
Marvel: I Create Creepypasta

Munkhuu · Movies
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4: Second Chapter Come, Song named “September” by author of [Jeff The Killer]

-One night after [Origin Of Jeff] was released-

Only after one night, the name called Jeff The Killer become one of the hot searches on the internet. Many people updated on Twitter when they finished the first chapter they dreamed about [Origin Of Jeff] they saw and before they wake up they meet Jeff. And the strangest thing is what everyone dreamt about was the same. Same story, the same plot, but the only thing different is what Jeff says before making them wake up. Some of them heard Jeff says "I hope you will enjoy the story." And some say "It looks like it's your time to sleep. Don't worry I will shortly visit you later. Hehe" and so on.

Right now many people ask who this person is called 'Alex Hall' What they don't know is 'Alex Hall' was never the person who exist in this world it was the name Mike used to respect the original author.

At this moment Mike wakes up from his deep sleep and checked his [Status] which makes him amazed.

[Name: Mike Richard

System Points: 1200

Created Entertainment: Jeff The Killer: The First Killer- Novel

Skills: D-level 'Photographic Memory', D-level 'Shakespeare's writing', D-level 'Gordon Ramsay's cooking', D-level 'Leonardo Da Vinci's drawing'

Items: None]

Mike clicked [Jeff The Killer: The First Killer] and saw more detailed information.

[Name: Jeff The Killer: The First Killer

Type: Novel

Enjoyers: 1245

Entertainment Rank: D+

Chapters: 1- The Origin Of Jeff]

"Hmm… hey system what's rank for?"

[It's for how much people 'Enjoyed' the more people enjoying is it mean it's good entertainment. So the rank will be up as long rank is up it will get buff and boost from it higher the rank higher the boost.]

"Ok, I got it so let's start our second chapter shall we?"

[Chapter 2- The Rabbit that eats meat]

Rick Morton P.O.V

My name's Rick, Rick Morton. I'm a detective and today I thought my break notice the keyword 'thought' but I got this new case about this Woods family. One psycho go to their house and killed them then burn their house. Well almost all of them were dead but one survived the kid called Liu he has a pretty fatal injury almost close to the death. He's right now in a coma and until now it's not certain whether will he die or live.

Anyway looks like it's time to start our game The Rabbit and Wolf or Cat and Mouse which everyone called. I will go after smell of my prey or rabbits which was psycho who did this all.

Mike was still typing and story still continues. Rick found blood drop from road to the forest which is dripped from knife of Jeff. They are still going and play their The Rabbit and Wolf game. After whole few bourse of followed after old dried blood and traces that human walk which was cut off branch by shard thing shoe lines left on some mud.

Rick finally reaches in font of lake but he found nobody and trace was stop there.

Jeff P.O.V

After about hour later I get away from my burned house I found out that I leaved a trace I wanna cover them but it took much time I choice left a fake trace and who ever follow this trace I will ambush them.

After wait about half hour or so someone come. He saw my trace was end here. So he look around and from look he didn't found me that's good. I need to slowly close to him and make him sleep with one attack. Hehehe.

Hmm? He noticed me? His hand slowly go down to his pocket then he took out his phone. Fuck! Forget about what I said right now I need to kill him! If there are too many people I can't make him sleep!

With this though I jumped from place I was hiding and attacked him with my knife. But I was too naive the guy chasing me know I wasn't leave so he make me come out from a place I was hiding so he act liking calling someone. He dodged from my attack and he hit with flashlight that his other hand has. Fuck it's hurt like shit!

"Well, well what we have here? Little rabbit come to the wolf isn't it?" with this he put his phone back to his pocket and took out stun gun. Before I can do anything he electric me with his stun gun. Fuck my head is dizzy I start lose control of my body! Shit! Shit! Shit!

He come close to me and said: "Look at this another little rabbit who think itself more stronger than wolf. Didn't your family ever teach you normal sense or something? Rabbit need to be just rabbit quietly eat it's carrots and hide like a coward. Haha."

This bastard! He make me remember that three fucker! I wanna kill him! I wanna kill him! I wanna kill him! The feeling that I didn't feel for a while. Feeling that make me like this and gone! Slowly come back to me!

When that guy come front of me I punched to his balls! I don't know how but I somehow took control of my body. My paralyzed body somehow moved and punched him in the ball. It took him off guard so I quickly rushed and choked him with my hands which makes us fall down and then I dips his head to the lake water. He struggled to get up or get me off from him but I was more stronger.

He electric me with his stun gun few times but I don't care burning sensations, thirst for blood, adrenaline and joy this is what I looking for! This is the feeling! Hehehe!

"GO! TO! SLEEP!" with this that bastard died. Hehehe. I finally remember why I did this all! This is for this feeling! This feeling of joy and pleasure! Hahahaha!

He said I'm rabbit who just need to hide and eat carrot. Hahaha! Like I will do that I will be rabbit that more special and beautiful than any other rabbit! I will be rabbit that eats meat!

"With this second chapter's end. Now I need something fuel the fire. Hmm? How about little song?" with this thought he clicked on [Song].

[1 voices- 100 points]

[1 musical instruments- 200 points.]

[1 minute- 10 points.]

"Seriously this is system really good at rob points from it's host."

[Host, please don't insult system.]

"Fine, fine. System can you create music in my mind? With it's singer's voice and so on?"

[Yes host but you need to put another 100 points.]

"Ok, just do it!"

With this he lost 730 points. Which made Mike wanna cry without tears. Anyway with this he uploaded his song [September] and [The rabbit that eat a meat].

[I can't remember

What happened in september

When everything is gone

When it's dark and I'm alone]

Jeff's walking alone in street and look around. But found nothing other than burned neighborhood.

[It's been forever

Since I could have remembered

Where the hell is everypony

I just want to know the story

Of what happened right before

I became so alone]

He goes and checked out houses but found nothing not even a corpse.

[Still can't remember

What happened in september

Back when everypony died

Trails of blood during my stride]

He tried to remember something but result gives him headache. And found from nowhere blood trail merged.

[I just discovered that

The ponies were defeated

By something really strong

It seemed very weird and wrong

It just doesn't belong

Like it came out of this world.]

He followed blood trail even though he was scared.

[I've regained a small memory

Came to my head just like that suddenly

I think I've gotten a clue

Something tells me this is worse than what I knew.]

But then little memory come to his head with flash. That was big smile really big scary smile and bloodshot big eyes. He scared for a few second then heard sound behind him.

He looked behind himself then found person is standing there. Which has wearing same clothes as him but he has long black hair, bloodshot big red eyes, smile that make most brave warrior hesitate from come close to him. He slowly walk to him Jeff tried to run but he found himself can't move. The person come front of him and taped his shoulder told to him.

"Why are you running? We are same person we're people did this don't you remember?" with this ground below Jeff's gone and he falls to the endless darkness. But then he trued to close his eyes and found out that he have no eyelid when he touched his face it wasn't soft feeling of skin but more like some sort of leathery feeling. He wanna scream but he found that he was front of mirror. And endless darkness was gone just like everything was Illusion.

But one thing left real that's he's face no longer what it's used to be and he no longer that weak kid anymore. With this laughed himself for being scared from himself and his 'beautiful face'.

[I just remembered

What happened in september

I'm the one who killed them all!

I survived after the fall!]

"System I thought I created song?"

[Answer to host, songs that created by system have special effects that make people image what is happening in song.]

"Hmm… ok? Well it's make this song even more famous I guess.

Let's launch this shall we?" With this he clicked on [Publish] and [Launch] buttons.