
Marvel: Reborn as Carnage

A EX- Solider is reincarnated as Carnage with a Mutant Beast System as Peter Parker's brother. He chooses to become the most powerful Symboite in existence. He will forge his own path with the Mutant Beast System. This System grows more powerful the more you conquer powerful beautiful woman in Marvel and take their powers! Also by killing and controlling more heroes or villains you gain more OP levels and skills! The MC called Dante is now a symbiotic mutant two powerful forces in one with the Mutant Beast System ready to take over the world of Marvel and take over and control every sexy female superhero and villainous bodies! Will Dante become a hero? Or Villain? Dante will make his own company and kingdom build with his harem of deadly powerful beauties. Carnage rises. Kill everyone and everything. Take everything from everyone. Control everyone! 'Being this bad never felt so good.' Marvel X D.C mutliverse fanfic with X-Men elements as well. Will follow MCU and Marvel Comics. [Mature R-18 Warning] [Marvel x D.C- Multiverse Fanfic] [X-Men] -[Huge Harem] [Gray MC] [Genius MC] [Ruthless MC] [Villanous MC] [BDSM] [HARDCORE R-18 SMUT] [CYOA] [AU] [Mind Control] [Mind Break] [Extra Tags]: Multiverse, System, Anti-hero, OP MC, Ruthless MC, Hardcore R-18

HentaiGodZ · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Chapter 5: Holy Motherfucker! Huge House Party! Pt. 2 [New Powers] [R-18]

"You always think you are some hot shot Dante! Like you are the alpha male in our crew! Yeah sure you are the best basketball player! The All-Star! The fastest player! Hell even an amazing fighter! Sometimes I think you have superhuman strength after you kick the asses of the strongest guys in our school guys even weighing up to 400 pounds! But I am different! I am the fucking best! How dare you get in my way Dante! I am going to wipe that fucking smirk off from your face!" Flash goes to punch me in the face, everything turns to slow-motion, I already know one thing for sure, I was reborn with Spider-Man powers I had heighten sense even to the point of predicting Flash's every single movements like looking into the future almost. I quickly go to dodge his point then suddenly Peter gets in front of me and takes Flash's punch right in the face. I could predict that Peter would get in the way, but I let him take the punch anyways, it sounds cold I know, but I don't care about Peter Parker, I only care about myself and my new powers, I mean think about it, wouldn't you do the same if you were reborn with Spider-Man or even Symbiotw powers? And besides that I want to figure out which version of Spider-Man I am or if I am even Spider-Man? What if I am Venom or Carnage!? What if I am being controlled by symbiotes? The whole concept was making my mind think extra hard. My three guesses was me being a Mutant or Symbiotes or even a new kind of Spider-Man or in my case right now... Maybe Venom or Carnage. I did remember that had symbiotes in my blood stream when I was going to reborn in the void realm I was in talking to God.

But now I feel smarter, faster, and stronger than I ever did before, like I had the IQ of Tony Stark[Ironman] and Dr.Doom fused together, damn I guess I really was reborn with the minds of these two geniuses, no wonder I was acting more darker than before like Dr. Doom I was becoming cynical of how pathetic and weak Peter Parker was, but all human are weak compared to me, that's a true fact. I clench my fist and get ready to use my powers and Mutant Beast System against Flash, I might go for the kill it's a huge reward I evilly think to myself.

"Peter!" Yell out Gwen and Mary as they run over to him. Peter's face was full of blood, Flash was very strong compared to an average human being, it was clear he had superpowers, I think ironically it had to do with super-speed, but Flash from Marvel was no where near as fast as Flash from D.C this should be a easy fight, I crack my knuckles.

"Flash leave my brother alone!" Peter actually coughs out blood. Why did this dumbass nerd try to protect me I don't need his help. I mean Peter Parker without his Spider-Man powers is your typical virgin nerd who was a simp for Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy, but I give Peter one thing, he had some guts even if he gets his ass kick all the time, one would say Spider-Man is the weakest superhero in Marvel verse compared to like Thor or Dr.Strange, but that ins't entirely true, Spider-Man actually has the potetinal become stronger with super-suits for example Spider-Man Ultimate or even Iron Spider-Man like the suit he used in Infinity War to fight against Thanos.

"How could you do that Flash! You monster!" Gwen growls at him with an angry face as she gritted her teeth. Gwen was indeed a fiery blonde bombshell, I wonder if she had her Spider-Gwen powers from the Multiverse, she did much look like her with shorter blonde hair that was shaved in the sides and the famous eye piercing on her left eye, she also had brighter blue eyes compared to comic version.

"Get out of this Peter, you are to weak, this is my fight and my fight alone, I will teach this dumbass jock a lesson, Flash it's time to put you in your place," I point at Flash in a dominate way. So how I am going to break Flash, what powers should I use? You know what fuck it, Flash is a side character no one will care what I do to him, let's see if I really reborn with my wishes let's see my new powers in action, you are fucked Flash. A surge of static power flowed through out my finger-tips what is this energy? Is this the power of cursed energy like Gojo? Or something else? Was it my symbiotic powers? What if I control Flash Thompson? And make him my host and devour his powers.

[Mutant Beast System]: New power unleashed! [Be Warned! Your Primal side has awakened!]

Holy fuck, do I have Venom or Carnage powers? Carnage is stronger Venom most times, but there a tons of comics that have both of them Versing each other with each outcome different. Hell I wish I had a better test subject than Flash who is a throw away bully wannabe. Well let's see what powers I really have. It's show time.


What Spider-Man powers you think the MC has?

A/N: This chapter needs to be edited. You know I notice something. I always wanted to write a Jutsu Kaisen fanfic where the MC is Gojo brother there is none like this on Webnovel. And yes my MC for this fanfic is OP fucking deal with it. This is a power trip fanfic filled with R-18 smut next chapter is where MC goes to conquer his first girls build his huge harem and do Netori on Peter, by getting the two beauties Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy at the same time! Trust me I am the god of R-18 any smut R-18 fic you have been reading with smut scenes does not compare to me I write hardcore in-depth smut so get ready next chapter.