
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 8

After sometime all the customers left Peter, Felicia and Alice all three of them eat dinner made specially by Peter of different cuisine and enjoy their Christmas together while playing and chatting happily.

Alice went to sleep after she got exhausted because she was the most active one today.

Peter read Alice a bedtime story and when she fall asleep he covered her with blanket and come out in living room he saw Felicia sitting on couch.

He sit next to her and said :" So do you have fun enjoying your Christmas with us."

Felicia with smile :" Yeah, it was best Christmas ever because on every Christmas I probably eat lots of food and watch a movie alone."

Peter :" Oh, you don't have boyfriend I guessed ,you definitely have because a girl as beautiful as you may be have many people trying to court you."

Felicia :" Yeah many are trying but the one I love never even think of doing anything."

Saying this Felicia looked in Peter's eyes and moved forward. she kissed Peter which taken him by surprise , he wants to push her away but something inside of him told him not and embrace this movement.

He also like Felicia because of memories of previous Peter and in these days when they were together he knew she cares deeply about him.They are very close to eachother and Peter knows Alice think of them as a ideal family together.

He also want to stay near Felicia but because of Alice and his previous experiences he stopped himself also he knows in future the path he is going to take will be very dangerous for people around him.

After sometime they separated and Felicia said :" Peter, I know you like me and I also liked you for long time, so why don't you let your feelings grow."

Peter :" It's true I like you, but I always thought that it is not right to you Felicia, try to understand if you fall in love with me you will also have to take care of Alice and I don't want to burden you with responsibilities. you have your whole life ahead of you." He put his head down not daring to look at her eyes.

Felicia :" it's not you for to decide what is right and wrong for me. look at me Peter." Peter lifted his head and saw in her eyes and can see a gentle and calmness which he don't know why but give him warmth which he only got from Alice.

Peter :" Path I am going to take from here will be very dangerous and it will also endanger you and Alice."

Felicia :" I know and that's why no matter how hard the path will be I am going to walk on it with you."

After she said this, Felicia again moved towards Peter and kissed him but this time their was no hesitation from Peter's side and he embraced her with all the love he had in his heart.(AN:/ Ok I am not good at writing this kind of conversation so if you find this cliche please deal with it.)

After making out for a while they separated and Felicia said :" You are really good at this."

Peter teasingly :" Really, That's good for you right." Felicia blushed and didn't said anything. After talking for awhile Peter decide to drop Felicia to her house.

Both of them drove on Peter's bike and after sometime reached Felicia's house and by look it's looking like no one was at home.

After getting of the bike Felicia asked :" Peter, you were talking about dangerous things, you are going to do in future?."

Peter :" Yeah, I thought of starting again my hero work as vigilant."

Felicia looked at him and hugged Peter while saying :" I already told you but no matter what happens me and Alice will be always with you."

Peter smiled hearing her words and kissed on her cheek and both Said goodbye to eachother.

After Peter come home he first checked on Alice and saw that she was sleeping soundly, then he commanded his robot maid who he gave name "Olivia" to take care of Alice.

Then he entered Time Chamber and he said to Eve :" Eve, there are so many swordsman and I don't know which one to choose from."

Eve :" I think you should choose someone who can help you in training your Swordsmanship to level where you can cut through mountain's and divide the sea."

Peter started to think about character who can do this and he remembered there is someone.

Then he first created a Katana for himself which has a Gold and black combination with a dragon carved on its blade while a carving on its handle.

He named his sword "Saikyo" which means Strongest in Japanese as his thinking behind creating this blade.

Then he commanded Eve to summon "Mihawk" from Onepiece and After sometime a man in long black coat with a long curved black blade with cross on the handle of blade was standing in front of Peter.

Mihawk :" I am summoned here to teach you swordsmanship and by how you are holding that blade I can tell that how much time it passed since you are holding that blade.

So not wasting any time let's Start with your training before even I myself started to pity that blade."

Then he started to teach Peter basic from holding blade to how to swing it and Peter also started to follow everything Mihawk tell him and he can feel diffrence in his skills.

After some years Mihawk started to teach him how to apply Haki in blade and he also helped Peter to cover his blade in KI which make his attacks more deadlier then normal Haki sword attack.

After training for years Peter was able to make air slashes and he also unlocked his sword aura which was obviously flames from "Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto" and they were Really hot, so hot that Mihawk tell him to practice them with someone who knows about these flames.

After many years passed and almost 50 years of intense training he was already on par with Mihawk and can use Dracula family swordsmanship on its peak.

Unlike other masters Mihawk didn't Said anything and leaved silently leaving a confused Peter behind.

After Mihawk left Peter knows who was going to be next person he is going to summon.

He told Eve to summon "Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto" because this time he wants to master his strongest attacking power.

Soon a old man with long white beard in white Cape and black dress was standing their with a cane in his hand and looking at Peter with gaze that tell he was interested in person standing in front of him.( An:/ I don't know what their clothes are called in Japanese so I tried my best to explain his attire from my point of view.)

He said :" Hmmm, so you're going to be my successor huh."

Peter nodded and bowed respectfully because the person infront of was not just a normal "shinigami" he was one of the most powerful person in soul society and he was a person who Everyone respects no matter how arrogant the other person is he will always talk to Genryusai respectfully.

Genryusai :" I can teach you flash step and how to control the power of flames but to use its full power you have to gain experience by fighting opponent stronger than you and have to collect battle experience."

After that Peter started his training with Genryusai, he was making steady progress in controlling his flames fire he also learnt Flash step and was able to move in much faster speed while leaving behind after images.

Peter's training with Genryusai was short and only for 10 years in these years of training he was able to use his flames in battles he could only increase their temperature to 1.5 million degrees.

After Genryusai left Peter while saying to help those in need no matter if it's because their own fault.

Peter thought of using other function of Time Chamber and called Eve :" Eve, I want you to start battle mode and summon Mihawk."

Eve :" Are you sure master, it can be very dangerous.

Peter :" Yeah, if I want to become strong I have to take risk "

Soon a another Mihawk come but this time he was holding Yoru in his hand and was ready to fight. Peter also gripped his Katana and take fighting stance.

Soon both of them dashed towards eachother and their fight started, both of them were fighting with pure sword skills and on one side Mihawk have experience , so on other side Peter have superior body strength.

After some time their battle ended and Peter killed Mihawk but he himself was has cuts on his body.

This process continued for many years and Peter summoned many characters in these years for hand to hand combat to swordsmanship fighting and between these fights he also learnt many things about his powers and on how to use them efficiently while he was able to master Genryusai's power. He also learnt Vergil's sword Arts and later defeat him in battle experience.

Today is his last day in Time Chamber and his body was covered in cut marks Which made him more handsome and the only his face was untouched from any attack.

When he came out of Time Chamber he took a long and hot shower ,after that he go to bed and fall asleep.

Next morning his normal routine started and everything go as it usually does but when night came and today is the day he was going to start his hero career again.

He created his superhero costume which consists a long blue coat with golden pattern on its edges with a hat and pants with its matching as it was very similar to clothes from Assassin's creed dress, he also created mask like subzero and he put his Katana on his back while trackers and smoke bombs on his waste with bat man gloves witch has multitasking features. The material of costume was high flexible and can compare to its strength in between of vibranium and adamantine.

If Avengers or SHIELD were to know about this they will try every single method to make Peter handover this suit.

He jumped out of the window of his house leaving Alice sleeping with Olivia. he started to jump from roof to roof while doing Parkour and remembering his old days as spider man.

Then he heard a loud scream of women in alley and he quickly jumped towards the voice. when he reached their he saw 4 thugs are trying to r***e a woman.

He placed his hand on one person shoulder and said :" You are really taking long time what if a handsome vigilant come to stop you."

Thug 1 :" Huh, you bastard get out of here if you want to leave."

Peter :" Tch tch, that's not your line, it should be like ummm yeah!!!. it should be "Please spare us and let us go" right."

Thug was about to say something but a punch bang on his face and he was sent flying with all of teeth broken.

Others tried to attack him but their attempts were useless and every thug their atleast have his two limbs broken.

Peter helped lady stand up and dropped her to her home, after that he continued his night patrol and Stopped many crimes which increased his reputation in good and bad ways.

Soon days passed and New Year's Eve come and today Peter closed the restaurant early to accompany Felicia and Alice on Eve.


Thanks for reading.😊