

Liam Sylvesterus, a noble born in France before WW1, one day dreamt of a man, who looked like a sage, but it wasn't just a dream. Follow him on his journey, and witness as he becomes holder of all magic, whether good or evil. As he overcomes hurdles, falls in love and becomes the greatest magician of all time. THE GRAND MAGUS

ZephyrusOfWind · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


[17 Days After]

Things were getting heated, atmosphere was tense due to tension developed by the rise in power of Germany, so president of France decided to go to The Great Britain to talk about alliance, and the head of House of Sylvesterus was also in the delegation along with his heir, Liam Sylvesterus.

When the news reached the ears of Liam who was busy learning magic from Merlin became upset due to being interrupted in something which has garnered his attraction after a long time, he became fascinated with the magic and it's prospects, but since he didn't had a wand he was sort of disappointed. But when Merlin pointed out that he should go to Britain saying if his guess was right he would be in for a surprise.

So Liam agreed to go, and the day of departure arrived.


[Liam POV]

"Are you ready Liam?

This delegation is important for the future of France, so be proper and only talk when asked and follow what I do, do you understand?"

"Yes father I understand, but I have a questio-"

"Ask later, the delegation has arrived and we are to join them and be on your best behaviour."

*Sighs* The only reason I am going to this delegation is because Merlin said so, upon pestering him he said that if he can visit the castle of Royal family, maybe he can lead to the hidden chamber in castle which can solve my problems related to wand matters.

And as I was going through my thoughts the delegation arrived, and me and my father joined them after exchanging greetings. It was a long ride to the Royal Castle of Britain.

Merlin confirmed that he knew this castle before, so some of my problems were dealt with.

We exchanged greetings with the Royal family, and it was decided that after a days guest in the castle, we shall discuss the matters. So that night we were staying as a guest.

As night came my real purpose began.


Moon shone on the castle of the Royal family, torches were lit and guards patrolled, but among all of this a figure was walking.

This figure was none other than Liam, who with the help of Merlin who had cast a notice-me-not charm on Liam at the expense of his soul strength.

Merlin had told him of a location to a hidden path, THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS which had been built upon his demand when this castle was just a resting place for a commander.

The entrance to the location of that chamber was the through the mens washroom which can only be opened by saying an incantation.

He reached the men's washroom and after confirming that no one was around he proceeded to say the incantation given to him by Merlin.

" Ayaeeh Aaah Ssss Seyythaa"

And then the sink began to go down and was replaced by circular stairs leading to the bottom.

Liam started walking down stairs which were dimly lit.

After a couple of minutes later he was at the bottom of the entrance.

As he walked he came across two tunnels and by following instruction from Merlin he reached a room with a huge door.

On the door was an intricate carving consisting of a golden tree and on whose roots lay a serpent made of something black in color with ruby for eyes, looking towards a single fruit of the golden tree longingly.

Liam plucked that fruit carving and placed it in front of the mouth of the snake, and just then the snake starts to coil down the roots and door was opened.

"Ho ho, I am surprised you were able to solve the puzzle I left behind. "

"Just a feeling."

And after saying that Liam entered the room and what greeted him a room so large that even his own room cannot even begin to compare.

In that room lay a number of shelves, upon which lay several books which were titled in a language he cannot recognize other than a few letters which were taught to him by Merlin.

After looking around he found a work bench and upon which lay a few wands.

"This here will solve your problems, even though they are not as good as my staff, in the beginning they will be helpful to you.

But first we will have to choose a core for your wand, every wizard's wand is imbued with a core which resonates with them, so go ahead and choose the core and we will imbue it in your wand."

Liam went to the place where Merlin said and when he was overseeing the cores he asked

"Umm.. Master how am I supposed to check which core resonates with me ?"

"I apologize, I forgot to tell you. Go near the core and hover your hand above them and try to cast any basic spell. When you feel your magic flowing easily, that means that core will resonate with you."

"Thank you."

Liam placed his hand over the core and started chanting the basic incantation of spell of levitation.

After hovering his hand over all of the cores, he selected few cores and bought them near the wands.

"Hmm.. let' see the cores you selected ….. a Stinger of Manticore , Fang of Basilisk, Heart of Chimera, Feather of Quetzalcoatl, Scale of Hydra, Tail Fin of Leviathan and Crystallized Poison of Jormungand."

"Wait are these creatures not from mythology."

"Yes they are, and before you ask how I obtained them, in my time I was one of the greatest magician and still am the greatest Wizard to ever exist, it was not hard but time consuming for me to obtain them. Also it doesn't mean that all of these creatures were slain. Some of these were the items discarded by these creatures and thus were easy for me to obtain.

Putting this topic aside, by looking at the type of core you have chosen, you seem to have an affinity with the serpents or poisonous creatures."

"Wait …. So does that mean I am evil."

"Child, there is no such thing as absolute evil or good.

They only depend on the perspective. No one is born evil or good, but they reflect what they are made to go through."

After a while Liam nodded.

"Good, now select all 7 of these wands and put them on the corner of the hexagram engraved on the floor except he black one and place it at the centre."

Liam selected the wands and carefully placed them on the corners of the hexagram.

"Good, now place these cores centre as well. A wand can have more than one core but it usually puts a strain on them and when under pressure may backfire, so we will share these core among these 7 wands. It won't hamper their power or efficiency but will reduce the strain on the wand.

Now go over to the chalice, and make a cut on your palm and drop your blood on the chalice, so as to mark these wands with your essence and you don't have to carry them and can call upon them."

Liam went over to the chalice, and hesitantly made a small cut with a dagger he carried with him, and dropped his blood in chalice until Merlin said otherwise, and quickly wrapped up the cut with his handkerchief and then he noticed a faint glow of red from the carvings on hexagram.

He started feeling a strong pain on his right arm, as if someone was carving on it with a blunt knife …. And he passed out.


Liam woke up groggily … and felt a faint burning sensation from his right arm and he checked it to find a some sort of brand on it, black in color, with the same pattern as the hexagram.

He looked around in confusion and saw Merlin, he slowly regained memories of what happened and shouted at him.


" Calm dow-"


"If I had would you had done it?

Path of magic is path of power and while treading this path you will we subjected to pain.

One cannot become a Wizard just by talent and studying, one also needs to accept pain which comes with it if one wishes to accept the power.

You were born in a good family, all your work for you were done by your servant.

You are foreign to the pains of life.





Liam become quiet hearing that, because deep down he knew what Merlin saying was true.

But he was hesitant to reply.

"There is no shame in being afraid of pain, but you can try to see the bigger picture, you can now cast spells due to the pain you went through.

Now, by few weeks and months of training you can defeat strongest of knights.

This pain now has helped to preserve your life from future calamities.

So don't look down, keep your head high and prepare for your journey to come."



I know many people won't like this chapter but it is for power building.

Until now Liam was an open minded rich kid, but still a rich kid.

Also just like your father pushes you to do something, Merlin did too.

He was born in chaotic times.

Its called tough love.

That being said plz leave a review, and suggest a member for harem.

My family function just ended so that is why I was late.

Thank you for your understanding.