
Marvel : Different Peter Parker

Hello Guys, This is going to my first Marvel fanfic so please support some events and timeline can be different from the original. Sypnosis : I got the idea of writing this fanfic from another Marvel fanfic so some of you may Say that it is copied but I don't care about that. As for Mc he will be very OP From start and get wishes from God so please support.

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48 Chs

Chapter 39

In God's Realm

Peter looked at both God and Fate, he said," I am very thankful for both of you for telling me these possibilities happening in the Universe."

God said with a smile," it's not much and it looks like it is time for you to wake up otherwise your family will become more worried about you."

Peter nodded with a smile and thank them one last time. God just snapped his fingers sending Peter's soul back to his body.

After Peter left Fate chuckled and God looked at her in confusion. Fate looked at God with a kind smile and said," I was just imagining Peter's reaction when he will know about the real identity of Alice."

God looked at fate with a kind expression and said," That time will also come someday but for Peter to know that Alice is also the reincarnation of 'Maya' even if we erased her memories of previous life, he has to come here by his own efforts."

Fate," That time will also come and it won't take much time for it to happen."

God nodded and both of them disappeared leaving the silent white space behind.

In Avalon

Peter groggily opened his eyes and saw a familiar sealing with the light coming from the sun through the window.

Peter sit up on the bed and found that no one was around him, he spread his Haki and found Felicia and Jean with Alice on the upper floor. he immediately removed all the equipment that was attached to his body and jumped off the bed.

Peter immediately left the room and went to the upper floor and come to the door of the house and knocked two times.

Soon the door gets opened and Peter saw Jean standing in front of him. Jean also saw Peter and she was shocked by this sudden appearance of Peter but quickly come out of it and hugged him with all of her strength, As if she had no intention of letting him go.

Felicia who was curious about what took Jean so long also spread her Haki and found a person who was most familiar to him was standing at the gate and being hugged by Jean so she also run at her inhuman speed and immediately hugged Peter from behind.

Jean asked while her face was buried in Peter's chest," Do you know how we were for you, what happened to you all of a sudden."

Peter give a bitter smile and said," I want to tell both of you everything but it is not the right time."

Felicia whispered in his ear," If it's something that you don't want us to know now then it's alright but I hope that time will come soon."

Peter nodded and went inside with excitement and said," Alice!!."

Alice came out of the room with a smile and hugged Peter like Qala and put her head on his shoulder with a smile. while closing her eyes and Peter just stay there holding her like a treasure with a smile on his face.

That day all of them enjoyed their family time and Peter forget about the two girls he brought to Avalon.

Next Day

Peter called all his subordinates from the mechanical and energy department and said," So I was not able to do this meeting earlier because of some reason but we should leave that aside and think about the things that are in our hands right now."

Everyone nodded in unison and Peter continue to say," John and Sylvia, you both are my best people in terms of the Mechanical and Energy area. I want both of you to create a device that can measure the energy frequency of both gems and find the location of the other gems with it."

Ryan," sir are you saying that we are now going to search for the other gems in the space."

Peter nodded and said," we are because these gems have unimaginable power in them and if they fall into the hands of the wrong person then it will be not good for us."

Everyone nodded and get on their jobs as fast as they could because this matter was not small.

Peter said in low voice," Now let's find where are those two kittens I bring back last time."

Peter spread his Haki and he was shocked by what he saw, He saw that Diana and Kara are working as waitresses in the restaurant he usually goes to with his family when they feel like going out.

Peter just shrugged his shoulders and teleported in front of the restaurant, where he saw that crowd was way more than it used to.

Peter immediately understand the reason behind this and walked into the restaurant with a smile on his face.

He walked into the restaurant and on the table he usually does and the restaurant give this table a special number 'Zero' This table also has special furniture because even Peter doesn't want to, they still give the special treatment as the king.

Diana came to his table with a stiff smile and asked," What would you like to have sir?."

Peter smiled teasingly and said," Oh, I am not here to eat anything but to inform our two guests that after they are done with their today's work, I have something to tell them."

Diana asked with a serious expression," How did you find us even with a disguise."

Peter smiled and said," Because I am the creator of this device and the strongest person in the world."

Diana nodded understanding his point and Kara who was attending to another customer gives a small nod with a smile and Peter stand up and left the restaurant with a smile.

The grandma listen to the news that the king has visited their restaurant and come to his table immediately but didn't find him there so she looked at Diana and asked," Where is his Majesty, I get to know that he visited the restaurant."

Diana nodded and said," He came but after seeing the rush, he said that he will visit some other time with his family."

Grandma with disappointment," It's such a big regret that the king visited but have to return without eating."

Diana nodded with a lost expression and grandma returned to her previous work, while Kara looked at Diana's back with a worried look.


If any of you wondering about Justice League's Pov, then it will come in the next chapter and please give your suggestion about this twist in the story Thanks for reading.😊