

[Synopsis]- Dying wasn't a fun experience. Alone in a dark Void-like space for who knows how is in no way good for your health (mentally or physically). Fortunately, it seems my luck was not that bad as I had been chosen by a mysterious system which seemed pretty convinced on 'isekai-ing' me. I had no problem with it, I mean who will refuse a chance to live again with all your memories? Getting a chance to go back home was just the icing on the cake... I have just one question, What the hell is this CYOA thing? ------------------------------ A Self-Insert CYOA Fic Slightly-AU Marvel Cinematic Universe NOTICE- This CYOA is basically the WORM CYOA Vers. 1 but with some changes made by me to better integrate it into the world. DISCLAIMER- I don't own MCU, Marvel, Fate or any other franchise that may or may not feature in this piece of work. This only a fanfiction and is not to be taken seriously as it is just for fun and entertainment.

GodOfHeroes · Movies
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15 Chs

Chapter 4

Arc 1: Character Creation


[Now that it's done, Choose your method of Entry-]

[Self-Insert (Free): You are just dropped in an abandoned but safe alleyway in New York as you are and in your own body, You only have the clothes on your back, a wallet that has hundred dollars, your ID (which won't work there) and an object personal value. You are dropped 2 weeks before the main 'Plot' starts (provided you haven't shot it to kingdom come by then) and nobody has information about you until you reveal yourself (or some clairvoyant sees you).]

[Transmigration (Free): Your consciousness replaces that of your chosen person (in your case, it HAS to be a Superhero). You get their powers, memories, skills, trauma and everything. Of course by doing so you are basically killing them. You arrive the moment plot starts (in you case, when Avengers attack the HYDRA base in Sokovia).]

[Reincarnation (Free): You are reborn as a baby as your chosen person (in your case, it HAS to be a Superhero). You have live out your life as a baby and... That's it. Note that taking this will nullify the effects of [Time Of Arrival] you've gotten as you will now begin your adventure when you are reborn.]

'Hmmm, what to choose, what to choose.' I thought as I mulled over all the options.

All of them were free so the only thing holding me back were my morals.

[Transmigration] felt too much like a possession, murder and identity theft all-in-one, which made me very uncomfortable taking it. So that was out.

I didn't want to wait years upon years to get home and back to my family. Not to mention I would be stealing someone's parenthood from them cause I was pretty damn sure that I could not (and would not) come to look at them as MY parents. So [Reincarnation] was out too.

And that left [Self-Insert] which was the most appealing one out of all of them. I would have some starting money, a good amount of preparation time, comfort of my own body and the best of all, anonymity.

Just what I wanted.

So without thinking too much, I chose [Self-Insert].

As I finished that, Mr. Screen was back with another page.

[Now you may take powers, perks and any complications you like out of the following list-]

And a long list of powers, perks and complications followed.

Right now, I had 6 points in total so I had to use them carefully to not waste even a single point.

I had no desire to take complications but if I needed to, I would.

So I started by reading through the 'Powers' list before anything else.


[Superman Package (-3pts): Grants you all the Powers of Prime Superman with none of his weaknesses. You also have no limits to absorbing sunlight so you may increase your power Infinite-ly but gradually overtime as you absorb the rays of the sun.]

[God Of Shinobi (-2pts): Grants you all the abilities and skills befitting that of a God Of Shinobi. You may also take upto two Kekkei Genkai of your choosing which will begin at basic level, and also 3 S Rank Secret Ninjutsus (eg. Flying Thunder God, Particle Style). This power also lets you open a portal to the Naruto World only when you're not in battle and can't be used during battle.]

[Eidolon (-5pts): This grants you access to all powers. It gives you 5 slots, each of which can contain any power you wish, and may be swapped out at will. If you do not direct them consciously then your power will automatically provide abilities that aid you in surviving and achieving your goals, adapting to whatever circumstances you are facing. It's ability to predict your needs and wants is absolutely preternatural. You have the perfect understanding of all these powers, this also means that you will never be confused, disoriented or even slowed down from a switch and will able to use them perfectly. The strength of these powers are capped at a certain point but at weakest they never fall below a City-Destroying Level with Country-Destroying Level being the strongest.]

[Gamer (-4pts): Grants you a Gamer System that makes your potential in everything, truly and utterly infinite. But be noted that this System will NOT grant you Magic but simply help in increasing the abilities that you already possess or come to possess.]

[Servant Template (-3 to 5pts): You are able to select one Servant from Fate from which you will get all their skills, experience and Noble Phantasms. Note that if you want to take Gilgamesh (or anyone of equal calibre) you would have to pay 5pts because of their OP-ness.]

[Satan Of Devilkind (-3pts): Grants you all the abilities and skills befitting that of a Satan Of Devilkind. Also by taking this your race is changed into a [Royal Devil] and you gain all the abilities of one from DxD. You are able to choose 2 Clan Traits of your choosing and you also get all the ways and knowledge of how to train it. You also have a Satan level Demonic Energy reserves with Grandmaster Level knowledge of [Devil Magic]. Note that by taking this you will begin your Adventure in Hell or Underworld of your specific universe.]

[Kaleidoscope (-2pts): You are attuned to not only the fabric of Space and Time but the very Essence of Multiverse itself. All worlds, timelines and possibilities are now within reach of your new senses, and you find yourself able to manipulate them to your will, and even travel between them. What you can accomplish with this is limited only to your Creativity, Imagination and Experience. The only limitations that this power has is that you will not be able to venture out of the multiverse of your [World Setting], for example, if you are in Marvel or DC you will not be able to venture out of that specific multiverse until you accomplish the [Victory Condition], afterwards this limitation will be removed.]

[Inspired Inventor (-4pts): By taking this, each day you have 5 charges which can be spent to improve your Inventor abilities within a specific area or theme. A single charge would make you a good tinker within an area, each additional charge after this doubles your abilities, with no limits to how many times you can spend a charge on a certain area. This also grants you superhuman scientific knowledge, understanding and skill at applying it, able to make or do things that modern science would consider impossible within your theme. Should you different themes overlap then they stack, building off of each other and integrating perfectly. All fields of knowledge are viable for this. As long as you have time and resources, there isn't anything you couldn't do.]

[Power Manipulation (-2pts): You are able to manipulate and control any and all powers. You can nullify, enhance, modify, copy and even steal the powers of others. You can do all this and more, and only your personal desires can stop such effects from being permanent. Note that this does not give you the ability to Create new powers but mere Alter or Modify them in any way you like (provided you have enough energy). Transferring powers from one person to another is trivial, even stacking multiple onto a single target. You can manipulate and sense the Altered powers regardless of the location of anyone you have given them to. You can also sense any Superhuman and Powers within a large area.]

[Psychokinesis (-2pts): This grants to the power to move objects, generate and manipulate all forms of energy or matter, even create psychic constructs. The world is a vast ocean of vibration, matter and energy to your senses and all it takes is a thought to send it moving to your wishes. Complex systems such as biology and technology will require a great deal of practice before you can reliably work on them. But when it comes to sheer breadth and raw power to control the physical world you are peerless.]

[Shaper (-2pts): Grants you the ability to manipulate organic matter to your will. You can make monsters, enhance yourself or even create a zombie virus, basically an Biokinesis ability at top tiers.]

[Wildcard (-1pt): Grants a random power. You may only take this only 3 times. Be warned, once a 'power' is given, you can't return it and it will remain with you forever.]

[Note- Once taken you cannot return or exchange any Powers.]


'Damn, thats a long list of overpowered powers.' I whistled.

I had to consider my choices especially carefully cause' once I took any of the powers displayed here, I couldn't return them and I only had a limited amount of points to spend.

Thankfully, there was no time limit on how long I had to take powers.

So I cracked my neck(?) and got to work.


[Wildcard] was out as I didn't want to bet on my luck and take chances on a one-time opportunity like this.

[Psychokinesis] and [Shaper] didn't seem worth it when other much better powers were there, even if [Psychokinesis] seemed very useful.

[Satan Of Devilkind] and [Servant Template] were also out. For the first, I didn't think being a demon or devil in Marvel was a good idea not matter how intresting it seemed and I didn't want to begin my adventure in Hell of all places (plus it was expensive). For the second, it was simply too expensive and not worth it, no matter how much I wanted to take a Gilgamesh template.

Similarly, [Eidolon], [Inspired Inventor] and [Gamer] were also out, they just too expensive for me to afford (especially Eidolon and Inspired Inventor).

That left [Superman Package], [God Of Shinobi], [Kaleidoscope] and [Power Manipulation].

All of them were wonderful and overpowered abilities in their own right, but unfortunately I could not take all of them, which made this decision conflicting and difficult.

At most, I was able to take as much as two powers without getting into too much in debt and having to take many complications to balance things out...


After a lot of consideration, I had come to a decision.

No matter how appealing they were, [Superman Package] and [God Of Shinobi] just fell short in front of the last two abilities (in my eyes atleast).

So finally I chose [Kaleidoscope] and [Power Manipulation].

Despite the restrictions that both of them came with, something about them greatly appealed to me.

Not to mention how both powers were very synergistic with each other.

And after taking them I would have 2 points left too, so that was a bonus.

As I pressed the 'confirm' button, another screen popped up with the word [Perks] written on top.

'This looks interesting.' I thought as I read through the list.


And Done!

Sorry it took this long, Procrastination is a bitch.

Lots of new information and the powers I have chosen for this fic!

Kaleidoscope was a given since that's in the name of the fic but Power Manipulation was my own genius.

I didn't want to make him too OP off the bat but also keep him reasonably strong, so here it is!

Share your thoughts on what you would've chosen.

And sorry for the info dump but it was necessary...

Love the support on this by the way.

Please leave some good reviews and Power Stones! They motivate me to write a chapter much quicker!

And see you later!

1922 Words

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