
Marvel: Infinite Draws

Kyle finds himself in WWII looking at Captain America in front of him. He also sees a series of dense cards appearing in his face [Pistol Proficiency] [Boxing Proficiency] [True Vibranium Shield ] [Rare Super Soldier] Do you choose to draw? Wait, not only abilities but also any futuristic technology and superpower can be drawn? (This will slowly diverge from just a good Marvel translation. Over time interesting changes will occur.) Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs


- {Error}[High Unknown Energy Signatures Detected] : Tesseract (Rare Unranked Unique Item Card.)

[Newly Discovered Information] : A secret new cosmic energy found. Tesseract is powered by an object dormant inside the cube estimated to be an Infinity Stone. Power can be supplied to tanks and guns to exert powerful and amazing destructive power, the infinite energy comes because of the detected Infinity Stone.

- {Infinity Stones} : The Infinity Stones are powerful artifacts created by 'Unknown'. He converted six singularities into each stone to represent different aspects of the Universe - space, mind, reality, power, time and soul. The stones were scattered across the Universe to hide them. The Tesseract contains one that rewrites the very laws of physics and unlock portals across the Universe. Contains available Unique Abilities for extraction.

- [Stages] : Extraction of unique abilities will appear in Stages. [Stage One] of {Space} is currently available.

- 'Do you wish to extract [Stage One] {Space} Abilities or the Tesseract?'

The cube's information was displayed by the rectangular-shaped radiating blue card as it sat in the container. An ability option was appearing from the Unique Item.

"My God..." Kyle's face was shocked at this much information, and his calm state of mind couldn't help but shake. He didn't expect to find god-level items in the Marvel world so quickly.

'This is the Tesseract! A veritable god-level item, the container of the Infinity Stone that first appeared on Earth. The space stone is one of the six infinity stones, and it is a cosmic artifact!'

"Yeah. During World War II, this Cosmic Rubik's Cube was found by the Hydra organization and used to develop and produce endless energy for the war. It was supposed to belong to Red Skull who later became a guardian wraith protector for the soul stone."

Kyle looked at the card in front of him and read the hidden abilities in shock, and wiped a cold sweat thinking of the US troops in the temporary combat zone.

'To this day, this kind of energy has not been put into a frontline battlefield. Obviously, the German army has just retrieved it and not officially put it into use.'

What this would mean is that in the face of the German army who suddenly obtains a new energy source, it is very likely that the front lines in Europe will suffer a catastrophic disaster!

'However, this could not be any better for me.'

Kyle was a little excited to pick up the unranked energy cube, which was most likely greater than any blue item card. This kind of high-quality transportation item is simply the best for his future plans. Plus, his system is offering him hidden abilities that can be extracted.

"How come there are also twenty smaller blue cubes in the box?"

Kyle was about to start drawing the cards when a slight sound suddenly sounded behind him. His face changed, and before he had time to react, the back of his head felt it being pushed by a cold metal object.

"Don't move, if you move I'll blow your head off." The man with the gun behind him said in heavy German. With a mechanical 'click' sound, the safety of the pistol he was holding was released.

'Shit! I was careless...'

Kyle tightened his body and sighed in his heart. He didn't expect that he would relax his vigilance when drawing the card, and he didn't expect that there were people in this hidden basement.

'This makes more sense now. Why would this even be so unguarded if its so important.' Kyle was thinking these careless mistakes would be avoided next time.

"Put the things in your hands down and raise your hands up!" The man continued to speak in a tough tone of command.

"Please don't shoot." As Kyle said, he put the energy cube in his hand back into the box and raised his hands high.

In such a life-and-death crisis, Kyle was quickly thinking about countermeasures.

The easiest is to directly use a forced teleportation to leave the enemy base, but this is his last resort. Kyle then glanced back at the glowing Tesseract.

"Very impressive. I didn't expect you to speak German. You deserve to be an Axis spy who can sneak into my base." The man said coldly, and didn't shoot immediately, which made Kyle eliminate the idea to teleport.

"What are you doing sneaking in here?" the man continued to ask, this time Kyle decided to stay silent and close his eyes.

"Heh. Don't want to speak? I can make even ghosts talk." The man snorted coldly, keeping the pistol on the back of Kyle's head, and took out the walkie-talkie with his other hand: "Hey, it's Chief Leo. Quickly send soldiers here. In the basement of the No. 2 warehouse, there is a little mouse hiding from the US military..."

It turns out that this guy is the Chief who provided girls marked as 'supplies', he should also be the top commander of this large base.

'Sacrificial Extraction'

Chief Leo looked at Kyle who was still raising his hands motionlessly, he didn't know when, but a card had quietly changed from something virtual to solid, sandwiched between his fingers.

"Sir Leo."

Before waiting for the man behind the walkie-talkie to finish, Kyle suddenly said slowly, "Do you know there is a saying in America?"

Chief Leo was stunned for a moment, hung away the walkie-talkie, and asked coldly, "What?"

His pistol pressed firmly on the back of Kyle's head, as soon as there was any movement, he would pull the trigger immediately.

Kyle replied softly: "That sentence is - the villain, became digested from talking too much."


Chief Leo frowned, and he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence. Then suddenly, a vicious dog emerged from the darkness. Its ferocious fangs flashed with cold light, and it bit his wrist carrying the gun.

[Vicious Dog]: Summons a vicious dog with rabies to fight for you.

Green Bio card.

"Agh, AH!" Chief Leo wailed and fell to the ground after the dog started biting deeper. The vicious dog seemed to be a large English Mastiff with green eyes. Its amazing bite force ripped apart a large piece of flesh from his wrist, revealing his white bones. .

"Tonight's hero is me, unfortunately you drew the villain card."

The corner of Kyle's mouth curved into an arc, stroking the soft fur on the vicious dog.

"Please! Please don't kill me, you won't be able to leave here alive even if you did kill me!" Under the strong desire to survive, the majestic and iron-blooded Chief Leo begged for mercy.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you." Kyle said with a smile, Chief Leo's face didn't have time to show joy because the next sentence made his face pale: "I hate traffickers with ugly faces. But I'll still be merciful and just feed you to my new pet."

As soon as his words fell, as if he understood Kyle's instructions, the vicious dog next to him roared and bit him, directly biting on Chief Leo's neck.

Ignoring the screams of the other party, and the hellish scene of vicious dogs eating someone. Kyle decided not to extract the Tesseract in the basement. He closed the box and carried it in one arm.

After all, even if green cards take three seconds, it would take much more than a few minutes for the Tesseract. After receiving the communication call from the commander, the German soldiers in the base would begin to gather here.

"In under two minutes, I must destroy the defensive mechanism of the base's gate and escape past the enemy lines. Time is running out!"

Kyle raised his eyebrows, thinking of how he should escape quickly. He then took out another creature card from visualized from his card space.

[Very poisonous hornet's nest]: Summons a nest filled with hundreds of hornets. The hornets are highly poisonous and can cause death in under half an hour. Rare green item card.

- Current status: One-time summon, Disappears after half an hour.

- 'Do you wish to draw it?'

"This is the best time, so of course I will use it." Kyle said meaningfully.

At this time, in the mountain forest next to the large base.

A hundred American soldiers hid with anxious faces, and the leader of the team, Sergeant Fury, clenched his fists a little impatiently, waiting feeling stressed for something.

"Sir Fury, the arranged raid time is almost here, what should we do?" George couldn't help asking.

"Wait." Fury said in a deep voice, even he didn't know what he was waiting for anymore.

Maybe Kyle hasn't sneaked into the base yet and got killed long ago.

Even if Kyle can could sneak into the base by chance, how can he destroy the defense mechanism surrounded by hundreds of soldiers, each supplied with weapons?

"Wait another five minutes. If there is no movement in the large base after that, we cancel our raid mission and return immediately." Fury took a deep breath, and at this moment, there were many exclamations from soldiers beside him.

"Sir Fury! The enemy's massive fortress seems to be moving!"

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