

[Synopsis]- Dying wasn't a fun experience. Alone in a dark Void-like space for who knows how is in no way good for your health (mentally or physically). Fortunately, it seems my luck was not that bad as I had been chosen by a mysterious system which seemed pretty convinced on 'isekai-ing' me. I had no problem with it, I mean who will refuse a chance to live again with all your memories? Getting a chance to go back home was just the icing on the cake... I have just one question, What the hell is this CYOA thing? ------------------------------ A Self-Insert CYOA Fic Slightly-AU Marvel Cinematic Universe NOTICE- This CYOA is basically the WORM CYOA Vers. 1 but with some changes made by me to better integrate it into the world. DISCLAIMER- I don't own MCU, Marvel, Fate or any other franchise that may or may not feature in this piece of work. This only a fanfiction and is not to be taken seriously as it is just for fun and entertainment.

GodOfHeroes · Movies
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15 Chs

Chapter 5

Arc 1: Character Creation


'This looks interesting.' I thought as I quickly glanced over the list before I started reading it.

From what I was able to gather, there were some really good perks but there were also some useless ones.

I only wanted to take the bare minimum and the [Perks] that I was the most in need of, cause I wasn't sure that the mysterious Screen will really accomplish any of them.

A healthy dose of suspicion never hurt anyone.


[Blank (-1pt): By taking this perk you are completely immune to being perceived by Precogs, Psychometry Users and any powers that try to get information about you and from you, effectively making you a blindspot to their supernatural senses. This includes Future/Past sight, Danger sense, Compelling Ability, Truth Serum, etc.]

[Shattered Limiter (-1pt): The factors that kept your power and growth in check are completely done away with. At base this doubles the numbers of slots and charges you have available. Your power growth skyrockets, with your power doubling in strength every year if you do nothing but live a normal life. Actually fighting on a regular basis drops this down to half a year. Each such interval also increases the number of slots and charges your power provides by one. Your power refuses to be kept in check, rendering you immune to those who would try to effect your abilities.]

[Invictus (-1pt): By taking this factors such as distress, suffering and any difficulty mean nothing to you. You are capable of undergoing any disaster without batting an eye, ignoring any amount of pain, remaining mentally untouched by even the most terrible events and even the most fearsome odds will not give you pause. Abilities that would effect your mind or control you are useless. You will never break, never bow and even come a thousand apocalypses you will stand as tall and resolute as ever. Note- That this is does not supress or remove your emotions and you are still able to feel grief, guiltiness and sadness like any other person.]

[Comic Book Pretty (-1pt): You look like a model, airbrushed to perfection, even under the most extreme conditions. You also heal perfectly from all wounds given sufficient time, though you may have some aesthetically pleasing scars afterwards, age slowly and recover from even otherwise permanent transformations quickly.]

[Inspiration (-1pt): Something about you reaches directly into the hearts and souls of others. Even if you don't lead them, just your presence seems to lift their spirits and restore their hope. Wherever you go people see you and find new purpose and courage. The broken will rise above their suffering to go on, hopeless defenders will rally to defy the odds, and even the most inhuman of your enemies will be shaken with a sense of terrified awe at your presence.]

[Singularity (-1pt): You are the One and Only in the whole of existence, no other variant, clone or any sort of copy exists of you in the Megaverse.]

[First Impression (-1pt): No matter what you do, it seems like you're incapable of making a bad impression on others when they encounter you. Even your enemies will find themselves respecting you, seeing you as a worthy opponent. This isn't permanent though, your actions and decision will influence them as normal.]

[Cloak & Dagger (-1pt): You find it almost trivial to gain contacts, expand networks, plant spies, sabotage and even assassinate. Espionage in all of its forms is as easy as breathing for you, almost without regard for reasonable limits. While this isn't a power your talent here is great enough that it might as well be.]

[Big PP (-1pt): You get a Big PP and such skills that you may as well be called God Of Sex.]

[Manpower (-1pt): Nobody knows how you do it but you are able to find, recruit and manage competent and loyal minions (or workers, troops, professionals, etc) with almost zero effort. Whether its lawyers, mercenaries, doctors or just raw manpower you have no trouble finding people to work for you.]

[Plot Armor (-2pts): Fate and Chance conspire to keep you alive. If you tangled with Hulk, reinforcements (or distractions) will be on the way shortly. If you're shot in the head, expect to be fine after a little coma time. You can even go toe-to-toe with freaking Dr. Doom without any powers and survive... somehow. Enemies you buy with a complication can ignore this power. This power is more likely to fail the more concrete, verifiable and/or dramatically appropriately your death would be.]

[Resources (-2pts): You have Batman's real superpower: money. This comes in the form of numerous bank accounts in your name worth millions, a mansion or several large houses scattered across the world and perhaps even a secret base somewhere interesting. Spend the money and it will slowly refresh, with you suddenly remembering another bank account or trust left to gather interest, or an estate you had mothballed.]

[Note- Once taken you can't return or exchange any Perks.]

'Hmmm... What to choose, what to choose?' I pondered for quite a while.

[Blank] and [Invictus] were absolutely necessary in my case, as Marvel in general had many Future Seers and Telepaths. So they would be very useful there.

Plus [Invictus] would let me go through many ordeals while still letting me retain my human emotions and maybe also support in some uses of [Kaleidoscope].

I was a bit relieved when I read that it would not remove my emotions, or suppress them in any way whatsoever but merely give me Indomitable Will and Spirit.

I wholeheartedly believed that our emotions were the ones that makes us Human and not mere machines who only follow logic, so it was a small relief that I would not be deprived of who I was.

Other than both of them [Shattered Limiter] and [Singularity] were looking particularly useful and interesting to me.

[Shattered Limiter] cause it gave the effect of skyrocketing my power growth to unimaginable levels where I would become twice as strong without even doing anything.

Of course, I wouldn't just be sitting on my ass, it would be a huge waste of time and opportunity, but it was the thought that counts.

As for [Singularity], any Marvel fan could understand why.

Marvel had an... unnatural attraction towards Clones and Variants. Particularly Evil ones.

And [Singularity] would helpfully solve that particular headache before it even afflicted me.

Rest of the [Perks] were too expensive or didn't seem that useful to me so without any more thinking I chose [Shattered Limiter] and [Singularity] too.

A few others looked appealing *ahem* [Big PP] *ahem* but I for once decided that this was not the situation to think with my dick. So I discarded it never to look back.

Totally, all of the [Perks] I had taken cost me 4 points in total (1pt each), so now I was in minus 2 points in debt.

'I guess it's time to take the [Complications] now.' I sighed in trepidation but what could I do?


'Let's just hope that none of them are too bad...' I sighed and pressed the 'confirm' button.


And Done!

This chapter was a breeze to write.

This chapter we see Sam, our MC, choose his [Perks] and I think I chose the right ones for him.

All of them are very useful but not overpowered. And that's good cause writing a super OP character from start can be hard and incredibly tough without it transforming into a generic harem power fantasy (trust me I know, I'm writing one after all).

Share your thoughts on what perks you would've chosen if you were in Sam's place?

Please leave some good reviews and Power Stones! They motivate me to write a chapter much quicker!

And see you later!

1304 Words

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