
Marvel: Infinite Draws

Kyle finds himself in WWII looking at Captain America in front of him. He also sees a series of dense cards appearing in his face [Pistol Proficiency] [Boxing Proficiency] [True Vibranium Shield ] [Rare Super Soldier] Do you choose to draw? Wait, not only abilities but also any futuristic technology and superpower can be drawn? (This will slowly diverge from just a good Marvel translation. Over time interesting changes will occur.) Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Attempting to Breakout

A large German base, in front of the second warehouse.

Nearly a hundred German soldiers, armed with well-made German-made rifles, surrounded the open space in front of the warehouse door with dignified faces. And this movement also led to the gathering of more patrolling soldiers.

"I can't get in touch with Mr. Leo. I repeat, the walkie-talkie can't get in touch with Mr. Leo."

"Sir, are you going to forcibly enter the warehouse to search?"

"Of course! There may only be one person on the enemy side. In our territory, there is no reason to be afraid of him. But be careful, the warehouse is full of flammable and high-risk ammunition supplies. Don't let them get away with it, and take the lead to suppress them with bayonet rifles."

After the officer in charge of the base patrol finished speaking, he waved his hand to let the two leading soldiers who were close to the warehouse door open the door.

The warehouse door was slowly pushed open by the soldiers. It was dark inside. Several patrol teams quickly entered with their guns. The lights on their helmets cast beams of light in one after another, shooting left and right up and down.

'Tap ta--'

Hearing the frequent footsteps coming from the ground above, Kyle also knew that the enemy soldiers had broken into the munitions warehouse, and it happened quicker than expected. In the meantime, he was extracting the smaller energy cubes created from leftover Tesseract Energy.

A full twenty-five energy cubes, that is, twenty-five blue item cards, which are completely usable.

"Now then, time to really start." Kyle calmly glanced at the enemy commander who had turned into a pile of rotten flesh, and turned the vicious dog with its tongue out to the side back into a card.

The next performance will not need it.

However, he learned biological cards can be recycled and obtained through {Sacrificial Extraction}, except for special biological cards such as the highly toxic hornet's nest with a one-time use. This greatly enhances the value of Bio cards.

"I don't know what a creature card with blue qualities and above will look like. Is it possible to draw an unworldly monster card such as King Kong or Godzilla?"

This funny idea just flashed in Kyle's mind, and he quickly left the basement and prepared to break through. He had no idea that this idea would become a reality in the near future.

At this time, a large number of German soldiers have completed the investigation of the upper floor of the No. 2 warehouse, it seems the target moved to the basement's passage.

"Throw a smoke bomb in there."

One soldier held the smoke bomb ready in his hand, and the other soldier placed his hand at the door of the dark floor of the basement.

Just when they opened the door of the basement to throw the smoke bomb down, a cloud of black mist rushed out of the basement first, causing the opened smoke bomb to fall outside the basement.

"Cough, what the hell is this?"

One of the German soldiers coughed and pointed his lamp at the black fog. When the patrol team saw the specific things in front of them, each one of them gasped with numb scalps, and their faces turned pale in horror.

It was obviously not a black fog, but hundreds of dark brown wasps, each one half the size of a marble, densely clustered together.

"Retreat! There are poisonous wasps in it!"

"My God! Run! Get out of here!"

The German soldiers in the warehouse rushed out in horror, hoping that they had not angered them yet, but after the highly venomous wasps left the basement, they seemed to be organized and angry, chasing them frantically. Using a tail stinger, they attacked a soldier's unprotected face.

In just a short moment, dozens of soldiers fled outside the warehouse in defeat, and many soldiers who were stabbed by the wasp fell to the ground in pain, wailing and rolling with their faces in their hands while scratching.

Kyle came out of the basement after a few seconds, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he whispered to himself unexpectedly: "It's just a rare green card, this is really amazing."

"But it's time for the raid mission. I don't have time to play with you. I must leave here as soon as possible."

Ignoring those German soldiers, Kyle held a Nepalese saber in his hand, and his body quickly disappeared in the darkness.

[Sneak] activates.

Taking advantage of the huge commotion inside and outside the warehouse, Kyle who was in a hidden state flexibly interspersed between the wasps and the soldiers, and began to return to the parking area of ​​the military truck.

Due to the lively battle of the No. 2 warehouse in the central area of ​​the base, there were not many patrol teams in the parking lot outside the base.

Kyle sneaked and ran unobstructed all the way, and easily returned to the military vehicle that was snatched from the enemy.

He opened the iron door of the back compartment of the car, and when he saw that there were only four unconscious bodies inside instead of five, he quickly jumped into the back compartment of the car, and he was nervous until he found the last blonde girl awake in the wooden box.

"Everyone should wake up. Get up quick, I'll take you out of here!" Kyle stepped forward and pushed her, but the girls not only didn't wake up, but their weak bodies collapsed completely. They did not look past the age sixteen except for the more mature blonde one.

'Are they dead?'

Kyle stretched his fingers on a younger girl's nose, and could still feel the weak breathing, proving that she had not died, but she fainted weakly.

Taking comatose people is a casualty in this situation because it doubles the risk.

Kyle just hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth, "It's your good luck for you to meet me. Since you agreed with me to take you away, then—"

"I can help carry two of them, but you will need to carry three." The older blonde girl spoke gently. She offered to help even though she herself was a victim. Kyle did not feel the need to wait to reply.

He started using his body to carry two girls behind his back, then he tied them firmly on his back with ropes found from the base. Then he held his saber in his free right hand not carrying the Tesseract.

"Their weight is not as high as I assumed."

Kyle turned his head staring at the girl behind his back. She was holding a girl in each of her arms. Kyle was a little surprised by her words but decided not to question it for now. After a small look, he realized she was much older than the other girls, she seemed to be a young woman.

Just as his front feet just reached the door's edge of the rear compartment of the truck, his back feet quickly retreated, and closed the iron door of the vehicle along the way——

'Da da da! ! ! '

The next moment, the iron door of the rear truck was bombarded by dense bullets!

Kyle, who was clinging to the iron wall behind the car, frowned. There were actually three or four patrol teams outside the car. This bullet speed was not bad for the German army.

"Can't get trapped here!" Kyle thought, quickly lifted a corpse from the car, kicked the iron door halfway with his foot, and then threw the corpse in his hand forcefully.

'Da da da! '

Mistaking the corpse for an escaped enemy, the German soldiers immediately launched intense ammunition fire, and the corpse was smashed to pieces in the air.

This is just the beginning.

Soon, the second body was thrown out, and German fire was again focused on it.

As if not giving the German soldiers a chance to refill their bullets, the third corpse followed and threw it out!

This time, the bullet that landed on the corpse was obviously lessened by more than half, and the moment the corpse was about to fall on the ground, a figure suddenly sprinted from behind the corpse in the opposite direction and fled!

It was obviously Kyle!

He used the first two corpses to consume the enemy's ammunition, and used the third corpse as a shield to cover him up, and he successfully got the gun to fire until it ran out of ammo, which created a short opportunity for the enemy to change the magazine!

The blonde woman carrying the other younger girls started to ponder while staring at Kyle: 'It seems I won't be needed here...'

Webnovel made me lose most of a draft that I had planned. Pretty pissed.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Liquid_Culturecreators' thoughts