*Boom! Boom!* The two grenades exploded. Taking 1/3 of the Tribulation Warriors body with it. Leo moved to strike before the smoke even cleared. His charged up Ominiblade glowing dangerously red.

Leo cut down one more time before bursting with blood energy in a fury as he allowed Bloodlust to take over completely.. He cut in every direction possible looping back around and rotating the blade slightly. The more he cut, the more disappeared. The Reaper behind him mimicking the strikes chipping away at the soul each time of the Tribulation Cultivator.

The fight was one really due to him overwhelming his opponent and applying constant pressure. It helped that mind games wouldn't work his already abundant mental changes.

As the memory ended, Dr.Chakwas grabbed his drink from him and down the remainder of it.

"Ok... so you are stronger, faster, smarter, and have way more energy than before. But these BReakthroughs are definitely not something I can see others doing." Dr.Chakwas said frowning. Leo smiled s that was more or less what the others said. "You have a plan fr that I take it?"

"Yes, a completely different Cultivating Path for the others. One that will give them a direct understanding of what to expect." Leo moved to fix some drinks. This time coming back with one for her. "If you want, I do not mind going over them with you another time."

"Another time, no time like the present, Leo." Dr.Chakwas smiled. She thought it would take some time before he included her in anything. This level of trust was refreshing.

The talks with on way into the next morning. With her falling asleep and Leo setting her on his bed to depart. He had work to attend to on the Citadel after all. The only other Dr.Chakwas asked for was for him to save as many Alliance troops as he could that were out in the field. Which trigger a few scenarios from the A.I. that needed his attention.

Around the time he returned to the apartment, Dr.Chakwas had already gone back to the Normandy to work. Leaving a not he needed to get more furniture. Which he understood. He sent a message to Kasumi asking if she wanted to do it, which she was all for.

"Need to go back to the lab to check the results of a few experiments in purpose. Only about a month left before something major happens but then again I think the repairs to the Normandy have sped up more." Leo left the apartment heading to the docks. "I am hungry."

"Commander Shepard," a few people in armor called out to him. he just couldn't catch a break it seemed. They were C-sec officers. "we need you to come with us to answer some questions."

Next, he felt the presence of one of his people. It was Kasumi stopping him from doing anything. She sent a message directly to his omni-tool. Apparently, Corporal Jenkins got arrested. Naming Leo as his Commanding Officer.

"Sure." Leo said dryly. His eyebrow twitching slightly in annoyance. He typed away on his Omni-tool to let a few know what was going on. The response back came from the Asari who were off the Citadel doing a few missions assigned to them. 'Zaed is still taking his sweet time with his shit. Might have to get involved personally.'

Making it to C-Sec and not arrested was easy enough. The wait however took way to long. A few whispers picked up alerting him to some unsavory activity. All of them, he just had the A.I. send off to the appropriate parties to deal with.

"Thanks for getting me out Commander." Jenkins said embarrassed. Leo checked him over and was able to tell he was still drunk but something else was in his system. "Things got wild at Chora's Den last night.

"Right, well don't let happen again. We have enough time to get you over to the hospital to get checked in." Leo was signing the release papers as they talked.

"That is not necessary Commander, I am fine." Jenkins knew if he went to the hospital the drugs he consumed would show up and he would then get in deep trouble considering everything going on. "No need to do all that."

"Proper procedure." Leo said simply. Jenkins just didn't turn out to amount to much in his book. He expecting the kid to do better but lately mostly a flop then this right here, way more than he would put up with. Especially since he was not his commanding officer, Jane was. "In case you don't remember the last issue that happened with the brass."

"Man just do this for me!" Jenkins shouted. A few officers looking at him reaching for a weapon. "Whats the big deal?! You break the rules all the time!"

"Name one rule I broke." Leo stopped signing looking at him. He was pretty damn sure the kid hadn't seen him do anything. "I am waiting."

"The experimentation!"

"All approved by the appropriate parties." The treatments to the Ardat Yakshi were approved by them and a Matriarch of high standing.

"The massages!"

"All done in a controlled environment under security. With no appropriate touching and everyone fully clothed." With only a few having a few accidents in the process. "Which I might add, detected a few medical issues a few crew members had."


"Not under any type of official station on the Normandy mostly a guest. A consultant if you will." Leo folded her arms waiting for anything else. "I was never supposed to be on the Normandy in the first place kid. Which I remind you allowed me to save your life. But do go on."

"You recommended the bombing of a planet! And overall you are vulgar to your sister man!" Feros should be wiped out no ifs or buts about it.

"Tactical decision and an experiment. Wow, so I am just a bit of an ass." Leo looked at the C-Sec Officer and signed the documents. He then did something for Jenkens own good. "I believe he is under the influence of a narcotic. You have my permission to check him."

"Damn you Leo!" Jenkins was riled up enough to take a swing at him. In fort of so many people at that. A foot tripped him up causing the Corporal to hit the floor hard. "Ughh!" He passed out after puking his guts out a little.

Kasumi just walked behind Leo holding her giggles in. Leo left with her following along. Telling him about how Jenkins was just moody at Chora's Den and agitated the Normandy got messed up.


Meeting for a meal-


Grabbing food was the better thing to do right now. They met up with Mordin while moving about.

"Ahhh, your back," Morinth said. "She and her sisters were eating. Leo and Mordin sat at a table next to them. "Was it fun where you went?"

"Yes. Can I have a breakfast platter?" Leo said to the waitress that came over. She took his order an left promptly. "The people in C-sec give you any trouble?"

"He barely did anything. Haaa." Kasumi said. "We were to precise in recommending him to stay calm. I know one bothered him, he just spent time talking and playing with the staff there while waiting for Corporal Jenkins."

She then told them what happened to the young Marine.

A few others appeared when they found out they had returned. Jacob, Samara, and Ayeltha with a few Ardat Yakshi in tow. A few of them looking very tired but a big smile on their faces.

"Did you achieve your goal?" Leo asked.

"Yes, we did." Samara answered. "This one would make a fine leader given the chance." Jacob smiled at the compliment an thanked her. "Are you free to leave yet?"

"Yes. Just needing a few other things finished up first on the Normandy." Leo was working on getting his transfer from the ship and overall removal from the Alliance. Which Nihlus was supposed to help with. "Need to move a little better than what I have now."

"We will see you tomorrow Leo." Matriarch Aethlyta said. She in the Ardat Yakshi waving at him. Samara heading with. "Make sure you don't break anything on that ship.

Jacob moved over to sit across from him. Leo digging into his food the moment it arrived.

*Bwoom!* A small press on his Omni-tool and a sound bubble went up. Keeping ay outsiders from hearing their conversation.

"So, a good finishing with your old man?"

"It.. was something else. I am sure you already know the conditions so I won't bore you with the details. The fruit are secured with the Asari but I have a few seeds right here." Jacob held his hand out with Leo storing the seeds the moment they left his hand. "The Alliance doesn't have the funds to really help those people but I heard someone related to one of the deceased is stepping up to cover it."


"Cerebrus." Jacob stated calmly. Leo blinked before going back to eating motioning for him to continue. "The Alliance can't fit the bill so a private hospital will treat them. My father has some trouble his way as quite a few people remember enough to cause trouble. They lived like savages. It was..."

"Not something they could control fully Jacob." Samara answered. She sat right next to Leo. "The logs of the computers and the ship overall were scanned as requested. We got everything and then some. The fact they survived this long was surprising."

"More to study later might help to understand the gap in a few people's memory." Leo took a bite of his bacon pausing a bit. "Unless I can get a few blood samples, this will have to be left up to Cerebrus."

"I will see what I can do." Jacob said shocking him. "Apparently Samara was not the only one I impressed. My contact said I did good work to. In fact, need head to that meet-up soon."

They talked a little more before Jacob left for his next task. Samara actually stole some of Leo's bacon when he looked away. Eating it faster than he could snatch it back from her.

Heading back to the ship, Leo really wished the transfer was done. Felt like someone was dragging ass.




Leo was currently looking over lab results. The cellular growth for Krogan had increased by 23% with the introduction of element k. Which was unusual considering the Krogan digestive tract.

Jane just stepped into the lab to ask questions in regards to the Alliance and activity he done earlier that day. As well as the Jenkins incident. Before she could get to most of it, a call came in.

A.I.- Admiral Kohuku's men ambushed by the Thresher Maw is taking place. The communications sent to them before were only made in the bare nick of time as you humans say.

"If you have this number it must be important." Leo answered the call.

Spider: Yeah I do. That Thresher Maw you wanted.. it is quite unruly. The survey team.. we are in a tight spot.

"If you can survive..." Leo looked at the time and the speed of Zaed's cruiser. "..like 10 minutes help is on the way. You don't have to fight the Thresher Maw of course. I recommend fleeing since the seismographic equipment is the issue."

Spider: Don't have to tell me twice! I will contact you as soon as I meet up with this person! Thanks for the help again!

The call end with some gunfire. They were either dead or something else happened.

Leonardo Shepard

Order: Nature, Medicine, Protect, Hope, Humor?

Chaos: Famine, Disease, Bloodshed, Disgust, Science, and Curiosity.

Cultivation Method: Reaper Manual

Realm: Gate of Immortality

Contracts: Nirali, Nihlus, Maya, Jennifer (Jack), Morinth, Samara, Zaed, Falere, Ardat Yakshi, Dr.Chakwas, Mordin

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