
Marvel: Strongest Gamer

After my death, I was reborn in the Marvel world with a Gamer System and powerful rare bloodline. I will become the strongest in this world. Marvel and D.C crossover. [Extra Tags]: Evil/Good MC (Grey MC), Smart MC, OP MC , Hardcore R-18,

DarkGamerZ · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

CHAPTER 5 [Gamer System]

Dante followed Batman, as he walked ahead he looks at the Batman Cryo Pods and sees every power suit he ever created. However, the suits were darkened so he couldn't fully distinguish the exact designs of each power suit.

But he was shocked to see his own reflection on one of the glass pods. Dante had a young teenage face and a muscular athletic young body frame of 6,3 ft. His biceps were muscular and well-defined even toned, but not bulky like his past self. He looked more agile and quick on his feet. He felt super light but super strong at the same time! Kind of like he had super strength. Dante also had long white hair and sharp silver eyes, kind of like dragon eyes (He looks like Gojo Satoru with Silver/red eyes). He looked like a young cultivator from cultivation novels.

'How old am I? I would have to guess somewhere between 16 or 18,' Dante takes a closer look at his face and sees a line-shaped scar on his right eye.

"How did I get this? Was it from when I got run over by a tank? Wait how do I still remember that? But I can't really remember much from my past life... Other than being in the military and being a assassin/mercenary. I have no memories of my parents? My memories are all shattered and jumbled up. I don't even have memories of being in the Marvel/DC world I am reborn in now," He thinks to himself as he touches the scar on his right eye and then gripes his forehead with slight pain. His brain was rattling in his skull, he still was getting used to his new body and high IQ.

It was true. A fusion of bad and good memories from his past life overflowed his mind. Dante shook off those memories, he wanted to start a new life. A life in which he would become the most powerful being in the whole universe.

"Are you coming or not?" Angrily said Batman who at the moment wasn't wearing his carbon-fiber BatSuit. All he wore was a black mask on his mouth, his dark blue eyes and jet-black medium-length hair was seen. The side of his hairstyle was shaved, the top of his hair was messily brushed back( A/N: Bruce Wayne Dark Knight Hairstyle and face ). He only wore a black compression t-shirt and black jeans.

"Yeah. Just give me a sec," Dante wanted to ask Batman many questions. Of course, the one he wanted to ask most... Was Bruce Wayne his father? That and which timeline was he exactly reborn in. Which universe was he exactly in? D.C? Or Marvel?

Dante decides to activate his Gamer System by blinking his eyes. A simulation stats screen appears in the middle of his eyes, kind of like invisible sunglasses. Or when Iron Man is inside his Mark III Ironman Power Suit.


[Gamer System]


[Bloodline]: Unknown

[Race]: Unknown 'My Race is uknown? Aren't I a human though? What the fuck?' Dante thinks to himself.


[You have 50 action points to upgrade your stats]

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Stamina: 10

IQ: 10

Power: 10 (Enhances all of your powers)

Luck: 10

Charisma: 10


[Powers]: [Your three wishes have been accepted however only one of them has been chosen, you will gain your other two wishes the more you gain levels!] 'Well this is bullshit, but whatever all my wishes are overpowered anyways, so one of them will do for now, I will have to have lots of powerful powers if I want to stay alive in this Marvel/D.C world.

[Skills]: Create your own skills with the Gamer System by analyzing your surroundings, other heroes/villains, technology, and elements/metals of this world. You can also choose to create skills from other video games. Remember your skills will only become more powerful the more you level up. So always level up yourself and skills.

[You will be able to level up faster by doing missions or training]

'What is the fastest way to level up?' Dante asked his Gamer System which had a smooth robotic female A.I voice.

[The fastest way to level up is by killing powerful heroes, villains, and monsters/Gods] 'Damn so killing yields the fastest level gain of course I could just spawn a bunch of monsters, zombies, and creatures to spam kill to level up, but that would take too long and too much grinding, so in a way of I kill higher level beings like superheroes/villains for example like Thor or Captain America and Thanos or Magneto, then I will level up with a huge boost of XP from killing them. I will think about killing certain superheroes or villains and taking their powers and creating new powerful skills for my Gamer System.

[Before you boost up your stats. Choose a Legion] Chimes my Gamer System.

"Legion?" Dante's eyes furrowed.

[Legion]: [Hero] [Villain] [Neutral]

'I see, so basically I get to choose if I should be a good or bad person, damn, I will think about this, but I have a feeling I already know the answer,' Dante waits to pick his Legion

"Oh by the way, will I be able to select my own [Class]?" Dante asked his Gamer System.

[When you are level 10 you will be able to pick your class]


Now Dante was going to boost up his Gamer System and learn about it. But first he was going to go on a mission with Batman. His first mission in this new world full of superheroes and villains.

"Well now. This is going to be interesting," Dante cracks his knuckles and neck. He was going to choose the most powerful stats, powers, skills and Legion.


A/N: This chapter needs to be edited. What stat will you pick? I would go with strength, agility, and power or luck. What skills will you make? What wish do you think MC will have? Also what bloodline/race do you think MC? More chapters coming. Already 1,000 collections in 1 day. the hype is real for this fic!

[Stats to boost with 50 points]

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Stamina: 10

IQ: 10

Power: 10 (enhances all of your powers)

Luck: 10

Charisma: 10



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