
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 9

Today is New Year's Eve and Peter is with Alice and Felicia doing shopping for him, because clothes in his wardrobe were totally rejected by Felicia so they decide to shop for new clothes.

They first shop for Peter's clothes which hardly take any time while after that both girls go one stores to another while choosing many dresses but buy only one of them.

After sometime they come out of mall with Peter carrying God knows how many bags. When they are walking on streets many people give them compliment of being a happy family and looking good together.

They sit on a bench and Felicia said :" it's so beautiful and peaceful here right. I hope everything stay like this."

Peter with a calm expression :" We hope everything stay like that but It won't eventually everything will again become chaotic like NewYork invasion."

Felicia with a frown :" You mean to say that something like is going to happen again."

Peter chuckles hearing her and said :" Why are being so anxious about it, it will make Alice worried about you and don't worry your boyfriend is the strongest you know that right?."

Felicia pat Alice on head and said :" I know but if something like that happened again then what are you planning to do."

Peter :" That's why I am planning to create a team of my own Superheroes who have nothing to loose and don't have any personality issues like Avengers."

Felicia nodded and Peter asked most interesting question :" So would you like to become part of my new team."

Felicia was shoked hearing this and said :" You know that I don't have any supernatural powers exept for my Power to change odds into my favour."

Peter leaned towards her and whispered in her ear :" who said you need powers to become strong, but if you really want one I can give power's if you want to."

Felicia frowned and said :" I am not going to be a lab rat for you to experiment your serums on me."

Peter :" Aww so hurtful do you think I am going to test something on my beautiful and precious girlfriend." Peter said with a funny and hurtful expression.

Felicia and Peter both stayed silent for while then started laugh and Alice also laugh hearing them if someone were to see them like this he will definitely thought of them as a very happy family.

on other hand Avengers tower.

Tony :" So you're trying to say that you can't find anything on this new person who comes out of nowhere and defeat any villain with his skills."

Jarvis :" I am very sorry sir but I don't get anything on this new person."

Tony didn't said anything and cut the channel while everyone was silent for a while.

Reed :" we have to find out about him, a person like him can be very dangerous if he on villain's side."

Tony nodded and Fury Said :" Spider force who fought him said that he was highly skilled and beat them like a adult beat 5 year old kid."


Today spider force is fighting with lizard gang who was trying to kidnap people to convert them into lizard and Spider force is stopping them from doing this.

But the lizard army is over powering them and pretty much wiping floor with them. then suddenly a man with mask on his face come there and started to kill lizard in speed which was hard to follow with eyes.

After he killed all the lizard army he moved towards Main villain The Lizard Dr. Curt Conners. he moved behind his back and knocked him out with a chop on the back his neck.

He was moving while lifting him on his shoulder and was going then suddenly he heard a voice from behind and when he turned around he saw Miles was the one who called him.

Peter :" Tch, what a drag. what do you want little spider."

Miles :" who are you and what do you want from Lizard, you can't go before telling us."

Peter thought for sometime and everyone was waiting for his answer then he said :" Don't want to."

Silent was the only thing you can say to describe this and Miles got irritated from his answer and said :" Then you have to come with us and don't think you can get out of here."

Peter started to laugh and said :" Hahahaha, are you blind. don't you see what I do to those lizard's who were wiping floor with you and your childrens team."

Hearing this everyone was angry from inside because he hurt their pride as a hero. Miles can't handle his mocking and attacked Peter.

Peter easily dodged Miles every attack including his venom bombs and after sometime of toying with him he send a punch on Miles chest which created sounds of cracking and Miles was sent flying.

Peter :" hmm, that was pretty weak of you. I don't even have to use my special techniques for you."

Seeing their captain injured all thre spider attacked Peter using their web shooters and also using their special techniques but no one was able to even land a hit on Peter.

After Peter defeated them he went towards Miles and press his face with his foot and said :"You're not even half as strong as Peter Parker, his patience and battle thought process, you don't have tip of iceberg compared to him on those areas. you are just a naive bunch of kids who got power's from luck and thought they can change world."

Miles eyes widened on Peter's word and everyone who was listening to his word had their face down from shame and Peter disappeared from their.

Flashback End

When Avengers watched the video of fight which was recorded by a camera on the shop. the only comment they give was.

Captain America :" He is a warrior who have fought countless fights."

Everyone nodded their heads and started to find more clues about this person.

On other hand Peter was enjoying his New Year Eve with Felicia and Alice. After Alice fall sleep Peter said to Felicia.

Peter :" Do you want to join my team and become strong?."

Felicia :" Do you trust me?."

Peter come closer and kissed Felicia then he said :" if I didn't trust you I won't mention it in the first place."

Felicia :" Then I am ready. please make me strong."

Peter nodded and next second Felicia found herself standing in a white room with Peter and asked :" Peter, where are we and how did we get here."

Peter :" First calm down, This place is called time chamber which is a place where anyone can train there abilities and its most interesting ability is that 1000 years here are equal to 1 hour outside. you won't feel hunger, and thrust here."

Felicia was shocked hearing that such place exist and asked :" So, you are going to be my teacher huh."

Peter nodded and materialized a dagger and glass. Felicia was confused and shocked seeing this but Peter's next actions shocked her even more.

Peter cut his wrist and let the blood flow in the glass, Felicia panicked seeing him injured himself. she hold his and said :" Peter!!, Are you out of your mind why the did you do that."

Peter :" It's not a big deal kitten its just a simple cut that's all."

Felicia :" For you it will be normal cut but I can't saw you hurting yourself just because of making me strong."

Peter :" It is the only way to make your body strong or your body won't be able to hold the power's I am going to give you."

Felicia didn't said anything and keep looking in his eyes and Peter knows what that look means.

He sighed and said :" you will have to get used to it and this is non negotiable ok." Felicia just turned away her head and didn't said anything.

Then Peter handed glass to Felicia and said :" Drink my blood."

Felicia had a weird expression but she still compiled with his words because she knows he won't harm her.

When she drink the blood her body started to feel warm and comfortable and after some time the process stopped. so Peter handed over a big fruit which has a weird pattern on it and said :" This is a Devil Fruit which gives power to its eater and this one is Ghost shadow Leopard fruit with inventory power."

Felicia :" Really what are the ability I will get if I eat it."

Peter smiled and said :" you will be able to use shadow element while it will increase your speed and agility passively and give you power to become intangible like ghost ,with inventory function you will be able to store thing's in your personal space."

Felicia was very happy hearing this and she jumped and hug Peter while later just wrapped his arms around her beautiful body.

Peter :" But, you will have to pay a price for power's."

Felicia become nervous and asked :" and what is the price for this power."

Peter chuckled and said :" That you have to find after eating the fruit."

Felicia become suspicious and Peter said :" Don't worry I will not even gods touch you to do harm."

Felicia smiled and took a bite of fruit next second her face become pale and she looked at Peter who was laughing on sidelines. he can make fruit taste better but he wants to see her expression after eating the fruit.

Peter :" Hahahaha, you have paid the price so let's start training."

After that Felicia roared at him for sometime and Peter started to teach her by training her body and make her muscle more stronger and flexible with the Guys training regime.

After he find her body was already very strong he started to teach her by Marine six style and how to use them in fights. After he was happy with her growth he started to teach her 2 types of Haki and after years of training she was proficient in Haki and now with her strength she can defeat any villain with uncommon abilities.

He then pass on his fighting style to Felicia which he got from Whis and explained every little detail about.After years of training Felicia was able to use this fighting style during battles with Peter.

He also thought her Flash step which she integrated with her fruits power and created ghost shadow step which leaves after images of every single moment and confuses the opponent with so many targets.

He also helped her creating many Abilities with his fruit from many anime and manga he read in his previous life like Shadow soldier, shadow exchange, shadow binding, ghost body and many skills. Felicia was able to awaken her fruits power and started to learn dagger arts from "Sung JinWoo" and also master it.

Soon 1000 years passed and Peter Felicia's relationship also progressed further and you can say that both of them know almost all these secrets about them while Felicia was not shy around Peter. he never showed Felicia his upper body because he thought she will become Really angry seeing all those Mark's on his body.

After They come out of Time Chamber Peter and Felicia were sitting on couch while holding eachother's hand and enjoying the silence between them.

After a while Felicia take out a bottle of viskey from cabinet and pour drink for both of them.

while both of them drinking Felicia who was not very good at resisting alcohol said :" Peter, you don't love me right."

Peter was shocked hearing her words then he said :" What are you saying , you are one of the most important people in my life I can't imagine myself without you."

He hold her face in his hand saw that she has tears in her eyes.

Felicia :" Then why are you always reserved towards me and I give you so many hints but you never acted on it."

Peter was silent for a while, he knows it was his own fault because of his past he even stopped trusting people who were most closest to him.

He unknowingly hurt Felicia and those around him with his distrust. He leaned forward and kissed Felicia with tears falling from his eyes and said :" I am sorry I know it's my own fault and thankyou for even after all these things being with me."


Thanks for reading and there are lemon's in next chapter.😊