
Marvel: Infinite Draws

Kyle finds himself in WWII looking at Captain America in front of him. He also sees a series of dense cards appearing in his face [Pistol Proficiency] [Boxing Proficiency] [True Vibranium Shield ] [Rare Super Soldier] Do you choose to draw? Wait, not only abilities but also any futuristic technology and superpower can be drawn? (This will slowly diverge from just a good Marvel translation. Over time interesting changes will occur.) Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

The Hidden Basement

'Tick. '

Thick blood dripped onto the ground along the slightly curved blade of the saber, and the bodies of six German soldiers outside of the truck's rear collapsed to the ground one by one.

"Phew~" Kyle exhaled a long breath, his heart was still beating in a state of excitement, adrenaline and blood was flowing in his body, and a lot of sweat was overflowing from his forehead.

To prevent a German soldier issuing a warning, the enemy had to be killed in an instant.

During the fight within these few seconds, Kyle has used his body's sturdy physique and card abilities to the extreme.

Kyle did not dare to slack off, and hurriedly inspected the surrounding environment to make sure that other German soldiers were not alerted.

He simply wiped the Nepalese saber on the clothes of a corpse, cleaned the blood from the blade, and put it back into the leather scabbard around his waist.

Immediately afterwards, Kyle moved the bodies of the three soldiers outside the car into the rear compartment of the car. When Kyle was moving the bodies, one of the rescued girls stuck her head out of the wooden box.

The more mature-looking girl stared at the six stacked corpses in front of her. The fear she had displayed before was now was gone, and her eyes shifted to the unscathed Kyle, with a surprised emotion showing in her big eyes.

German soldiers possessed excellent equipment, coupled with a strict and standardized military style, each of them is a killing machine in the eyes of civilians.

But such powerful soldiers fell under a youth's blade in such a short period of time, without even getting a chance to call for help. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, who would even believe such a ludicrous story.

'He is pretty impressive...'

"Um..." The girl with long blonde hair gathered her strength and said softly to Kyle, "Thank you."

Kyle shrugged and replied, "It's too early to thank me, we're in a large German fortress."

"What?" The girl's face was slightly stunned, apparently still unaware of the current situation.

"I don't have time to explain it to you. Just hide here, don't make a sound, I will come back and rescue you later."

After Kyle finished speaking, he immediately left the rear compartment and closed the iron door of the truck.

Although it is not enough to keep a few small girls and six corpses together, but now their is not much that can be done.

In order to deal with the girls, he delayed the time, now there are only about twenty minutes left before the planned attack time of the raid mission.

When the time comes, even if their troops do not launch an assault, the remaining four groups will launch an attack on the other four enemy camps, then the large base here would will be alarmed, and the so-called counterattack mission would become meaningless.

'Still, this mission can be completed in time.'


With his saber in hand, Kyle turned on stealth and entered night crawling state, then he went straight to the building inside the base to infiltrate.


He sneaked and trotted hidden in the shadows five meters away from a group of patrols, still not a single soldier on the other side noticed.

There are lights and patrolling soldiers every few meters in the base, but as long it is not brightly lit and overcrowded with troops, there will be room in the darkness at night for Kyle to quietly wander around the base.

In the dark, knowing the radius of his stealth ability, Kyle was able to navigate his way deeper.

Kyle sneaked all the way, and then soon stopped at the front side of a wooden house.

The biggest difference between this house in front of him and the other areas is that the soldiers in the surrounding area are more than twice as numerous, there is even an elite soldier guarding the front door of the house.

'This definitely an officer's resting home. Could it belong to the Commander?' Kyle was surprised. The door of the house heavily guarded outside indicating it was someone important.

If this belongs to the commander of the base, then this whole operation can be half finished.

'The question is, how to sneak into the house.'

Kyle frowned, suddenly after remembering something a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He started walking closer to the front of the big wooden cottage.

The elite soldier always put up his guard and he held a rifle in his motionless hand while keeping a high degree of vigilance.

Even if this is the inside of their own base, there is no exception. Because the items stored in the house are items that the Commander explained repeatedly about not being neglected.

'Just another hour, then someone will replace my shift.' The guard was thinking so, when suddenly a dark creature descended from the sky, flapping its wings and hitting his face.

"A bat?"

The guard was stunned and reached out to grab it, but he didn't expect the bat to be extremely aggressive, biting right under the corner of his eye, and wouldn't let go.

"Fucking bat!" The guard closed his eyes in pain, knocked his back against the door, and grabbed the bat angrily with both hands.

When closing his eyes, a faint figure quickly swept past him and entered the door of the house.

"What happened?!"

A patrol team quickly rushed to the scene to inquire, but saw the elite guard angrily throw the pinched bat on the ground and spat, "Bah, it's nothing, it's just a bat."

Seeing this funny scene, the patrol team looked at each other.

The door of the house was then closed by the guard, and in the darkness inside, a clear silhouette gradually emerged. It was Kyle who was still in {stealth}.

"The biological cards are more practical than I imagined." Kyle muttered to himself, it was just a white biological card, and it played such a large role as a distraction.

Among them, there is a perfect characteristic that comes with using a bio card - obedience.

The creatures summoned from the creature card can obey the master's command, which helps avoids many accidents and makes it a real 'biological' weapon.

"Okay, let me see what's really going on here."

Kyle's eyes fell on the hall of the house. The moment he entered, he knew that it was not a headquarter or resting home.

It is a material storage warehouse with a big layout. In the huge house, there are several rows of shelves densely stacked boxes of various sizes together.

Without opening a box to check, Kyle's focus increased, and a series of extractable item card messages appeared on each box.

[German Rifle], [Rifle Bullet], [Anti-Infantry PAK38], [Detonator Grenade]...

'A large weapon arsenal?'

Kyle's eyes lit up, this is a higher priority compared to headquarters for him.

After all, finding the headquarters can only lead to threatening the life of the commander, but finding this is the same as holding the life of this large base in his hands.

Kyle walked into the house and drew some weapons as cards at a rate of once every three seconds.

He reached the innermost part of the house, stopped abruptly, crouched down on the floor and tapped it a few times with his fingers, the hollow sound of 'dong dong dong' sounded subtly.

'Hmmm, is there a hidden basement under this arsenal?'

Kyle smiled slightly, this little trick can't be hidden from him. Soon he found a trapdoor under a carpet and opened the basement going down the stairs. However, the basement, which was originally thought to be dark, was slightly glowing with a mysterious blue light.

After entering the basement, the first thing that catches Kyle's eyes is a box with holding a square-shaped blue-radiating energy cube. When exposed in the air, people can clearly feel the huge energy contained pouring out.

- {Error}: Unknown Energy Signatures Discovered...

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