
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

chapter 7

After that Peter and Felicia come inside but Peter this time instead of going towards the class, he went to principles office so Felicia asked him.

Felicia :" Hey Peter, why are going to principles office."

Peter :" oh yeah, I forget to tell you about this. I am going to apply for early graduation as they don't anything they can teach me anymore."

Felicia was sad hearing this so she just nodded her head and Peter noticed her reaction on his early graduation but he can't do anything about it. it is really important for him to graduate from school to work on his plans freely.

Peter went inside the principles office and tell him about his early graduation request.

Principle :" Peter are you sure about this as it will be not very good for you to graduate early."

Peter :" Sir I thought about it throughly and think this is the best decision for me."

Principles :" ok let me talk to your parents about this first."

Peter :" sir I don't have anyone as parents and guardians."

Principle :" then, I am sorry mr.Parker I can't allow you to graduate without talking to your parents as I know you had your aunt Mrs.May Parker."

Peter :" sir, there are some personal issues between us and I can't tell you about them."

Principle :" then, I am sorry Mr Parker I can't do anything."

Peter got annoyed at his word because he is not trying to understand his situation even a little bit.

Peter annoyed :" then sir I kindly have to say that I am dropping out from school and I don't need anyone's permission for that."

Saying this Peter exited the principles office and go towards the parking lot while carrying his backpack on his way he saw Felicia and said after seeing her complicated expression.

Peter :" Don't worry, After opening my restaurant I will contact you myself."

Felicia just nodded her head and Peter without saying anything went towards his hotel on his bike.

When he entered the room a cute little girl run towards him and jump in his arms. Peter catch Alice and pat her head .

After a while of meeting and chating he said :" Alice their is still time in lunch so we have to go somewhere after I took a shower so be patient ok." Alice nodded her head while smiling and Peter entered the washroom with his clothes and towel.

He entered the washroom but went straight into time chamber and asked Eve.

Peter :" Eve can I call any noncombat trainer for training."

Eve :" Yes, Peter you can and learn anything in the world."

Peter was very happy hearing this. he thought if he wants to open a restaurant he have to first learn how to cook and decide to try Time Chamber for this.

Peter :" Ok Eve so I want you to summon "Yukihira Joichiro" from food wars."

After getting Peters command Eve summoned a man with long hair and he had a calm smile on his face.( AN:/ I don't know the name of his hair colour so please tell me.)

Yukihira Joichiro :" Haha, boy I am summoned here to make you best chef in the world so let's start."

Peter nodded his head and introduced himself, then Joichiro started to teach him.

Joichiro :" There are three main things in the food that you have to think very hard about and these three are equally important (1) The taste of the food, (2) How you present your food, (3) your intentions behind making the food. even you got first 2 points right but you thinking behind making the is not right even a child can tell that this food is not right."

That's how Joichiro start teaching Peter everything about making the food and Peter started to take his teachings as sponge and like that 10 years passed and in these 10 years Joichiro teach Peter from making a simple tea to world hardest cuisines.

On their last day Joichiro Said :" I don't want anything from you in return for teaching you but I want you to spread happiness through your food."(AN;/ I am writing food teaching part short because I don't know many details about cooking skills.)

After that he disappeared from their and Peter also exited Time Chamber and took a shower, because in reality their is hardly anytime passed.

After that he took Alice with him on bike and go towards real state company to find a suitable old store or plot for his new restaurant.

Surprisingly he got a really nice old store near the Time square with two floors. He created money with his AOE and immediately purchased the shop.

Afterwards when both Alice and Peter reached the location they saw that it was a very old building which was abandoned by its owner due to some villain incidents.

Peter saw this and star to think about the design of interior and exterior of his restaurant so he thought of making a very modern and rustic design and he decided to use his AOE on another level.

He placed his hands on building and started thinking what kind of design he wanted.

He chooses a place with house on first floor while restaurant and bar on ground floor which was spacious and a design with modern and rustic look.

After finishing restoration He created a barrier around the shop with his powers which shows building getting repaired step by step, so no one notice it's changes as it will be abnormal for a old shop converting into a New restaurant overnight.

While these things are going on in Avengers tower everyone from Mutant's group, Fantastic 4 , Avengers, Defenders and shield are present. their is also 4 other people present they were miles morales, silk, ghost spider and scarlet spider.

Tony :" So Mary Jane, you want to say that Peter is back and completely fine and top of that his personality is changed."

Mary Jane who is also known as scarlet spider nodded her head and said :"He also lost his all spider Powers."

Miles :" if he lost his powers so why we are talking about him and wasting our time on a ordinary person."

Many people grip their hands on his words as they knew whose fault was that and they could've help him but they didn't even tried.

Tony :" Boy, if you don't know anything, so don't talk otherwise I will throw you from top of this tower and I mean it."

This remark of Tony made Miles frightened to core as he knew he won't even have a chance to hide in front of Tony Stark.

Everyone was silent before banner said :" But, I checked from your blood samples that spider man's power comes from changes in the DNA of a person and it is not possible for power's to disappeared suddenly out of the blue."

Reed :" So it can have only two possibilities first, he took some type of cure so it has changed his whole DNA structure to cure his disease or."

But he was cut off by Fury who said :" or he is hiding his abilities and planning something big."

Then suddenly Jessica said :"if that's the case we have to find out what is he going to do."

MJ :" I heard him telling Felicia and Jean that he is going to open a restaurant in somedays and also he dropped out today."

Hearing this everyone looked towards Charles but later just put his head down and said :" After the day we rejected to help Peter, Jean leaved the school and started to live separately and when we tried to take her back. she refused to come and attack us, she has become really strong after Peter helped her controlling pheonix force inside her."

After Charles explained everything Fury was the one who was most dissatisfied because he knows strength of pheonix force.

They keep chatting about Peter after that and come up with a suggestion to monitor his movements.

Soon one week passed and Peter officially opened his restaurant and invite both Jean and Felicia to eat dinner with them as they were the only one close to him and he doesn't want Alice to develop a introvert personality.

Alice was very happy to meet both of them and soon his restaurant become very famous because of their food and booze with beautiful music and robot staff.

He created those robot to have unlimited energy supply for day to day work with non hackable because of this their restaurant become very popular among kids and their parents as everyone wants to see living robot's.

Soon this year is going to pass as nothing eventful happened expect for some small time villain try to make trouble in his restaurant.

Even Peter was shocked but he remembered that Ultron event is going to happen and after that Tony stark, Reed Richard, Doctor strange and Charles Xavier will send Hulk in outer space because of what he will do in Las vegas.

One more interesting thing happened is that he started to learn Haki from Rayleigh and he can say that he is very proficient in it.

(AN:/ I will not make training ark of Haki training because many of you have read it in many fanfic and he will not use any different method. don't think I am lazy it's just that it will make me and reader's both bore because of reading and writing same thing again and again.)

Today is Christmas and many families come to enjoy dinner and Alice was also happy because Felicia has come to celebrate Christmas with as her mother is not home again and went to a high class party.Jean couldn't come because of something urgent.

Everything was going good but then two' car stopped in parking lot of restaurant and two groups exited cars.

One was Group of Harry with MJ, Flash and his girlfriend, while others were defenders with Spiders but this time both Silk and Ghost spider were in their civilian clothes.As Cindy Moon and Gwen Stacy.

When both groups entered they were surprised to see the crowd and even more suprised to see that everyone was getting their orders timely.

Cindy and Gwen were watching Peter chatting happily with everyone and treating Felicia special and they don't know but they were gripping their hands tight.

Then a robot maid come towards them and show both the group's their table. when they sat on their table they chated about something and ordered their food.

After sometime both Alice and Felicia come from behind the counter and started to help around in kitchen to Peter.

In mean time Alice also started to chat with some regular customer happily and by coincidence that table was close to Harry's group, After sometime Flash and Nova who in past tried to court Felicia saw her attachment to Peter which made them irritated and they have a argument with eachother.

it was going in low voice but after sometime they both started to argue with little loud voice as they both were getting really angry at each other.

Alice noticed this and said :" Uncle's please don't fight here, everyone is getting disturb."

When they heard her they both were not in their right mind and snapped at her and said unison :" SHUT UP, DON'T TALK IN BETWEEN US." Alice started crying hearing them shout at her.

Everyone in restaurant heard this and can see Alice was crying. Felicia come and hugged Alice and try to comfort her.

Both groups on table are now giving them look as if saying " are you an idiot!!!."

Peter who saw all of this come there and hold both Flash and Nova with collar , Power man on side tried to cool the situation but Peter didn't listen and said :" Felicia can you please open the door."

Felicia nodded and Opened the main door. Peter first throw Flash out like garbage and was about to throw Nova but Power man tries to stop him but he threw Nova while Power man was trying to holding his hand.

Every super hero their was shocked and Felicia closed the door while Peter picked up Alice with red eyes.he glanced from his shoulder and said :" No one have right to make my daughter cry even if they are part of SHIELD or Avengers."

He said this in low voice but every super hero their heard this and was looking at him with astonishment.

Peter :" if everyone of you are done please pay your bill and take your leave while you can."

After saying this he go back towards counter with Felicia and Alice.


Thanks for reading.😃

And Congratulations for our first 2000 word chapter.