

[Synopsis]- Dying wasn't a fun experience. Alone in a dark Void-like space for who knows how is in no way good for your health (mentally or physically). Fortunately, it seems my luck was not that bad as I had been chosen by a mysterious system which seemed pretty convinced on 'isekai-ing' me. I had no problem with it, I mean who will refuse a chance to live again with all your memories? Getting a chance to go back home was just the icing on the cake... I have just one question, What the hell is this CYOA thing? ------------------------------ A Self-Insert CYOA Fic Slightly-AU Marvel Cinematic Universe NOTICE- This CYOA is basically the WORM CYOA Vers. 1 but with some changes made by me to better integrate it into the world. DISCLAIMER- I don't own MCU, Marvel, Fate or any other franchise that may or may not feature in this piece of work. This only a fanfiction and is not to be taken seriously as it is just for fun and entertainment.

GodOfHeroes · Movies
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

Arc 1: Character Creation


And that brings me to this point. Where I had just regained consciousness in a deep dark Void-like space of... wherever and whatever the heck this place was...

But, I knew one thing for sure... I was not meant to be here.

It was an inner feeling within my soul...

This place was... Cold...

Cold like I've never felt before.

It was as if all the heat and warmth I had but never noticed, was just... Gone.

I subconsciously shivered.

There was something... Unnatural about this place.

It was as if... My emotions were severely dampened?

My eyes(?) widened in recognition.

I looked down at myself but only saw(?) a blob of weak white light.


I admit,

If my emotions weren't as dampened as they were I would've been shrieking and freaking out because of the sheer scale of disbelief and panic I had over my situation.

I was still in disbelief and panic but it was only mild, not nearly as much as it should've been.

Though, the dampened emotions weren't that bad as somehow my thought process was much faster than when I was alive, so I quickly calmed down and reached perhaps the only possible solution I had to explain my situation.

And it was...

'My afterlife... is shit.' I thought with big amounts of discomfort.

Me and my family were moderately religious type of people who believed in God, Heaven, Hell and all that jazz.

So it came with huge amounts of discomfort when I was confronted by the fact that I may just have been sent to Hell or Oblivion.

But before I was able to think more about my situation, I was interrupted by a small, almost unnoticeable, 'ting' sound.


And then suddenly a holographic screen appeared in front of me... and it spoke in a manly... robotic and monotonous voice?

'What Da Fuck?'

[Rejoice Human! For You Have Been Chosen!]

[Would Like To Go On An Adventure In Another World?]



If I still had my eyelids, I would currently be rubbing them to make sure that this wasn't a dream.

Because it sure looked like that from my perspective.

I just died, woke up in a Void-like space and now a System/Screen was offering me a chance to isekai...

'What kind of Cliché shit was this!?!'

Like it was straight out of some isekai novel/anime/manga. Answered my weeb otaku brain.

Needless to say but my suspicions were at an all time high.

Cause' while this place dampened my more... negative emotions it did nothing to limit my paranoia.

And I had literally read too much fanfics to NOT be paranoid and suspicious of people giving superpowers out for 'free'.

My mind was forever scarred after I read some failed reincarnation story where the MC dies as a fetus...



So I asked. "Why offer this to me? What do you get out of it? What will happen to me if I refuse? And what is it going to cost me?" I asked with apparent suspicion.

The screen answered in the same monotonous voice.

[In Order Of Queries-]

[First, You have been Chosen Randomly from the Infinite number of people and your variants.]

[Second, We get nothing but The Author gets what he wants. Entertainment.]

[Third, Should you refuse you will be put back into your afterlife and forget about this encounter ever happening.]

[Fourth, If you accept this it will cost you all of your 'Karma' and you will lose the chance of ever going to an afterlife.]

I hummed and nodded with narrowed eyes.

"Hmm... I see." I muttered and went into deep thinking.

First of all, I had absolutely no way of confirming whether the screen telling the truth or was lying.

So I could only go off of my gut instinct.

Good thing my question weren't over yet.

"So next question, Who and What is The Author?" I asked as I didn't understand any of it no matter how hard I tried to.

The screen quickly answered with a short [It's Confidential.]

I just narrowed my eyes and felt something more was at play here.

Alas, I was helpless to do anything in this situation other than trying to fish for more information that may or may not just be a lie.

I decided to let this topic let go for now and focus on more important issues.


"Alright, next question, what am I going to get out of this other than, you know?... not staying dead?"


My father had taught me to gain as much profit out of a deal as I was possibly able to without forcing the other party to call the deal off.

And it had so far worked perfectly for my whole life (not that I got much uses out of it, that is if you don't count negotiating with the vegetable seller for an discount).

It was pretty easy, you just have to know or find out when the other party's breaking point and only take as much as they are able to give.

The Screen answered [If you accept and are able to attain success in the given challenge then you may return to your world at the exact time and place of your death, as if nothing happened. You will also get to keep your powers and perks you got from Character Creation and may return to your 'normal' life if you wish to.]

'... return to my world at the same time and place of my death?...'

I'm sorry to say this, but the moment the screen said these words, I was sold.

If I had even the slightest chance of going back to my family, I would take it in an instant.

The powers were just the icing on the cake.

"I accept." I said resolutely.


And Done!

It's much easier writing chapters for this fic for some reason so the chapters would more frequent compared to my other fics (hopefully).

I will also strech out this Character Creation arc for a few more chapters before the real story starts.

I'm hoping to not make him too OP off the bat so I will be doing alot of editing to the CYOA I choose.

I have decided on the Worm CYOA Vers. 1 and 3 respectively because I think it's a pretty good one with some cool abilities.

Please leave some good reviews! They motivate me to write a chapter much quicker!

See Ya Later!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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