

[Synopsis]- Dying wasn't a fun experience. Alone in a dark Void-like space for who knows how is in no way good for your health (mentally or physically). Fortunately, it seems my luck was not that bad as I had been chosen by a mysterious system which seemed pretty convinced on 'isekai-ing' me. I had no problem with it, I mean who will refuse a chance to live again with all your memories? Getting a chance to go back home was just the icing on the cake... I have just one question, What the hell is this CYOA thing? ------------------------------ A Self-Insert CYOA Fic Slightly-AU Marvel Cinematic Universe NOTICE- This CYOA is basically the WORM CYOA Vers. 1 but with some changes made by me to better integrate it into the world. DISCLAIMER- I don't own MCU, Marvel, Fate or any other franchise that may or may not feature in this piece of work. This only a fanfiction and is not to be taken seriously as it is just for fun and entertainment.

GodOfHeroes · Movies
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15 Chs

Chapter 1

Arc 1: Character Creation


Death... was an odd experience.

You were alive one moment and then you were suddenly dead and on your way to afterlife.

It was a bit depressing really...

But before I start getting into this heavy stuff, I think I should introduce myself.

My name is Sam Dawson. I'm (or was) a 18 year old college freshman. My goal is to become a Doctor and I liked playing guitar and reading in my free time. Sometimes I also wrote some fanfiction in my downtime as a hobby (even though it took me hell of a time to update them).

I had a normal family with my mom, dad and my younger brother. I liked eating delicious dishes, watching and reading anime/manga and sometimes going on walks in a park.

I also had a few close friends and was overall a pretty nice but average guy (in my opinion), though I never had a girlfriend but to be honest, I wasn't really interested in the whole 'dating' schtick and thought of it as just a waste of time.

So yeah... I was that normal average guy who just going about the road that is life.

But then I died.

So how did I die despite living such a normal life?

It was... surprisingly average, if not slightly comical if you ignore the dying part.

No lightning strikes, no sudden meteor falling on top of my head and no sudden truck-kuns.

It was bright sunny day with a absolutely fantastic weather, I was coming back from college when I decided to buy an absolute delicious chicken tikka roll from a nearby restaurant cause' I was feeling hungry.

Then I walked to the bus stop while casually devouring it.

I was watching a woman scold her son when the roll went into the wind pipe and I started choking...

Funny, yes I know. But at that moment, comedy was the last thing on my mind.

No matter how much I tried I just was not able to get rid of the food stuck in my throat.

The bystanders were just... standing there and watching me like some interesting drama was unfolding...

There were some people who were quickly calling the police or an ambulance but didn't move to help me.

'Assholes, all of them...' I hatefully thought to myself but acknowledged deep down that if I was in their shoes, I also would've just look the other way...

It was the truth. I wasn't some kind of hero or the protagonist of some shonen anime. I was just a normal person who was slightly introverted and didn't like butting into other people's business.

Who would look the other way to preserve his own 'peace'.

It made me feel guilty but I justified it by saying that I was not a 'Hero'...

I was not a good guy, even if I deep-down wanted to be one.

Like the True Heroes I idolized.

Alas, angsting and brooding like a teen just in their edgy phase wasn't going to do me any favours, I was just wasting time which I could use remembering my family for one last time.

So spent my last seconds remembering the good times with those I loved and cherished above all others.

My Mom... My Dad... And My Brother...

Bunch of "I should'ves" and "If onlys" were floating in my head.

'If only I had a bit more time...' I lamented in regret of all the lost moments.

But alas, Time waited for no one.

My last thoughts were about my dad, mom and brother as the last breaths of life left me...

And I died, helpless and lonely on the floor of a bus stop with no one there to help me.


Author's Notes-

Yes, I started another story, sue me.

Reality Warper is not dropped and I am still writing the chapter.

I reckon that this one will have shorter chapters (700+ words long per chap) and easier not-too-OP MC, it will be much easier to write and upload than my other fics.

I will also be trying to do so e unconventional things in this story that I have not seen much fics do.

So wish me luck!

Please leave some good reviews! They motivate me to write a chapter much quicker!

See ya later!

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