
Marvel: I Create Creepypasta

Munkhuu · Movies
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6: SHIELD start pay attention, Mike’s first animation Dream SMP

After Agent Hill come inside the office of Nick Fury they stared at each other silently.

"So Hill can you tell me why the fucking hell! Did you hit a screen that is worth 25000 motherfucking dollar computer screen?!" Fury was really angry Hill didn't only break her computer but also made him lose face in front of everyone in SHIELD everyone knows Hill is elite he chose personally in other words she was elite of elites but today she made that name joke for everyone.

"I'm sorry sir." She wanna tell him everything but same time she doesn't wanna tell because inside SHIELD everybody sees her as a person who always follows the rule. So she really doesn't want to say something like this to her boss or admit it. Which will affect the image that she stabilized in front of others. And she is a girl. As we know most girls care about their image more than boys do.

But in front of Fury she tells everything after all how much shameful it's she places her job as an agent in front of everything. But what she didn't know was Fury already knew Hill's little bit of hobby so he didn't much pay attention what took his attention was when you listen to a song you will have an illusion or dream.

"Hill give me the name and creator of this song. And found as much information as possible. And go to Storage Site and get yourself another computer."

"Yes sir!" With that Agent Hill goes out of the room:

"Song that creates illusion or dream? Hmm, looks like we need to pay attention."

While all this happening our MC.

"Okay, the system today I determined I will create an animation!"

[Ok, Host]

"Then let's check our game functions!" Mike clicked on the [Animation] option.

[Basic Drawing style 1 minute- 50 points, Advanced Drawing style 1 minute- 150 points, Masterpiece Drawing style 1 minute- 450 points, Godly Drawing style 1 minute- 1000]

[1 voice- 100 points]

[1 song- 250 points]

[1 video 100 points.]

"Fuck! Why don't you just rob me?! System!!!" with this Mike looked at his scores.

[points: 2698]

With gritting his teeth he chooses 3 minute masterpiece. Which are 1350 points. Plus 8 character voices and 1 song will be playing in the background. Which price was equal- 2400 points. And don't forget the rent. Which left him- 198 points. Sad.

He give his name [SAD-ist] which was the original name. Then give his title [Dream SMP War: Beginning Of Chaos] which will later turn into a novel he writes.

In front of The Gate Of L'Manberg The Nation Of Freedom And Peace. Seven figures are standing. Four are guarding The Gate while the other three are ready to destroy it.

Wilbur man who wearing a uniform and hat. "Independent or death" left side of him his trusted right-hand man Tommy and his best friend innocent little kid Tubbo. The other side of him is Fundy the fox fury and Wilbur's biological son. "If we get no revelation, then we want nothing." Wilbur looked at his friends and son then looked at his enemies. "We would rather die" These words of his made Dream the leader of the enemy team man who wears black armor green hood and a simple smile mask frown. And we can't forget his trusted man George who is color blind and wear strange glasses, Sapnap The Mercenary. "Then give in to you and join your SMP.".

Then the screen turned black and the song start to play.

"As a child, you would wait

And watch from far away

But you always knew that you'd be the one

That work while they all play"

On the peak of a mountain Dream, Sapnap and George looked down at L'Manberg, and Dream taped George's shoulder and said "Look, George everything light touches is our kingdom." George looked at Dream who take off his mask and revealed his handsome face dirty blonde hair and emerald green eyes. "King's time as a ruler rises and falls like the sun." Then he looked at George and smiled "One day, George, when the sun rises and my time will come. Then I will rise with you…" then he looked at the rising sun and said "As the new king." then the screen turned dark.

"In youth, you'd lay

Awake at night and scheme

Of all the things that you would change

But it was just a dream!"

Tommy looked at Wilbur then now in his hand and asked: "Do I shoot him, Will? Or do I aim for the skies?" Wilbur tapped Tommy's shoulder and took a deep breath and said: "I want you to do whatever you- Tommy, I want you to do whatever your heart says you should do." Tommy gripped his bow harder becoming more determined.

Then the screen shows Tommy was hurt and Tubbo was trying to calm him down. "You bastard Eret! We trusted you!"

"Here we are, don't turn away now (Don't turn away)

We are the warriors that built this town (This town)

Here we are, don't turn away now (Don't turn away)

We are the warriors that built this town (This town)

From dust"

We can see Tommy and Dream about to duel and Wilbur as a referee started counting and they started walking. "One, Two, Three." We can see Dream readying his crossbow while walking and Tommy his bow.

Tommy told Dream "Dream I know what you want from me. So I wanna duel with you as freedom of this country as a prize and you know your prize."

"Four, Five, Six." We can see both Tommy's friends and Dream's partners are a little scared. "Seven, Eight, Nine.". They both stopped walking and were ready to shoot the moment they turn around. "Ten paces fire!" Wilbur gives a signal Tommy turns around and shoots but Dream dodged his arrow and shoots Tommy. Sadly Tommy didn't manage to dodge. He has fallen into the water.

"The time will come when you'll have to rise

Above the rest and prove yourself

Your spirit never dies

Farewell, I've gone to take my throne above

But don't weep for me, 'cause this will be

The labor of my love"

The screen shows Tommy shouting to Dream. "Dream you bastard. Why don't we fight? Huh? Let's fight right now! Right here!" Wilbur come in front of Tommy and punched him then help him get up. Tommy was a little bit stunned. "Tommy, please calm down.".

Then the scene turns into George throwing TNT at L'Manberg's gate then Dream and Sapnap run out from there. In the next second big explosion happened inside L'Manberg.

Soon screen changed screen where the Dream team was standing on the wall of L'Manberg and then another person comes among them from behind. He was an Eret young man who wearing sunglasses.

"Here we are, don't turn away now (Don't turn away)

We are the warriors that built this town (This town)

Here we are, don't turn away now (Don't turn away)

We are the warriors that built this town (This town)

From dust"

Tommy and the others are badly hurt but when they saw this scene they was shocked. Wilbur holding his damaged arm and looking at Eret "Eret, how could you…" Tubbo from behind says. "Eret, I thought we were friends. I built this wall with you for" Tommy tapped on Wilbur and Tubbo's shoulder and make them stop talking. Tommy took a deep breath. "Eret as a friend I'll try to tell you this in the nicest way possible." with a calm voice but when he looks at Eret his eyes were filled with hatred and rage. "You fucked up!"

Scenes continue to change. Dreams word heard "We are at war…" L'Manberg's wall is blown up and Dream and his team come in. And start fighting close combat with the L'Manberg team. And they have the upper hand. Sapnap created a forest fire inside the forest of L'Manberg. "We have…" arrow hit Tubbo and which almost killed him. "No MERCY!" Now the scene changed to Dream shouting.

We can see a long corridor at the end of the corridor L'Manberg's team was all gathered and in front of them Eret pushed one button while saying "It was never meant to be!".

"No Mercy For You!" His mask was a little broken and revealed half of his face. And he was standing in front of L'Manberg's gate and the L'Manberg team see him down from the top of the Wall. "I wanna see a white flag! WHITE FLAG! On your side by tomorrow morning! Or You Are Dead!!!".

With this song and animation ends.

Mike clicks on the [Publish] button.