
Marvel: I Create Creepypasta

Munkhuu · Movies
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5: The Second Chapter Come Out, a New song that become a hit scared Agent Hill to the point she punched her computer screen

In NY Midtown High School today's really lively day. Because new hot topic of world [Jeff The Killer] story. There are several students who reads that novel and become sleepless. And they talk about secret of this novel who write this? Or how come everyone dream or saw almost something or so on.

In middle of class one chubby young teenager come to little skinny kid. "Peter, Peter! Did you saw this! The new novel that become hit and rumor that have power that makes people see memories of different person?"

"Yeah, new famous horror novel that makes most of people who read this sleepless. Please Ned don't say you wanna read this." Peter answered with little bit fear.

"Oh com on Pet! We need to be cool for become famous! You don't wanna be called Loser Duo for rest of your school life?" Ned tried to persuade Peter. Peter hesitate for moment then he glanced Gwen then looked at Ned says: "Alright Ned only this time after school do you understand?!"

"Let's Go!" Ned happily accepted his friend's condition.

-After School Ned's home-

Ned and Peter sitting front of computer and ready to click on story named [Jeff The Killer: The First Killer]. "Are you ready Pet? After this we can say goodbye to name 'Loser Duo'!"

Peter nodded his head slowly and duo clicked on scary but strangely beautiful cover picture. After this they clicked on [Origin Of Jeff The Killer] or shorter [Origin Of Jeff].

With this they start reading this it feels from beginning to the end ominously scary and fearful. After this they found them selves in shattered space like yelled on rumors. They slowly towards edge of shattered room and followed the way until the end they are waited the so called door that Jeff's inside. But instead of door appear way divided to two. And two names merge from nowhere.

[Jeff The Killer] that's right side and [Rick Morton] is left side.

"Wait! It's different from what they said in rumors!" Ned said in surprise.

"Maybe there's two person so this place want us part into two sides?" Peter said his thought.

"Peter which way do we choice? Or are we gonna part from here?"

"Let's go with [Jeff The Killer] he's main character of this novel and we know more about him it's better than this [Rick Morton] guy. At least we know something."

With that they walk to the way of Jeff The Killer. Stories continue more Images merge from shards or shattered pieces. Story of Jeff run away from crime scene and found out he left trace so he choice to left fake trace and ambush who ever followed his trace.

Soon they see person around 35-36 year old man with flashlight on his hand they guessed this guy is Rick Morton because he isn't black shadow like most of people duo saw.

Soon story ended by death of Rick Morton and which made Jeff says his famous saying [Go To Sleep!].

After this the black door that looks like painted by black merged in front of them like rumors saying. They opened the door and see what inside but this time it isn't that forest everybody talking about but front of lake where story happened even corpse of Rick was still there. Then they saw Jeff slowly merge from darkness.

"Hehehe, what did you never seen a dead person? Hehehe." Jeff slowly walk front of them and giggled little bit his voice's little bit snake like but add a little bit rusty effect. "Detective wanted to catch me. He said I'm rabbit and he's wolf but it's quite hilarious that rabbit who was supposed to eaten was killed the wolf and eat it's meat. Hahaha. He's now dead journey is over for him. Hehehe. But for me it's only beginning. And maybe for you guys it's beginning too. Hahaha."

With this Jeff started go back to dark forest but before he goes he said: "It's better be careful maybe one day when your time to sleep is come you will wake from that sleep like that detective. Hahahaha"

With this they come back to the real world. And that night they really feared from sleeping. And really feel what is fear feels like.

-Meanwhile in Internet-

Official chat group of Jeff The Killer

"Did you heard it Alex Hall published new chapter!"

"I read it and it was so scary that I almost throw my phone. I'm lucky that my little sister stopped me."

"Who can tell me where Alex Hall is? I am his big fan super big fan that for him I even punched my screen!"

"Poor upstairs I'm more lucky than you! You just divided my phone to the two parts."

"After I read second chapter every time my dad mention fishing I feel like wanna throw up. Now every time I look at water in reflection I saw face of dead Rick."

"My mom asked me why am I drinking sleeping pills I make him read [Jeff The Killer] and now me and my drink whole batch of sleeping pills but still can't sleep."

"My dad is detective and now every time I look at him what I saw is not my dad but Rick Morton."

"Anyone choice a way of Rick Morton. His last words made me wanna run away from my home. Because right side of my home there's big lake and that's made me really scared. Every time I look at the lake I feel like I have seen someone is standing there."

"Same with upstairs +1"





"Hey anyone go to Cloud Music? Alex Hall created song named "September" and I heard it's about Jeff."

"Really novel to music? Isn't this too fast?"

"Who cares anyway I'm gonna heard that song!"

"With upstairs +1"


-Inside Shield's head squat in NY.-

Inside NY head squad of SHIELD countless agents are monitoring NY city and other places what they are doing is watch out abnormalities and other supernatural beings. Inside all of this agents there's two people are monitoring them which are Nick Fury The Braised Egg of Marvel and The Current Leader Of SHIELD. And other person's Maria Hill or just Agent Hill for short. She's shield is level 10 agent and one of Nick's most trusted agent.

"This is end of the report sir." Hill said to Fury.

"I see, Agent Hill did you assigned agents to protect Tony Stark?"

"Yes sir!"

"Then go and monitor Obadiah Stane. I have feeling that this bastard is planning something!"

"Yes sir I will start monitor him." With this Agent Hill go to sit front of one of the computers. And start check camera videos. After few hours of monitoring she found nothing interesting. Even for person like her it's too boring to watch this boring videos few hours without break. So she secretly get out headphone from her pocket and start looking for song to listen.

She did this kind of few times so it's not her first time. Otherwise god know how she would survive that much boring monitoring work, travel and paperwork. After that she found new song that become hit. Well it doesn't matter what song it's as long isn't boring.

With that she tapped on play button. Oh girl what a big mistake.

[I can't remember

What happened in september

When everything is gone

When it's dark and I'm alone]

With this Hill find herself in middle of burned neighborhood. She looked around but found no one.

[It's been forever

Since I could have remembered

Where the hell is everypony

I just want to know the story

Of what happened right before

I became so alone]

She walked around shouted 'Anyone here?' but nobody answered her but she failed to notice not far away from her black shadow flashed. She still walking toward but didn't found even single trace.

[Still can't remember

What happened in september

Back when everypony died

Trails of blood during my stride]

Soon walked while she found trace of blood her intuition told her be careful it's looks like more dangerous than it's actually looks like. So she get fighting stance ready to fight anytime. From a moment she found out herself this strange place she noticed she don't have any phone or so things or other weapons. So only thing she can depend on was her martial art skills and fighting experience she got overall years.

[I just discovered that

The ponies were defeated

By something really strong

It seemed very weird and wrong

It just doesn't belong

Like it came out of this world.]

When she come to the end of blood trace what she found was not dead body nor killer there was nothing. It's like it's… bait! When she understood this she turned around and what she found was. Figure standing front of her with knife.

[I've regained a small memory

Came to my head just like that suddenly

I think I've gotten a clue

Something tells me this is worse than what I knew.]

Figure slowly walked front of her which was our famous Jeff The Killer but for Hill he looks like devil come from hell. Her arms are shacking right now she wasn't level 10 agent of SHIELD but just a normal woman. Jeff walked front of him and smiled well somehow his already big smile become even bigger.

"What's wrong stunned by my beauty? Hahaha" Jeff laughed by his own joke. Then his knife come front of Hill's neck. "What happened do you know how everything become like this?"

Hill slowly nodded but Jeff just chuckled "Don't worry you will know it soon or perhaps it's better to say you will! Remember! Hahaha." With this everything turned dark only Jeff is left front of her.

[I just remembered

What happened in september

I'm the one who killed them all!

I survived after the fall!]

With everything turned dark her reflexes or something like that kick in and punched towards face of Jeff. But after what she heard wasn't sound of punch someone and wasn't feeling of punching someone on face but breaking glass sound and feeling of punch through something.

With this she come back to real world. And she noticed everyone looking at her even Nick Fury. He look at her 'Come to my office now or else I will pay this computer from your salary.' look.

She quietly get up and headed towards office of her boss. And in her way she muttered: "It's going to be long day."