
Marvel: Infinite Draws

Kyle finds himself in WWII looking at Captain America in front of him. He also sees a series of dense cards appearing in his face [Pistol Proficiency] [Boxing Proficiency] [True Vibranium Shield ] [Rare Super Soldier] Do you choose to draw? Wait, not only abilities but also any futuristic technology and superpower can be drawn? (This will slowly diverge from just a good Marvel translation. Over time interesting changes will occur.) Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Fireworks Ending the Battle

'Tread! '

Kyle ran at full speed with people behind tied to his back, weaving between the various stopped military vehicles, and sprinting towards the iron mesh area on the edge of the base. The other girl seemed to be keeping up without as much as sweating as she carried two girls in her arms.

"Follow me! We got to be quick!"

Behind him, more than 20 German soldiers were chasing after them with guns, and all of their bullets fell on the bunker of the vehicle.

After collecting physical ability cards, Kyle's body was tall and strong, and since the body of the girls were very petite, it looked like he was carrying a doll-styled backpack, which did not affect his movements.

Just dodging a wave of bullets, Kyle squatted behind an off-road vehicle, when the running girl behind him made a "hmm" sound.

"Hey, how are we gonna escape?" As soon as the girl opened her eyes, Kyle felt something was wrong. She was obviously carrying two people, but she seemed more sturdy than any muscular man.

Taking a longer look this time, her legs were long with hands appearing unblemished, her chest buxom and lips that looked red and plump, and her shameless thin dress attached to covering her well toned body. Her most unique feature was her pale blonde hair.

"You are surprisingly very beautiful." Kyle responded panting slightly. Under the continuous high-load battle, his whole body was sweating with his combat uniform that was already soaked. So after this straining run with the two people on his back, his mind started replying in abnormal ways as he felt very dizzy. He is barely focused on talking at the moment.

"I asked what are we going to do. Will you answer me?" The girl who ignored Kyle's words replied louder, with a slightly more red face than before.

"We're running for our lives." Kyle said, suddenly feeling a stinging pain and touching his left shoulder, hot and viscous liquid overflowed down his combat uniform, dyeing his palms all red.

The girl said in surprise: "You are badly injured."

"It's just a minor injury. I also did not expect you would know so many languages." Kyle responded in a low voice.

The wound seemed to have been caused when he broke out from the back of the car just now, but he didn't notice it because his body was full of adrenaline.

"I learned in college. But will you be fine?" The girl's soft voice was very quiet, and all she could do was gaze at Kyle's injured left shoulder.

"Don't worry, my body isn't as fragile as you think..."

Before Kyle finished speaking, he suddenly sent himself jumping into the open space on the corner of a warehouse. The next moment, that spot was scorched black by a grenade, and half of a nearby car was shredded.

"It seems that they are a little bit angry, they will kill us even at the expense of destroying the military vehicles and supplies of the base."

Kyle said calmly, the injury did not make his movements slow, he was a few nimble and used subtle sprints and leaps, suddenly the German's started their non-stop barrage of bullets.

"What should we do?" The girl's face started to show focus, and only then did she notice the dangerous situation they were in. Then the young woman and Kyle started to stare at each other thinking very similar things.

'Should I expose myself and use it.... No, not yet.'

Then Kyle looked back at the bullets being fired and started coming up with a strategy. He answered her with confidence in his voice.

"Don't worry, I promised to save you, and I don't intend to break that promise." Kyle looked up and then looked back, estimating the distance away from the No. 2 warehouse. A few bullets passed over his head and hit the vehicles next to him.

Kyle suddenly laughed: "We should be far enough away from the center of the base now."

"In this situation, you're still laughing?"

The girl bit her lip annoyed, and her slender chest pressed firmly against Kyle's back, because of this, blood from his wounded left shoulder dripped onto her dress.

"Have you seen fireworks?" Kyle asked vaguely.

"Huh?" The girl's face was full of doubts, only to see Kyle's right hand fumbling in his pocket, grabbing an object similar to a remote control in his hand.

"This is - the grand fireworks that will end the Battle!" After Kyle finished, he pressed the button of the remote control in his hand.


At the same time, outside the second warehouse door of the German base.

A large number of German soldiers gathered here, and the corpses of wasps and soldiers, smoke bombs, guns, helmets, etc. could be seen everywhere, the ground was a complete mess.

Many soldiers who escaped the disaster were sitting on the ground helplessly. They can attack well-equipped U.S. military, but they were helpless with this highly poisonous wasp that came from nowhere.

They wanted to search everywhere for their flamethrowers, but unfortunately the combat area was an arsenal warehouse filled with explosives so they couldn't be used. They can only rely on smoke bombs to drive away those wasps which will stab them until they die, taking life was all they seemed to live for.

"Report! The body of Chief Leo has been found in the basement of the warehouse."

"No trace of the intruder was found inside."

Many soldiers who came out of the No. 2 warehouse reported what several officers have already found. The house was mysteriously invaded and severely damaged, the soldiers did not want to respond with something disappointing.

"Damn it! Give me more troops and carry out a complete search and investigation of the entire area!" the second commander said angrily.

At this moment, a soldier rushed out of the No. 2 warehouse in a panic, shouting loudly: "Quick, run!"

"What's wrong?!" Several officers asked in unison.

"A time bomb was installed inside—" The soldier said this, and then...

Then, everyone at that moment heard an audible 'click'.

The timed bomb responding to the remote control activated immediately under a single push. The bomb was installed by Kyle just after sneaking into the warehouse. It was not a powerful bomb, but the power was just enough to spread to a massive part of this base.

This is because the house acts as a warehouse that stores a large amount of ammunition and explosive supplies.


First, there was an astonishing explosion sound, followed by a series of overlapping explosions, and the explosive power only soared upwards.

From the perspective of Kyle, who was at the edge of the large base, it was the dazzling burst of fire that instantly enveloped the central area of ​​the entire base, and the dust and air waves were swept out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Kyle carried the girls to the underside of a car first, the sound of 'hum' even hurt his eardrums, and the window's glass was shattered by the flying gravel.

When the dust settled, Kyle got up from the scrapped car and looked behind him towards the young woman, she saw that the entire center of the base was flattened, and the flames were still burning in it, transforming the night sky red. . .

'The Grand Fireworks really lived up to there name.'

The twenty or so German soldiers who were chasing them looked back at this scene, full of disbelief. Some knelt down on the spot and cried out in grief.

"Take advantage of this opportunity, let's go." Kyle gasped, taking a few steps out with the girls on his back, suddenly staggered and almost falling to the ground.

His strength began to dwindle, his bodily functions were declining, and his consciousness and vision were gradually blurring. This reminded him of that time with Instructor Joseph.

"What's the matter with you?" The girl asked worriedly. In her opinion, it was unbelievable that Kyle could still stand with the huge amount of blood loss.

"I'm fine." Kyle bit the tip of his tongue, the stinging pain stimulated his nerves, and he moved slowly towards the iron fencing ten meters away.

"Damn, they're there!"

"Avenge our comrades! Never let them go!"

Not far behind, the surviving German soldiers shouted curses and continued to pursue the two of them.

"If it goes on like this, we will be caught, I hope you have another plan." The blonde woman said, she seemed more worried about Kyle and the girls' safety rather than her own.

"Stop talking nonsense, I said you do not have to worry. I got this." Kyle smiled bitterly, but pondered the current choices in his heart.

If his life and death are on the line, he would normally choose to abandon the girls and use the forced teleportation of [Sneak] or even the experimental Tesseract.

But now, he just noticed that his body couldn't keep up for much longer.

Kyle sighed, his physical condition was still falling, and if he didn't treat it, his life might be in danger. Still he seemed to not be panicking as if he expected something like this to happen.

'After going through a similar fight at the training camp, I definitely would come prepared to not lose.'

"Then..." Kyle was about to say something when suddenly a large group of familiar figures appeared in front of him, causing him to widen his eyes,

"We found him!"

"Avoid fellow American soldiers! Light up those sons of bitches!!" The black leader of the team ordered roaring.

'Da da da! '

With the sound of intensive gunfire, they all avoided Kyle's body far away and shot at the German soldiers who were chasing behind him.

Under the absolute number difference, two dozen German soldiers were quickly annihilated on the spot.

'Start extraction of the Tesseract into my {Card Space}.'

- 'Starting extraction process. . .'

"You're finally here, Fury." Kyle smiled gratified. The moment he saw Fury's appearance, he knew that his strategy was almost complete.

"Next, leave the follow-up tasks to us." Fury, who led the troops, stepped forward to support Kyle, and a row of white teeth appeared on his dark face in a smile.

"You crazy piece of shit, you actually did it!"

Longer chapter.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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