

Liam Sylvesterus, a noble born in France before WW1, one day dreamt of a man, who looked like a sage, but it wasn't just a dream. Follow him on his journey, and witness as he becomes holder of all magic, whether good or evil. As he overcomes hurdles, falls in love and becomes the greatest magician of all time. THE GRAND MAGUS

ZephyrusOfWind · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


[Next Day]

In a room, with a king sized bed , sunlight was pouring from the large window.

In the room, Liam was sitting, talking to the air, to the eyes of common people, but if someone with talent in arcane arts were to see, they would find him talking to an ethereal spirit, who was Merlin.

Liam was having his first lesson, and was beginning his path in the mysterious yet fascinating world of the magic.


"First, I will tell you about the branches of magic, their potential and risks, because you will find numerous people hiding from eyes of people, and when they gaze upon you some might find you intriguing, while some will look with the gaze envy and malice.

In magic, you first have to know about your peers and opponents, so even if you cannot defeat them you can survive.

Am I clear ?"

"Yes master."

"Good, one branch of magic is called WIZARDY and their practitioner are called wizards and witches. It consists of using magic spells and a wand or staff like mine as a crutch to cast magic.

For wizardy, source of magic is your innate talent. One cannot simply become a wizard just because they wish so, they have to be born with the talent.

Then comes SORCERY and their practitioners are called sorcerer.

It consists of using hand signs or movement in the beginning and upon mastery, they can be done with a thought.

But a disadvantage of sorcery is that unlike wizards, their source of power is borrowed from higher entities whose name cannot be carelessly spoken, and since this power is borrowed, it can be taken away by said entities. But an advantage of sorcery over wizardry is that everyone can learn it, while learning speed will depend upon person to person.

Then comes ALCHEMY, unlike what others may think, this branch of magic is not related to wizardry. This also doesn't require talent, but hard work and dedication.

In alchemy, you are required to learn reactions of different materials along with their quantities.

It mostly consists of formation of different materials and potion. While alchemy cannot be directly used for offense, it's use for a wizard is important.

Then comes RUNE SMITHING, unlike Wizardy Or Sorcery, this art is extensively dependent upon learning runes, the language of magic, and just like alchemy can be learned by all, but is so difficult that even gods, who have lived for millennia have difficulty in learning them.

This art helps to enchant equipment and other commodities to change them from simple items to magical ones.

Of course, it's true value can only be realized upon using magic materials, who can bare the magic which comes with the runes.

Then exists BLACKSMITHING, but unlike your normal blacksmithing, this is magical blacksmithing.

It consists of making magical artifacts, which may include from weapons like those wielded by gods like Thor , to the eye of Agamotto.

This art goes hand in hand to rune smithing but requires great talent and dexterity.

Then we come to the Darker arts, this includes NECROMANCY, which consists of reviving the dead in their body with using their corrupt souls as anchor point.

And you can expect that this activity is frowned upon by everyone.

I won't tell you to not practice it, but you have to follow some rules like not subjecting innocents to it.

Then there is DEMON MAGIC , which like name suggests is the magic of demons but unlike others it can be most dangerous because demons who give you their powers have millions of years of experience and they deceive their practitioner for the sake of enjoyment.

There counter also exists called HOLY MAGIC, which is invoked by the permission of the Biblical God in particular, and helps to get rid of evil effects of dark magic, it's main area of application is exorcism, healing, protection wards.

This type of magic is proportional to faith in God.

Then there is ELEMENTAL MAGIC, it requires the use of wands in the beginning but can be used by the movements of body, and have to practised like martial arts.

Their other name is Bending, and there strength will improve with practise, and understanding of the said element.

And lastly THE DIVINE MAGIC, like holy magic which is exclusive to biblical God, there also exists magic of each pantheons of Gods like, Celtics, Greeks, Norse, etc. and to tap into this magic you have to have the permission of the magician of that particular pantheon.

These are the main branches of magic, there also exist others but we will discuss about them first.

And since I am a Wizard I will teach you Wizardy, Potion Making, and Rune Smithing.

Any questions."

"No master."

"Good, then let us begin with our first lesson in Wizardy.

But first we will have to get you with a wand to practise, … . But let's covers the theory and understanding of the basic magic first and develop your magic core until we can solve this issue."

"Yes master."


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