
Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?!

[ Marvel: Transmigrated with Travelling Frog?! ] Andrew Wilson travels to the Marvel world and becomes a transfer student at Empire State University. He also raised a traveling frog that can bring back special products for him from other worlds. "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Emperor Armor's Belt]" "Your Frog cub brought you back the travel specialty [Perfect version of T-Virus]" "Your Frog cub brought you a souvenir [Artificial Intelligence · Red Queen]" ...... Then Andrew felt that something was wrong. Gwen Stacy, the classmate who had a good relationship with him on weekdays, was actually Spider-Woman? This Marvel world seems to be somewhat new to what I know... -------------------------------------------------------------- Upload Schedule: Weekly Upload - 6 Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Chapters: 250 Power Stones = +1 Bonus Chapter [Completed] 500 Power Stones = +2 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 1000 Power Stones = +3 Bonus Chapters [Completed] 2000 Power Stones = +5 Bonus Chapters -------------------------------------------------------------- Advance Chapters ⇒ p@treon.com/RedX43 -------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer : This is not my fanfic; it's actually a translated version of a Chinese novel. I'm sharing it here so that more people can enjoy it. All credit for the original story goes to the author.

RedX43 · Movies
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182 Chs

90: Howard's Legacy 

In Tony's workshop, Yinsen inspected all the equipment and gave a satisfied nod. As he turned, Tony stumbled through the door, looking pale and unsteady. 

Yinsen quickly helped support him, noticing the arc reactor in Tony's chest was dimmer. The toxins were clearly spreading faster again.

"Here, sit, I'll grab a new palladium core," Yinsen said, easing Tony into a chair before hurrying to fetch a replacement. 

He deftly swapped out the burnt-out core, and Tony's color improved somewhat. But Yinsen also saw the poisoning creeping up his neck now.

"No more suit use, Tony. Two more flights at most in your condition," Yinsen warned gravely. 

He placed a fresh green juice before Tony. "Drink up, you'll feel better."

After a few gulps, Tony assured weakly, "It'll be fine once we make the new element."

Surveying the workshop layout, Tony gave an approving nod. "Get ready, Yinsen."

Yinsen hesitated. "Shouldn't you rest first?"

Tony met his gaze resolutely. "Don't think I have the time. Success or failure rides on this now."

Seeing Tony's determination, Yinsen relented with a sigh. He passed over the debugging data. "I tuned everything to your specifications after you left. Review for any issues."

Tony perused the information Yinsen provided, his expression conflicted. Sensing the discomfort, Yinsen simply set it on the table. "Here, look it over."

"Thanks." Tony picked up and scrutinized the data, satisfied upon finding no problems. 

"Alright, let's begin!" Standing made Tony notice the case Nick Fury had brought. According to Fury, it contained Howard's mementos. But synthesizing the new element took priority currently. Tony set the box aside for later.

"Yinsen, get the prism," Tony directed. After Yinsen positioned it, Tony hefted a large wrench. "Ready?"

On Tony's cue, Yinsen flipped the power switch. A brilliant blue laser fired out, striking the prism dead center. The split beam etched a burning trail across the workshop wall as Tony adjusted the prism angle. 

Finally, the laser hit a triangular wedge, which seemed to absorb the energy instead of slicing it apart. It began glowing a dazzling blue that intensified until Tony signaled to cut power.

A faintly shimmering blue triangular shard now rested inside. Tony and Yinsen hurried over to inspect it.

"It's beautiful," Yinsen breathed. He could feel stable, gentle energy radiating from the crystal. Nothing like the harsh palladium reactor before.

"Did we succeed, Tony?" he asked hopefully.

Tony gave a confirming nod. "I believe so." He carefully picked it up and slotted it into a new arc reactor casing. 

"Congratulations on synthesizing a new element, sir," J.A.R.V.I.S. announced. "I will run full diagnostics immediately." 

With that critical step done, Tony finally relaxed. A new element was created. J.A.R.V.I.S.'s final checks would provide peace of mind. 

"I owe you greatly, Emperor. This started from your clue after all," Tony reflected.

He regarded Fury's delivered case more amenably now. "Well Yinsen, let's see what Dad left me. Join me?"

Yinsen agreed readily. "I imagine unfinished experiments. An extra pair of eyes could help."

The trashed workshop clearly needed renovation. They took the case upstairs to the living room table. 

Inside, Tony found a notebook full of formulas and research on some mysterious cube. "What's this?" he muttered astonished, flipping through the pages.

The documented cube seemed to contain endless energy and secrets, yet was something Tony had never encountered before. Page by page, he grew more shocked by his father's notes.

The formulas eerily matched his own new element research!

Yinsen soon returned with a VCR and set up the first tape from the case to play. As the footage ran, both men were stunned to see it was the 1974 Stark Expo model! They had watched numerous clips about the Expo recently.

"Wait, let's keep watching. Must be something different if it was in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s possession," Tony reasoned. He passed the notebook to Yinsen and resumed viewing the tape.

Gradually the inconsistencies became apparent. This was not simply an Expo promo but snippets grafted together, including bloopers of Howard forgetting his lines. 

The impromptu cameos of a young Tony made him unconsciously smile at the memories.

"This...this matches your notebook!" Yinsen exclaimed after reading Howard's notes. "If we hadn't made the element already, I'd never grasp this."

Tony nodded. "Like having the answer sheet when rechecking work. Everything clicks."

Yinsen smiled, awed. "Mr. Stark truly was a genius." 

"See anything noteworthy in the tape?" he asked Tony.

Tony shook his head. "Nothing so far. Must be random scraps Howard spliced together when bored. Just happened to get lumped into S.H.I.E.L.D.'s archives."

But abruptly the projection cut to black. As Tony moved to switch off the player, the screen suddenly flashed on again. A familiar voice sent an involuntary shiver through Tony's frame.

"Tony..." On screen, Howard leaned casually atop a desk. His gaze seemed fixed right on Tony. Even Yinsen felt Howard was standing right before them. Both watched raptly. 

"You're too young to understand yet," the recording continued. Howard gestured behind him. "So I made this for when you're ready. It's all for you." 

The perspective shifted to a close-up of the Expo layout. "I'm limited by current technology. But one day you'll grasp its full meaning and change the world."

Tony went silent, processing this first praise from his father in decades, albeit late. 

Sensing Tony's emotions, Yinsen discreetly exited. In the hall, he barred a rushing figure's entry. "Mr. Rhodes, please don't disturb Tony yet."

"Why not?" Rhodey demanded impatiently. "I have urgent news for him."

Yinsen stood firm. "Nothing is more urgent than this." 

"What's he doing in there?" Rhodey asked bewildered.

Yinsen considered briefly. "Bidding farewell to his father."

Rhodey froze in shock. "What? But Howard's been gone for years!"

Seeing Yinsen's solemn expression, however, Rhodey conceded Tony's need for privacy, given Howard's place in his heart.

As they waited outside, Rhodey couldn't help asking, "His dad's dead though. What farewell?"

Yinsen gazed thoughtfully at the darkened room and slowly recounted the incredible recording they'd viewed...

"We're moving out in two days?" Gwen asked, surprised.

Andrew nodded. "The new place I purchased is ready. Red Queen handled the decorating. I inspected recently, we can relocate immediately."

Gwen glanced around. "But I like it here. Why the sudden change?"

Andrew tapped his laptop. "This location is too cramped for Red Queen. The new house will really unlock her potential." 

He added, "Plus I set up a workshop there."

"Workshop?" Gwen echoed curiously. 

"Red Queen, show her," Andrew instructed. An image of a high-tech workshop space appeared.

"As you continue as a superhero, more enemies will emerge," Andrew explained. "Your Spider suit is great support but still limited." 

He indicated parts of the workspace. "Here I can develop specialized Spider suits to counter different environments and foes."

Gwen's eyes lit up. "You mean I'll have multiple Spider suits in the future?"

Andrew smiled. "You can change up your look." 

Just as expected, a girl's wardrobe was never enough. Andrew had conceived this plan inspired by Tony's array of Hulkbuster armor. Both their suites could use some versatility. 

Gwen beamed excitedly. "I love you, Andrew!" She leaned over and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. 

Andrew politely reciprocated the peck. No taking advantage. 

Observing them, Pikachu pointed insistently at his own cheek. "Pika...pika..."

Gwen glanced questioningly at Andrew. "What's Pikachu saying?"

"He wants a kiss too!" Andrew interpreted.

Gwen laughed at Pikachu's cuteness and happily smooched the electric mouse's cheek. "Of course, anything for you, Pikachu!"

To be continued...